I’m Losing Inches But I’m NOT LOSING WEIGHT! (Body Recomposition?)

I’m Losing Inches But I’m NOT LOSING WEIGHT! (Body Recomposition?)

“I’m losing inches but not losing weight 😭”

I couldn’t believe the first time I had a client send me that with a crying face emoji.

I was like…

What in the actual F$#@!

I didn’t send that back, but I’m pretty sure my face went into spasm because of the numerous conflicting emotions that ran across it.

When I finally responded…and I’m pretty sure she saw text bubbles pop up and disappear for at least 5 minutes…

I said, “Out of curiosity, why do you say that as if it’s a bad thing?”

“Because I need to lose 50lbs and the scale isn’t budging!”

Over the years, my replies to this conversation have evolved.

And yes…I’ve had this conversation often…so if, right now, you’ve basically sent yourself that mental text…


Because I’m going to explain why you’re losing inches while the scale isn’t changing and how this is actually a GOOD thing!

Don’t sabotage yourself by getting discouraged!

I’ll then share 3 essential steps to achieve amazing body recomp and build your leanest strongest body no matter your age.

So why are you losing inches while the scale isn’t budging?

Because your previous dieting practices have sabotaged your body composition and metabolism. 

The reason so many of us struggle to achieve our ideal weight and body composition is because we’ve lost muscle over the years and never put an emphasis on building it. 

And all those weight loss fad diets only make our body composition worse.

They keep us stuck in that yo-yo dieting cycle…

We starve ourselves, slashing our calories lower to lose faster on the scale as we increase our cardio, turning even our strength workouts into destructive sessions of cardio death. 

And while this may have yielded weight loss at one point, and “worked” to see fast results that fade quickly…it killed our muscle and our metabolism.

It’s 100% why we feel like it gets harder as we get older and especially during perimenopause and menopause.

Our body is already changing and on top of that we have to fight our previous diet and exercise practices… 

Sorry don’t waste your breath defending them.

I say this after having been guilty of them too. But I’ve now sucked it up and owned it to move forward.

And this is why you’re now seeing inches being lost without the scale changing. 

So…Why is this a good thing?

Your body is screaming at you…


And it is doing just that.

It is healing your metabolism. 

It is building the lean muscle you need to be fitter and stronger and healthier. 

And those inches you are losing is actually fat being lost. 

Not just water weight. Not just glycogen depletion.

Not as much muscle as fat disappearing.

But because you’ve put yourself on this horrible yo-yo dieting roller coaster in the past, your body first wants to build this metabolically amazing muscle…

And that is why the scale isn’t changing. 

You’re doing things the right way this time.

You’re setting yourself up to be lean and freaking fabulous at every age moving forward. 

So don’t sabotage yourself.

Realize your body is thanking you for giving it the ability to gain muscle. 

And weight loss will follow if you trust the process. 

But don’t let the scale not changing as you LOSE INCHES make you sad in the slightest. 

Now the 3 Essential Steps To Keep This Amazing Body Recomp Happening…

You want to do everything you can to promote muscle growth which will help you lose fat and ultimately achieve your weight loss goals….and keep the weight off. 

However, this process isn’t fast AND can be frustrating because we aren’t getting the satisfaction of the scale changing.

A huge part of the battle over even what macros to use or what workouts we should be doing is getting ourselves to stick with the habits we need when we aren’t fully seeing results in the way we want…. 

Often we don’t need more “tactics”…we need more TIME for results to build.

More time creating new systems that lead to results and break those bad habits that are keeping us stuck.

Which is why Step #1 is to Fight The Urge To Do What You’ve Always Done.

It’s going to be hard to change your mindset and approach to weight loss. 

You’re going to have to keep reminding yourself not to default back into old habits and patterns. 

To not want to cut your calories lower. 

To not want to train longer or add in more sessions. 

The hardest part often of making changes is often UNLEARNING or breaking those old habits. 

Especially when the old habits are comfortable and we “feel” like they used to work to some extent. 

This is why it can be helpful to write out the habits we often WANT to fall back into to make them conscious while listing out what we want to do instead.

This can remind us to stay focused on the new habits we want to build while catching us if we do track back toward what we used to do. 

We want those conscious reminders.

We also want to set out other ways to celebrate wins with the new habits and remind ourselves they are paying off even while the scale may not be changing. 

The more ways we measure progress, the more ways we can see our success.

Take those body measurements. Track those strength gains in the gym.

Heck set a performance goal for yourself to help you have other reasons to want to keep doing the habits you need. 

Show yourself how this is paying off in so many other ways so you can get yourself buying into the process to keep doing what you need! 

And even list out all of the reasons why what used to “work” didn’t really work! 

Too often we just want to do what we’ve always done because it is comfortable. 

But if it worked so well, we wouldn’t be trying to reach the same goal again.

Remind yourself of the pattern those old habits lead to.

Remind yourself of the negative outcomes.

Help yourself see why you deserve this change and why it is worth it!

Step #2: Focus On Nutrition By Addition. 

Part of what also sabotages our success in reaching our body recomp and weight loss goals is the mindset of restriction.

We always turn to cutting things out.

And cutting things out can not only backfire because we aren’t eating enough to support building lean muscle, but also from a long-term ADHERENCE standpoint. 

When we feel like we are deprived or restricted and working SUPER HARD toward a goal, we feel we DESERVE better results faster. 

We want the outcome to match the effort. 

So the more we feel like we are having to do so much to not see the results we want, the more likely we are to give up when things are working.

This is why you need to approach nutritional changes with the mindset of what you can ADD IN first over what you need to cut out. 

This can also help us focus on FUELING our body to feel more energized, train harder and support lean muscle growth. 

Instead of focusing on what you need to cut out to make changes, focus on what you can add in that will help things shift. 

Even consider how you can still work in things you love by ADDING other things around them that balance out. 

Love dessert, but need to increase protein?

Don’t cut out your dessert!

Put that in first then find other ways to add in protein to other meals to still find a balance. 

Focus on things you can add to make healthy changes and better fuel your body. 

By focusing even on how we can drink more water, add in more fruits, consume more vegetables, we often will make changes that pay off without getting ourselves into a restriction focused cycle! 

Step #3: Train To Build. 

Stop seeing your workouts as a chance to burn more calories.

This creates that cycle of doing more in our training that ultimately not only leads to injury, but a lot of wasted effort. 

Doing more reps, training for longer, can end up in a lot of wasted time and volume just for us to try to burn a few more calories in a day. 

The simple fact is, you can’t out exercise your diet. 

And the more you try to, the more you don’t truly get the benefits of your training you should.

If you want amazing body recomp, muscle is magic. 

While your diet matters to building muscle, your training matters most.

If you don’t train to build, creating progressive overload, you won’t create the stimulus for growth. 

And building muscle will not only help you look leaner and lose fat, but it ultimately will help you feel younger and move better. 

If you love long bike rides or running marathons, you can still do the training you love. 

But by focusing more on strength work as well, you’re ultimately going to be able to do more of what you enjoy AND even achieve new personal records. 

So as much as you may not “enjoy” the strength work, you need to remind yourself of the value for both your performance, aesthetic and even LIFE goals. 

When you design your workout routine, your goal should be on building muscle. 

Especially for amazing body recomp, focus on full body workouts or hemisphere over body part splits to be efficient in your training and work more large muscle groups per session.

This also allows you to hit areas more frequently. 

And design for the time you have so you can get consistent with that schedule! 

Then make sure to push yourself to maximize the reps you do while not just eliminating rest! 

Think quality not quantity when you train!

As much as your goal may be to ultimately lose weight on the scale, if you’re losing inches and not yet seeing the scale budge, do NOT give up. 

Remember this is a GOOD thing.

Stop the extreme deficits. 

Stop the fanatic cardio sessions done purely to burn more calories. 

Start focusing on muscle.

Use these 3 steps to help you dial in your lifestyle to achieve amazing body recomp! 

If you’re looking to have all 3 steps combined into a personalized plan, check out my 1:1 Online Coaching!

How To Get Abs (For the First Time)

How To Get Abs (For the First Time)

So you want to see your abs…Here’s what you need to know.

I’m going to tell you right now that often the first time you attempt to get leanlean
the process is often more difficult than you’d expect.

There are going to be mistakes, frustrations and it’s going to take a lot longer than you’d like because your body will fight against you.

Our body, just like our minds, doesn’t like change and will resist it.

Sounds fabulous, right?!

But honestly, as much as we like to try not to focus on the negative,

I think it is key we face the obstacles and struggles going in so we are prepared for them.

Too often we try to ignore that there will be challenges and that ultimately sets us up for failure.

So I want to share 5 things to be aware of in the process of trying to reach a new level of leanness you’ve never achieved before so you can be prepared to stick with the process!

But before I dive into those tips, I just want to remind you of the importance of MACROS for body recomp.

Macros matter most when we are really trying to lose that last little bit and do everything we can to preserve our lean muscle mass while losing fat. 

You need to focus on increasing your protein, but you also can’t fear carbs the more active you are. 

Your body will need the instant fuel.

And by cycling macros every couple of weeks, you can also help give yourself a wider diversity of foods, maintain a better hormonal balance and even MENTALLY feel more in control and motivated to keep moving forward because you have little mini “end dates” and points at which you know you get a little shift! 

Now, here are 5 things you need to know about getting abs for the first time…

#1: Realize you may feel like you look worse before you look better.

Often the areas we most want to change are the LAST to go. 

And often in the process of even losing off of other areas, the areas we want to change that haven’t look BIGGER and worse.

Not to mention, fat loss and body recomp are a slow process. Especially toward the end, results can feel like they aren’t happening when things are building and changing.

This is why it is key we use more than the scale. 

Use pictures of a ton of different angles NOT just the areas you want to lose so you can see fat coming off of other places.

Use measurements to track changes. 

And then even focus on tracking your consistency so you can trust in the process.

But realize that things will be coming off at a snails pace and you may even at times look SOFTER in the process.

You may have times where the scale doesn’t change…doesn’t change…doesn’t change…then BAM! It drops dramatically.

It wasn’t just the eating right around it that did it. 

You’d probably been losing fat slowly over time.

However, you didn’t lose until you dropped the water weight being stored in your fat cells. 

Which may have even been why you looked SOFTER for a bit!

One common time you can look softer is if you have been slightly lower carb. 


So often we fear carbs BUT you can sometimes need to add them in to lose water weight. 

This phenomenon is known as the Whoosh Effect. And while the science on it is limited, it is something we’ve seen happen time and time again.

The hypothesis as to why this happens goes back to our body not liking to lose weight. 

We each have fat cells and the size of these fat cells change as we gain weight, increasing in size, or lose weight, shrinking in size. 

Fat cells are filled with triglycerides, which will be used as energy for the rest of your body. 

Working out, being in a calorie deficit, all make your body need to call on these stores to fuel. 

You’d think this would mean steady decreases as you draw from these stores during your diet. 

But instead, water is often stored in these fat cells as your body tries to maintain your current weight and avoid depletion of its energy stores. 

They store water to anticipate more fat filling them soon. 

So because of this water storage, your weight plateaus even though you are technically losing fat. 

And often it’s why we can feel like we look extra soft and squishy during the fat loss process at times. We will see this especially around our middle or thighs. It’s why you can hit dead zones where you feel you look WORSE even.

Then BAM! We get that Whoosh Effect and you wake up the next day and your body has let go of the stored water!

And often the cause of this water release comes from kicking our body out of the deficit temporarily so it no longer feels like it is “starving” and in need of holding on to the water weight to keep those fat stores ready to be filled! 

It’s why we may see this release after a cheat meal or day or even a carb refeed where our energy stores are “refilled” even if we still keep ourselves in the overall deficit for the week. 

But it’s why sticking with the process despite not seeing results immediately is so key!

#2: Know your whyS and set a motivational deadline.

The closer you get to your goal, the more cravings will probably have increased and your mind will work against you. 

You’ll want to eat. You’ve been in a long, consistent deficit and there are probably foods you’ve cut out for a period of time because they weren’t easy to work into your macros.

As much as you may think you want abs, well, just getting abs for the sake of…well…getting abs won’t keep you truly motivated for long.

Especially when your friends ask you to go out for happy hour after a long and stressful week. 

But precision is key. 

And especially if you’re pushing yourself to a level of leanness you’ve never been able to achieve before, you’re going to have to be ready to sacrifice. 

That’s why you need not only a why but WHYS and a deadline to keep you motivated.

I’d wanted to achieve a six pack for years before I did.

What finally got me to actually commit was setting a photoshoot, announcing it to all of my clients and wanting to be able to create a nutritional program to help clients no matter their goals. But I felt I couldn’t talk about getting lean if I didn’t personally know the struggles. 

So having that hard photoshoot deadline, public “pressure” and accountability and even a big investment of money in the process, helped me stay consistent when I 100% wanted to quit. 

Thankfully I’ve now learned a ton to make the process easier for myself and clients and even know how to maintain so my set point is lower, BUT that outside accountability and motivation beyond just wanting abs made all the difference.

So give yourself no way to wiggle out of your goal if you want to succeed!

#3: Plan ahead…With EVERYTHING.

You can’t be guesstimating. You can’t not track a bite of food.

You can’t be skipping random workouts or randomly stringing routines together based on how you’re feeling that day. 

You need to have everything planned out. Planning . 

A clear plan of action gives us added accountability and motivation to stay the course. It also allows us to make more accurate adjustments based on how we are progressing. 

It let us see what truly works, and what doesn’t.

Planning ahead also removes a lot of the stress involved in the precision required.

It’s hard in the moment, when you’re hungry or tired or stressed from a long day to figure out what workout to do or what to eat.

Because, often you don’t want to do what you know you should in those situations.

It’s why planning ahead, having meal prep frozen or having fast restaurant go-to options is so key. It takes the thought and guesswork out of it. 

It even takes the stress and emotion and CRAVINGS out of it.

The food is there. You know what you have to eat. 

Even already logging it in your food tracker adds accountability and makes things easier so you aren’t just having to track as you go! 

And by having your workout pre-planned, you are making sure you’re progressing. You’re not just doing what you feel like, as your energy at times may dip as you adjust and tweak ratios and calories. 

It’s easy when we are tired to slack. But everything in your programming needs to work as a cohesive system. Your macros are based on your training and visa versa. So both need to go together.

You can also see if your performance is truly decline because you have that clear progression you repeat to compare and track numbers against.

Data is key to helping you achieve results as efficiently as possible as well! 

#4: Find ways to move more.

By being in an extended deficit to lose that last little bit of stubborn fat, your body is going to find ways to conserve energy.

That means you’re going to naturally fidget less and want to move less. 

You want to be conscious of this and do little things to keep your NEAT or non-exercise activity thermogenesis higher. 

You want to burn more calories during your normal day.

This does NOT mean making your gym sessions longer. It does NOT mean even doing 2-a days. 

It just means being conscious to move more.

Too often we try to train harder or length out our training sessions which actually leads to less results and more metabolic adaptations.

Plus, the quality of these training sessions often decreases and we end up doing a lot of wasted volume we can’t recover from. This actually ends up diminishing our returns. 

Plus when we train harder as we try to cut calories lower, the deficit we are in grows. 

And our body fights that weight loss for survival purposes. 

This trying to do more in our training could actually lead to more metabolic adaptations and muscle loss instead of aiding our weight loss process. 

And I know we often think, well I won’t lift more, I’ll just add in even a quick HIIT training session.

But just recognize, these intense sessions can deplete our glycogen stores and actually sometimes even make us hungrier. Plus they can add more to our fatigue. 

This is why walking can be such a great thing to add in. 

It doesn’t detract from our energy for future training sessions. And it is low intensity so we can do more of it without causing further cravings. 

It can also really assist in fat loss, especially when included after workouts that have targeted our stubborn areas to increase blood flow to those areas and mobilize more fatty acids to be utilized.

So be conscious of when you start to feel like doing less to not fall into the couch but still include some fun activities over the week to move more! 

#5: Progress will feel slow. Your body will fight you.

I know I slightly mentioned this already, but I think it’s key we oversell the negative to ourselves so we stick with things when we want to quit and challenges arise.

We’re almost ready for them if we do make ourselves aware early on.

PLUS, there is a light at the end of the tunnel for the same reason progress is slow…

The longer you’ve been above the weight or leanness level you want to be at, the harder it will be to reach that new point. 

Your body doesn’t like change. It wants to maintain balance and balance to it is where you’ve currently been at, especially if you’ve been at that weight for awhile. 

Your body will do what it can to stay there.

The positive part of this is that, once you get lean and start to transition into maintenance practices, it becomes easier and easier over time to maintain a leaner physique. 

But the initial getting there is often not easy. 

Progress will be slow. And this is actually a good thing.

When we try to see dramatic results, often we aren’t really losing more fat.

Often we are simply losing water weight and glycogen that’s been stored.

Plus, the faster we attempt to lose weight, the more we often lose muscle and not just fat.

Muscle is metabolically more costly to maintain. 

So when our body is in a deficit and looking to conserve energy, it will use muscle as fuel. 

That not only provides the energy it thinks it needs, but it also helps it conserve energy overall. 

So embrace the slow process.

The easiest way to do this is by focusing on those daily habits as goals themselves.

Put your focus on doing what you know will lead to results. Celebrate the consistency in those habits as wins.

That will help you stay focused on the actions that will build toward results.


These 5 things are key to be aware when you commit to a program to get abs for the first time.

The process will be slower than you’d like, and your mind and body will fight against you as you seek to achieve something you’ve never done before. 

But remember, maintaining gets EASIER!

Just focus on those daily habits and don’t freak out and do more when results are slow!

Ready to see the results you deserve? Learn more about my 1:1 Coaching:

–> Redefining Strength’s 1:1 Online Coaching


5 Tips To Lose Stubborn Fat Faster

5 Tips To Lose Stubborn Fat Faster

There is nothing worse than grabbing those cute pants out of the closet to put them on…and…

AH! Not have them button!

You so desperately wanted to wear them for your holiday party. Your reunion. That big birthday.

Lucky for you, you have a bit of time to trim down and tone up…

What do you do?

How can you avoid gaining more weight and even lose the weight you’ve already gained?

If you’re thinking, “I’m doomed.

I’m too old…

I’m going through menopause…

I’m too busy…

Heck, maybe you even want to blame the pants not fitting on the dryer or dry cleaner… 

Stop blaming and start controlling what you can control!

Because there are 5 strategies you can use today to help you feel and look fabulous in those pants.

Right now, as you’re watching this, take a piece of paper or open your phone notepad write down what you’ve eaten or plan to eat today.

Write down the workouts you’re going to be using this week.

Write out your current lifestyle!

Because the best changes to see the weight loss we want are based off of what we are doing currently.

Too often we search for a perfect plan. A perfect time to start.

But there is no perfect time.

The key is taking action NOW.

That doesn’t mean though cutting out the foods you love, starving yourself or starting to train for hours a day.

I know most of us want to go all or nothing. This is what dooms us to not only fall off our plan or even worse…gain more weight!

To fit into those pants we need to make a change that is sustainable.

It might be cutting out a snack.

Walking 15 minutes extra

Drinking more water.

Far too many of us think we’re doomed to fail because we don’t have the time, energy or willpower that someone else has.

When in reality we’re trying to do too much too fast

The first key to avoiding that weight gain is to understand where you are actually starting from to make small adjustments that add up!

Then own your priorities!

If we don’t take ownership of our priorities they will become our excuses.

“I don’t have time because of my job to workout 6 days a week.”

“I can’t eat healthy because of my family.”

“I can’t lose the weight because I travel”

There are certain things in our lives we value most – like our family or our job.

And we should care about those things.

But instead of letting these things in our lives become our excuses, we need to own our priorities, recognize them and then PLAN AROUND THEM!

Design for the time you have!

If 6 days a week isn’t realistic to train don’t plan for that.

Plan for 3 days if that fits your schedule.

Maybe that means you use metabolic strength workouts over separate cardio and strength sessions. Or even full body workouts.

By designing for the time you have you’ll stay consistent and see results build.

Same goes for your nutrition.

I get not wanting to have to prep a separate meal for yourself and then one for your family.

Don’t do it!

Instead plan that meal in first to work around it.

Do you travel a ton?

Set “minimums” to keep you consistent even if they aren’t what you’d do at home.

Maybe it’s a 5 minute hotel room bodyweight workout.

Or maybe it’s trying to finding a local restaurant with healthy options

You can even avoid buying the bulk snacks so you aren’t tempted to eat extra while sitting around!

But realize that there are certain priorities in your life that won’t change and find ways to work around them instead of letting them sabotage your weight loss!

And then…STOP trying to out exercise your diet!

This saves you time and effort and you’ll see results faster.

I know it’s a mental challenge to embrace this/

You can feel so GUILTY for missing a workout or not moving every day.

I know there’s temptation to do DO MORE to lose more weight because training more can create that deficit…

But all this extra working out kept us stuck just having to do more and more to even see near the same result.

It’s even why those skinny jeans we’ve got stuffed in our closet have stayed there for..well…a bit longer than we’d like to admit.

We can’t bear to throw them out, but we feel like no amount of training is going to get us back into them. And it seems to get harder and harder to see the weight budge at all with each year.

It’s because while training burns calories our nutrition alone can make the difference

But most of us don’t want to give up our cake…or chips…

We’re comfortable being uncomfortable when it comes to training but not with our diet

That’s why it’s key we focus on using our workouts to build muscle to keep our metabolism healthy but not to burn calories.

Focus on ADDING IN more whole, natural foods. Focus on ADDING IN more protein.

Sure we know the pizza night with family or cocktail night with friends isn’t the “healthiest,” but it is also something we enjoy the most

The more we restrict those things first, the more unsustainable the changes will be.

We get good at what we do consistently so we need to find ways to create the healthiest version of our personal lifestyle.

That’s why taking the mindset of adding in to start can be so key.

When you have that pizza night, Eat one slice and ADD IN a side salad.

The nutrient dense foods can help you feel fuller while you’re enjoying your pizza.

This can help you adjust your calorie intake to create that deficit without feeling restricted.

And it can help you feel fuller while improving your vitamin and mineral intake.

Then focus on increasing your protein portions at meals.

Especially as we get older we are less able to utilize protein as efficiently to recover from our training and build lean muscle, making it even more key we increase our protein intake.

If you want to look more toned and even keep your skin, and even hair, looking healthy and young, protein is essential as it is the building blocks of all of our tissues!

Consider adding protein powder to your morning fruit smoothie or iced coffee.

Add one more ounce of chicken or steak or tofu or tempeh to your burrito bowl or pasta dish.

If you enjoy dessert, a meal traditional very low in protein, consider a tofu chocolate mousse or protein mug cake.

But focus on small changes based on your current lifestyle rather than elimination.

And while I know it is tempting to feel like these changes are too small to see results, we have to remember that we can’t out exercise or out diet time.

So often we just want to do MORE to feel more in control.

But less is truly so often more.

Losing weight isn’t just about our diet or our workout routine.

It boils down to STRESSORS.

Too much stress on our bodies and we won’t see the weight loss we want.

And I don’t just mean like stress hitting a deadline at work or stress trying to run for your flight or stress trying to make a holiday meal for 12 people coming over that night…

Our workouts and even a calorie deficit are stressors on our body. While they can be good stressors, they’re still stressors.

And trying to do too much – train longer, cut our calories lower – will ultimately backfire and those stressors will become a negative.

They can lead to hormonal imbalances, metabolic adaptations and poor sleep…all things that hold you back from losing weight while you’re working super hard to do just that.

Same thing goes for trying to cut out even “unhealthy” foods to hit some arbitrary standard of clean.

Sure we know that chocolate chip cookies aren’t rich in vitamins and minerals, but often the stress of restriction can be just as bad if it leads to overeating.

The more you can’t have something the more you want it.

Stress sabotages our consistency more than planning in a cookie to our day would have.

We have to realize that healthy habits and doing more can’t come at a cost to our balance or the stressors scale will tip the wrong way.

So, now I want you to go to your closet, pull out those pants, dress, swim suit….you know the clothing I’m talking about…that one you’re worried won’t fit…YET…

And try it on.

If the button doesn’t close, if there’s just that one spot you don’t like how it fits, don’t worry.

Because you’re going to start today, implementing these tips and see those changes adding up so you can rock this outfit!

Ready to take action?

Book a 15-Minute Action Call so we can help!

–> Book Your Call


Can’t Lose Fat? 4 Tips To Boost Your METABOLISM

Can’t Lose Fat? 4 Tips To Boost Your METABOLISM

Are you slashing your calories super low, training harder and longer only to ultimately see your weight INCREASE?

Are you worried your previous dieting efforts have damaged your metabolism?

Are you ready to give up because you feel like nothing is going to work, you’ve tried everything and just end up working hard to go backward?

You’re not alone in your frustration. It sucks when we’re working hard to not see the results we feel we deserve!

But the good part is your metabolism isn’t broken.

The bad part is, everything you’ve done in the past, all those quick fixes and restrictive diets and marathon gym sessions, are now sabotaging your results.

I know it can feel like if we just look at a cookie we gain weight.

But the metabolic adaptations you’re now suffering from aren’t permanent!

And as much as it feels like nothing will work, you can make some small changes that will truly help you lose the weight.

But you’ve got to embrace the hard but simple truth…

Change requires change.

You’re going to need to flip your thinking on how you approach your diet and exercise routine if you want to get your leanest, strongest body as you get older.

You’re going to have to go against what you’ve always done.

Because our body wants to fight the weight loss process.

This is because our body sees a calorie deficit as a threat to survival.

And this is why we see our metabolic rate decrease as we cut our calories lower, try to train longer and harder and even give ourselves less recovery time.

Our body tries to survive based on what we are giving it. This means burning fewer calories at rest to conserve energy. It may mean we see decreases in our performance or even want to move and fidget less.

It is even why we can lose more muscle mass during more extreme diets because our body will utilize what it can for fuel. And muscle is metabolically costly.

We want to keep on muscle for this exact reason. It keeps our metabolic rate higher so we burn more calories at rest.

But when your body feels threatened, and worries you won’t have enough fuel, it is going to catabolize your muscle so you aren’t expending as much energy.

All of this is what can make you feel like your metabolism is broken.

It can lead to you gaining weight as you do more and eat less!

But your metabolism is NOT broken.

It’s just adapted.

So STOP doing more.

Here are 4 tips to help you improve your metabolic health and stop the weight gain frustration as well as where to start today!

4 Tips To Improve Your Metabolic Health:

#1:AVOID Fat Burners.

Trust me, if there was a magic fat burning food or supplement that truly worked…I’d be sharing it with you right now. Because then my clients would love me forever and I’d be able to guarantee a quick fix for fat results!

But there isn’t.

And not only is there no magic food or supplement, but most fat burning supplements on the market are…well..dangerous.

I personally will NEVER use one nor ever recommend them to a client.

And even those fat burning foods and supplements that do work initially work will hit a point of diminishing returns.

Take for instance anything with caffeine.

While it can potentially have an impact on our metabolism to start, and studies have even shown an elevation in fat burning and fat oxidation in leaner individuals more so than obese individuals, our body adapts, and adapts very quickly.

We build up a caffeine tolerance.

So unless you keep guzzling down more and more, you won’t see the same benefits you did initially.

Not to mention as we get older the impact seems to decrease as well.

And often the more you start to rely on these things, the more you sabotage your recovery which can lead to hormonal imbalances that end up holding you back.

We become dependent on it even to maintain our current weight.

And often our sleep suffers, which can be detrimental to your metabolic health.

So STOP searching for a fat burning food to boost your metabolic rate.

Instead focus on whole natural foods and a balanced diet high in protein with a diversity of foods included. This can help you promote optimal hormone levels and metabolic health.

Plus, the thermic effect of protein will boost your metabolic rate as your body has to expend more energy to process and digest protein to use.

Same goes for more quality, whole natural foods. They have a higher thermic effect than more processed, less nutrient dense foods.

So the best way to boost your metabolic rate from foods is to dial in your macros and micronutrients.

By even tracking our food and including that diversity we can make sure to get plenty of vitamins and minerals which will ultimately lead to a healthy metabolism.

Focusing on making sure your levels of Magnesium, Calcium, Vitamin D and B complex and Iron, especially for women and those going through menopause, are optimal will help you improve your metabolic health. So including foods high in these things, or even the occasional supplement, is the best “fat burner” you can get.

#2: Avoid Extended Large Deficits.

Our body fights the weight loss process. It also doesn’t like change.

Our body wants to maintain balance and what it believes to be normal and safe – which is generally where you’ve been maintaining for awhile.

So if you dramatically slash your calories lower, while even increasing your deficit through training harder and longer, your body feels threatened and does what it can to not use up your stored energy, your fat, faster than it needs to.

It doesn’t know when the next meal is coming!

Like everything, we get good at and adapt to what we consistently do. Consistently eat very little and your body gets good at functioning off less!

To avoid creating quick and extreme metabolic adaptations so your body gets used to surviving off of a super low calorie intake, don’t slash your calories super low.

Instead create a deficit of only 100-200 calories.

And at times, give yourself a dieting break especially if you’ve been in a deficit for longer or you’re within 10lbs of your ultimate goal.

This diet break may be one day a week of higher calories. Or it may be a 10-14 day stretch even of eating at maintenance.

Especially if your calories are super low currently and your gaining, this break may be even more essential.

I know the idea of eating more can be scary when we’re already gaining eating so little, BUT eating more can help increase your metabolic rate, help you gain muscle to burn more calories at rest AND restore proper hormonal balance.

You’ll also often find you sleep better, want to move more and even see your performance in your training improve.

All of these things are what ultimately lead to better fat loss results and your ability to have a healthy metabolic rate to MAINTAIN your results long-term!

#3: Challenge Yourself Don’t Slaughter Yourself.

If it challenges you, it will change you.

Whether you use loads, tempos, volume, instability or adjust so many other training variables, results happen because we’ve challenged our body to adapt and grow stronger.

HOWEVER, challenging yourself doesn’t mean causing yourself to feel like death after each and every workout.

It doesn’t mean dying on the ground feeling like you’re going to vomit.

It doesn’t mean being so sore you can’t move the next day.

Too often destroying ourselves with each and every session, doing wasted volume and constantly including new moves that makes us sore, actually leads to us NOT seeing the results we want while working really hard.

Challenging yourself is about clear and consistent progression.

It is about designing a weekly workout schedule you repeat for a few weeks to see growth in moves.

It is about doing one more rep, adding a bit more weight slowly even just on one round, doing a slightly more advanced variation of a move.

Even FEELING muscles better engage in a movement as you increase the range of motion can be the challenge you need.

But challenging yourself in a productive way means having that clear plan in place to make those incremental adjustments and see growth.

Stop focusing on just feeling super worked and start really tracking your workouts to push a bit more each and every week.

This will also ensure you’re truly doing enough over leaving more than you should in the tank!

#4: Don’t Ignore The Importance Of Sleep.

Most of us know how important sleep is…

But it’s a harder one to change and control.

So we often acknowledge it but then never really change it.

We simply feel we don’t have time to sleep more or we can’t fall asleep or stay asleep.

And while, yes, you can’t “force” yourself to sleep like you can to eat a certain way or train, you can create different habits and routines to make getting quality sleep easier.

Which often starts with first noticing what your current habits are that aren’t leading to results.

Are you consuming caffeine later in the day?

Are you doing a workout right before bed?

Are you giving yourself time to actually unwind and relax before going to sleep?

Note the habits you are currently doing and then make small adjustments creating a set pre-bed routine.

Often having this set pre-bed routine can help us mentally relax and be prepared to sleep.

It makes that connection so we are ready and relaxed before bed vs our body and mind not really knowing that it is time to go to bed.

I love including a little mobility work right before bed to even do some deep breathing and allow both my body and mind to unwind before bed! I also take my Immunity for the zinc and magnesium sleep benefits.

But more than what I’m doing is the fact that I know I’m doing this to sleep!

Puts my in a relaxed state to sleep better!

Now…Where Do You Start With All Of This?

The most sustainable changes are based off our current lifestyle.

We need to meet ourselves where we are at.

And one off the hardest, but most essential first changes to often make if we do feel we need to fix our metabolism is to EAT MORE!

But embracing eating more to lose fat can be hard.

That’s why I want you to check out my Eat More To Lose Fat video next. These tips will help you start fueling to increase your metabolic rate and ultimately lose fat faster!

–> Eat More To Lose Fat


Weight Training For Fat Loss (5 Simple Tips)

Weight Training For Fat Loss (5 Simple Tips)

Don’t waste your time commenting that diet is key for fat loss.

Yup. 100% it is.

BUT the best results always come when we dial in our overall lifestyle as a system to work together.

And too often we turn to cardio when we want to lose fat.

We think we even need MORE cardio to improve our results.

But not only do workouts NOT have to be just cardio or just strength, but you could technically see BETTER results by dialing in your strength training over simply adding in more cardio type workouts.

That’s why I wanted to share 5 tips to get better fat loss results from your strength workouts.

But before I do, I want to highlight why strength training and building muscle is so key if we want to look leaner and KEEP the fat off…

Why Strength Training Is Key:


To build muscle, we need to challenge our body to grow stronger.

While you can 100% lose weight without working out by just adjusting your diet, you need the challenge of training to help you build that muscle.

Not to mention a consistent workout routine can make it so much easier to lose fat faster and maintain those results long term.

Working out though isn’t just about burning more calories. And weight training especially improves your hormone levels for easier fat loss and a better body composition. 

Weight training, and increasing muscle mass, can even increase insulin sensitivity for better fat burning benefits and a higher metabolic rate.

And that is why paying attention to your workouts and not just your diet is so key.

Through your strength training, and creating progression in your workouts, you can build lean muscle.

While we often think about creating progression through using heavier loads, progression can also occur by adding in instability, using variations of movements, changes in tempos and even changing up the range of motion you’re performing during movements.

But we need that clear challenge to create the change no matter how we create it.

We can’t just see our workouts as a time to burn more calories, and do MORE, which is why we often turn to cardio.

We have to also recognize that cardio can be catabolic to muscle tissue and, when combined with a calorie deficit for fat loss, can actually lead to us losing more muscle mass over the course of our weight loss journey.

It’s why strength training is so key.

It helps us do what we can to increase lean muscle mass and at least preserve even the muscle we have.

And we want to do everything in our power to preserve our lean muscle mass to make sure the weight we are losing is as much fat as possible to look our leanest.

While, especially if we have more weight to lose, some muscle mass loss will occur, the leaner we get, the more we want to do what we can to avoid more muscle loss than necessary.

Because muscle is metabolically costly.

What this means is it requires more calories to maintain more muscle on your body.

More muscle therefore means a higher metabolic rate and more calories burned at rest.

So if you’re looking to lose more fat faster, you want to retain and even add muscle.

Focusing on strength training to build and retain lean muscle will help you avoid some of the metabolic adaptations that often occur with weight loss and allow you to eat more as you lean down.

Muscle will then make it easier to maintain your weight loss long term not to mention actually LOOK LEANER because you truly will have lost fat in the process!

Now…What Are 5 Tips To Help You Dial In Your Strength Training For Better Fat Loss Results?

#1: Focus on compound moves.

Compound moves or moves that work multiple joints and muscle groups at once allow you to move heavy loads and build lean muscle efficiently.

They are a perfect way to work more areas in less time, which is key if you are trying to create efficient workouts to match your busy schedule.

And while we don’t want our training to just be about burning calories, compound moves will help you burn more calories during your sessions than isolation exercises will.

You are working large muscle groups and more muscles at once, which means your body needs to utilize more energy to perform these lifts.

You may find you get more out of breath and see your heart rate increase more when focusing your workouts on compound movements, especially when you challenge yourself with heavy loads.

Working muscles require increased blood flow to deliver glucose, oxygen and other nutrients to muscles, which will increase your heart rate to match these demands aka you’ll burn more calories.

And not only will you burn more calories during your sessions but these muscles that have been worked during your session will require more energy to support the healing process so they can grow stronger.

Especially if you are in a slight calorie deficit, your body will need to utilize stored energy to fuel the repair and growth!

#2: Avoid body part splits.

You’ll see many bodybuilding splits working very focused areas of the body each session.

This often limits the large muscles you are actually targeting per session and decreases your training frequency for areas over the week.

Especially for stubborn areas, increasing training frequency may be helpful so you can more efficiently build that lean muscle.

This may mean full-body, anterior-posterior or even hemisphere splits may be more beneficial so you can target muscle groups more than once a week easily.

This will also allow you to hit more large muscle groups each and every session to more efficiently build strength and muscle.

Targeting more large muscle groups each and every session also allows you to ultimately create a more anabolic hormonal environment which can also assist you in burning more fat even at rest.

With these harder training sessions that focus on more large muscle groups each and every session you can elevate levels of growth hormone and testosterone and reap their fat burning benefits.

Besides initiating fat burning, growth hormone also facilitates protein synthesis for faster recovery and greater muscular development. 

Testosterone also is key to creating that anabolic environment which not only promotes fats burning but the development of lean mass.

Not to mention, again working those large muscle groups leads to more calories being burned not only during your sessions but even in the follow time as your body repairs and rebuilds!

#3: Use fewer single lift workout designs.

While you don’t want to turn every strength workout into a cardio session or that will fight against your muscle gains, you do want to use the cardio-strength spectrum to your advantage.

While single heavy lifts with longer rest periods can and should be included strategically, especially to build strength, they aren’t necessarily the most efficient for muscle hypertrophy.

Intense heavy lifting sessions with at times shorter rest periods, not no rest periods, can even better optimize those hormone levels.

By using more supersets, trisets and circuit type workout designs, you can allow areas to rest while still working other areas.

This often allows you to work more muscle groups in a shorter time frame and keep your body having to work harder to again, burn more calories to rebuild stronger.

The metabolic element to these sessions can also help you get cardiovascular benefits and stay in great conditioning shape, even improving your lifting.

Plus, by alternating areas worked, you can still get adequate rest to keep using those heavy loads to encourage muscle hypertrophy or growth!

#4: Mix up the tools you use.

Often when we think about building muscle, we think about lifting heavier and getting super sore.

While you may find at times during your fat loss phase, you do get more sore as you are in a slight calorie deficit, you also don’t want to try to make yourself sore after every session.

Soreness isn’t an indicator you worked hard enough. And it isn’t needed to build muscle.

While muscle tissue damage can lead to soreness, it isn’t the only driver of muscle growth either – there is also mechanical tension and metabolic stress.

That is why you want to consider not only adding heavier loads but different types of moves and resistances to your training routine!

Consider a barbell hip thruster but add in a mini band around your legs. Or even test out a double banded variation.

Don’t be afraid to use banded moves that change where and how tension is applied during a movement.

Don’t even avoid including some isolation work that does use bands to create that pump and burn to really target those stubborn areas!

These different tools and different moves help you use all three drivers of muscle growth to get the best results possible and even increase your training frequency over the week.

Not to mention they can make training fun, especially if you are finding your motivation at times fading. It can be fatiguing at times to keep trying to drive to lift more or do another rep.

And that is also why including progression through different tools and even the same but different can give you another way of progressing that mentally may be more fun and motivating!

#5: Do a proper warm up – Don’t skip the activation!

This tip is extremely unsexy but the one so many of us are guilty of doing…Especially when we think about designing workouts for weight loss and we’re short on time.

Our warm up is the first thing to go in our workouts so we can “get to the good stuff” and burn a ton of calories.

But if you want to get the most benefit from every training session and really make sure the correct muscles are working, you don’t want to skip your warm up, especially the activation.

Activation exercises not only create metabolic stress to drive muscle growth, but they can be used to establish that mind-body connection.

Through focused activation of one muscle they do also stretch the opposing muscle group as you go through the movement. A glute bridge, where you focus on those glutes will in turn stretch out those hip flexors!

And the more we are able to FEEL those correct muscles working in our training, the more those muscles are truly benefiting.

That ability to recruit muscles and feel them working, that activation, can improve our muscle hypertrophy.

For example, if you feel only your quads or hamstrings during a weighted glute bridge, your glutes aren’t getting the benefit they should. You want to feel them as the prime mover.

Doing glute activation in your warm up can help you establish that mind-body connection so you can better engage those glutes during your workout.

That way you’re not overloading muscles, which can lead to injury AND you’re also really truly using those muscles correctly so they get the full benefit of the workout lifts you’re including!


We want to be intentional with our training to get the best results possible.

The more we can use every tool in our toolbox to get results, the better and faster our results will be.

So if you’re really working to lose fat and have your diet dialed in, don’t ignore how beneficial strength training can be to building that lean, strong physique and even maintaining your results long-term!

Learn more about my 3-Step Recipe For Results