Are Planks Overrated? 3 Tips To Improve Your Planks

Are Planks Overrated? 3 Tips To Improve Your Planks

Many believe the plank to be one of the best core exercises out there, but it’s has also become very overrated.

The plank has now become an overrated core exercise because most people use it incorrectly.

So maybe it isn’t the plank so much as people’s interpretation of the plank that is overrated…Either way…if you’re going to do them incorrectly, they are highly overrated!

How do people use the plank incorrectly?


Perfecting The Plank and a Core Burn Out Workout

Perfecting The Plank and a Core Burn Out Workout

Planks are always a popular exercise. And with good reason. They are a great core exercise!

The problem is…it has become a competition to hold a plank the longest. When how long you can hold a plank isn’t near as important as your ability to properly engage and contract the muscles of your core intensely.

It is a much better test of core strength to challenge yourself to engage the muscles of your core so intensely that you create “shakeage” within seconds of starting the plank rather than compensating just to hold longer. If you can engage your muscles so intensely that they are shaking, you will be able to use your core and recruit the muscles of your core more efficiently during other movements.

Developing proper core strength and learning how to properly engage the muscles of your core is why you should truly be including planks in your workout routine. You want to use them to strengthen your mind-body connection!

Below are some tips to help you get the most out of the Basic Plank as well as a few basic variations and a great core burn out workout.

