Bodyweight Back Exercises

Bodyweight Back Exercises

Often to work and challenge the big muscles of our body, our legs, chest and back, we turn to weights. But there are a lot of great bodyweight exercises out there to challenge even advanced lifters.

When it comes to working our back, the usual go-to bodyweight exercises are the Pull Up and Inverted Row. And while I love the Pull Up and Inverted Row, these two moves still require equipment that we don’t all have at home.

First I will touch on these two amazing compound exercises, and then I’ll go over a few of the other options in the video above!


10 Suspension Trainer Exercises Using The CoreX

10 Suspension Trainer Exercises Using The CoreX

At Redefining Strength, our goal is to help you learn to move better so you feel better and stronger in every day life.

And one of our go-to training tools to help you move and feel better is the Suspension Trainer. So when CoreX sent us their Suspension Trainer, we were excited to play around with it!

Here are 10 Suspension Trainer Exercises you can do to work your entire body!


Isometrics – 20 Different Exercises

Isometrics – 20 Different Exercises

“Isometric” describes the type of muscle contraction that is taking place.

So an isometric exercise, therefore, is an exercise that is held. The muscle is being held at a point under tension.

That makes isometrics great exercises to use when you are looking to activate under-active muscles and get your body ready to work. It also makes isometrics great recovery exercises.

Here are some of the best Isometrics to prevent injury, activate under-active muscles and help your body recover! These moves will improve your muscular stability and your body’s mobility. (more…)