Are Bulgarian Split Squats Overrated?

Are Bulgarian Split Squats Overrated?

The Bulgarian Split Squat or Balance Lunge is a move you see all over social media. It’s even a staple in many standard gym training routines. Many say it is a “must-do” exercise or the “best” unilateral leg moves.

But honestly, it’s slightly overrated BECAUSE it is so often done INCORRECTLY.

It’s a move that’s far more advanced than we realize and many of us haven’t earned the variation we’re using.

So we don’t see the full benefit of the exercise. And even end up injured from it.

We wobble around and let our front knee cave in. We don’t lower down to the ground using the full range of motion. We rush through as we lose our balance.

Our training should feel hard with purpose. We want every move to truly pay off and yield the best results as fast as possible.

That’s why I wanted to share my favorite static lunge variation to start with and even variations of the Balance Lunge you may use instead.

But before I do I wanted to share 3 key form tips if you are using the Balance Lunge to make sure you’re getting the most out of the exercise!

#1: Set up at the BOTTOM of the lunge.

By setting up at the bottom of the lunge, you can make sure your feet are not only in the right position but also make sure you are truly able to work through a full range of motion.

Because the value in doing the Balance Lunges is in the range of motion. You’re increasing the range of motion to create more of a challenge and progress the exercise.

This increased range of motion puts muscles under greater stretch while loaded to help you see better muscle and strength gains.

It also helps you maintain a bigger range of hip motion. So if you’ve been doing that mobility work, you need to make sure you’re doing moves to fully strengthen through the range of motion you built.

Too often when we do Balance Lunges we aren’t actually going through the full range of motion completely defeating part of the purpose of using them in the first place!

We also aren’t stable in our set up because our feet are at odd widths. This set up at the bottom, allows you to focus on pushing the ground away and set up at a stance you can control.

You can choose to flex or relax your back foot based on your toe and ankle mobility. But make sure you’re creating that tension down into the bench or box either way to stabilize.

While more load will be on that front leg, you want tension through your back foot to balance as you focus on your front foot pushing down into the ground like a tripod with two points in the ball of your foot and one in your heel!

This helps you truly activate the muscles of your leg and even helps with knee alignment so that it isn’t caving in!

#2: Use torso and shin angle to your advantage.

We think of form as this very set binary thing – good or bad. But with so many moves, there are tweaks to form you can use to emphasize the muscles you want to work and even better suit your unique build.

With the Balance Lunge, you can change your shin angle and torso angle to help you emphasize more quad or more glute.

You can also use these two things based on ankle mobility and knee issues to work around aches and pains.

A more vertical shin angle will help you emphasize your glutes especially when combined with a slight more hip hinge or a slight lean to your torso.

Allowing your knee to move a bit more forward over the all of your foot while maintaining a more vertical torso position will emphasize your quads more.

Which you use will be based on your goals for the exercise. Everything should be included with purpose.

Also you may find that previous knee injuries or even ankle mobility issues impact the postures you use.

If you have issues with knee pain or ankle mobility, even due to previous ankle sprains, you may find you need to use a bit more of a vertical shin angle although you can play around with torso angle a bit.

#3: Adjust your depth!

The higher the bench or box you use, the harder this lunge is, creating more instability and a bigger range of motion. You need to be more mobile and stronger as you increase the range of motion you’re working through.
This makes changing the height of the box or bench a great way to progress this move potentially without adding weights. But it also means the height of the bench is something you need to EARN.

Yet so often we just think Balance Lunge and we just go to any bench around instead of finding one that fits our needs and fitness level.

Don’t be afraid to adjust the height based on your mobility and height. Also don’t be afraid to adjust the height to progress the movement without adding loads.

And if you do want to focus on lifting more, don’t be afraid to even go LOWER than you have in the past to progress and add instability while going heavier. There are so many ways to create progression through how we combine range of motion, stability and resistance!

The importance of the height of the box or bench we are using is too often not appreciated and recognized, which is why I feel so often this lunge is overrated and misused.

Because if you don’t work through the range of motion you’re creating, you’re better off doing a different lunge variation instead and really learning to control it with loads.

Results come from quality of movement.

That’s why I love to start with the Split Squat and even return to this move to focus more on progression through adding heavier and heavier loads while maintaining mobility.

Because lunges are a great mobility and stability exercise for our hips especially when included at the level and in the variation that matches our fitness level, needs and goals.

The split squat is the most basic static lunge variation. But instead of your back foot up on a bench or box, you’re doing this move fully off the ground.

If you can’t yet lower your back knee to touch the ground, or hover right above it, you haven’t earned increasing the range of motion further.

If you aren’t yet able to go to the ground, you can also reduce the range of motion you’re working through to build up.

You can place a block under your back knee and lower to that over going all of the way to the ground. This is a great way to slowly build up that range of motion and hip mobility and leg strength but in a way you can control.

With this split squat, I love to set up at the bottom and focus on maintaining that even pressure between both your foot and back foot, whether you’re doing it off the ground or from the block. This push down into the ground to help you drive up centered is key to helping you balance and really engage your legs.

And like the Balance Lunge, you can adjust torso and shin angle to impact what muscles you activate more.

You can add load to this move as you can control that full range of motion.

And this is where there is extra opportunity in the options and variations of the split squat that you can even use to tweak the balance lunge to fit your needs.

With adding resistance, it isn’t just about going directly heavier all of the time.

You can change where you hold the weights from down at your sides to allow yourself to focus on your legs and grip and go heavier to up at your chest in the goblet position to target your core more.

You can even unilaterally load the weight and hold it on one side to work on core stability. Even holding a weight in the opposite hand from your front leg can help you target your glute medius more especially with that torso lean and vertical shin angle.

You can even change how you’re applying resistance by using a mini band over dumbbells.

The key is understanding there are options to really make this move fit your needs and goals.

And with the Balance Lunge, we so often only increase range of motion by placing our back foot up.

However, you can also progress the basic split squat by raising your FRONT foot up as a deficit split squat.

Even if you love the Balance Lunge and can work through that full range of motion, you may include this to emphasize different muscles and even create progression through the same but different.

Just like you return to the split squat to go heavier while having the more limited range of motion.

With the Deficit Split Squat, some may find this easier to control while getting the benefits of working through a bigger range of motion.

And a very small elevation can have a huge impact. It may even feel better for some with longer femurs or upper legs.

The deficit split squat can keep that front leg in more of a working range of motion and put the glute under greater stretch in that front leg. And unlike the Balance Lunge, you won’t have more of your weight in that front leg, making it potentially easier to balance with full pressure between both legs and feet.

So as you build up and progress, see opportunity in the options. But don’t just include a move to use it because someone said it was the “best” or a “must-do.”

Make sure every move you use has purpose and that you can use it for quality reps!

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4 Hamstring Exercises For A Powerful Lower Body

4 Hamstring Exercises For A Powerful Lower Body

When we get caught up in a single best move to work a muscle group, we miss out on the opportunity in all of the options out there.

Often we need different movements to work different areas or muscles in a muscle group.

So including a diversity of exercises over our weekly training schedule is key to help us see the best results as fast as possible.

Especially when it comes to muscle groups like our hamstrings that control movement at multiple joints like our hips and knees.

That’s why I want to share 4 moves to help you target all 3 hamstring muscles, working them with different positions and movements at your hips and knees.

But to truly value the different moves, and even include the ones we most need, it’s key we know a little bit more about our hamstrings first!

Your hamstrings are a group of 3 muscles on the back of your thigh that control movement at your hips and knees.

They extend, or straighten, your hips and flex, or bend, your knees.

Two of the hamstring muscles on the inner portion of the back of our thing can also turn our lower leg in, or internally rotate, when our knee is bent.

While the hamstring toward the outside back of our thigh can turn our lower leg out, or externally rotate, when the knee is slightly bent.

That hamstring toward the outside of our thigh, the bicep femoris, has two heads, a short and a long one.

This is also key to know as the long head can also turn our thigh out, or externally rotate, when our hip is straight.

While the short head can’t as it actually only controls and works to bend the knee.

These slightly different functions all mean that different moves can be more valuable to target different portions of our hamstrings.

It’s why considering our toe angle in moves can have an impact as well as the position of our hips and knees during the exercises.

It’s also why if you only do deadlifts with a straighter leg where you’re only moving at the hips you aren’t targeting your hamstrings fully since they also work hard to bend the knee!

This is truly why there is not just one best move!

And it’s why I want to share these 4 hamstring moves that cover both knee flexion and hip extension but also while performing these movements with different degrees of both included!

I’ll start with a common hamstring staple of any routine…

#1: The Romanian Deadlifts or RDLs

While there is some different terminology sometimes used when it comes to deadlifts with a straighter leg position, RDLS are commonly a top down version of a straighter leg deadlift.

You will focus on pushing your butt back with soft knees as you lower the bar down just below your shins to feel a big stretch on your hamstrings.

You will not bend your knees more to lower down further or touch the bar down.

You may also want a slight anterior pelvic tilt, or almost to act like you’re lifting your butt up as you lower to stretch your hamstrings and sit back further.
Then to stand up, you’ll really focus on pushing the ground away.

Keep the bar close to you as you lower and stand back up.

This focus on the lower down and hip hinge movement is what targets and works your hamstrings.

Just make sure you sit back and don’t round your back but keep your lats engaged to push the bar back into your body.

If you struggle with the barbell variation, dumbbells or even a kettlebell that you drop down between your feet can be great options.

You can also slightly tweak this deadlift to hit more of that bicep femoris long head by turning your toes out! Remember this aspect is worked by that turn out of the lower leg and thigh!

And you can always do a straighter leg deadlift variation as a single leg deadlift too if you don’t have weights to further progress this move.

The next amazing hamstring move focuses on working the hamstrings while the hips stay extended unlike the deadlift that works them through hip movement.

The Glute Bridge and Curl makes the hamstrings work by bending the knees instead to curl your heels in toward your butt.

The thing I love about this move too is it is so easy to use even when training at home.

And you can progress it through the use of different tools or even by making it a single leg over a two leg variation.

Sliders, stability balls, towels, suspension trainers are all great tools to use.

But I will warn you, this exercise is much harder than it seems.

You want to focus on engaging your glutes to bridge up and extend your hips as you brace your abs with a very slight tuck your hips up toward your ribs.

This is key to protect your lower back.

You will then extend your legs out from this bridged position fully without relaxing on the ground before using your hamstrings to curl your heels back in toward your butt.

That curl back in as you bend your knees while you keep your hips straight will have you feeling those hamstrings working.
Really focus on that pull back in with your hamstrings.

Just make sure your lower back doesn’t engage or hips don’t sag.

Because this move is deceptively hard, you may need to start with just sliding one leg out at a time and alternating sides or even holding the bridge as you work on just one side.

While the single leg variation with one leg raised can progress this movement and make it even harder, this single leg variation with stability can help you modify and build up!

The next exercise will also work the hamstrings through powering that knee bend but this time with your hips bent.

The Seated Hamstring Curl is an amazing exercise you can do with a band, machine or cable.

This seated position with the hip bent actually puts the hamstrings under more stretch.

And studies have shown that working the hamstrings while stretched can actually improve your muscle and strength gains for this muscle group.

Not to mention, the focus on knee flexion of both this move and the bridge and curl make sure you hit that short head of the bicep femoris which isn’t worked by the hip extension of the deadlift.

Make sure to sit so that you can extend your leg out in front of you with your hips bent then curl your heel in toward your butt while seated against the resistance.

You can even change your toe angle to target the different hamstring muscles slightly more or less. Turning your toe in will hit the two hamstrings on the inner portion of the back of your leg while turning your toe out will hit that outer hamstring muscle.

You may also find that flexing your foot makes you stronger with this movement to really focus on your hamstrings.

But don’t be afraid to still start light to really isolate that curl in with your hamstrings and perform a full range of motion,

And if you are at home you can even get away with a seated single leg towel curl which is just a bent hip variation in a way of the bridge and curl.

The 4th and final move I wanted to share goes back to targeting the hamstrings with a hip hinge but this time with your knees flexed unlike the deadlift.

This move is a variation of the Glute-Ham Raise that looks very simple but is oh so deceptively destructive.

It’s the Glute Ham Hip Hinge.

To do this move you will need someplace to sort of lock your heels under with your knees on padding. You’ll want to be able to really flex your feet as you lock your heels down.

If you have a partner they can hold your feet even.

You’ll set up kneeling and lean slightly forward to create that tension up your hamstrings.

Then keeping that position, you’ll simply hinge forward or bend at the hips.

This won’t be the biggest of movements but you’ll lean forward, about half way to parallel, just only bending at the hips.

Then use your hamstrings and your glutes slightly to come back up and extend at the hips.

You don’t want to sit back or change your knee bend. You want that slight lean forward to be maintained.

All the active movement comes from leaning forward then straightening your hips.

You’ll feel your hamstrings work isometrically with maintaining that hold and knee bend but also to power that move to come back up after leaning forward.

What seems like a very small move is incredibly hard without any weight.

And it’s even a great move to include for higher rep with very light or even no loads.

All 4 of these moves address different postures and positions to really hit all aspects of your hamstrings.

And even little variations in them, such as foot positioning, can help you truly adjust them to what youneed!

But use all 4 of these moves to target all aspects of your hamstrings and utilize both compound and isolation movements to really make sure you’re seeing those strength and muscle gains!

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8 Best Exercises For Stronger Legs (You’re Not Doing)

8 Best Exercises For Stronger Legs (You’re Not Doing)

Looking for some amazing leg exercises to take your training to the next level? 

Then you’ll love these 8 lower body exercises I’ll share in this video!

These moves take those fundamental movements and add a little twist to the basics to help you progress through not just adding loads but also different types of tension, different loading placements, different bases of support and even different ranges of motion. 

There are so many ways to vary moves to match our specific needs and goals. With these tweaks you can even impact how much you are using specific muscles involved.

And it’s key we find different ways to progress, especially the longer we’ve been training! 

Hey guys, it’s Cori from Redefining Strength where we help you feel, look and move your best at any and every age.

While we are never above the basics, and should always return to them, we can make little tweaks to movements to keep our training fresh and interesting while creating progression in new and different ways. 

Especially the longer we’ve been training, the more we have to explore different options to create that progression and drive muscle growth.

These movement variations can also be fun as we get older to not just beat our bodies up by trying to force heavier loads or even to help us when we’ve hit a stickpoint with the weights we can move during a specific movement.

That’s why I wanted to share 8 amazing lower body exercises that create progression in different ways!

Move #1: Cable Step Up 

Step ups are a great unilateral leg exercise to help you strengthen each side independently to correct imbalances.

And while they work your entire leg, you can make them more glute intensive by changing how you load them down. 

By using a cable anchored down low to apply resistance to the movement, you can emphasize the resistance on the drive up, helping you to even better activate that glute on your working side. 

Hold a cable in one hand on the same side as the foot you’ve put on the bench. Focus on that push through that foot on the bench to drive up to standing as if a string was pulling you up by your head. 

That focus on the drive with the resistance of the cable will make you feel that glute working even more!

To modify this move, lower the bench or box. 

To make it even more glute intensive, use a higher box and even start on top only lowering down till your toe grazes the ground! 

Move #2: Staggered Stance Squat 

Squats are an important movement pattern to train. The more you learn to control that squatting movement, the more you can keep your knees and hips healthy and happy!

The Staggered Stance Squat variation puts an emphasis on each side independently without creating as much instability as a full single leg or pistol squat. 

Because your feet are staggered with your back foot back at the instep of your front foot and the heel raised, you are making one side work harder while also reducing the impact that your ankle mobility can have on your squat depth. 

Limited ankle dorsiflexion, or the ability to draw our toes up toward our shins, can lead to us not being able to squat as deep AND even putting more stress and strain on our knees as all of our weight shifts forward during a squat.

So this variation may be the tweak you need!

Just make sure you are lifting the heel of the foot staggered back and focusing your weight on that fully planted leg.

Do not stagger the foot too far back though and turn this into more of a lunge. 

You can progress this move by adding weights, even making it more core intensive by holding a dumbbell or kettlebell for a goblet squat, or you can modify this move by limiting the range of motion and sitting down to a bench or box.

Move #3: Double Banded Hip Thrusters

Hip Thrusters are a must-do move if you want to build strong glutes. 

But the barbell can be difficult to work with at times. 

And sometimes you want a variation more meant to be that accessory exercises after your lift to create that pump and burn while targeting your glute medius more.

That’s the beauty of the double banded hip thrusters. 

Not only will this move work your glute max, but the mini band around your legs will also really target your glute medius to improve your hip stability. 

The band over your hips, which is easiest to anchor off of j-hooks in a rig or squat rack, applies even more resistance as well at the top of the movement when your glutes are the strongest. 

Just make sure you really drive out against the mini band as you drive up against the resistance band. You want to fully extend your hips, while maintaining a posterior pelvic tilt to better engage your glutes and prevent yourself from arching your lower back and compensating.

Move #4: Deficit Split Squat 

Changing up the range of motion of a movement can impact the benefit we get from it. 

We can limit the range of motion to spend more time under tension or we can increase the range of motion to increase the challenge while also helping to improve our mobility and stability.

With the Deficit Split Squat, you are increasing the range of motion to help you strengthen your quads, hamstrings and glutes, but also improve your hip flexibility and mobility.

This is also a great way to vary up the Bulgarian Split Squat or Balance Lunge we often turn to, putting the emphasis on lifting up that front foot to increase the range of motion we move through. 

Just make sure you actually lower all the way down using that full range of motion. 

If you lift your front foot up but do not lunge any deeper, you aren’t getting the extra benefit of the range of motion. 

To advance this move, you can not only increase the height of what you’re standing on but also add loads.

And if you are just starting out, you can actually LIMIT the range of motion of the split squat as well to learn to control it by placing a block under your knee to help you learn to control the range of motion you have currently. 

Move #5: Landmine Band Deadlift

Deadlifts, or a hip hinge of some form, should be included in almost everyone’s workout routine at some point.

While deadlifts so often get demonized for causing lower back pain, learning to control the hip hinge properly can actually help you AVOID lower back issues as you get older. 

They are an amazing exercise to build that posterior chain and strengthen your glutes and hamstrings.

You can further target these muscles, and even force yourself to slow down the movement, while progressing it, by using two types of resistance – both bands and a barbell – like in the Landmine Band Deadlift. 

The fixed anchor of the barbell can also be helpful as it prevents the weights from drifting forward and away from your body like they can in a traditional deadlift which is also what can lead to lower back overload.

The band applies more tension at the top of the deadlift to work the glutes even more and forces you to slow down the eccentric portion of the movement, or the lowering down of the deadlift to really work those hamstrings. 

This is a great variation to improve your muscle hypertrophy without you trying to force a heavier load you aren’t yet ready to include.

And if you don’t have a landmine, you implement two types of resistances using dumbbells instead! 

Move #6: Bench Supported Single Leg Deadlift

While many of us don’t like the awkwardness of balance moves, like the single leg deadlift, especially because we can’t use as heavy a weight, they are key to include.

Working on that mind-body connection to improve our balance is key to help us avoid injury as we get older. And unilateral moves also help us correct imbalances and improve our core stability. 

However, if you are finding you’re not yet ready for the full balance challenge of the single leg deadlift, or you want to mix up your unilateral deadlift work while using heavier loads, you can do a bench supported variation.

This variation takes out some of the stability demands which may allow you to even better activate the hamstring of the standing leg. 

With this move, you will put your knee of your lifted leg back on a bench. You can then press down into this knee slightly as you hinge over, pushing your butt back. But you want to focus on really creating that tension through that standing leg. 

Press that standing foot down firmly into the ground and push the ground away as you drive back up to standing. If you add weights, lower the weights back toward your instep to protect your lower back and really help yourself sit your butt back as you hinge over. 

Move #7: Band Lean Backs

While this move may not be right for you if you have knee issues limiting your ability to knee or control knee flexion, this move is often demonized by those with knee pain when it can actually be a key component of rehab for some.

Because you’re also working your quads while in hip extension, this is also a great way to target the rectus femoris more than during a normal leg extension movement. 

And the band creates a great way to progress the basic bodyweight lean back and applies resistance in a different way than just holding a dumbbell up at your chest does. 

The band forces you to really control the eccentric portion of the move, or the lean back, and then applies more resistance on your quads as you drive back up to kneeling tall as the band stretches.

It makes your quads really work through the full range of motion!

The band can also be used to modify the movement if you face the anchor point as it will add assistance to help you control the lean back. 

Just really make sure you are moving at your knees to lean back and not just arching your lower back. 

Even focus on that glute engagement through the movement to keep your hips extended.

And if you really can’t kneel, you can still do quad flexes lying on a bench to get the benefits of a hip extended position to target that rectus femoris. 

Move #8: Airborne Lunge

Even without weights or equipment we can create workouts that challenge us.

One great way to do this is by creating less of a base of support and more instability in a movement. 

With the Airborne Lunge you are creating that instability by using only a single leg for support to balance and even making the basic lunge more challenging because of the range of motion you can perform with this movement.

This lunge can be a great way to build up toward that full pistol squat while targeting your glutes a bit more because it is more of a hip hinge movement.

When you do this exercise, you will hinge at the hips as you bend your knees to drop that back knee to touch the ground. You do not want to touch that back foot down. Just lightly touch your knee. Make sure your front heel stays down as you touch the ground. 

You can then make this move even more challenging by changing up the tempo and including a slower lower down or even a pause at the bottom.

To modify it, you can hold onto something in front of you or even place a block beneath your back knee to limit the range of motion you have to control to start! 

Every move we include should have a purpose and be based on our needs and goals. There is no one right exercise. No one best move.

There are so many ways to create variations that fit our needs and goals! 

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Hate Step Ups? Try this move instead!

Hate Step Ups? Try this move instead!

Not every variation of every move is going to be right for you.

Especially if you’ve had injuries in the past you’re rebuilding from.

If you’ve struggled with knee or hip pain, especially on one side, you may want to focus on unilateral moves.

Unilateral, or one sided moves, can help you correct imbalances while making sure that your stronger side isn’t taking over and compensating.

They can allow you to rebuild that weaker side while also avoiding overloading the weaker side by doing a move that your weaker side can’t keep up on.

But what if you’re including unilateral moves like the step up and they are still a struggle? What if you want to target your glutes more because you tend to be quad dominant?

Well then this variation is exactly what you need…


Sometimes it is small tweaks to moves that really add up. These adjustments can help us target specific muscles more and work better with our builds and current mind-body connection.

With the Step Down, this top down approach, can help you better focus on the hip hinge and only work through the range of motion you can truly control.

It is a great way to focus more on your glutes than your quads.

And you can really limit the range of motion to exactly what you can control without being able to cheat and push off your other foot.

It can also work well if you don’t have a range of box heights because you are so in control of how far you lower down.

So how do you do this great step up variation to improve your balance and target your glutes more?

How To Do The Step Down:

To do this move, start standing on top of a box to one side of the box. You want to place the opposite foot from the side you’re standing closest to close to the edge so the foot on that same side can actually hang off the box.

Press that foot on the edge into the box. This can help you better balance as you lower down, especially if you struggle.

Make sure you push the foot on top of the box solidly down into the box. Too often we don’t focus on that foundation to help us better activate muscles up our leg and even improve our stability.

Think of your foot as a tripod and push the two points in the ball of your foot and one in your heel down into the box.

Then begin to push your butt back. You want to start by hinging at the hips as you then bend your knee to lower your foot off the box to the ground. Do not be afraid to slightly lean forward as you lower.

You do not want to round your spine as you hinge.

Lower down only as far as you can control.

If you can lightly graze your toe on the ground, great. BUT you don’t want any weight to shift to the foot lowering down if it does touch the ground.

You will then drive back up to standing off the foot on top of the box. Stand tall at the top and squeeze that standing glute before repeating the move.

You can increase the height of the box as needed or even lower only half way down on the box if needed to start.

But you want to lower down only as far as you can control.

Because of the hip hinge with this movement over the traditional step up, you will be able to target your glutes more while still working your quads and hamstrings.

Make sure as you do this move, your knee stays in line with your hip and ankle. You do not want your knee caving in or bowing out.

Part of keeping everything in line relates back to you also focusing on that foot. Push through the entire foot and be conscious if you do feel yourself starting to rock in or out.


To modify this move, you may start with a smaller range of motion and increase as you build up. You can even start standing on a plate weight or only lower a few inches down on a taller box if that is what you have.

You can also create a balance assist by holding on to a pole or suspension trainer in front of you.

If you really struggle with your knee caving in, to help you better activate that glute medius to stabilize the hip and knee, you can also anchor a very light band to the opposite side of your standing leg and put it around your leg.

This gives you tension to push out against to activate the glute medius or that side butt muscle that stabilizes your hip and will improve that knee alignment. Just go light so you have that reminder but it doesn’t pull you into an incorrect position.

To advance the step down, you can hold a weight in close at your chest or even increase the height of the box to increase the range of motion.

Using This Move:

This is a great unilateral accessory exercise to include and most often will be done for 10-20 reps, although if you are adding loads you may find you do try to create a challenge at 8 reps.

Use it for higher reps if you are just starting out and doing more bodyweight based training!

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Lunge For Stronger Legs And Glutes – Functional Lunge Variations

Lunge For Stronger Legs And Glutes – Functional Lunge Variations

Squats and Deadlifts are often touted as the head honchos of lower body exercises because they are compound, functional exercises. Heck, the deadlift is even held in high esteem as a back exercise. And while both moves are a great way to strengthen your lower body, you can’t forget about lunges.

Lunges very often take a back seat in our programming. They aren’t the main lift and, often when they are used, they are aren’t used in every direction like they could be.

But the Lunge is an extremely functional exercise that we need to include in our workouts.

Lunges work your entire leg and can target your legs from a variety of angles as you move in different directions. While most Squat and Deadlift variations are sagittal plane movements.

Lunges are also a very “reactive” movement as well. Think about when you move or react to change directions or go after a ball or even chase a child around a playground…You’ll be surprised by how often it is a lunge like movement to react and change directions and chase.

So if you’re moving like that and constantly moving and lunging in every direction, why wouldn’t you want to strengthen those same movements in your workouts? Why would you ONLY focus on sagittal plane lifts like the deadlift and squat?


Start strengthening your legs and glutes with these wonderfully functional Lunge Variations.
