FHP 402 – Is Obsession A Bad Thing?

FHP 402 – Is Obsession A Bad Thing?

If you want to reach the highest level, you need to be obsessed.

Obsession really just means you’re willing to do what others won’t even when you don’t want to.

And yea sure, there is a dark side to obsession…honestly, like most things in life, there is a downside to them.

But I truly do believe we feared being called “obsessed” for our actions when those that would call us that are always people BELOW us…not those that have achieved more.

Didn’t know you were going to get even more attitude in season 4 did you?!

And I don’t mean that to sound as negative as it does.

We’ve all been in that place where we say “I can’t believe you do (insert thing here we feel we can’t do or don’t “want” to do).”

We do it even unintentionally.

But the simple fact is, to achieve “greatness” in any area of our life, we have to be a little unbalanced.

We have to sometimes stay up late. Get up early.

Skip a drink at happy hour.

But the thing is…we aren’t missing out.

We’re pursuing what really matters.

Life is a constant balancing act. And if we want one thing, there is ultimately ALWAYS going to be something you’re “missing out on.”

Heck you go on vacation and choose to go to the beach for an hour, you may “miss out” on the chance to see an extra sight. Or go on a specific hike.

We’re always constantly sort of sacrificing or trading one experience, one situation, one goal for another.

The key is remembering what we truly want and not being afraid to go after it.

Some things that help me be obsessed, in a good way of course…

#1: Remind myself of why “missing out” is good.

Everything comes at a cost. We just don’t complain about missing out if the cost isn’t too great. So some things are easier to miss out on than others based on their importance or value to us.

You’ll find that at times fueling your obsession is not a struggle. Your passion drives you to do it.

But at other times, well there will be times you feel the sacrifice.

But in that immediate “suffering” I remind myself of how this habit or action will matter long term.

It’s not easy to ignore the immediate gratification.

But reminding ourselves of the benefit of the specific action and not just the “joy” of our ultimate goal is key.

It puts the emphasis on acting right now.

#2: Don’t internalize. Assess where the judgement is coming from.

When someone reflects back an image of ourselves we don’t want to see, when they critique something we may even fear is a flaw, it’s hard not to just internalize the feedback and judge ourselves,

Being obsessed is…well…weird. It’s why not everyone excels at everything.

I would even argue it’s why most of us become elite in only very specific things…what we prioritize we value and practice to get good at…and everything simply can’t be a priority!

So we have to remember to be great at something, we may have to take judgement and, at times, feel like an outsider.

What we need to also remember to do is assess why someone is giving us this critique.

We need to be curious.

And we need to recognize that someone not going through the same thing may not understand.

Because I’m a curious person, when someone tells me something about me that is negative, I’m always curious as to where their judgment is coming from.

I assess their situation to better understand their judgement because I think it helps us filter the critiques.

Everyone is going to give their opinions. Some feedback will be valid and useful…others not so much.

Trying to understand more about who gave it and why will help us focus on the feedback that will actually move us forward.

#3: Find other obsessed people.

Honestly, feeling alone is often the hardest part. I know many of us see ourselves as lone wolves, and will very much want to be on our but sometimes that community of likeminded people, even just another person, can be key.

Having feedback, outside perspectives, people who may have even been there, can often help us get better results faster by avoiding mistakes they may have already made.

I think too, in a world where, being brutally honest, we often too often accept mediocrity for ourselves, being with other like-minded people to fuel your obsession can be key to helping you keep on the path through the ups and downs.

Heck, find people better than you that challenge you even.


Being obsessed means doing things other people don’t understand.

But in pursuit of our dreams and goals, there will be times we will do things we don’t want to do and do things others can’t or won’t.

This pursuit though is what can make you great. Do not fear your drive or hide it!

Realize though that in pursuit of greatest, there will also always be sacrifice. But in life, when we make one choice, we’re always missing out on the other opportunity. That’s just how it works!

How To Lose Fat In ONE SECOND…

How To Lose Fat In ONE SECOND…

I want to show you how I went from THIS (black and white picture in video) to THIS (other picture in color in video) in ONE SECOND…

Just stop!

I’m sick of these bullshit promises that ultimately lead to frustration and that yo you dieting cycle.

I know we all want results faster, and even I fall victim to chasing shiny objects at times.

I mean we’re human, how can we not hope there is a faster, easier, better solution?

But there is no magic pill.

And so often we hold ourselves back from achieving the results we deserve because we fall victim to plans that promise to be the magic pill we are searching for.

That’s why I want to save you a ton of wasted time and effort and share with you 3 habit changes you can make to actually see the results you deserve.

3 Habits Changes To Get The Best And Fastest Results Possible:

#1: Stop Cherry Picking From Programs.

So often we pull one thing from a program to do that fits our comfort zone or meshes with what we’re currently doing.

Other changes may be scary or intimidating or feel overwhelming so often we cherry pick the one thing that is still near our comfort zone.

But results come from stepping outside our comfort zone.

And honestly, most programs work because of how the systems all work together,.

There isn’t one magic move. Magic macro ratio.

Magic single piece you can pull out that will work on its own.

And so when we ultimately get frustrated that a program isn’t working, we have to realize we didn’t do it as the whole process.

We pulled out of it what felt safe and didn’t challenge us to change.

But don’t waste your own time this year.

If you’re going to start a program, actually DO the program as the plan is outlined.

That’s the only way to truly understand if something works or not. It’s the only way to truly learn how all the systems add up and work together.

Change requires change!

And a different result requires you to do something different than you’ve always done…not force a program to conform to what is comfortable and instinctual for you currently.

#2: Stop Trying To Reinvent The Wheel. Tweak Your Current Lifestyle.

I see this all the time. People start Keto or some diet that cuts out a food they love.

They feel amazing to start and even believe this is the solution they’ve always dreamed of.

It’s that relationship infatuation stage where everything seems perfect.

But A. That phase doesn’t last for ever. And B. They don’t consider one key thing…That the changes they are creating simply aren’t really recognizing who they are and the lifestyle they will ultimately want to lead.

They love bread and, at some point, want to add it back in. Or they do enjoy happy hours out with friends.

One size doesn’t fit all, and what may be sustainable for one person, may not be sustainable for us.

It’s why we’ve got to focus on assessing our starting point, our lifestyle and make tweaks off of that.

Instead of trying to reinvent your lifestyle and cut out the things you love, find a way to create a balance. Learn how to work them in.

Learn how to tweak what you’re currently doing to see changes in a way you can actually sustain.

Because to truly see fat loss results, we don’t need to hit some arbitrary standard of “clean” and there are a variety of macro ratios that can work for us.

The key is finding something we can do consistently enough to allow results time to build.

So start with one small change that’s almost even easy to implement today.

#3: Don’t Ignore Weekly Averages.

It’s easy to get caught up in the day to day and not see the inconsistencies over the weeks and even months.

It’s easy to work super hard on one day and feel frustrated when the next day the results don’t show it.

Results snowball and consistency is what allows them to add up.

Too often we work really hard for a few days, but then don’t notice the inconsistency that is really there.

We feel like we’ve been “good all week” and ignore how much the weekend eating can really impact our calorie deficit or surplus and our macro ratio averages.

So if you’ve been struggling to feel like your hard work is paying off, take a step back and look at those weekly and monthly numbers.

Were you truly consistent with your workout progression each week and not just training extra hard inconsistently?

Were you actually hitting the macros when averaged over the week? Or were those cheat days adding up more than you realized?

We have to remember we don’t get good at what we do every once in awhile. We get good at what we do consistently.

So focus on creating sustainable changes that allow those weekly, monthly and yes, even yearly, averages to be balanced!


There is no quick fix. No one second transformation. And we need to remind ourselves to run away from any promises of one.

The real way to lasting results is to focus on little tweaks to our current lifestyle while focusing on that consistency over time!

Results take time to snowball. Give them the chance by truly implementing those systems and plan!

And no pressure, but if you need help creating and implementing the systems that lead to results, apply to my 1:1 Online Coaching. I’m a pushy trainer that loves to help!

–> 1:1 Coaching Application


FHp 401 – Embrace The Suck!

FHp 401 – Embrace The Suck!

So often the easy decision is just repeating the same habits and routines and patterns that haven’t moved us forward.

If we’re feeling challenged and uncomfortable often that means we are on the right track. That we are doing what we need to do.

If you’ve encountered times recently where you’ve wanted to give up…


Remind yourself of these things as you move into 2022 and plan to rock those results and move forward in ANY area of your life…

#1: Realize that what got you to this point, may stop working. Each phase of life, of a goal, may require new habits or routines or practices. Just because something worked in the past, and is now comfortable, doesn’t mean it will be what you need to take that next big leap forward. Don’t put up walls against reflecting on what is truly going on and what is truly needed.

#2: You need to embrace the hard. It’s easy to get caught up in how easy it seemed for someone else. But trust me, the best results in life come from the hardest struggles. And anyone who’s really achieved something has had their own set of struggles. Stop comparing. Prepare yourself for the challenges to come. Recognize them and own them. Then when things do pop up they won’t be near as bad because you’re prepared mentally for something hard to happen!

#3: Realize that sacrifice is at times necessary and you get to pick your suck. Often we weren’t happy where we were. And often through the growth, there will be times we want to give up because it’s hard. But ultimately one will get us to a better place while the other won’t. Either we can embrace the suck of staying stuck or we can embrace the suck of moving forward!

#4: Remind yourself why you started. And I don’t even just mean reminding yourself of your goal. I also mean reminding yourself of why you didn’t like where you used to be. It can be hard to FEEL the benefit of a goal we haven’t reached. But often reminding ourselves of the “pain” of where we were is still fresh enough to move ourselves forward.
Note why it’s worth it. In the moment we get caught up in the pain. In the thing we don’t like. But remind yourself why it is worth it to do what you love or to reach that goal. Even in these moments jot down one WHY to kick yourself out of seeking that immediate gratification. And then after, even consider ways you don’t have to handle this problem in the future!

#5: If you feel yourself putting up a wall, dig harder. It’s hard to look at ourselves and our habits honestly and want to make changes. It’s easier often to pretend like you’re doing everything right, when clearly something is up if you aren’t moving forward. If you feel yourself about to DEFEND something, pause your brain and realize that may be the exact thing you need to change. Dig deeper. Why are you truly attached to this? Why do you feel this habit or system or process is so perfect it can’t be improved? Often you’ll realize that something is holding you back from changing what you should!


Just remember setbacks, slip ups and mistakes are part of success.

And no journey forward will ever be easy.

So get ready to embrace the hard and recognize it means you’re doing what is needed to reach a goal you truly want or do something you really love.

How to Lose Bodyfat and Keep it Off Forever Without Feeling Miserable….

Why You Should STOP Counting Calories (And What To Do Instead)

Why You Should STOP Counting Calories (And What To Do Instead)

I know you’re hoping I’m going to tell you that you can stop tracking your food, but I’m sorry…if you want the best results?

You need to accurately know what you’re consume.

And most of us are really bad at estimating portion sizes and accurately remembering what we’ve eaten. Especially when we are first making a lifestyle change.

What is measured, can be managed.

If you don’t have data, you don’t know what to adjust.

It can make you feel like nothing is working without knowing exactly what to adjust.

When you track, you can make small changes based on what you’re ACTUALLY doing instead of guessing and feeling like you’re throwing spaghetti at a wall hoping something sticks.

However, I do think that a focus solely on calories in vs calories out when we track doesn’t yield the best results nor does it teach us to properly fuel our bodies for long term success.

Trust me…I’ve been down the calorie counting road.

It left me always feeling like I was starving and constantly trying to cut calories lower when my weight loss results stalled.

It led to me constantly yo-yo dieting because I didn’t truly understand the breakdown of my food and how to create a balance and a true change.

I’d create the deficit, lose weight, then increase my calories and regain what I’d lost.

And even when I lost weight, I never achieve the body recomposition results I wanted. I’d get skinny but never look leaner.

So if you want to feel fueled while also achieving amazing body recomposition results what should you be doing instead?

You should be tracking MACROS.

Now I know you’re probably thinking, “Hold up…Isn’t that the same thing as tracking calories?”

And while yes, by dialing in your macros, you will also impact your calorie intake, it honestly isn’t the same thing at all.

Purely counting calories puts the emphasis simply on calories in vs calories out over the QUALITY of those calories.

And the learning process to actually looking at the breakdown of your food is what yields LASTING results.

It’s amazing how much the amount of proteins, carbs and fats you consume can dramatically impact how fueled you feel and the results you get FROM THE SAME CALORIE INTAKE.

And it’s because we’ve also all fallen victim to the “calories are created equal” line.

While this line is a complete oversimplification of things and I know someone’s now going to say, “Calories actually are all created equal because they are a unit of measurement so one calorie equals one calorie…

The point of that statement is that purely counting calories isn’t taking into account the impact each macro, and even our food quality overall, can have on the results we get.

And that by changing the macros of those 100 calories, we can dramatically change how we feel and our long-term adherence.

The types of foods, and macros we consume impact how full we feel, but they can also impact our performance, recovery and overall hormonal balance.

Increasing your protein intake can increase satiety and help you feel fuller between meals.

And whether you’re plant based or an omnivore, increasing your protein is a key place to start.

Not only can it help keep you feeling fuller, but by increasing your protein you can help yourself build and retain lean muscle even while losing fat.

So if you’ve ever been told you can’t lose fat as you build muscle?

That’s just not the case. It’s just a process that requires us to be patient and track…something we don’t like to do.

And while I know carbs are often demonized in our current dieting world where Keto is all the rage, simply cutting carbs for some may not only hold them back from achieving the aesthetic results they want, as carbs can create an anabolic environment ideal for muscle growth, but also negatively impact their performance.

If you’re trying to train for an endurance sport while also trying to lose fat, you want to be conscious of the macros you’re consuming to make sure to get adequate protein to protect your lean muscle mass, as endurance training can be catabolic to muscle tissue, while also getting enough carbs for that instant fuel to perform.

Simply treating a calorie as a calorie could be why you always feel like you’re starving when training while also not losing any weight!

And simply treating all calories as if they are equal also ignores the differing thermic impact of not only each macro but also of processed vs unprocessed calories.

Each macro requires a different amount of energy to be digested and utilized, which isn’t taken into account when we just focus on calories in vs calories out.

Studies have shown protein actually has a thermogenic effect 5 times greater than carbs or fat!

Protein takes the most energy to digest with about 20-30% of the total calories in protein eaten going to digesting it. Then carbs take about 5-10% while fats take 0-3%.

That’s why you can feel so different on the same calorie intake based on the macros you’re consuming!

And then even how you dial in those macros can make a difference.

I know we all see those crazy food concoctions with hashtags about “if it fits your macros” and I’m a big believer in finding balance and working in those foods I love that I know aren’t as healthy for me because it helps me create a sustainable lifestyle balance right for me…

BUT when you track macros, while nothing is off limits, you’ll also find that often your food quality improves.

Not only are you able to include a diversity of foods to get vitamins and minerals from a variety of sources instead of following a restrictive list that can often come with a focus on “clean eating,” but you really aren’t able to just eat crap and hit your ratios.

While those posts may show crazy foods people work in, what you aren’t seeing is that lean protein and veggie meal they’re also eating to make it work.

And that balance not only allows for long-term adherence but can help you slowly focus more and more on whole natural foods even if your diet isn’t as focused on them currently.

By including more whole natural foods in your diet, you’ll consume more nutrient dense foods which will not only benefit you health wise, but also make you feel fuller.

Processed foods because of the caloric density easily lead to overeating. Not to mention because they are hyperpatable you tend to just want…well…more of them even when you ARE full.

Not to mention, processed foods have a lower thermic effect.

A study which actually just used two basic cheese sandwiches, showed that by simply even using a more natural cheese and whole grain bread made a difference in the thermic effect.

So even if these sandwiches both have the same technical calorie intake, because one has a higher thermic effect, your ultimate energy balance will be different.


This is why we can’t just focus on calories in vs calories out but instead need to track our macros!

You may be surprised by how changing up your macros, without even adjusting your calories to start, can get you moving forward to feeling fueled while achieving the lean, strong body you’ve always wanted.

And by taking the time to truly learn about the make up of your foods, you’ll be able to adjust over time as your needs and goals change.

Because maintaining your results can’t mean just going back to what you were doing before!

Learn More…

–> The ULTIMATE Guide To Macros…