How to Get Your *FIRST* Pullup! (From 0 to 10+ FAST!)

How to Get Your *FIRST* Pullup! (From 0 to 10+ FAST!)

So you want to achieve your first pull up and quickly build up to even double digits….

Then pull up practice is a must!

The only problem is, you can’t just keep practicing the same assisted pull up variation if you want to progress.

Ever even notice how, when you work on pull ups doing an assisted variation, you feel like you’re just getting stronger at that variation but never really moving forward?

Like maybe you can do another rep or it feels easier, but when you go to try a full pull up you still barely budge?

This is because doing assisted pull ups is necessary but only focusing on improving our pull ups by doing more assisted pull ups is also what keeps us stuck.

That’s why I want to share 7 “secrets” so you can improve those pull ups faster and not only build up to that first full one but be busting out 10 reps before you know it!

And the first two secrets I’ll share work together and have to do with how you progress your pull up practice.

#1: Don’t keep just adding reps. And #2: Use different types of modifications or assistance.

If you only ever practice pull ups with a specific amount of assistance or modification, you’re just going to get better at that assisted variation.

You’ll find that full pull up never gets any easier. You feel like you’re never getting any closer to your chin over that bar.

And this often happens because we just focus on doing another rep of the same modified pull up, which makes us stronger but only at that modified variation.

Instead of shooting for 5-10 reps of a modified pull up, shoot for 1-2 and keep focusing on advancing the version you’re using.

Do fewer reps and more rounds, using rest to your advantage to help you keep that same advanced variation as long as you can.
If you want to do 10 reps, use cluster sets of even just 1-2 reps with 15-20 seconds of rest in between to hit that total number.

Even error on way lower volume but pushing the variation of the pull up you use.

While you may think, what’s the point of 1 rep?!

That constant focus on doing ONE with a harder variation is truly what helps you progress.

And the more you see opportunity in even different modification techniques to help you progress, the more you can account for the weakness in each.

Bands give you the most assistance at the bottom when they are stretched.

This can be helpful if you can’t seem to pull up at the bottom BUT it also prevents you from learning that initial engagement of your back to pull up.

It’s why you may feel like if you could just jump to start, you’d be able to do just one.

Whereas the foot assisted pull ups, can be a great way to apply more even tension throughout, but also often lend us to struggle with clear progression and even use our legs unconsciously more as we fatigue.

But both of these can still leave you feeling like you can do another rep of the modified variation but can’t yet try that next step up.

This is where secret #3 comes in handy….

#3: Try eccentric only pull up variations to progress.

Whether you’re working on that first full pull up, or building up to 5, 10 or even 15 reps, focusing on eccentric only variations or even slow eccentric full reps will be key.

The eccentric portion of an exercise, is the elongation of the prime mover, and, in the case of the pull up, it is the lower down.

We are often strongest in the eccentric portion of the move, which means we can also often perform a harder variation of a movement if even for just this one portion of the exercise.

So if you’re struggling to break through to that next step in the pull up progression, lower assistance, trying to emphasize the eccentric is key.

You may even find this is how you first start performing the full pull up without any extra help – by only doing the lower down.
You will jump or use your feet or assistance to set up at the top of the pull up then slowly, taking at least a 3-5 count, lower down to full extension. Then repeat.

You’ll be surprised by how much stronger you feel and able to conquer a harder variation by just doing this lower down.

But by learning to control the move through even just a portion of the exercise and really create that mind-body connection as you build strength, you’ll be surprised by how much more quickly you see progression in your other modified pull up work.

And if you can’t yet take on your own bodyweight, you can still keep assistance to slow the lower down. You’ll just find you need less of it.

So include modified pull up work to start one workout a week with a second workout using the eccentric pull up variation as your skill work instead!

Again the more variations and modifications you can use, the more you can improve your pull ups from every angle.

Secret #4 Use holds at stick points will also help with this!

Isometrics, or holds, can be a great way to build strength, stability and control, especially at points we struggle with in exercises.

It can help us really focus on what we feel working and establish that mind-body connection which is so key to muscle activation and essential if we want to build up our pull ups.

We aren’t focused on trying to get through the movement. We are just focused on what we feel working and on engaging the correct muscles as we hold at the point we set to – we’re trying to create that shakeage!

Pull up holds can be used at any point we feel we fail or can’t get past.

Struggle with that initial engagement to pull up? Set right at that point with your back engaged at the bottom of the pull up and hold.

Struggle to get your chin just over that bar? Hold at the top.

Find you struggle midway up? Hold there.

And if you’re truly struggling with the full rep, complement your other two days of pull up work with the modified variation and eccentric pull ups with a day where you start your workouts with a few rounds of holds in each spot!

You may need assistance to hold, but focus on even shorter holds and a more advanced variation as you can.

But focus on those weak links in the movement to strengthen them.

Especially if you are using bands, holds toward the bottom to work on that initial scapular engagement or the movement of your shoulder blades down and together to unshrug your shoulders can be key!

The pull up holds are not only building strength and stability though. You also want to make sure you’re conscious when doing them of feeling your shoulder blades move and your BACK power the hold…

Not just your arms!

Because scapular control or our shoulder blade movement is really so often overlooked when we’re working on our pull ups.

That’s why secret number 5 is to…

Focus on scapular mobility and stability.

Ever end up just feeling your arms when doing pull ups or back work?

Elbows and neck constantly sore as you try to progress?

Often this is because we don’t have proper scapular control and aren’t effectively using our back to power the pull.

And this partly stems from the fact that most of us spend far too much time hunched over in our cars, at our desks or even just scrolling our phone on instagram.

This constant forward flexion or rounding forward often creates changes to how our body moves and leads to us not having proper scapular control.

We need to include moves in our warm up to work on opening up our chests while working to help us learn to control both the movement of our shoulder blades toward our spine but also down and together as if pulling them toward our butt.

Consider foam rolling moves for your chest and even levator scapula, muscles that can restrict this proper movement.

Consider stretches for your chest and even to work on thoracic extension or spinal extension.

Then do some activation work such as mini pull ups or band flies to focus on feeling the muscles that power those shoulder blades moving down and together.

This combination will help you get your back truly working to not only avoid elbow and neck pain but surprisingly improve the power you feel when you do pull ups.

This alone may skyrocket your strength as the right muscles are being used to the correct extents more efficiently!

And then once you have the correct muscles working, you need to strengthen them!

That’s why secrets number 6 and 7 involve strengthening two key muscle groups…

Secret #6 Include accessory moves to strengthen your back.

And secret number 7 Do hanging core work.

Build a stronger back and you’ll be able to pull more. So the stronger you get, the easier pull ups will become.

Focus on not only other vertical pulling exercises like lat pull downs but even horizontal pulls like bent over rows.

These moves help you truly work your back and focus on that scapular movement to engage the muscles correctly from every angle.

Even isolate that scapular movement and strength further with things like back flies that will also target your posterior delt to keep your shoulders healthy.

A bonus upper body move, often ignored but a game changer for your pull up progression, can also be the pull over.

This move not only works your lats, which are the key muscle powering your pull ups, but also works your pecs, serratus anterior and triceps…all of which have a bigger impact on our pull ups, or even chin ups, than we realize!

It truly isn’t just a back move!

That’s why you also can’t ignore core work when you want to improve your pull ups.

And I even love HANGING core work especially.

This will work not only your abs but your entire core and even help you learn to engage your back as you bring your knees to your elbows or toes to the bar, but also improve your grip strength which is key to adding pull up reps.

Now if you’re thinking, “I can’t do hanging abs!”

You can still modify them to the pelvic tilt hanging or even a foot assisted pelvic tilt or bicycle.

And if this is still too much, holding on to a bar, bench or edge of bench overhead as you pull down on it to tuck your knees or legs up can be a great starting point.

This still teaches you to engage your back as you work your core and even start to work on grip strength.

But that core work while also engaging your back is so key to also include in your workouts!

Using these 7 tips over the course of your week, with a set schedule you follow to track progress will help you see those pull up gains happen faster!

Just make sure to be intentional with the work you do in the gym and not just rush through moves!

Want amazing workouts to help you build that full body strength and mobility?

Check out my Dynamic Strength program!



7 Tips To Start Back in the Gym After a Layoff

7 Tips To Start Back in the Gym After a Layoff

Starting back to working out is HARD.

It’s easy to do too much too fast and prevent ourselves from getting into a routine or even end up injured.

It’s hard to regress to progress and even check our egos to do less than we were doing before.

But meeting ourselves where we are at to rebuild is key.

That’s why I want to share 7 tips to help you avoid the common training mistakes I see people making when starting back so you can rebuild even stronger and get that momentum going so results snowball!

And I will warn you…as you build back, it can be hard at times to not compare to where you were at before.

But this comparison can kill our gains.

Which is why tip number 1 is to remember every move is EARNED!

It’s tempting to try to go back to what you once did before you took time off.

But that is a recipe for injury or at least soreness that may sideline you for weeks, holding you back from getting consistent.

You have to build back. You have to earn those moves again.

And often it isn’t enough to just think “do less.”

You truly need to focus on modifying to match where you are at now.

It may mean taking more than one or two steps back to focus on fully re-establishing those movement patterns and that mind-body connection.

So when you first start back, go back to those basics. 

Focus on what you feel working with fundamental moves you can then build off of.

Even film your movements to check form.

Take pride in earning those exercises and weights back with slow progression.

But enjoy re-learning to move well first.

And note…I said SLOW progression with earning those moves.

A common mistake we make when building back is not only not having earned the moves we include and simply doing what we’d done before…

But also doing too much too fast.

We go 0-60. 

We jump off the couch and expect to be back to running half marathons right away.

Instead we need to take the approach of doing just enough that we CRAVE more and feel we could have done more.

This will help us ultimately not make ourselves so sore we can’t be consistent or compensate due to fatigue so we end up with injury.

We have to remember that everything is sort of NEW again.

And that new again can make us sore.

Being too sore can stop us from doing our weekly workouts as they are laid out, which can make it hard to build that routine and momentum.

Not to mention, being sore can change our recruitment patterns, impacting how muscles engage in other moves.

This can lead to us not getting the most out of our workouts or ending up injured so we’re starting over again.

So remember less is more starting back. Do just enough that you’re craving doing more but DON’T until you have a few weeks under your belt!

And make those progressions in moves incremental, tracking them over the weeks!

Which leads me to tip #3…Don’t jump to adding weights first.

Adding weights or using a form of resistance is the easiest way to progress a move often.

So our first thought as we build back is to simply load moves down.

And if we can do a weight, we add more!

But just because you can lift a weight doesn’t mean your body is truly ready to.

While you may be strong enough, we have to remember that our connective tissues aren’t as fast to heal and build.

So not only do you want to take your time and slowly add loads to give your body fully time to catch back up, but you may want to start with other forms of progression first.

Progression or advancement in moves can be achieved through the same but different!

Consider first increasing your range of motion for a movement. This can help you build mobility and stability as you progress.

Or work up toward the top of your rep range over hitting the bottom to create that strength but also muscular endurance.

Even consider adjusting the tempo of the move, speeding moves up to work on your mind-body connection and fast recruitment patterns and even power or slowing moves down to focus more on strength and control.

But don’t just jump to adding weights.

Too often we do this and then ego even starts to get in the way pushing us to do more than we’ve earned!

Then tip #4: Focus on what you feel working! Don’t just rush through!

Establishing that mind-body conenction to make sure we’re moving WELL is key.

We’re laying that foundation off of which we will build our future training.

This is an opportunity to make sure this foundation is extra strong.

Not to mention, the better we are able to activate muscles, the stronger and more powerful we will be.

This focus on muscle activation will also help us ultimately see better muscle gains more quickly!

So as you start back, stay intentional with the moves. Ask yourself, “What do I feel working?” doing each exercise.

Don’t just go through the motions. Just don’t rush through.

And if you don’t feel the correct muscles working, modify the movement. Swap in a different variation. Regress to progress.

Even assess if other mobility work, especially in your warm up is key to help you get the correct muscles working, especially ones that may be underactive from previous injuries or your desk job posture.

Which is why tip #5 is to prioritize your warm up.

Too often we want to skip our warm ups  to get to the “good stuff.”

We focus just on the calorie burn and muscle building benefits.

But our training sessions are a time to learn to move well and even address postural distortions we have from previous injuries and our desk job postures.

Especially when we’re just starting back, we want to build that strong foundation.

We don’t want to ignore cracks that will only add up more and more as we progress.

So especially as you’re starting back, prioritize that mobility work and get in the habit of a warm up that focuses on foam rolling, stretching and activation.

You want to foam roll to relax tight muscles and start to mobilize your joints. Foam rolling can even help you disrupt that mind-body connection to muscles that tend to want to take over when they shouldn’t, like your hamstrings for your glutes in bridges.

You then want to include dynamic stretching to further mobilize your joints and improve your muscle flexibility, stretching out tight muscles.

This dynamic stretching also begins to activate underactive muscles before you finish your warm up with activation exercises.

These activation moves isolate muscles to help you really feel them working.

This mind-body connection then allows you to better activate these muscles in the compound exercises you use in your workout. 

Like say for instance doing a fire hydrant in your warm up to activate your glutes before then having reverse lunges in your workout. You’ll be surprised by how much more you really feel your glutes working and see better muscle and strength gains faster because of it!

But your mobility work doesn’t stop at your warm up.

Not only do you want to then include moves to strengthen through a full range of motion, but you also want to make sure your workouts include exercises that move you in every direction!

Often when we start back we include those fundamental movement patterns which are key, but we also get stuck moving in really only one plan of motion.

This ultimately can fight against us truly improving our mobility and stability but also hold us back from becoming functionally more fit and building muscle as quickly as possible.

The more directions we press and lunge and pull in, the more we are hitting every aspect of a muscle group and really using a joint through a full range of motion.

And sometimes these simple tweaks in posture and direction can make a basic move harder.

You may find by including a side lunge, you feel your glutes and adductors more while improving your hip stability…all while even using lighter loads than maybe you could for something like a reverse lunge.

With a focus on moving in different directions we will also improve our core strength, including rotational and anti-rotational moves.

All of this is key to building back more quickly while creating that solid foundation from the get go!

It can also allow us to challenge ourselves with less volume and loads to truly address any weak links we may have!

And with all of this…tip #7…Stay consistent!

It is tempting when starting back to get distracted by all of the options out there and to want to try all of the different moves and tools.


Stay focused on your goals. Have a clear plan in place.

Avoid jumping around too much as this can lead to injury and results not building…not to mention you constantly feeling sore and like you aren’t progressing!

While you don’t want to repeat the same moves every single day, you do want to have a weekly schedule you repeat for even 3-8 weeks straight.

This will help you slowly progress moves week over week and be able to track your progress.

You will also find your body adapts more quickly so you can ultimately see changes faster.

We have to remember that we get good at what we consistently do…and this applies to our training and movements too!

So if you’re starting back to training, focus on meeting yourself where you are at, progressing moves with intention and purpose while following a clear plan that keeps you consistent and earning every move you do!

For more workouts designed to help you rock those results no matter your fitness level, check out my Dynamic Strength program…

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FHP 657 – MEAL PREP Tips & Tricks (You Need To Know)

FHP 657 – MEAL PREP Tips & Tricks (You Need To Know)








Cori (00:00):
Hey guys, this is Cori from Redefining Strength. Welcome to the Fitness Hacks Podcast. This is the show where I share all my free work on and nutrition tips. I’m not going to ever fill this episode with sponsorships or ask you to buy anything. All I ask in return is if you’re enjoying the podcast to leave a review or leave a five star rating or even better share it with somebody you think it might help. This will only take a few minutes and would mean the world to me and possibly change the life of someone. So let’s jump right in. Failing to plan is planning to fail. I’m going to butcher this morning. It’s going to be good, but we’re talking about hacking meal prep because it’s so important that we really do plan out how we’re going to hit our macros if we want to see results to start, because often we aren’t necessarily naturally hitting them. It’s a learning process. So I’m super excited to be joined by Julia, my fabulous registered dietician today to talk about hacking meal prep and really making sure that you’re hitting your macros efficiently and effectively For all of us. People who especially like me, are slightly lazy. So Julia, thank you for joining me.

Julia (01:04):
Of course. Thank you for having me. I am so thrilled to be here and so excited to jump on in and talk all things meal prep today.

Cori (01:12):
So let’s start out just talking about what the benefits of meal prepping really are.

Julia (01:17):
Sure. So I mean, first off, we know that it saves us a lot of time and money. We’re not having to eat out throughout the week. We kind of have those meals planned out and we’re able to actually utilize that food that we’re getting and we’re just buying what we need so no food is going to waste. It also reduces that midweek stress. So for people who again, have a really busy schedule, they’re not able to plan as well, this can really help you have that plan in place so that you don’t even have to think about it. It also helps us to increase our nutrient density in our diet to add in more produce vegetables, protein, foods that you may otherwise not really grab for in a pinch. And then it also ensures, like you said, that we are meeting our nutrition goals. So failing to plan is planning to fail, so it really just puts us ahead of the game ready for that success and also dismisses the question of what to eat when you are hungry because it’s already there ready to grab and go so you’re not having to scramble around.

Ultimately though, I think everything connects is that it really sets us up for success in the long term.

Cori (02:21):
It it makes a change because usually when we are working to hit macros, we are changing ratios, we’re making a change to our diet, we’re working towards a specific goal. It makes it easier because the more you’re having to think about things and try and adjust in the moment, the harder it really is and it’s easy to get busy and fall back into old habits. So with that being said, who do you recommend meal prep for? Besides lazy people just like me.

Julia (02:46):
I mean especially for anyone who is very busy, if you work long hours, if you are a busy parent or just anyone with a really packed schedule who may find it hard to find that time to sit down and cook a meal throughout the day, like you said, for someone who is struggling to hit their macro goals. So if you know that you are someone who struggles with that, planning ahead is really going to be key for that success. And then finally, if you feel like you’re someone who maybe you just snack throughout the day and you don’t really have that meal structure, it’s really hard to make good decisions in the moment when we let ourselves get really hungry. I tell my clients all the time, I would be the worst dietician if it wasn’t for meal prep because I wouldn’t make the best decisions in that moment. But it is really all about setting yourself up for success so that when you have those moments where you are hungry, your body’s telling you that you need to fuel yourself, you have that option ready to go right there, and it gives you that meal structure that you need.

Cori (03:38):
Often in making habit changes, it’s like trying to bring to light old patterns as we create new ones and it’s stressful, it takes a lot of willpower. We’re having to use a lot of mental capacity, and part of what meal prep really does is it makes things a little bit more mindless. We don’t have to think about what we’re eating, we don’t have to think about where we’re going to go to get it. We don’t even have to think about the macros or any of those different things. It also not only makes things more mindless, which makes it easier and less stressful to make the changes, but it does shift our environment. It allows us to have those foods on hand so we’re not necessarily defaulting back into old patterns going to the cabinet when we’re stressed. We know we have something in the fridge, which holds us a little bit more accountable too, versus if we don’t have anything, it’s easy to be like, well, let me have these other things going off of that before we dive into some tips to really get started, meal prepping if you haven’t done it before, if you are a parent, I think often we get into this thing of like, I’m prepping meals for other people.

How do I prep for myself as well? So with getting started and even potentially making meals for other people, what tips do you have? How can you really find that balance so you can hit your macros, not have to make a bazillion different dishes, but also make things easier and get started with it?

Julia (04:48):
Yeah, that’s an awesome, awesome question. I feel like it’s a really common struggle is that people feel like they see meal prepping, they see the demands of it and they’re not sure how they can adapt it to really fit their lifestyle. If you are someone who you are a busy parent, definitely customize it to your needs. So there’s not a one size fits all when it comes to meal prep. Don’t be afraid to play around with certain recipes and portion sizes if you need to maybe give your child a little bit more rice and if you want a lower carb split, you can maybe take that away and add some avocado on top to add a little bit more fat and just make those little tweaks, but you still can have those similar meals laid out. Ultimately, I think just strategizing and knowing what your needs are, knowing what your pain points are, right?

So if you are someone who maybe you struggle to get in enough vegetables, then you can strategize. Choose recipes that are really rich in vegetables, things like stir fries, salads, soups, or even utilizing frozen or pre-cut vegetables. If you are someone who maybe you struggle and you don’t have time to cook on the weekends, you’re a busy parent, you’re running around, you have kids soccer games a lot on your plate, make extra meals ahead for the weekend that you can save and freeze and just pop in the microwave real quick or plan your meal prep around the weekend and make those your eat out meals. If you are someone who you struggle to hit your protein goal, choose meals with really easy protein sources. Things like Greek yogurt, eggs, deli meats, rotisserie chicken or just prep some proteins in advance. We kind of call that like a bulk meal prep where we just pick some things like chicken or a shrimp and just have that on hand, ready to throw in salads, bowls and ready to go. If you are someone who maybe struggled with breakfast, you have a busy day ahead of you with work, then prepare something the night before that you can just grab and go, but whatever it is, I think these are all very different examples, but they all show that you’re identifying what your weaknesses and where you can really optimize your meal prep and get ahead of the game.

Cori (06:44):
I love those tips because I found that I use a variety of them even depending on the time of year or what goal I’m working towards, where there are times where I want more recipe based things and I make those recipes even casseroles and then I cut them up. But there’s also times where I want a little bit more flexibility in the meals I’m eating because I’m not as sure of other meals, and so having that bulk prep of just vegetables on the side and different options of vegetables or different options of carb sources or different options of proteins, I can then combine ’em in different ways, whether I do make the salad or the stir fry out of the chicken or I add it to tacos or whatever else, I have things that could be used in multiple different ways even based on how the rest of my day went, which I find super helpful. So it is really key. We find those different ways of meal prepping that fit our lifestyle and realize there’s opportunity in all of these options that meal prep doesn’t just mean one thing, but if we are going into a meal prep session and we are really looking to hit specific macro ratios, how would you recommend that someone approach breaking down those meals to even determine what type of recipes they might need or what type of meal prep might work best for them?

Julia (07:51):
Well, first off, if you are someone who you are tracking macros, just taking a look at what those macros look like and maybe even dividing them by the amount of meals and snacks that you want to have throughout the day just to get a rough estimate of what that looks like. So for example, if you goal is 130 grams of protein, maybe you can divide that by three or four to account for at least three meals or one to two snacks throughout the day, and that gives you roughly 30, 35 grams approaching that you want to aim for at each meal. From there, you can begin to look at recipes that really match those macros, and the same for carbs and fat. Obviously it doesn’t have to be perfect meal to meal, but it really just gives you kind of that blueprint that you’re working with to hit those goals because we can meal prep in advance, but it’s not as beneficial for hitting our goals if we’re not making sure that we’re choosing recipes that are really working with those goals and then going off that just making it as simple and as realistic for you as possible.

So don’t throw in a bunch of new recipes at once. I always say just try to introduce one new recipe a week. If you love it, your family loves it, that it’s one of your staple recipes as we it, and you can cycle that in week to week, but definitely make it as realistic for you as possible. Like we said, don’t be afraid to play around with portion sizes if you need to for your family and just make it as realistic for your lifestyle as possible.

Cori (09:11):
And as you do that too, and even if you bulk prep some different things, think about family meals like the taco bar or the salad bar, all those are options where you can have all the ingredients prepped and bring them out for your family and everybody can sort of make something that hits their own macros, but I love that dividing up to really see what you would need at each meal because you can even then start to think about different ways that really make it fit what you need. I know I want to work in certain snacks or certain desserts or certain things, and so then I can work other meals around it even being like, okay, I’m not going to divide protein and carbs and fats evenly. I know sometimes people will be like, well, what’s a really high protein snack? And I’m like, I don’t use protein at my snack.

I try and keep carbs and fat for my snack and then work my other meals around it. So within having that breakdown of what you need to hit at each meal, you can start to say, Hey, maybe I’ll shift a little bit more here or a little bit more here to work in things that I love. What are some other suggestions you have for people if they’re really looking to make meal prep work for their lifestyle and find that balance? Because we don’t want to just be forcing some mold on ourselves that really isn’t sustainable, that we’re just dreaming of going back to what we used to do because then we’re not actually going to have the habit stick and we’re going to lose all the results we’ve worked hard to build.

Julia (10:20):
Yeah, I love that question because again, I think we see meal prepper, we hear it, and we think of all those containers laid out for every single meal throughout the day, and that can seem really overwhelming and not realistic for someone who isn’t able to do that. So again, just going back to the drawing board and adapting it to your lifestyle, remembering that there is no right or one way to meal prep, like you were saying, it’s all about identifying what works best for you. So this can look really different person to person. This can be prepping one to two recipes and eating the same meals for several days at a time. This can be, like you were saying, prepping several staple items, so maybe a ground Turkey, a rice, maybe some hard boiled eggs, maybe chicken salad, and then using them interchangeably throughout the week where you need to.

This can also look like just doubling the recipes that you’re making. If you’re making a dinner for your family, maybe you’re just going to double that so that you can have that for lunch for the next day or the next few days to have on hand or even prepping as you go. This can be as simple as you’re going to throw a crockpot recipe in there in the morning or you’re going to prep something for breakfast the next day. You’re going to have your smoothie ready to grab and go in the freezer, or you’re going to have an overnight oo on hand that you can grab and run out the door. So it doesn’t have to be as complex as we may think it is. It’s all about kind of finding out what your lifestyle needs are and how do adapt it to that so that you really can optimize and hack your meal prep

Cori (11:46):
And in that bulk preparation and keeping things simple, which I personally think is so key. I can eat the same meal over and over again for a certain period of time, and then I get really bored and then I’m like, I can’t look at this again. But for people not like that, I’ve even found where I can bulk prep things and use that simplicity and then freeze them and I don’t have to eat that the rest of the week. If I do tend to get more bored, like more food diversity, I can freeze that and use that the next week or the week after that. So there is even some flexibility to create diversity while creating that simplicity in that you can then have a ton of different things frozen in different ways to pull out when you’re in a pinch or even to allow yourself more diversity over that week.

Off of that. When you’re thinking about meal prep and we’re thinking about some of those things, right? Prepping for ourselves might be good, but in the freezer I also have meal prep I’ve purchased or cooked items I purchased because I am at times that lazy that I don’t even want to cook the things, which is great, right? It allows me to be lazier, but it can also add some cost. If someone was looking to potentially cut costs with meal prepping, what recommendations would you have to make sure that this is really budget friendly as well?

Julia (12:55):
First off, if you are buying for a family or just wanting to meal prep, similar things, buying things in bulk. So again, even buying a bag of rice or oats will be so much cheaper than buying it in a smaller container. If you’re going to have these recipes on repeat, that can be super, super helpful. Even things like canned foods, nut butters, just easy things that you can buy in those large amounts and they won’t go bad. Also, not being afraid to take advantage of the frozen section. So I know frozen produce kind of gets a bad rep, but it’s usually harvested and frozen when it’s rip, meaning that it contains more nutrients for a fraction of the price than the fresh fruits and vegetables that we’re seeing. So do not be afraid to utilize that to throw that into things like chilies, soups, stir fries like we were saying, and really take advantage of that.

Also, of course, shopping the sale. So if you are someone who may be on the weekend or whenever that time looks like for you that you are going to plan out when you’re going to meal or prep and you’re writing out that grocery list, look up the store near you and look up what their sales are and see how you can incorporate those foods into your meals throughout the week to save you money. Another great tip is shopping this store brands. So for items like nut butters, like we were saying, there’s a lot of things that you can find that are similar ingredients if not the same ingredients of those name brands for a fraction of the price again. And then finally just prioritizing the perimeter in ear shopping. So we hear this all the time, and that’s because the perimeter is packed with those whole foods, which often offer a lot more micro and macronutrients than prepackaged foods in the middle aisles, again for a fraction of the price. So making sure to kind of work them into your recipes, and again, this is a huge benefit of meal prepping is that we can really be intentional about it and it chooses recipes beforehand and work these foods in.

Cori (14:44):
We can make sure nothing goes to waste. We can buy in bigger bulk because we can prep and then even freeze it again to use over a longer period of time. We can buy those frozen things, which lasts a lot longer too if we are worried about something going bad. But there’s lots of ways to really make it work. Even in the recipes you pick, I’ll try and pick recipes that use the same sort of ingredients to be able to buy one thing that I use in multiple different ways, and that way I’m not having to buy more diversity, which can really add up now off of this. So we have the being very budget friendly, potentially having to do a little bit more work. It often comes with it, and then we have the being a little bit lazier. If someone’s on the lazier side and willing to spend a little bit more money on something, what would you recommend to give them some hacks to really make meal prepping that much more of a lazy person game? I’m selfishly asking. I have a few of my own, but I’m selfishly asking.

Julia (15:39):
Yeah, of course. Just really taking advantage of those kind of more convenience foods. So again, if you’re able to get things like precut vegetables or fruits, if you’re able to do things like rotisserie chicken and then maybe you’re just chopping that up when you get home and throwing that in salads, bowls, things throughout the week. Also, things like canned tuna, canned salmon, chicken, canned beans, those are awesome options. Again, you’re just drilling them out of the can and able to throw them in right away. Even buying things like hard boiled eggs, again, it just doesn’t have to be super complex things. You don’t have to sit there and cook these foods for hours. You can typically get them already precooked. Even the same thing with chicken. A lot of times stores will have it frozen grilled chicken that you can easily just heat up when you get home, pop it in the fridge and it’s there to grab and throw in meals throughout the week. So definitely just taking advantage of those convenience items and also knowing where your weak points are. If you struggle to maybe get in carbohydrates, maybe you’re going to lean on the prepackaged rice instead of having to cook it yourself every week, but just not being afraid to really take advantage of those foods

Cori (16:44):
And in knowing your balance where you are wanting to be a little bit lazier, you can potentially spend a little bit more and then budget for the other things. But I know the easy microwave rice, all those different things, they can save a lot of time and make it easier even as you’re easing in even if you don’t necessarily want to do that long term. So it’s remembering too that sometimes we have to lower that barrier to entry, get ourself taking that action and getting that momentum building to then do more. I also want to bring up eating out when it comes to meal prep because I think a lot of times we think this is only cooking stuff at home, but part of meal prepping is even planning in those meals out and knowing go-to restaurants where you can hit your macros and work those things in because that allows us in a pinch when something does come up where maybe we can’t have our meal prep that we even planned to be able to have those go-to items, but also find that lifestyle of balance. Do you have any recommendations if someone is looking to work in meals out to their meal prep and to hitting their macros?

Julia (17:37):
Yeah, I would say just trying to kind of have a weekly menu in place, as we call it. So even if that’s you sitting down maybe a Sunday morning or whenever it looks like for you that you had that time to at least write out a rough plan, and I’ll even do this where I’ll leave maybe like a Friday night or a Saturday night or something open. I know those are going to be meals that I’m going to eat out and I really plan my meals around those and kind of write out even when I’m going to have for breakfast maybe those days just to have that rough plan in place. And this is also something really great that you can do if you have a family and you can really make it a fun experience for everyone. Let your kids chime in and kind of see what meals they want to have throughout the week and then plan around that, see where you can add in your lunch, your breakfast, those types of things. But really just giving yourself that plan ahead of time that you have so that you know that can default to that, and you’re working in those fun food experiences as well. So it’s not like you get to a point where you’re upset that you have to continue to eat your meal prep. You’re still working in those fun experiences, which I think is so key to making it enjoyable and sustainable long-term.

Cori (18:40):
You can find that lifestyle balance like meal prep isn’t just about prepping chicken and broccoli and only having to eat chicken and broccoli. It’s really about, as you mentioned, planning out that weekly menu so that you can say, Hey, we love pizza and game night on Friday night. I’m going to plan that in. How can I work the rest of the week to make that work so that you’re not skipping those things. It is that plan in place to create that lifestyle balance. Off of that key takeaways, things that someone looking to get started, you want to give as key reminders for someone meal prepping who might start to feel like if we get habit fatigue at times, what would you tell them in terms of getting them motivated to do this meal prep, to use these tips to really make changes that add up?

Julia (19:20):
Just remember that it doesn’t have to be fancy. In fact, the more simple that we can make it, the more likely we are to follow through with it and at least stick with it at the beginning. But planning ahead is going to be what sets you up for that wary free week. I think a lot of the times we get overwhelmed with the work that we have to put in order to do meal prep, but when we look at the benefits that we get out of it and the time that we’re not spending throughout the week worrying, stressing, cooking, there are more benefits than there are cons to it for a lot of us. So just remembering, like you said at the beginning, that failing to plan is planning to fail. Just like you wouldn’t go into a test without studying, just like you wouldn’t buy a house without budgeting, all of your other goals require planning and preparation and so does hitting your macros.

So do not be afraid to take the time to sit down and plan it out a little bit. Even the most experienced coaches, everyone will tell you they utilize these meal prep and planning head stove because it is so, so key to success. So if you are someone looking to get started, you’re not sure where to get started, definitely check out our meal plan builder handout that we had dropped in the Facebook group. That is an awesome way to really show you the different options that you have when it comes to meal prepping and how to adapt it to your lifestyle,

Cori (20:33):
And I think that’s a key component. Adapt it to your lifestyle. When we’re talking about meal prep, we’re not talking about one specific way of doing it. There’s so many options and opportunities in that. So really think about what your lifestyle is, even maybe how you’ve approached meal prep in the past and what has and hasn’t worked and where you are right now to make it work for you because one size doesn’t fit all, and that applies to just about every habit that we’re going to implement, but the more we see the opportunity in the options, the better off we’re going to be. Thank you so much, Julia, for joining me today. Guys, I would love to hear how you use meal prep to help you hit your macros and what meals are your go-tos when you’re prepping ahead of time. 

*Please Note: this transcript is auto-generated and there may be some errors in the transcript

15 Years Of NO BS Fitness Advice (In Under 15 Minutes)

15 Years Of NO BS Fitness Advice (In Under 15 Minutes)

I’m going to give it to you straight. 15 tips from about 15 years in the industry in under 15 minutes. Good thing I talk fast.

Tips that not only worked for me but I’ve seen work for people around the world to help YOU rock those results no matter your age.

So to not waste any time, Tip #1 and one of the most important keys to results…

Don’t Quit.

We most often don’t see results build because we never stick with anything long enough.

We give up at the first FEELING that something isn’t working…

That results aren’t happening fast enough.

And we jump to something new.

This constant jumping from thing to thing never lets us get GOOD at anything or be consistent enough with it for true changes to snowball.

Results are built off of those basic, boring habits repeated daily over not only weeks, but months and years.

But not quitting and trusting the process is hard, which is why Tip #2 is…

What gets measured gets managed.

If you want to bake a cookie and make sure it turns out, you follow a recipe.

This clear plan with everything tracked and measured, helps you guarantee a result.

If you randomly just throw things in a bowl, you won’t know why the cookies didn’t turn out or why they were the best gooey deliciousness ever.

Same principle applies to our health and fitness goals.

If we have that clear recipe and measure out everything, we can help ourselves make sure we’re working toward a focused outcome and more easily ADJUST if something goes wrong.

When we have that clear picture of what we’re doing, we don’t have to feel frustrated or like we are guessing at what works.

We also give ourselves true DATA off of which to make changes so we can trust the process more and not let feelings that sabotage us make us want to quit.

But even embracing tracking, whether it is your food or workouts or ideally both, is a hard thing at times for us to accept.

Which is why Tip #3 isn’t just to track but to jump into the changes you least want to make as soon as you can!

Yup. The changes you least want to make are the ones you probably need to make the most.

One of the most important things I harp on is increasing protein.

Guess what change most of us don’t want to make, researching even reasons why we shouldn’t increase it?

But also guess what changewe most often INSTANTLY see progress from and wonder why we didn’t make it sooner?

You guessed it…increasing protein.

Change requires change.

And the changes we least want to make are the ones that are often the hardest, most uncomfortable or furthest from our comfort zone.

But they are also often what is needed to reach a goal we haven’t achieved before and bust us out of the yo-yo dieting cycle.

So if you’ve been fighting a change, pause, ask yourself why, and then embrace an experiment where you track and see the true outcome!

It may surprise you!

And while embracing discomfort is part of achieving results, we can also sabotage ourselves with the “No pain, no gain” mindset!

Which is why Tip #4 is to ditch the all or nothing, work harder, no pain, no gain attitude.

This attitude keeps us stuck expecting perfection of ourselves, doing more and more until…well…

We ultimately run out of willpower, get injured and fall back into old habits.

We’re human and flawesome.

And when we make changes too hard on ourselves, we’re often just making our excuses grow too.

It’s Newton’s Third Law of Motion that says, “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.”

Keep trying to do more, and you’re going to get a push back against the changes equally as strong.

And the harder we work, the more we do, the more we EXPECT an outcome…when in reality we can’t out exercise or out diet time.

So ultimately we just make ourselves give up in frustration.

Instead we need to focus on small changes that build and that make change seem DOABLE.

Which is actually why Tip #5 is to stop the eat clean pressure.

There is no official definition of clean eating and trust me, no one agrees.

Vegans and Carnivores have vastly different opinions.

And trying to hit someone else’s arbitrary standards of clean can make you feel like you can’t even eat air.

It can make us feel guilty for enjoying food and even make us feel like it’s impossible to even make a change that will pay off.

But we can and should include foods we simply LOVE.

We just need to strike an 80/20 balance.

80% of the time focus on those whole natural foods. 20% include just foods you love with NO guilt.

This will allow you to create a sustainable lifestyle and truly build consistent habit changes that do snowball over leaving you feeling restricted and deprived so you ultimately fall off any plan you start.

And with embracing your balance, don’t just include foods you love, truly PLAN around them, even planning them in first.

Tip #6 is the secret that led to me ultimately finally achieving the body recomp I wanted.

Planning in the foods I wanted first and focusing on nutrition by addition.

Often the things we love most are the things we cut out first. They are the things that don’t make that “eat clean” list.

They are also the things we add back in as soon as we can, which lead to us ending up back where we started.

Basically we’re repeating a cycle of restriction we can never maintain.

And you can’t do one thing to reach your goal then go back to what you were doing before and expect to maintain your results.

Plus the second you tell yourself you can’t have something, you want it even more!

Instead, plan in the dessert you want, that snack you love, FIRST to your day and work your other meals around it.

Start by making small changes to your diet, adding in more veggies or protein or something you know is beneficial.

This focus on small changes that feel easy often is just what we need to lower our defenses against more changes and see the momentum build.

However, in including foods you love, this doesn’t mean you can eat whatever you want, whenever you want in any quantity you want.

Which is why Tip #7 is to recognize your trigger foods.

No foods have to be off limits. But there are foods we will CHOOSE to include or not include.

We need to recognize those foods we can’t consume in moderation that only lead to us falling back into old patterns.

I know I can have just one peanut butter protein ball, but I know I can’t have just one Reese’s peanut butter cup.

I own this fact and include the protein ball on a regular basis but the peanut butter cup only when I’m ok with having more than 1..or like 10.

And if I do have peanut butter cups around and don’t want to eat them, I put them in the freezer.

For me, this shifts my mindset to be ok with waiting to have more.

While this is odd because technically they taste even more delicious frozen, this freezing of them helps me feel like they’ll be there when I want them in the future.

It’s the shift in environment and mindset.

For you this shift may come from not having the food in the house, or putting it into single serving bags so you can only easily eat one serving or even hiding it on a higher shelf.

The key is I recognize the foods I can work in and those I can’t to then determine a balance and even environment right for me and my goals at this time.

So CHOOSE to include foods you love but also understand the foods that may not fit your goals right now and find ways to address that!

The more we own who we are and what has and hasn’t worked for us in the past with our diet and workouts, the more we can meet ourselves where we are at and create the perfect plan for ourselves right now to rock those results.

That’s why Tip #8 is to assess and address your schedule shifts.

I most often talk about assessing your schedule when it comes to designing your workout, but you want to also assess your schedule to make dietary changes as well.

Not only in terms of determining how you meal prep and the meal timing best for you but also in how you handle WEEKEND EATING!

Too often we don’t see results and think, “But I was good all week!”

It’s that weekend eating that gets us. It changes our macros for the week and can easily throw us out of our deficit.

Some of us even recognize how hard it is to eat well over the weekend, but then we never really address that fact.

We force weekday habits on weekends that just aren’t the same.

Instead we need to own that often habits and schedules DO change over Friday, Saturday and Sunday and we need to PLAN for that.

That we do enjoy happy hour or are at home more lazing on the couch!

So instead of a strict macro ratio, maybe we just set a calorie cap and protein minimum.

Maybe we plan in restaurant dishes or cocktails to hold ourselves accountable but have a bit more food freedom on the weekend with boundaries.

The key is assessing why the same habits don’t work over the weekend and finding ways to address the changes in schedule and even routines to work with them instead of trying to willpower your way against them!

So many of these tips are about shifting the mindsets controlling our actions.

And Tip #9 addresses a hard mindset to often change but one that is so key for us seeing better results from our training….

We need to stop seeking to be sore.

Soreness is not an indicator you worked hard enough or you’re going to see better muscle gains.

I know it can feel satisfying and some of us sickly like it….

But honestly, it is really often a sign we don’t have a clear program in place that we’re strategically progressing or that our recovery and fueling isn’t ideal.

And constantly seeking to be sore may be why we feel like we’re working really hard yet not seeing progress.

Instead everything we include in our workouts should be designed with a purpose and repeated to progress.

But just because a clear progression or weekly schedule we repeat is key, doesn’t mean we shouldn’t include diversity.

Actually diversity of movement is ESSENTIAL and that’s why it is Tip #10….

Exercise diversity helps us see better results faster.

Diversity of movements done over the weekly schedule can help us create progression through the same but different and target different aspects of muscles to different extents.

We can diversify the moves we use through different types of resistances…

Through adding instability, whether an unstable surface or even by making a move more unilateral, such as an 80/20 deadlift or single leg deadlift over a bilateral one.

Or even through slightly different postures, positions or ranges of motion.

We also have to remember that different muscles in a muscle group may have different joints they impact and control movement of and therefore will be worked by different joint actions.

For example, if you want to make sure you hit your entire hamstring muscle group, you can’t just include a deadlift, which is a hip hinge.

You also need to include a knee flexion movement like a lying leg curl.

So over the weekly schedule you create, don’t just reuse the same moves. Think about including a diversity to target the same muscles in different ways!

And guess what? Some of these moves you may not like and they may feel awkward. GOOD!

Tip #11 is to do awkward moves you don’t like.

Those moves we don’t like, that feel awkward, are often also moves that address our weak links.

They often improve our balance, stability and our mind-body connection so we ultimately get stronger, can run faster and see better muscle gains.

They are the moves that test our coordination. That make us check our egos with loads.

They keep us young and able to react quickly in every day life while recruiting the correct muscles efficiently in the right order to perform those lifts we may want to beast mode out.

So stop skipping them! They truly are the key to being functionally stronger and often even lifting more with our big heavy lifts.

And not only should you stop skipping these awkward moves, you need to stop skipping your warm up.

Yup Tip #12 is the oh so unsexy tip of – Don’t skip your warm up.

Feel like you’re getting older and just have to accept aches and pains?

You don’t. You just have to stop trying to get away with skipping your prehab work and warm up.

Honestly, this is something we shouldn’t have tried to get away with skipping in the first place and the fact that we did is why more aches and pains add up as we get older.

But we can change that by including a proper warm up now.

A proper warm up makes sure our muscles and joints are ready to work through a full range of motion from the first rep we do with weights.

Our warm up isn’t us wasting time before we get to the good stuff. It is what helps us get results from all the hard work we put in.

If you want to lift more, run faster, cycle further, a proper warm up with foam rolling, stretching and activation is what will help you do just that.

And I know this sucks to hear…I know a lot of what I’ve mentioned goes against some of what you’ve done in the past, but…

You can’t expect to see a new and better result doing what you’ve always done.

That’s why Tip #13 is to embrace being uncomfortable.

Stop fearing something different.

That different thing you’re resisting is probably what you need to get to a new goal.

Because if what you’ve always done worked, you’d have achieved results already.

But we have to step outside our comfort zone and risk being bad at something to learn and grow.

Don’t hold yourself back sticking with what you just feel comfortable with. Build off of that.

Now that being said, you also have to recognize that the more changes you make at once, the more of a cost you’ll feel before the reward.

That’s why I like clients to embrace being uncomfortable but also avoid the all or nothing attitude.

It’s why Tip #14 is to evolve YOUR lifestyle.

Meet yourself where you’re at to build small changes off of that and slowly push your comfort zone.

Because one size doesn’t fit all and there is no perfect plan.

Even what used to work for us will change as WE are constantly changing.

Your lifestyle, body and needs are not the same now as they were years ago.

Not to mention even our schedule shifts over the year as well as our priorities, impacting the habits that are actually realistic for us now.

That’s why we always need to assess where we are currently first to move forward.

When you set that GPS to get you to a new location, you don’t just enter your destination…

You enter your current location. We need that same starting point to map out our roadmap to results.

Which brings me to the boring but essential 15th tip…Plan ahead.

We wouldn’t just get in a car and drive around aimlessly hoping to get to our destination, yet that’s what we so often do with our fitness goals.

We say what we want then just start doing random moves and diets.

Without a plan, we have no direction.

We have no process we can trust.

And we don’t know what is and isn’t working.

So ultimately we get no where.

Failing to plan is planning to fail…cliche and oh so true.

Don’t repeat the same mistakes. Use these tips and plan our your program to achieve your goals. Which 1 tip will you focus on first?

Ready to build your leanest, strongest body EVER no matter your age?

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FHP 656 – Reframing Habits – DO IT FOR YOU!

FHP 656 – Reframing Habits – DO IT FOR YOU!








Cori (00:00):
Hey guys, this is Cori from Redefining Strength. Welcome to the Fitness Hacks Podcast. This is the show where I share all my free work on and nutrition tips. I’m not going to ever fill this episode with sponsorships or ask you to buy anything. All I ask in return is if you’re enjoying the podcast to leave a review or leave a five star rating or even better share it with somebody you think it might help. This will only take a few minutes and would mean the world to me and possibly change the life of someone. So let’s jump right in. We all have those things that we feel we have to do to get results, but the more we can reframe these things as things we get to do, the better off we’re going to be. And that’s why I’m super excited to dive in today with my fabulous coach, Liz, into changing that mindset so that we’re doing things for us. So thank you Liz, for joining me today.

Liz (00:50):
Awesome to be here.

Cori (00:51):
So let’s talk about how can we shift this mindset from have to get to

Liz (00:58):
Well, I think the first thing is you have to sort of take a pause. You have to start to recognize that that is what you’re actually and how you’re actually viewing it. And once you bring that sort of to that frontal lobe, as I say, in terms of catching yourself, getting up in the morning and saying, I have to clean the bathrooms today, or I have to walk the dog or I have to do my workout. That can really set the tone for your entire day and sometimes your week, your month, your year. So the acknowledgement and sort of catching yourself in the act, if you will, can really be the first step to that big change. And once you recognize how you use your language, the words you use, how you sort of phrase that for yourself, and even the slightest shift in the way in which you’re saying it, the tone in which you’re saying it in your brain changes how powerful that can be to change the entire perspective of all those things, many of which we view as chores, but can quickly become things that we actually say, I get to get up and do those things because one, I’m strong enough, I’m privileged enough to be able to do those things and they’re going to lead me to be able to do other things that I even enjoy more.

And I think that shift can really set our day off in a way that really changes everything going to the grocery store and people getting in your way, someone’s stealing your parking spot, whatever it is, it all spills over in how we start with those things that are part of our regular routine.

Cori (02:44):
I love that you bring up that self-awareness because I think that’s often something that, well, it’s at the heart of every change that we’re going to make. We have to be aware of a pattern we’re repeating in the language we’re using before we can make that change. And when we start to see all of the times we say I have to, it’s not just the words, right? It is the words in that we’re saying have to versus get to, but it’s the attitude behind them and the mindsets behind them and not even recognizing the why behind why we’re doing those things. We say, oh, I have to clean the kitchen or I have to clean the bathroom. And while I don’t know if anybody will fully think that’s fun, and if you do think that’s fun, come over, please do mine. We can shift our mindset around the have to and the attitude behind that into, Hey, I love having a clean house. It makes me feel way less stressed. It makes me feel so much happier. It really changes my whole mindset. I know when my house gets cluttered, it does sort of pull me down and you can put it into the why behind it and sort of tie it back to something bigger in terms of that with some of the habits, especially around fitness and nutrition, how do you make sure that you are tying things back to your why so that it feels like something you get to do?

Liz (03:54):
Absolutely. And I think part of the changing the have to get to, I mean the words I have to actually trigger that stress response in us. And so when we start out with that stress response in our bodies, whether it’s first thing in the day that’s going to set the tone for the other things that we get to do. And so when we start looking at things such as I have to get up and do my workout, it becomes more, I get to do my workout and I get to do those other things too. And I love using the parallel of instead of using the word but using the word and I get to clean that kitchen and I get to work out because then it becomes inclusive and it becomes part of just our day-to-day routine, if you will. And it takes away that extra stress of I have to do that in order to do that.

So it doesn’t become mutually exclusive or an either or. It becomes an and I think when we start to view things with the way that we take care of ourselves, whether that’s self-care, that’s knowing that we get to go for a walk if we do these other things, it all adds up to the way in which we sort of approach every single day. And there’s a quote I love that is be that person you want to be that when your feet hit the floor, the rest of the world is going, oh no. Right? Because when you get up out of bed and you have that attitude of when my feet hit the floor, everybody else better be ready. That’s already where you’ve kind of made this awareness that you want to hit the floor and you want to be running and you want to be out there with a really positive attitude regardless.

And I think when we start to rationalize not being able to do things because of other things we have to do, it becomes that slippery slope of if I have to do that, then I can’t do that. Instead of it being I get to do this and I can do this. And that just changes our whole outlook on the way we take care of ourselves. It’s a little bit of putting on own mask before putting on somebody else’s. If we’re not putting our own mask on by getting to do the things that we want to do and need to do for ourselves, filling our buckets, putting deposits in our banks, then we will forever be trying to figure out how to get to that place, how to get to the get tos. We’ll always be thinking of it as the have-tos.

Cori (06:17):
It’s tying the habits back to the importance for you, but also connecting things that you already are inspired to do that you get to do to things that maybe you don’t necessarily yet feel that way about. And I love that use of and to do that because you are connecting things that maybe you are prioritizing in your life to things that you haven’t yet prioritized through that. And I even think it goes so far as to start your morning with something you already feel you get to do or you want to do. Because as you mentioned, that really does set the whole tone when you have this feeling of I have to do this, I have to get up and do this, I have to do things. I don’t necessarily yet prioritize or value as much as maybe I should because I haven’t seen that connection to my why or haven’t felt that connection to my why. The more you can even start the day with something you get to do that you are inspired to do, the more you set that tone then to even change your mindset towards other things that maybe you haven’t yet found that priority in or that value in potentially.

Liz (07:18):
No, and I agree and I think the why piece is so powerful and we’re all in different places on that. We all have whys that might start here but evolve into here. And as those whys become more clear or become stronger or even change, and that happens as we evolve through this journey is our whys potentially maybe get more clear and maybe they change, but at the end of the day, we all want to feel energized, we want to feel good. So we know intellectually those feelings that we want to experience, we’ve experienced them and sometimes we have to sort of prioritize that as I get to get up and do this because I know that I’m going to feel amazing, strong and energized when I am finished. And that becomes the why. And it also I think sometimes helps the prioritization. And when we try to prioritize the things that are most essential in our lives, there’s a lot of noise, there’s a lot of distractions, and we sometimes have to get right back to one, making sure that that’s something that is maybe not negotiable.

That’s sometimes a way in which to look at things that we get to do versus what we have to do. But also it ties back really to how we know we’re going to feel. And that gets back into the why I want to feel really good because I know that I’m a much better mom, I’m a much better spouse, I’m a much better whatever friend when I have that why fulfilled. And it comes down to I think the idea of feeling as if we have that worthiness to validate that that is really important to us and that we are so lucky to be able to get up and lift that heavier weight if that is in our workout today or we get to be able to go fill our plate with nutritious foods and those are things that just become part of our muscle memory over time it becomes more so the get to as opposed to the have to, the more we practice it, the more we get up and just say I get to as opposed to I have to.

Cori (09:26):
And sometimes even if the habit doesn’t feel like something you get to do and you’re mentally thinking, okay, I can repeat get to, but it feels like something I have to do, we can tie it back to something that makes it feel more like a get to even in overcoming some of the challenges. Because I can tell you the workout that feels the best is the one that you do when you feel like you have to over you get to. And so even in thinking that on a day where you’re like, oh gosh, my mindset is I have to do this, be like, Hey, I get to do this and I get to feel extra strong because I’m going to have done this when maybe my original mindset, my original thought was the have to. And in thinking that sometimes you can even shift the mindset of, oh yeah, I feel so much better when I do something at a time maybe I don’t want to do, it’s not like a glossing over everything or a Pollyanna in everything, but it is recognizing to the value in those things and even the things that you maybe don’t prioritize right away the and can be so valuable.

Because I know for me sometimes in the morning to do things that I will otherwise let slide from the day because they aren’t yet priorities for me. I will do them and say, I am doing these things and then I get to do this other thing that maybe I do really feel I get to do. That excites me. And by doing those things first I’ll make sure they get done. Ultimately they feel less have to because they’re tied to something even that’s positive and we forget that association sometimes between something we maybe don’t yet have that positive feeling toward. That feels like a have to and tying it back to that get to change the perception of it because it is that. And as you mentioned,

Liz (10:59):
Yeah, and I totally agree, Corey, to your point, it is really important to acknowledge that there are definitely have tos in our life. I mean, we tell our kids you have to brush your teeth otherwise you’re going to have issues when you get to be older. And so it’s not to say that there isn’t an important aspect of the things we have to do because I mean we all have things we have to do. It’s the way we look at it and even that have tos can be like I have to mow the lawn. Oh, that’s awesome, but maybe I get to, but that doesn’t really do it for me, but I have to mow that lawn. Okay, good. Just approach it with a great attitude because as you say, when I get done mowing that lawn, I’m going to get to go stand up paddling. So in some ways it is, yes, it is that habit linking I like to call it, it’s almost like those pairing of habits. I get to do this and then I get to do this and has a much louder sort of voice and calling to you. And sometimes it’s the motivator too. It’s the thing that motivates you to get through the first, get to the second get to.

I think it’s really important to distinguish between cheerleading and really supporting. It’s like I need to make sure that I approach this with the right mindset versus I’m just going to convince myself that this is good.

Cori (12:32):
Yes, we don’t do well at the fake it till you make it. It’s more the act as this. And in that with the get tos too, it’s doing it for you. And I bring this up because I think that’s an important thing that we also gloss over that we’re doing these things for us. But that’s also why so often we do let some of the get tos slide and we can even feel like they are have tos when we do enjoy them. We do enjoy our workout, but we feel like we get to do our workout and we feel a little guilty and then it becomes a have to because we want to prioritize other things for other people. How do you help clients sort of work through the feeling of potentially even guilt with saying, I am doing things for myself and I want to do things for myself, but I feel like I get to and then it becomes a have to because I feel like I shouldn’t be prioritizing myself.

Liz (13:23):
And that is huge for a lot of people. I mean people who are taking care of others a lot of their lives. And I think there comes a point in time when there then almost becomes this resentment to the other parts of their lives where they get so far down that road that it’s very hard to pull back to a place where they feel good. And the first thing that typically I’ll encourage a client to do is to sit down and really write down what are the things that fill their energy bank. And I use the bank or the ATM sort of analogy because I think it’s very visual for people to see. We have a bank and if we always have withdrawals of those have tos, we lose sight of one why we’re doing them. Our bank becomes overdrawn and we lose sight of what we need to make those deposits.

And I mean time is a resource. We have so much time, it’s finite. And how we use that time becomes a matter of priority but also desire. How do we want to use that time? And I always say that with your ATM, you have so much time in that ATM, right? So much money in that ATM, what are you going to do to make deposits to that, that’s going to fill that why? That’s going to give you a sense of purpose and fulfillment for some people that is working out, if we use working out as an example, for some people that is working out for other people not so much, but they know the benefits and they do it because they know that it is good for them, but they would much rather be out hiking. So I think that there’s an element of knowing, having awareness, acknowledgement over what are the things that you need to deposit into your bank because you got to be making deposits in some way, shape or form.

And some of those are get tos and a lot of those are get tos. And there are probably a few have toss in there too, but as long as there’s always more deposits than there are withdrawals on a regular basis, you’re always going to have some kind of balance in the bank. And I think that when a client starts to recognize what their deposits are, many times some of those have tos actually become get tos because they realize actually they are for them. And it’s not so much of a chore that it’s actually something that does fill their bucket. It does give them a deposit and it helps to minimize some of the withdrawals. For some people the deposit is also a withdrawal. So when we look at how do we constantly reframe some of these things that we are doing to change that attitude with ourselves, first of all, it’s okay to have a bad day.

I mean I would say that it’s okay to have a bad day. The most important thing is how do you respond the next day? How do you take that, what you’ve learned today, what was the challenge you had today and where’s your opportunity to change that for tomorrow? And when they start to think about, well, what is it that’s going to make me start my day off better tomorrow or maybe change something that happened today that I can do differently tomorrow, all of a sudden it becomes a much more mindful practice as opposed to a reaction. And the response starts to be much more proactive as opposed to reactive. And I think sometimes when we get in that I have to mode, it’s a lot of times because we lose sight of being proactive and seeing things that we know might be coming and coming up with a plan and a response that’s going to help us to keep that attitude sort of where we want it to be.

Not because somebody else wants us to change our attitude, but because we want to change the way we look at it so that it’s coming from internally and not the external constant noise of what we have to do or what other people expect us to do. How do we do these things for ourselves? And that’s I think a big shift for some people to even just quantify or articulate is a better word, articulate what that is, what are those things? And once you know that you can go back to those time and time again and they’re often tied back to why you’re doing those things. And it all comes back around to where we started of how do we start with the right attitude of we get to do these things.

Cori (17:54):
But I think you hit on it right there. It’s tying it back to that why and realizing that everything you do is your choice. Because so often we do act like all these things are acting on us and we are doing absolutely everything for ourselves, even taking care of other people. Yes, it’s for them, but we’re doing this because it makes us feel good as part of who we are. We get to even do those things. And that reframing of that mindset, it doesn’t happen overnight, but it is so key. And the more we recognize truly stepping back, we’ve set our why. This means that when you set your why, everything you’re doing for your why, you’re doing for you and not in a selfish way, in a good way. And the more you do, the more you do, as you mentioned, if we get into that haveto mode, everything becomes a haveto.

Even things we truly enjoy on a daily basis. I mean I’ve had those bad days where it’s like I have to do this and I have to do that and I have to do this, and half those things I even want to do slash put on my calendar to do because they were get tos. But because I got into that mode, it became a have to. And then we have to remember the more you do, the more you do. So the second you feel yourself getting into that mode saying, Hey, how can I flip this? How can I even pause in all the things I now feel I have to do and put in something I feel like I get to do? Because again, it goes back to the, and you can say, now I get to do this. I want to do this on this day despite everything else that has happened and after that, all of a sudden now I get to do this and this and this because of doing that. But it’s recognizing the direction of your momentum, so to speak.

Liz (19:22):
And I think that there’s so many ways to approach it. And one of the things that seems to be a common thread, I think for many people, myself included, is that we get this sense of busy equating to purpose. And I always say busy is a four letter word, but it took me 55 years to figure that out. And so when you get to that place where you recognize that being busy isn’t necessarily fulfilling a purpose or serving us in terms of doing things for ourselves, we stop and need to pause. And one of the things, another thing that I find really helpful with clients who come from a place of a lot of overwhelm where they might be involved in a million things and all of a sudden they wake up and they go, boy, I have really got to focus on myself, right?

Well, you can’t just flip the switch. You can’t just all of a sudden say, unless you’re going to move to an island, I am just not going to do any of that other stuff and all I’m going to do is take care of myself because that isn’t typically the way it works. And instead really sitting back and starting to take a look at again, just sitting back and bringing some clarity and articulating on the things that are most important to them. Again, the why. And I think when you can identify what are the things that are most important to you, and then identify what are the actions you need to take to align with that and start with the most simple step. So in other words, getting out of bed in the morning and then you first say, I have to go do X is the first step is stop, wait, I just heard myself.

I say I have to, right? That’s the first thing. And the more that you practice catching yourself and making that change, the more progress you’re going to make. And it really comes back to really taking a look at, there are a couple of things that I think are wonderful ways to look at our lives and the way all of this fits in this big puzzle as we call it. And part of it is, is that the pieces of our pie constantly shift. That’s just life. And we know there are times that we can prioritize certain things more and certain things less. And one of the visuals that I find really powerful is the visual of a dial. There are times when we need and want to dial up and there are times that we need and want to dial down. And how we do that really is up to us and how we choose to prioritize things.

And sometimes we don’t always get our way, that’s life. Sometimes we have to make choices, but at the same time, we also know that when we say I’m making the choice to get my workout in this morning because I can and I get to that, that’s a priority that you’re choosing. And it’s important because it is for you and it’s not because somebody else says you should because the other piece, we’re not listening to what we should be doing. But instead, because we know it’s a commitment we’ve made to ourselves and that we’ve identified, that is something that is really essential in our lives. And the most powerful thing that I think that we can recognize is when we need to say yes to less with all the other stuff and how we then can start to make space for these things we get to do to minimize or mitigate how they become the have tos. And we actually find that bandwidth to be able to enjoy and really engage in it.

Cori (23:05):
I love that phrase, say yes to less because I think that really is in the heart of the busy being a four letter word. We think of all the things we should do have to do, even the things we get to do are in there, but it’s all these things. And we often even turn to trying to do more when we want to hit our why, when we want to reach our goal, and then we get super frustrated because the effort doesn’t always equal the outcome. And a lot of times we feel like we’re giving so much more to get what we’ve gotten back in return. And a lot of it isn’t actually the changes we’ve made, the things we’ve done truly in direct progress towards our goal. It’s all these other things that we just feel like we should add in. And the more we do go back to that why, but even consider, what does your lifestyle truly look like right now?

What are your should feelings, your have to feelings, your get to feelings or things and looking at the person you want to become with the goal that you want to achieve, what are maybe the shoulds have to get to potentially there? And what does that lifestyle look like? Because I think in a lot of that reflection, we’ll realize a lot of the extra things we’re even doing that have absolutely no relevance to where we want to go. And we’re clogging up a lot of our mental space, our time with those things over saying, Hey, here’s one other thing that is part of the lifestyle that I want to lead part of the person I want to become. How can I add that in and shift my priorities? Because in doing that, something that was a should or a have to might get to become a get to or it might even completely fall off the list. But we’ve got to do that honest assessment of where we’re at and where we want to go because we do let busy become our excuse and it ultimately slightly holds us back.

Liz (24:50):
It’s true. And I think when we have that vision of who we want to become or in some ways it’s what do I want things to look like? And whether you use a week, a month, a year, three years, five years, wherever you are in your stage of life, if you will, for some people a week out is far enough for others, five years, it might be a certain benchmark in your life, a milestone in your life, but whatever it is is really taking a moment to step back and say, what do I want that to look like? And then reverse engineering and really taking it step by step backwards of what do I need to do starting today to move in that direction? What are the actions that I can do now that will move me in that direction starting now, not in two weeks, not in a month.

I’ll get to it next year when I don’t have to be the room parent for. So-and-so’s class, and it goes on and on and on. And I think this is the biggest shift that as people who are fully engaged in our lives, and I always say that a full life is a great life. It’s prioritizing what you want to fill your life with. And one of the things that is I think an evolution process for many people is getting to a place where we have the confidence to say, my plate is as full as I would like. Not my plate is full. My plate is as full as I would like. That’s my choice. And I may have said yes to, I may have not agreed to do some things that aren’t serving me as well, may have decided that these things that I’ve been doing forever aren’t serving me because I’m focusing on what I want to look like in five years or be light in five years, and that’s my north star, that is my guiding star that I am moving toward in that direction.

And I think when we have the power of that vision, now the first thing is sitting back and really starting to articulate it too. I mean that’s not easy, is that starts to align our decisions and it gives us the opportunity to do it with confidence and really lean into it, leaning into those get tos and saying it with confidence. I know I’ve got 50 other things to do, but I get to go do my workout right now and leaning into it with not letting those other things become the detractors and those pressures. And I think that’s a huge, huge movement that can change the trajectory of that long-term vision.

Cori (27:55):
It is that shift, and going back to even what you said of don’t do it in two weeks. If someday is going to be the day, why not make someday today? But in that you have to give yourself something actionable. And with you talking about doing more of less, saying yes to doing less and even thinking about what’s on your plate and making sure it’s only as full as you’d like, it really got me to thinking even about with trying to get started to find your get tos to know you’re doing it for you to really prioritize things. Even making a list of all the things you do in a day and saying, do I really need to be doing all of these things every single day or are there overlapping things? Are there things not serving me well? But even then, taking that list and crossing things off and prioritizing maybe a circle around three different things, it can really highlight some of the wasted energy that we’re spending on things or things that we’ve kept in because they fit a different part in our life, but we never really assessed what we need.

Now off of this, if you were to give someone a way to take action today versus saying someday, what would be three things you would have them do to recognize the get tos versus the have tos? Recognize that language and even potentially realize and own that they are doing these things for themselves. And that is a positive empowering thing, not a selfish thing.

Liz (29:14):
Yeah, it’s such a great question because everybody is so different. Everybody approaches things differently. Some people get up in the morning and they start the day great, and then within an hour and a half something goes south and it completely derails them for the rest of the day. But I think the overarching theme, if you will, or I should say effort that can really be turned into almost this momentum is what are the things that you want to get to do? What are those things? When we know when we can articulate and we know what are these things that we get to do and can do and we can articulate it and we can put it up on the refrigerator on a sticky note that we look at every single day multiple times, then we’re more likely to look at those and incorporate them into our day-to-Day lives, looking at priorities.

I would say that’s one of the biggest things. Like you say, what do you do in a day? Where are things that really and truly don’t align with your doing it for yourself, your get tos? Are they things that can be maybe dismissed or changed? And I think the final thing is, is know that every day is not going to be perfect. This is not about perfection. This is not about doing things for yourself and all of a sudden it being magically perfect. It’s this messy, imperfect lives that we live. We love them and we learn from them. And what can you learn from today if you got up and say, I get to do my workout, and then it still didn’t happen, what do you learn from that? It’s not a you thing, it’s a thing. It’s not a you thing. So what is it that needs to go maybe one step further on that?

Yes, you get to maybe it’s the wrong time of day. So those are the things I think strategically when you know what your get to list is, right? And I’ll be honest, sense of humor. Okay, so sense of humor about failing and getting back up again and all that. That can be really helpful when you have get tos that all of a sudden become half tos. But it really is, I think, articulating what it is that are your get tos, prioritizing those within the context of your lifestyle, not your next friend, your best friend or your neighbors or your sister-in-laws or somebody else’s, but within the context of your life of what is doing it for you. And understand that as much as sometimes those distractions that are all around us, the noise around us every day, all day, what’s most important is what’s important to you? What is essential for you? Is it friends? Is it family? Is it you’re lifting a heavier dumbbell for your bicep curls? Is it that you’re going to hit your macros within two grams? You name it, you decide it and then you go after it?

Cori (32:14):
Yes, that’s the perfect way to end it. Yes, go after it. But I have to add to that, with everything you were saying, it even made me think it’s not just the habits or the actual tasks that we’re doing that we get to do. It’s the learning from the failures. It’s the mindsets behind it. And I think we don’t even consider that sometimes when we’re thinking about get tos, but hey, I get to learn from doing something new and probably failing at it. And if we can think about the get tos behind even some of the actions, it can really help. Not to mention, I love that you brought up a slight change to our environment, seeing the things that you prioritize, seeing, the things that you value, because we don’t realize how much our habits are a product of our environment. And the more we put those things forefront, the more those visual reminders.

As silly as, I mean I sometimes think it’s silly to have a quote or whatever else, but I have my to-do list. And in a weird way, that’s the same thing. It’s creating the environment, putting out the clothes you go work out. All these things are visual reminders, changing your environment to remind you of the things you get to do. And we have a lot of visual reminders, often of the have tos. So why not use that in that positive direction to put us in a positive mindset? And again, still not every day is going to be perfect, but it can really help.

Liz (33:30):
And it really is the overall, it’s the way that we approach it overall. I mean, I look at the three pillars, vision, desire, action, and how we put that together for ourselves with the support of somebody else, with the support of a coach, with the support of experts. But it really is ours. And I think that’s one of the things that is really important for all of us to remember that this is our decision and choice as to how we want that to look and really making sure that it’s coming from our heart, it’s coming from what we see. And then behind all that is your strategy and plan. I call the nuts and bolts and the vision. So we can do nuts and bolts all day long, but if you don’t have the vision, we don’t know what we’re building.

I think even within those nuts and bolts comes that attitude. How am I approaching those nuts and bolts, right? Am I loving them or not? And the piece that I think can really be impactful from just an emotional change is from the learning perspective, is always remain curious, always have a curiosity about the why, whether it’s your why or a why that somebody else is trying to explain to you. But always remain curious about what can happen, what can occur, what can you do? Because when we remain open and we sit in some discomfort sometimes, and we get a little sticky and icky in some places, and we don’t necessarily know why, a lot of times if we remain open, I always say, you have to remain open to receive. If you sit there with clothes like it’s not working, I can’t do this, it’s all terrible, it’s all have toss, take me away.

And you’re not open to receive. You’ll never see it. It’ll go right by you. And I think one of the things that we can do for ourselves is always ask, are we open to receiving? Are we remaining curious? Are we allowing ourselves to shift the way we look at things, our attitude toward even the nuts and bolts of things, or are we letting those things just stew? And I think when we start to really look at that bigger picture, if you will, all of a sudden you start to see so much more, and not just what we’re capable of, but what we want to be capable of.

Cori (36:11):
We see the potential, and I think there is nothing better that we could do even today, is just to be open, be curious, sit down, and really think what are things I’m saying I have to do and how can I reframe them as things I get to do? Using that and as a powerful tool to even tie in things, to really inspire ourselves, not to get into that have to mode, but to get into that positive mindset of embracing our choice and our decisions to really reach our why and make our vision come true. Thanks for listening to the Fitness Hack podcast. Again, this is the place where I share all my free work, workout, nutrition tips. I’m never going to run sponsorships or ask you to buy anything. All I ask in return is if you’re enjoying the podcast to leave a rating, review or share it with someone you think it might help. This will only take a few minutes and it would mean the world to me and possibly change the life of someone.


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