The “Trouble Zones” Bodyweight Burner

The “Trouble Zones” Bodyweight Burner

Yea yea yea…we’ve all heard we can’t spot reduce an area.

And while this is true to some extent, doing workouts focused on the areas we would like to “improve” while dialing in our diet is ESSENTIAL if we want results.

We build the lean muscle that looks amazing with our workouts and then REVEAL that muscle with our diet.

By working specific areas with more focused movements, we can mobilize the fatty acids in the surrounding tissues.

So if you do moves focused on your triceps, you can mobilize more fatty acids in the tissues around your triceps.

But you can’t just then do a bazillion tricep extensions and expect results. You’ve got to put those mobilized fatty acids to work to burn them off!

That’s why you want to include moves to target your trouble zones while also burning off those mobilized fatty acids with compound moves and cardio!

You can do all of these things in a single workout even. Even if you only have your own bodyweight and 10 minutes!

So if you need a killer, quick workout to target some of those common “trouble zones,” like your abs, glutes, inner thighs and triceps, you’ll love this Burner workout from my 28-Day Core Burner program! (And if you need help with the diet side of this things, this program does have that option!)

The 10-Minute Trouble Zones Burner

Set a timer for 20 second intervals of work and move quickly from one move to the next. Try not to rest during the 20 seconds of work, but modify as needed. Complete 3 rounds then perform the active rest for about 20 seconds and move on to 3 rounds of the second circuit. Beginners may rest fully instead of doing the Wacky Jacks.

20 seconds Mountain Climber Burpee
20 seconds per side Curtsy Lunge to Leg Lift
20 seconds Alternating Leg V-Ups

20 seconds Wacky Jacks

20 seconds Alternating side Lunges with Hops
20 seconds per side Tricep Push Ups
20 seconds Spiderman Mountain Climbers

If you love this workout, check out the entire 28-Day Core Burner program…there are even follow along workouts if you enjoy doing a video workout with me!

Master The Deadlift – Beginner Variations

Master The Deadlift – Beginner Variations

The Deadlift is a technical movement and one that can be…well…scary!

But there are ways to break down the exercise and perfect that hip hinge movement even if you, or your client, is just starting out!

So what does the Deadlift work?

The Deadlift will work your entire backside – your upper back, lats, hamstrings and glutes. It will also work your abs.

But too often people ONLY feel their lower back working, which can lead to overload and injury. It’s why sometimes the Deadlift can be considered a “dangerous” move.

And that’s why it is key we first really learn how to perform the Deadlift hip hinge movement pattern correctly.

The hip hinge is a movement where you hinge or bend at the hips to push your butt back toward the wall behind you.

The key is really pushing your butt back so you can balance and load your glutes.

Your knees will be soft, but unlike a squat, you will not try to sink or lower your butt toward the ground. Bending your knees should NOT be your focus. The exact amount of knee bend you include will even vary based on the Deadlift variation you use.

While most often we see this exercise done with a barbell, that variation is more advanced than we give it credit for.

So if you, or your client, is just starting out and trying to learn how to properly hinge at the hips to load the glutes, you may not want to jump right into using the barbell.

Instead using a tool like a kettlebell (dumbbells work too) or band can be a good place to start.

The kettlebell or dumbbells make it easier to focus on loading your glutes while still working your upper back, lats, abs and hamstrings without your weight shifting forward.

While the band allows you to break down the movement a bit and really focus on working your glutes using the hip hinge movement. This move is actually a great accessory exercise as well to include even as you advance (aka I use this even with many of my advanced lifters to strengthen their glutes!).

And if you’ve wanted to use the Single Leg Deadlift (either yourself or with your clients) to improve your balance and prevent injuries, but your balance is…well…not so good, the slider and 80/20 variations are great option.

Both of these give you a balance “assist” while still forcing each side to work independently.

But even though these may take out some of the balance challenge, they aren’t easy moves by any means and even advanced exercisers should include them as accessory exercises because they do allow you to potentially use heavier loads than the full unilateral or single leg variation.

So if you are just starting out, or training a client new to exercise, and want to use that amazing Deadlift movement, try these variations to start!

Make sure to watch the full video for more tips and coaching cues!

Want To Learn More To Really MASTER The Deadlift?

Check out my Mastery Series – Deadlift Edition!

5 Bodyweight Cardio Moves For Fat Loss

5 Bodyweight Cardio Moves For Fat Loss

Yes…DIET IS KEY if you want to lose fat.

BUT for the quickest and best fat loss results possible?

Both diet AND exercise must work together.

You don’t get that lean strong look WITHOUT dialing in your training.

As I like to say, abs aren’t made in the kitchen…they’re REVEALED in the kitchen.

And that is why pairing a healthy diet with a proper workout routine is key.

(If you need help with the diet side of things, CLICK HERE…otherwise let’s have some workout fun!)

The 30/10 Bodyweight Fat Torcher

Set a timer for 30 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest to transition to the next exercise in the circuit. Do not rest during the 30 seconds of work. It is better to modify the move so that you can keep moving!

Complete 4-6 rounds through the circuit. If needed, you may add in an extra 40-90 seconds of rest between rounds. Otherwise only rest the 10 seconds between moves!

30 seconds Skier Hop Burpee
10 seconds Rest
30 seconds Double Pulse Squat Jumps
10 seconds Rest
30 seconds Half Burpee with Push Up
10 seconds Rest
30 seconds Squat Jump Bulldogs
10 seconds Rest
30 seconds Crawl with Sit Thru
10 seconds Rest

Remember, the key is to keep moving the entire 30 seconds while performing QUALITY reps. If you feel your form faltering or you have to rest, try regressing the movements.

Now…Let the sweat fly with this fun 30/10 workout!


If you are struggling with a move, these quick tips will help. I have a whole section on modifying moves to fit your needs in the Cardio Burner program too!

Skier Hop Burpee: To modify, step back on the burpee instead of jumping or even put your hands on a bench instead of going all the way down to the ground.

Double Pulse Squat Jumps: Take out the jump and just do a squat to calf raise instead of leaving the ground. You can even squat to a bench if you need to protect your knees.

Half Burpee with Push Up: Take out the push up or go down to your knees to do the push up. You can even do this off a bench instead of off the ground.

Squat Jump Bulldogs: Instead of doing the jump knee tuck, do a basic bodyweight squat. You can also also walk back instead of a single push back from the squat position.

Crawl with Sit Thru: To modify, keep both hands on the ground for the sit thru and even keep more of a plank position. You can also do the crawl on your knees if needed.

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