Crawling Exercises – 21 Fun Crawls To Include In Your Workouts

Crawling Exercises – 21 Fun Crawls To Include In Your Workouts

Crawling – it seems like such an easy movement, but not only does it take more coordination than we realize but it is also a great full-body workout.

Crawling exercises are important to include in your workout routine because they are functional bodyweight exercises that can improve your core strength, coordination, and even your mobility.

Plus crawling is an amazing cardio workout that you can do anywhere.

Here are 21 Crawling Exercises to strengthen your entire body while getting your heart rate up. These crawling exercises are great for everyone from the beginner to the advanced exerciser and can be regressed and progressed as necessary. Using a combination of these moves in your workouts, will help you get in a great cardio workout while working your body in every plane of motion.

Even though babies can do it, crawling is far from easy and is sure to challenge your entire core!


10 Untraditional Bodyweight Exercises You Need To Do

10 Untraditional Bodyweight Exercises You Need To Do

Bodyweight exercises need to be included in every workout routine. And while we all know this, we often only include bodyweight moves like the single leg squat, push up and pull up.

But there are a ton of other bodyweight exercises that we need to include in our routines.

Below are some more “untraditional” exercises that need to be included in your workout program.

10 Bodyweight Exercises You Need To Do:
