How To Get Lean & STAY Lean For Life (6 Tips)

How To Get Lean & STAY Lean For Life (6 Tips)

Let’s be real here….

You want to be lean and strong to perform your best for the rest of your life.

Falling into old habits is the quickest way to lose your progress.

You need to create a lifestyle built off of habits you can maintain.

That’s why these 6 nutrition rules are key to staying lean and strong for life!

Rule #1: Don’t Ignore Your Gut Health.

Very rarely is gut health the first thing that comes to mind when you think about staying lean.

But if our gut microbiome is healthy, the rest of our body will function optimally. 

It helps reduce inflammation, keeps our metabolic rate higher to burn more fat, and helps reduce cravings.

An increase in “bad” bacteria has been shown to trigger an overproduction of insulin, leading to insulin resistance, which causes your body to stop burning fat and start storing it. 

The more insulin sensitive you are, the more likely it is that you’ll have a leaner body due to insulin’s anabolic properties — replenishing fuel stores while reducing the rate of protein degradation or breakdown.

Taking care of our gut health can actually help us feel fuller and balance our appetite. 

When the bacteria in our gut ferments fiber, it releases leptin which can help suppress appetite and help us feel more satisfied.

Aim to consume 25-30 grams of fiber per day and consume foods rich in probiotics and prebiotics, like yogurt, fermented foods, garlic, potatoes, bananas, and legumes. 

Eating a variety of fruits and vegetables is also important, as research shows that consuming at least 30 different types of plants per week can lead to a stronger and more diverse gut microbiome.

So have some fun with that meal prep over the week for great tasting dishes and a lean, strong body! 

Rule #2: Don’t Diet Forever.

If you’re still thinking of your dietary changes as something you’re doing until x date, you’re never going to actually create lifestyle changes you can maintain long-term.

You can’t maintain habits you hate for long.

If you feel restricted and hungry and deprived, at some point your willpower is going to run out. 

Find new ways to do the minimum if you want to create baseline habits that keep you consistent.

This is how you maintain the results you’ve built.

An easy way to do this is to pick a calorie range and a protein minimum. 

By having these clear guidelines, we can make sure we are allowing 012 – guidelines ourselves to enjoy the foods we love with guidelines to keep us in check! 

Life is unpredictable and there may be times when our priorities change.

It’s okay to reassess and adjust your approach.

Whether you’re juggling a busy work schedule or taking care of a new family, you can still make changes to your nutrition by constantly assessing your priorities and setting boundaries with tracking. 

Rule #3: Fuel Your Training.

Too often we sabotage our long-term success by NOT focusing on our performance while adjusting our nutrition.

We just accept low energy levels and sucky workouts. 

Because let’s face it…if we feel crappy, it impacts our nutrition choices.

Feeling strong and powerful and fast…well… it ROCKS.

If you want to maintain your aesthetic results, you need to make sure you’re fueling to be able to train the way you’d like. 

Properly fueling our training makes it so much easier to maintain our results long term! 

Fueling to build lean muscle is really the secret to being able to look leaner for the rest of our lives! 

You can’t stay in a deficit forever.

Focus on fueling your workouts to make sure you have full energy stores to perform at your best!

And if you’re doing any endurance training do NOT fear carbs! 

They are key even if you went lower carb to initially lose the weight! 

Rule #4: Set Meal Prep Staples.

You need flexibility to enjoy any of the foods you love or go out to eat if you’re in this for the long haul.

The more restricted we feel, the harder it is to stay consistent.

It’s key we have flexibility but If you want to maintain your physique for life, you need to have those meal prep staples always on hand.

Find delicious recipes you love to prep in bulk and freeze. 

Find easy canned goods or frozen foods you can always have to prep in a pinch. 

Create some go-to meals you can eat consistently that are always there for you in a pinch.

Create a few different variations of those meals like a higher and lower carb option so you can make adjustments based on other things you had that day. 

Went out to an unplanned lunch and had more carbs?

Use version B of your taco bowl and make it a taco salad instead!

Have some simple staples you always know you have on hand to make life EASY while keeping you consistent.

Rule #5: Embrace Change

Your priorities in life will shift. Your body is going to change with age

Even your lifestyle and activity level may shift season to season. 

Your routine during the holidays will be different than over the summer. 

Nothing will work forever.

So staying lean and strong for life will mean being open to constantly learning and adjusting.

You wouldn’t do the same workouts forever…so you can’t approach your diet as you’ll do the exact same thing forever either.

Don’t be afraid to adjust your macros or portions over time.

Try new foods and recipes. 

Experiment with including different supplements to help you work toward other goals or even make your lifestyle more convenient during busy days. 

Embrace that you can constantly make changes to find a balance.

Maintaining doesn’t mean you won’t fluctuate or that you won’t set goals to focus on.

It just means you have those boundaries to keep yourself in check and doing the minimum to maintain the hard work you put in to get these results in the first place! 

Rule #6: Put Protein First.

The simpler we keep things, the more sustainable the habits are.

Too many things to focus on splits our attention and with more balls up in the air, it is much easier to drop one when life does it’s best to get in the way.

Maintaining your results is about finding out the minimum you can do.

I like to think of it as a challenge to see how lazy I can get away with being.

Give yourself one focus.

Getting about 30% of your daily calories from protein will keep you dialed in enough to maintain your results.

This puts your focus on whole, natural foods and keeps your metabolism humming.

Paired with a calorie range this makes sure that you’re never getting too far off track even as you work in other foods or travel or enjoy cocktails out with friends. 

It also allows for more flexibility so you don’t constantly feel restricted or like you have too many habits to focus on repeating!

Focus on these 6 simple nutrition rules to stay lean and strong for life and don’t sabotage yourself in constantly overcomplicating things!

For more tips, join my FREE daily newsletter!

Can’t Lose Fat? Try These 7 Tips

Can’t Lose Fat? Try These 7 Tips

Struggling to see the weight loss results you want and feel like your only option is to overhaul your entire lifestyle?

Well you don’t have to!

In this video I’m going to share the 7 common lifestyle habits we think we need to implement to lose weight that actually hold us back and then explain the secret to increasing your metabolic rate to becoming a fat burning machine!

Hey guys it’s Cori from Redefining Strength where we help you create the healthiest version of your PERSONAL lifestyle to see results. Because one size doesn’t fit all!

Losing weight means making a change to our daily habits. 

But sometimes we make changes that actually hold us back.

That’s why, in this video, I want to highlight the 7 habit changes to AVOID and what to do instead to see results while improving your metabolic health! 

Mistake #1: Cutting out the foods you love. 

What’s the first thing we think we need to do to lose weight?


For many of us, dieting means cutting things out. 

Often the first foods we eliminate are the ones we love most, but also know aren’t the healthiest for us. 

Our dessert. Or salty snack.

But by cutting these things out, we create a feeling of restriction that is also what derails us.

At some point we feel like our willpower runs out.

Because we aren’t meeting ourselves where we are at to make sustainable changes based on our personal lifestyle balance. 

So instead of cutting out your favorite food first, make an ingredient swap or portion adjustment first so you can work AROUND the foods you love. 

Even focus on what you can add in over cutting out.

Shrink your portion of rice at dinner from 1 cup to ¾. 

Do half a sandwich with a side salad to adjust your portion, lower your carbs and add in vegetables.

Sprinkle nutritional yeast on your popcorn to bump your protein and add a cheesy flavor! 

Help yourself create lasting changes by avoiding the restriction mindset!

Mistake #2 : Making yourself eat specific things. 

Do NOT force yourself to consume foods you dislike just because someone mentioned a potential health or fat burning benefit. 

That is a surefire recipe for disaster because you’ll run out of self control eventually and default back to old habits sabotaging any results you’ve built.

We can’t do one thing to achieve results then go back to old habits and expect to maintain those results.

The changes have to stick.

So, if for instance, you don’t like coffee, don’t force yourself to drink it just because someone else says it can help you lose fat faster! 

Any fat burning benefits of coffee are small and you adjust to the caffeine intake over time which means that the benefits become less with time unless you keep consuming more. 

Caffeine can have a negative impact on mood and sleep.

This is a 1% change that will make no difference if your overall nutrition and workout routine aren’t dialed in BUT may have a huge impact on whether or not you stick with your plan long term! 

Just like forcing yourself to eat a ton of vegetables or bland boring dishes because you feel guilty and want to meet someone else’s arbitrary standard of “clean eating,” will ultimately prevent you from making lasting changes.

We get good at what we consistently do and we do more of the habits we ENJOY.

So if you don’t like broccoli, don’t force it. Try other vegetables to find something you enjoy! 

Mistake #3: Design hour long workouts or 2 a day sessions.

How many times have you thought… I just don’t have time to workout?

You aren’t alone.

It’s because we see all these people losing weight training for hours a day or doing 2 a day sessions. 

But this focus on doing more often leads to a lot of wasted time and effort but holds us back from building a consistent routine and habit. 

Quality not quantity.

The best results come from designing for the time you have because then you can be consistent with them.

If you have 3 days a week and 30 minutes, design full body workouts to get in everything you need with those sessions.

That will be far better than ending up missing body part split workouts because you just don’t have the time to stay consistent! 

And as you get consistent with that routine, you may find you can work in more workouts later OR that you can maintain these habits even when life does its best to sabotage you and throw you out of your groove!

Mistake #4: Try to burn as many calories or get as many MEPs as possible in your training sessions.

When many of us start training harder to lose weight, we get a calorie tracker or start focusing on those heart rate monitors that measure things like MEPs.

We feel this need to hit a certain calorie intake, get a certain number of meps or have our heart rate hit a certain level for our workout to be “good enough.”

But your workouts shouldn’t be about calories burned.

Workouts can help us create that calorie deficit, especially to start, but over time our body adapts.

And there also is no magic fat burning zone where we need to keep our heart rate only at this level to magically burn a ton more fat.

If our diet isn’t dialed in, we won’t be able to out exercise our nutrition for long.

Trying to out exercise your diet, may be why your metabolism has slowed and you’re now blaming your age for your weight gain.

Stop focusing on burning more calories in your workouts. 

Instead turn your focus to building muscle, whether you challenge yourself with bodyweight moves or weights. 

This will improve your metabolic rate to burn more calories at rest, but more on this after habit number 7. 

Here’s a LINK with training tips to design workouts to help you lose fat faster!

Mistake #5: Forcing a meal frequency.

Eat 6 small meals a day! No!

Do Intermittent Fasting, it’s the secret! 


There are so many different meal timings and frequencies out there that people tout as the best. 

But one size doesn’t fit all.

How you schedule your meals may depend on your schedule, when you train, and even whether you prefer big meals or more snacking throughout the day. 

Many different schedules can work!

While you can for sure adjust meal timing strategically based on your progress toward your goals, and tweaks may pay off the longer you’ve had everything dialed in

don’t stress meal timing or freak out if you didn’t have your post workout protein shake within 30 minutes of training. 

Your muscles won’t just melt off.

The key is dialing in our daily portions and routines.

And then we can experiment with meal timings to see what makes us feel most energized while helping us make dietary changes sustainable.

You may find you enjoy less frequent and bigger meals to feel fuller after eating and have to prep fewer dishes. 

Or you may enjoy more frequent snacks as you are a grazer and on the go it is easier than stopping for a meal. 

The key is designing for YOUR lifestyle!

Mistake #6: Focus on being “good all week.” 

Consistency is key.

And while it can feel like you’re being consistent by being “good” all week, that weekend eating or drinking can add up more than we realize. 

While it may seem like you’re being consistent for 5 or 6 days and only off on 1 or 2, we can really throw off our weekly averages just because of those couple of days.

Especially eating out, those foods can be more calorically dense, not to mention fancy lattes and cocktails can really add up! 

We can often end up even drinking more calories than we realize! 

If you’re just starting to make changes, be conscious of how much more you’re eating on weekends as those calories could be throwing you out of the small deficit you’ve created during the week.

Even tracking what you’re currently doing when eating out or over the weekly can really show you how even just one meal can impact your weekly averages.

While focusing on consistent during each day is key, we need that consistency over weeks and even months to add up! 

If you do find that being “good all week,” leads to overeating on the weekend, consider whether you’re trying to restrict too much during the week and creating unsustainable habits.

Also take a look at what leads to the change in habits over the weekends to start making some small adjustments or plan ahead.

Maybe you try some new restaurants with healthier options for a Friday night date night or adjust your earlier meals that day to account for a dinner out and strike a balance! 

Mistake #7: We do all the habits we “should” be doing. 

Honestly, often we try to do MORE. We go 0-60 and search out all of the things we “should” be doing.

Then we implement them all at once because we want results yesterday.

But we never consider if they are realistic for us or if they truly match our lifestyle, needs and goals.

In this effort to get results as fast as possible we do all of these new things, we overwhelm ourselves with change, and then we wonder why we don’t have the willpower or self control to keep going when things come up in our life.

We need to realize that each of us will have a different lifestyle balance. And trying to force someone else’s version of healthy will sabotage us.

So focus on small changes meeting yourself where you are at. 

Before even making changes, consider tracking what you’re currently doing, from your diet to your sleep to your workouts, to make small changes that will add up!

Now what’s the secret to increasing your metabolic rate to burn more calories even at rest?

Focus less on losing weight and more on building muscle.

Muscle is the secret to losing fat faster. And no, I’m not telling you that you have to bulk up. 

But by emphasizing gaining and retaining lean muscle in your workouts, you will actually slim down faster and get the lean, toned look you want.

Because muscles is key to a healthy metabolism and gaining muscle can even increase your metabolic rate if you’ve dieted in the past causing metabolic adaptations.

Muscle means you burn more calories.

And you can build muscle at ANY age.

So don’t slash your calories super low or turn all your workouts into cardio sessions. 

Focus on building muscle and you’ll see that fat loss start to happen!

For more tips to help you boost your metabolism if you’re struggling to lose weight, check out my Can’t Lose Fat? 4 Tips To Boost Your METABOLISM video next.




Eat According To Your Goals – 10 Healthy Eating Guidelines

Eat According To Your Goals – 10 Healthy Eating Guidelines

Whatever your health and fitness goals are, diet is a key component that can be used to help us get better results from our workout routine.

You need to eat according to your goals!

Healthy eating isn’t only important when you are trying to lose weight – it is also important if you want to lift more, feel more energized, run faster, live longer and FEEL BETTER.

And while each goal may require you to eat in slightly different way, there are some guidelines you need to follow no matter your fitness goal.

Below are the 10 Healthy Eating Guidelines you need to follow if you want all your hard work in the gym to pay off.

1. Don’t get caught up in what worked for someone else. Track and change your diet when necessary. The first thing you must realize when it comes to healthy eating, is that no one diet is going to work for everyone. That diet that your friend has been raving about for months may not work for you. You may want to try your friend’s diet but don’t blindly follow it if you aren’t getting results. Take your time and experiment. Track your diet and then make changes based on what works and what doesn’t work. Track and experiment until you find something that works for YOU.

2. Eat whole, natural foods. No matter whether or not you believe in eating meat, dairy or grains, your diet needs to revolve around whole, natural foods. The more local and seasonally you eat, the better. Cut out the processed crap FIRST over worrying about whether or not a specific vegetable is better or worse for you. Too often we get overwhelmed by micro-details about which fruit is best, when we first need to just focus on those whole, natural foods.

3. Don’t fall for labels. Just because something says “All-Natural,” “Low Fat,” or “Gluten-Free,” doesn’t mean it is healthy. Do not fall for labels that are just meant to sell you a product. If something needs a label to tell you it’s healthy, it probably isn’t! Stick with whole, natural foods as much as you can and read the ingredient list to determine for yourself if something is healthy.

heatlhy food labels

4. Keep it simple! All too often we overcomplicate our diets. We get stuck on tons of small details when we don’t even have the main pillars of our diet set. Start with the basics. Then worry about the details. When we get bogged down in the details, we get overwhelmed and generally give up on our diet. And on top of that, don’t get too worried about variety. Keep things simple. Pick out a few healthy food you enjoy and build your diet around them. Pick out recipes around these foods. Try to pick recipes that require many of the same ingredients so your grocery list is short and simple. You may even want to stick with the same recipes for a week before switching it up so that you aren’t constantly having to figure out what to make. You can also then get in a rhythm for prepping meals, which will make sticking to your healthy diet even easier.

5. Preparation is key. When we aren’t prepared, we give ourselves an excuse to deviate from what we know we SHOULD be doing. Meal prep and planning are extremely important especially when starting a new healthy diet. The easiest way to be prepared is to cook meals that make more than one serving so that you have leftovers for later that week. Crockpots and crockpot recipes are great when it comes to healthy meal prep because you can not only make large quantities of food, but you can also let it cook all day while you go about your normal business. Preparation is also key for when you travel and even plan to eat out. Decide ahead of time how you are going to eat. Are you going to “cheat?” Or are you going to stick to your diet? If you make up your mind ahead of time, you will have an easier time not deviating from your plan. A great way to prep for trips or meals out with friends is to look at the menus or at least know what your basic healthy options are when you dine out. The more you can prepare yourself for different situations, the better off you will be. Being happy with your decision is also key even if you aren’t completely prepared. If you do end up cheating, don’t regret it. Enjoy and get right back on track the next meal or next day!

6. Don’t expect perfection – the 80/20 rule. Do not stress over small deviations. Do not become obsessed with eating “clean.” There has to be a balance with life and indulging in the foods we enjoy and even sometimes eating something “unplanned.” It’s all about consistency! Expecting perfection out of ourselves is what usually leads us into a binge cycle. Like guideline #1 says, “don’t get caught up in what worked for someone else.” For some, “cheat days” or “cheat meals” work well. While for other little treats every single day work. Know yourself and experiment until you find out what works for you.

binge cycle

7. Listen to your body and feed your activity. A good rule of thumb is to eat when you are hungry. If you aren’t hungry for breakfast, don’t force yourself to eat it. However, that doesn’t mean skipping breakfast and starving yourself until you end up binge eating out of sheer hunger. The goal is to listen to your body and eat when you are hungry. For example, if you workout more one day, you may find you are hungry and need to eat more. While on days when you don’t work out, you won’t need as many calories so shouldn’t necessarily eat as much. Don’t feel the need to eat the same amount at the same time every single day. Eat when you are hungry. Eat based on your activity level that day. Give yourself a RANGE so you can find a balance.

8. Don’t fear carbs. Carbs are not evil. While some people may function better on a lower carb diet, other people may find they function better with more carbs. Find what works best for you. Also, you may find you need more carbs when you workout super intensely and fewer carbs when you don’t work out. Don’t be afraid to cycle your carbs over the weeks even as your training, for say a race, may change. You may even find that you feel best when going low carb all week and simply doing a single day refeed. Experiment and test out different cycles to find out what works best.

9. Stay hydrated. Often we feel hungry when we are actually thirsty. Often we eat out of boredom. Sometimes water is all we need. Plus being properly hydrated means a well functioning metabolism. So not only can drinking water prevent us from eating unnecessary calories it can also help us properly burn the calories we do eat!

10. PUT PROTEIN FIRST. We are made up of protein. Whether we want to recover faster, build muscle, lean down, lose weight, stay youthful or simply perform better, generally increasing our protein helps! Focus on getting protein with every meal. We often think protein is only for bodybuilders but the craziest part is that as we get older, increasing our protein intake actually becomes more important since it becomes harder to retain lean muscle mass! So no matter your dietary preference, increase your protein and make that your focus!


There are two underlying principles of these guidelines that I would like to note. First, when you decide to eat a healthy diet, you need to UNDERSTAND why you choose to eat the way you do. Be you Paleo, Primal, Vegetarian or Vegan, understand why your diet is healthy. Don’t just follow a diet blindly because your friend says it is healthy.

Also, EXPERIMENTATION is key to finding something that works for YOU. How we incorporate all of the guidelines above will vary from person to person. Experiment, and as you do, track what you do so that you can make changes as you go. If you don’t track, you won’t know what to change and what to continue doing.

If you need help sifting through all of the fads to create a plan right for you, check out my Macro Academy!