FHP S2: E36- Dooming Yourself With Doubt

FHP S2: E36- Dooming Yourself With Doubt

Dooming yourself with doubt.

We question the change and try to pick apart the ways it won’t work because….let’s face it…we’re scared and it’s a change.

But when you start to instill doubt before you’ve even tested something?

Well you’re dooming yourself to fail.

Because so much of our success is because of our MINDSET. 

Our willingness to trust the process.

Our willingness to try.

And when we doubt something? We doom it because our mindset won’t support the change. 

Here are some tips to help you avoid dooming yourself to fail by doubting…

  • Learn the WHY behind the programming. Often when we see the reasons WHY something is being implemented, we are willing to give it a shot. So if there are workout designs or moves you are “afraid of?” Learn why they are being used. Often that reasoning and seeing the purpose can help us trust to test them out even when things feel strange.
  • Set a plan in place with an end date. I think often when we give ourselves an end date to reassess, we are more willing to give something a 100% effort. It makes it seem like a set experiment over potentially wasting time. Because often part of our doubting something will work, is our fear of failing and wasting time!
  • Implement small changes to build off of what has worked. When something has worked, don’t just stop doing it. Make small tweaks to build off of it. When we can build off of the familiar or use something similar, we allow ourselves to feel more comfortable with the change. We trust the change because it is connected to something that has worked in the past. So realize that, even when you want better results, often it is small tweaks to what we are currently doing that add up most AND make the changes mentally easier!

Just remember if you decide to commit to a change, actually COMMIT TO IT.

Decide to trust the process. Because doubting it? Well that’s setting yourself up to fail before you’ve even made a change.

So much of our success is based on the mindset we have going into things!

Ready to make a LASTING change?

–> 3 Simple, But Not Easy, Steps




I think we’ve all been guilty of this – getting close to our goals, wanting to celebrate, see how far we can push things.

Heck sometimes we are just tired of being diligent. We only have a set amount of willpower and self control.

So even if we’ve enjoyed something, it doesn’t mean at times we don’t want to “buck” the system. Sleep in late. Skip the workout. Not track our food.

So what do you do when you’re finding that you’re SOOOO close to your goal yet oddly wanting to sabotage your own results by doing things you know you…well…shouldn’t?!

Here are a few tips to help you through the self sabotage.

  1. Realize it happens. We are only human. We do have other stressors. There will be ups and downs. And at those times, recognize that even if we are close, sometimes we do need a break. Do a de-load workout week. Set a diet break. Do a calculated “rest” period to reset physically and mentally.
  2. Assess what triggers you to plan better even for the future when it happens. Is it that you start to feel restricted? Is it that you’re bored? Is it that your goal is no longer exciting? The more we recognize the WHY behind it, the more we can adjust our plan or even recognize that we do really want to keep pushing.
  3. Set new goals. Often when we start to let up it’s because we don’t feel the pressure, or excitement, to keep driving forward. Set some new performance goals if you’re finding you’re close to your weight loss goals. Give yourself a new focus. 
  4. Have fun with experimenting. Sometimes we just need a change. Even in maintaining our results, we should constantly be having fun tweaking and adjusting. Try some new workouts. Or maybe some new recipes. But try something a little new in your habits to spice things up.
  5. Don’t feel guilty when it happens. There will just be days mentally you can’t seem to make yourself care. And even though you shouldn’t, you well, do it anyway. Don’t focus on these days. Don’t feel guilty. MOVE FORWARD. Learn from them!

We always need to take time to assess why a mindset happens. We shouldn’t just write it off as a lack of self control. The more we can learn about ourselves the more we can adjust over time.

And the key is also BEING FORGIVING. We may be amazing, but we are also human! There will be ups and downs and times we are less motivated and more motivated.

All we can do is learn and feel better.

FHP S2: E34 – The Secret To Getting Better At Something

FHP S2: E34 – The Secret To Getting Better At Something

The best way to really improve at something?

Well it starts by first admitting you suck at it haha

I think often we are scared to truly admit we aren’t good at something.

It’s hard recognizing our own flaws.

And we often even try to AVOID the tasks and that we aren’t good at.

We put them off. Try to find ways around doing them.

We even make EXCUSES to get out of doing them.

But the simple fact is, often if we want better results?

We’ve got to own up to what we are sucky at and learn to improve.

We may never enjoy those tasks.

But often they get more tolerable when we face them and improve at them.

We have to check our ego and realize that we are only as strong as our weakest link.

And there is nothing wrong with being bad at something. Most of us stink at something we’ve never done before!!!

The expert in anything was once the beginner and we are NEVER above learning and improving.

So if there are things you’re finding you aren’t good at – exercises that feel awkward, logging and measuring your food that seems challenging and weird – stop avoiding those tasks.

Face them head on, admit you suck at them and then work to improve.

We get good at the things we do consistently. 

And the stronger our weakest links are? Well the stronger and more able we are as a whole.

  1. Admit you suck at it
  2. Make one small change to build off of.
  3. Make one change at a time.
  4. Track progress to see that growth and celebrate it
  5. Include it with other things you enjoy – “guilty by association

FHP S2: E33 – Improving Bodyweight Workouts

FHP S2: E33 – Improving Bodyweight Workouts

Improving Bodyweight Workouts

Weights are not the only way to progress movements and create challenging workouts.

We can play around with other techniques to keep challenging our body to get results!

We have to remember that even doing the same but different can be progression.

Here are 5 Tips To Create Challenging Workouts Without Adding Weights:

1. Increase Your Training Density.
2. Use Different Movement Tempos.
3. Change The Range Of Motion And Create Hybrid Movements.
4. Create More Instability And Use Unilateral Moves
5. Tweak Your Workout Design.

FHP S2: E32 – The Most Common Reason We Don’t Get Results

FHP S2: E32 – The Most Common Reason We Don’t Get Results

Learning To Trust The Process

It’s incredibly difficult to trust the process. It’s like you’re telling yourself to just commit 100% and “wait and see” if it is going to work. 

And that’s hard because we don’t like the idea that we may be wasting time.

But the simple fact is, results take time to build. 

One week? Two weeks? Sure we can see results.

But committing for 6, 10, 12 or even 16 weeks?! Holy crap will those results add up!

So here are 4 Tips To Help You Trust The Process so you can actually see the results you want!

    1. Track. If you can see what you are doing you can see if it TRULY works. This holds us accountable and paints a clear picture of what is going on.
    2. Commit 100% to a program and don’t adjust it! If you don’t actually truly test something, you won’t know if it will work. And when you take a plan and then tweak it, you don’t know if it was the adjustments that actually helped you or held you back.
    3. Ask WHY! Do your research. Don’t just blindly follow! Understand why things are programmed. Try to break things down as you go through. That can even help you adjust if you you aren’t seeing the results you’d like.
    4. Commit to an end date. Even when trying to build a lifestyle, I think end dates are key. I set end dates for progressions and ratios even when maintaining. It gives us a point at which to assess and make changes or tweaks as needed. It gives you security that you aren’t just committing to something forever blindly. 

Need that extra accountability and coaching, plus some really bad Cori jokes thrown in there? Check out my one on one coaching program!

APPLY NOW! (You know you want to hehe)