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FHP 324 – It’s Going To Be Hard

FHP 324 – It’s Going To Be Hard

Ok so we all do this…when talking with someone, looking back on the path we had to take for results, we’ll say, “It wasn’t that bad.” Because in the end it was worth it AND we’ve adjusted to the new habits so they feel easier. But I guarantee many of us to start did...

FHP 323 – Don’t Confuse Effort With Results

FHP 323 – Don’t Confuse Effort With Results

The simple truth is, you can work really hard and not achieve the results you want. And I see this becoming more and more the case as people want to post about how hard they’re working. About how they’re spending hours in the gym. Doing some crazy restrictive diet...

FHP 322 – Stop Lying To Yourself

FHP 322 – Stop Lying To Yourself

Feelings aren't data.  How we "feel" about what we are doing often isn't the same as the actual data showing what we are doing. And data doesn't lie.  It's why it's so key we track our macros and our workouts so we have that impartial data to use to help us tweak and...

FPH 321 – HELP! My Results Aren’t Adding Up!

FPH 321 – HELP! My Results Aren’t Adding Up!

Don’t Quit Before Results Add Up! It can be hard to keep putting in the work when we don’t feel like results are adding up. But the sucky part is…often those times where we feel like nothing is happening, we’re moving forward and potentially only inches or even days...

FHP 320 – How long Will It Take To Get Results?

FHP 320 – How long Will It Take To Get Results?

I often get asked, "How long did it take you to get to (insert the result I've achieved that they want here)?" My answer is, "My entire life." This isn't meant to be flippant. But it's the honest answer. Sure maybe I "cut" for 6 weeks to get leaner. Or maybe I did a...

FHP 319 – Tweak Before You Freak

FHP 319 – Tweak Before You Freak

It’s easy to start a new program and get overwhelmed by all of the changes you feel you have to make. And so..well…we freak out and never end up moving forward. But before you let your brain go into freak out mode…start by focusing on small tweaks! Or as I’ve liked...

FHP 318 – STOP Cheating yourself

FHP 318 – STOP Cheating yourself

I think often in our workouts in an attempt to do more or that harder variation and last the entire interval of work, we CHEAT ourselves out of the full benefit of moves. We don’t try to work muscles as hard as we can. We actually just try to survive the time we are...

FHP 317 – I HAD to Step In Front Of The Camera

FHP 317 – I HAD to Step In Front Of The Camera

I refused to demo the moves and made friends or co-workers do it. I was comfortable sharing my knowledge behind the scenes. But I also really really really (did I say REALLY!?) wanted to share my passion and knowledge and help others. So Ryan kind of gave me an...

FHP 316 – You Are Not In ConTrol

FHP 316 – You Are Not In ConTrol

You know that urge to do MORE? To make more changes? Search for a new macro ratio?  Workout longer? Train harder? I think this focus on doing MORE stems from the fact that A. Yes we want results faster but B. We also feel more in CONTROL when we do more. The feeling...

FHP 315 – 4 Macro Hacks To Implement Today

FHP 315 – 4 Macro Hacks To Implement Today

Tracking our macros isn’t just about restricting what we’re eating to lose weight. It’s about truly learning how to FUEL.Because no matter what result you want to get, from losing weight to body recomposition to gaining muscle to fueling your endurance sport to even...