FHP 665 – Get Discomfortable

FHP 665 – Get Discomfortable








Hey guys, this is Cori from Redefining Strength. Welcome to the Fitness Hacks Podcast. This is the show where I share all my free workout and nutrition tips. I’m not going to ever fill this episode with sponsorships or ask you to buy anything. All I ask in return is if you’re enjoying the podcast to leave a review or leave a five star rating, or even better share it with somebody you think it might help. This will only take a few minutes and would mean the world to me and possibly change the life of someone. So let’s jump right in. Discomfort is where growth lives. This thought occurred to me at about 3:00 AM and it was right before we were going into our first day of the act as If retreat, and I wanted to start the weekend off with a great message and set the tone for everything.

And this thought occurred to me, discomfort is where growth lives. And with that, I was like, well, this weekend we’re going to make everybody really uncomfortable. And I kind of chuckled to myself because, yes, I know the actual word is uncomfortable, discomfort. It’s not uncomfortable. But then as I thought about this phrasing of it, we’re going to make ourselves uncomfortable. I liked it more and more because so often what happens is we hear uncomfortable and we get uncomfortable. We push back against wanting to make the change. But the second I phrased it as uncomfortable, all of a sudden it was kind of like, huh, okay, maybe I’m going to do this. There was a lower barrier to entry. There wasn’t that wall that went up. And we really need to find ways to help ourselves overcome that hurdle, overcome the resistance against the hard, the resistance against the change if we want to make a change and see the results we want.

Because being uncomfortable living in that discomfort is where we’re going to see that growth really happen because we’re pushing our comfort zone. We’re pushing yourself to have to overcome something. So I started thinking more and more about this, and especially with the holidays coming up and some of the challenges we’re going to have, but really at any time of year, we’re going to need to make a change. And so we’re going to have to embrace being a little uncomfortable, and we need to be almost grateful for it. The more we can be grateful for the challenges, the more we’re going to embrace making changes, the more we’re going to see that strength and confidence built, because we don’t just naturally have these things. These are something that are created through what we overcome. Yet so often, we do want to run from these struggles. We want to run from these challenges.

We don’t want to go back to being a beginner, to feeling foolish, to feeling bad at something. But it’s only when we actually are faced with obstacles that we learn something new, that we move forward towards our goals. We really don’t succeed when times are easy. We succeed because of the failures and the struggles that teach us different things. And I mean, if you really think about what failures are, they’re not moving forward. They’re just learning with frustration. Those are the things that ultimately catapult us into the new goals that we want. So I just wanted to have you have this perspective when you’re going into something new and you’re looking for that growth, instead of pushing back, push into the discomfort, even tell yourself, I’m going to be discomfort. Just so even mentally, your attitude slightly shifts around what you’re about to do, and you maybe have a little bit of amusement with it because that is where growth is going to happen.

You’re not going to get good at something by turning back every time you hit that hard, because that is what we often want to do. We hit the same hard, we go back, we try and find another way around it. Oh, this diet didn’t work for me because of X, Y, and Z thing. Let me find another way around instead of saying, Hey, why didn’t this really work? Okay, yes, maybe I tried a low carb diet, so I’m blaming it on the fact that I like carbs and I’m going low carb. But let’s take a deeper look at this. Is it really just the carbs? Is it the restriction? Is it that I tried to do too much? The more we can sort of see it as a why funnel, asking ourselves why getting more specific with really diagnosing the problem, really digging into it, even the emotional component that might be there, how different tools or tactics are tied to previous experiences.

And I bring that up because when we think about tracking, often that is something we are very comfortable with tracking. We don’t like to do it. We see it as hard. We see it as restrictive. If we ask ourselves why, we often learn, okay, well, I’ve always done tracking when I’ve had to cut out. And then because I’ve had to cut out things, I felt restricted and I felt miserable, and I felt hungry and I felt deprived, and then the results didn’t snowball the way I felt they should, and I didn’t see my effort being worth the outcome that I was getting. And so there’s all these other things that are actually tied to that tactic, that tool of tracking that if we don’t break down with the why and the why funnel sometimes is really narrowing it down to what it really is is uncomfortable in and of itself.

We’re never going to move forward. We so often run from what is uncomfortable. We run from the discomfort, and that really is what we need to embrace more of if we want to see results. So I would challenge you as you’re going to push into a new goal, to be grateful for this discomfort, to be grateful for your mistakes, to be grateful for your flaws, because that is what’s going to teach you the most. We always hear that change results happen outside our comfort zone, yet so often we aren’t willing to push it. And I do also say this, recognizing that there’s only so much discomfort we can really embrace at one time, and if we do too much, we’re going to rebel against it. That is Newton’s the third law. Every force has an equal and opposite reaction to it. And so the more we push into something, the more we’re going to get that push back.

So we need to recognize that and recognize that sometimes we have to sort of slowly push the edges of the comfort zone versus just busting through them and out of them. But there is going to be a little bit of uncomfortableness, uncomfortableness with it, but we want to try and see what we can do to really make it as easy as possible to make those changes. So I just urge you, instead of running from it, instead of pushing back, find a way to allow that attitude to embrace it, because that is where we’re going to see the best results happen. Stop running for the hard, be grateful for it. So again, discomfort is where growth lives. Find ways to make yourself comfortable and think of it in that term so that you lower that barrier against it just a little bit every time you have to push into it. Thanks for listening to the Fitness Hack Podcast. Again, this is the place where I share all my free workout and nutrition tips. I’m never going to run sponsorships or ask you to buy anything. All I ask in return is if you’re enjoying the podcast to leave a rating, review or share it with someone you think it might help. This will only take a few minutes and it would mean the world to me and possibly change the life of someone you know.


*Please Note: this transcript is auto-generated and there may be some errors in the transcript

The Weakest Muscle in Your Lower Body (Your Glute Medius)

The Weakest Muscle in Your Lower Body (Your Glute Medius)

Stop ignoring this muscle…

The Glute Medius.

The thing is…we THINK we’re doing a ton of exercises to work this muscle and target it at times.

But all too often we’re doing the “right” moves and compensating because of previous injuries and tight hip flexors from sitting for most of the day.

We’re letting our TFL, a hip flexor, or our piriformis, a butt muscle that turns the hip out and open, take over for the glute medius.

And this not only doesn’t help us build stronger glutes, but perpetuates the aches and pains and injuries FURTHER.

So all of that hard work we’re putting in to correct the problem is actually making it worse.

That’s why I want to break down how to actually make sure your glute medius is working and form tweaks to 2 basic glute medius moves I see people doing all of the time and not truly benefiting from.

I’ll also share a few bonus prehab tips to help you get more out of your glute activation exercises in general!

But first, I need to mention the most important part of activating the correct muscles during movements…

Not just going through the motions with exercises!

You need to actually ask yourself as you do the moves, “Where and what do I feel working?”

This mind-body connection is key. And starting out it may be more of a challenge.

You may not feel anything working when you think about it.

The key is learning to notice when other muscles are taking over.

Which is why I want to help you understand how to know your glute medius is truly working…

This starts with understanding where you DON’T want to feel the move.

And you don’t want to feel this move in your TFL, piriformis or down your IT band. Now if you have no idea where these things are, don’t worry, I’m about to break all of this down!

Let’s start with the TFL…

It is key to note that the TFL, or tensor fascia latae if you want to be all fancy, IS an abductor muscle like the glute medius so IS going to work with lateral raise movements too. It helps raise your leg out to the side and stabilize lateral movement.

But too often it is becoming overworked leading to hip, back, IT band and even knee and ankle issues because we aren’t aware it is taking over for the glute medius.

To feel where your TFL is so you can notice when it is working, put your hand on the front top of your pelvis down your leg as you’re lying on your side.

Rotate your toe down toward the ground, turning your leg all the way up toward your hip.

You’ll feel the TFL flex as you do this movement. That’s where you then DON’T want to feel the main part of any lateral raise type movements you do if you want to target your glute medius.

Next the piriformis…

Now this muscle will assist more with external rotation type exercises, so moves where you’re lifting your leg out to the side but also rotating your hip open or turning your toe out.

To notice your piriformis working instead, you will want to lie on your side and put your hand were the top of your back pocket on your pants would be. Then turn your toe open toward the ceiling, externally rotating your hip. You’ll feel that piriformis muscle flex.

Again you don’t want to feel this taking over during those glute medius lateral raise, abduction movements.

And the last area I want to mention is the IT Band as often we can feel tension down the side of our thigh during these movements as we start to progress them.

Part of this is because of the TFL’s connection to our IT Band and that becoming overworked.

But also because we aren’t focusing on the lift coming from our glute.

If you feel tension down the outside of your leg, you will want to then check to feel if your TFL is really flexed during the exercise especially or if you feel your glute medius working.

Now…I want to help you find your glute medius so you can check to feel it working in moves when you can’t yet just feel it activating with that mind-body connection yet.

Then I want to dive into the 2 moves and form tweaks you can make to help you make sure this muscle is powering the movement.

To find your glute medius so you can place your hand on this muscle even during moves to feel it working and build that mind-body connection, set up half kneeling with one leg forward and your knee bent to 90 degrees.

You want your knee right over your ankle.

Take your hand on the same side and place your thumb in your hip crease with your palm resting fat at the outer hip joint.

Your palm is resting on your glute medius.

Keeping your palm there, lie on your side and lift your leg straight up to the side.

You “should” feel it working.

But if you don’t, this is where the tweaks to form with basic moves is key!

Because form with exercises isn’t so binary and just good or bad.

There are tweaks we can make to work with our builds and our recruitment patterns, or how we’ve taught our body to use muscles based on daily movements and injuries.

Since we used the basic lateral raise to find these muscles, I want to start with this move and the adjustments you can make to this exercise to really make sure you feel your glute medius working!

The Basic Lateral Raise:

The lateral raise exercise can be done standing or lying down and you can use a variety of tools, including mini bands to progress it.

But before you advance it, you want to be able to really activate your glute medius with just your own bodyweight.

You have to EARN the addition of resistance, or even a bigger range of motion. And you earn that by being able to engage a muscle with just your own bodyweight.

If you struggle doing the lateral raise with feeling those other areas we went over and not your glute medius, the first change to the move you may want to make is your hip rotation, which often we can see in our TOE ANGLE.

Is your toe and foot pointing straight ahead? Turned open? Or down toward the ground?

If you’re struggling to feel your glute medius, you may find it isn’t turned down toward the ground and that internally rotating your hip and turning your toe down toward the ground actually HELPS.

While having your foot parallel to the ground and toe pointing forward isn’t wrong in the slightest nor is turning your toe open, often those make it harder for us to avoid compensating to start.

If you turn your toe down and still don’t feel your glute, notice your body alignment.

Are your hips slightly flexed? Is your torso slightly forward or legs slightly in front creating a slight bend in your hips?

If so, straighten out and squeeze your glutes to drive your hips into extension. Do not arch your back. Just extend your hips with your glutes.

This engagement of your glute max can help.

You can also then slightly kick back as you raise your leg out to the side.

This also focuses the move more on your glutes to help prevent the TFL, which flexes the hips, from engaging.

Kicking back into a wall even and holding that pressure as you raise can even help further if the basic kickback isn’t enough.

Just to recap the tweaks…

Turn the toe down toward the ground, rotating your hip toward the ground. Keep this position during the move. If you’re standing, you’re turning your toe in toward your other leg.

Make sure your lying in a straight line with your glutes engaged.

Kick back slightly as you lift even pushing into a wall through the entire move.

The next move I wanted to cover is The Clamshell.

This is a move that anyone with back pain, hip pain, knee pain, ankle pain has probably been given in physical therapy.

And it is an amazing move, when done correctly.

But so often this move isn’t done while targeting the glute medius and we don’t even realize it.

With the clam, we tend to focus on range of motion and making it a bigger movement, which really is just more external rotation of the hip and often leads to us feeling the piriformis more.

To stop us focusing so much on the range of motion, place a yoga blocks between your feet. This helps you really focus on lifting from your glutes and makes the move very small.

Sometimes shrinking the range of motion on an exercise to start can help.

Because, while we do want to strengthen muscles through a full range of motion, we first need to isolate to activate at times.

So using the yoga block you can focus on just that small movement to lift the knee open.

This also helps you avoid any toe rotation and therefore extra hip rotation. This keeps your feet locked in parallel.

But if you don’t have a block, just like with the lateral raise, even turning your toe down over your bottom foot can help you focus on that glute medius and restrict the range of motion of the clam too!

You can also put your back against a wall to help you avoid rotating open or swinging your leg if you don’t have a yoga block while almost seeing the exercise as you working to STOP the lift open.

And just like the lateral raise, we also want to pay attention to the amount of hip flexion we have during the exercise or how much our hips are bent.

The more out in front of you your knees are, the more your hips will be bent, which can make it harder to feel your glute medius and easier for your TFL to compensate.

And while you may adjust the degree of hip flexion to target different aspects of the glute medius eventually, to start you want to find the positioning that allows you to make sure your glute is working.

Keeping your hips more extended can help and the wall behind you can be a guide to set up.

To recap these tweaks quickly…

Use a yoga block or wall to help you avoid making the exercise movement bigger than it needs to be and focus on that glute lifting.

Adjust how bent your hips are to even extend your hips more and engage your glutes better.

Turn your top toe down over your bottom foot to help limit the range of motion and focus on that glute even stopping the lifting through engaging.

Then as you feel your glute medius working in both of these moves, you can add resistance.

A mini band placed often on the thighs is a great way to start.

Placing a light resistance closer to our hips helps us really focus on still feeling our glute medius working as we create more of a challenge for the muscle to strengthen it!

Now if you’re still struggling with feeling everything but your glute medius working right from the start, you should NOT add resistance.

And you want to make sure you’re doing that full prehab process, including foam rolling and stretching prior to these activation moves.

Foam roll your TFL and your piriformis to help relax and release those muscles.
Stretch your hip flexors to allow your glutes to engage better.

THEN do these activation moves.

And don’t be afraid to pause in your activation to use those foam rolling moves especially if you do feel something compensating.

But don’t just keep pushing through!

Because what you feel working is getting all of the benefit of the exercise. Make sure the muscles you want are truly being worked!

If you want to improve your hip stability, avoid knee, hip and lower back aches and pains, lift more, run faster and cycle further, stop ignoring the importance of making sure your glute medius is actually benefiting from all the exercises you are doing!

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FHP 664 – The Power Of 1%

FHP 664 – The Power Of 1%








Speaker 1 (00:00):
Hey guys, this is Cori from Redefining Strength. Welcome to the Fitness Hacks Podcast. This is the show where I share all my free work, workout, and nutrition tips. I’m not going to ever fill this episode with sponsorships or ask you to buy anything. All I ask in return is if you’re enjoying the podcast to leave a review or leave a five star rating or even better share it with somebody you think it might help. This will only take a few minutes and would mean the world to me and possibly change the life of someone. So let’s jump right in. Your all or nothing attitude is why nothing has ever worked. And if you’re thinking right now is not the right time to start something you wrong, right now is the perfect time to start something because things aren’t necessarily going perfectly to plan or you have other priorities, and this is really the power of the 1%.

When we make changes, we wait for that perfect time. We think we need to do everything all at once, and this ultimately is what sabotages us because not only are we designing for an ideal time, which most of life isn’t really, but we’re also doing so much all at once. We ultimately overwhelm ourselves. It’s why we might’ve thought in the past, I just don’t have the willpower. Some of us have more willpower than I do. I’m just not disciplined. We never allowed that to actually build by meeting ourselves where we’re at. So we have to remember that small changes can yield big results when they snowball over time and we get good at what we consistently do. So in terms of the power of the 1%, if you’re thinking it’s not the right time, you have other priorities, own them. Assess what they really are, look at your lifestyle and break it down and then say, what is something so silly, simple, on the worst of worst days, I could do it because the more right now isn’t the right time to start.

It is the right time because you can plan for what life is really going to throw at you. You can make changes that you know can actually become disciplined with because they’re based on what you need and need right now. So often we do even get stuck in January making changes and then not assessing what we’ll need during the summer during the holidays next year. And that’s why we create habits that don’t work. We don’t allow them to even evolve even if they do work for a specific time of year. Because as our body, our needs and goals change not only over the years, but even over the course of a single year. The exact habits we do and how we implement them will need to shift and evolve. But the more we’ve created discipline through 1% changes off of where we are currently, the more we’ll have sort of that higher foundation, our lows will be less low.

So if right now feels like the wrong time, really look at on my worst of worst days, what can I do? Can I drink a little bit more water today? Can I track my protein and increase it by 10 grams at one meal just adding an egg into one meal? Can I do a five minute workout? I like to think of this approach even as the one minute change. What can I do for one minute that can have an impact? And while it might seem silly today, that one minute, if you think about it, if you do one minute for 365 days, that’s 365 minutes. That’s over six hours of change that you’ve done a lot of times through that one minute. We don’t stop at one minute. You don’t go wash your dishes and do one minute. You usually finish the entire dirty dishes in the sink.

You do everything that you should when you start that workout for one minute, most of the time you do a whole workout. You do everything that you outlined and the few times that you don’t, you still did one thing and you usually feel more successful for it. You want to do more the next day. So there’s really a build to it. But I want you to take the approach of what can I even do for one minute, even if it seems very simple right now? Because we have to remember that a lot of the power of change isn’t in the actual action we’re doing. It isn’t in the habit. And that singular instance, it’s the success mindset we’re creating. Because the more you do, the more you do, the more you feel successful, the more you want to do. As you see those results snowball, think about how motivating that is.

Think about even the workout. You didn’t want to do the one that you really, really just wanted to lay on the couch, not go do, and you did it anyway. You feel so good for overcoming that hard. So if you can get yourself to do one minute, not only will you do more, but you’ll make a change that can allow you to build. And the more we meet ourselves where we’re at, the more we’re going to create that discipline. Because discipline is really built off of doing things consistently. And what we can do consistently is something that does feel really easy to start. The more we try and just bust that comfort zone over pushing the limit slowly, the more we ultimately are relying on motivation and willpower, which are very fleeting. We’re relying on things going well, all of our priorities being in line with this specific goal, which really honestly isn’t most of life.

So the more you can sneak something in, almost feel like you’re not making that change, the more you do become disciplined with it because it already feels more natural. And as you feel that success build, you become more willing, there’s a less of a mental barrier against making bigger changes. You feel more comfortable being uncomfortable in more ways because you’ve seen that success and you feel yourself even becoming stronger and more confident in your ability to change. So I would really urge you if you’ve had that all or nothing attitude. If you’re at a time where you’re like, well, now it’s not the right time. Own the priorities you have. Own everything going on right now and plan for it instead of trying to wait for some perfect situation because that’s really what’s so often kept us stuck, spinning our wheels, feeling like nothing will ever work for us off of this.

I do want to announce my new 21 day challenges that are available through Cyber Monday. Shameless plug for them, but they are built off of the power of the 1% in those small changes done daily because the more we think, what’s one thing I can do today? How can I build off that tomorrow? And the more we do that, the more we’re going to unlearn old habits as we implement new ones and not just be relying on willpower. We’re going to see those changes truly snowball because we’re meeting ourselves where we’re at. So whether you want to improve your gut health or kickstart your metabolism or manage the symptoms of menopause, I really want you to check out my 21 day challenges that are available through Black Friday till Cyber Monday. They will not be available after that, but make sure to check them out and really get started building towards the that you want in a sustainable way, because we don’t want to look good, feel good for one day, we want those results to last forever. Thanks for listening to the Fitness Hack podcast. Again. This is the place where I share all my free workout and nutrition tips. I’m never going to run sponsorships or ask you to buy anything. All I ask in return is if you’re enjoying the podcast to leave a rating, review or share it with someone you think it might help. This will only take a few minutes and it would mean the world to me and possibly change the life of someone I.


The 3 Phases Of Fat Loss (And How to DO IT RIGHT!)

The 3 Phases Of Fat Loss (And How to DO IT RIGHT!)

To lose fat you don’t just do one thing the whole time. There are phases and cycles.

Your diet and your workouts should EVOLVE.

That’s why I want to go over 3 different phases you can cycle through during your fat loss journey to see amazing results that LAST and know you’re progressing over time.

Because we have to trust the process…but that is easier said than done.

Not to mention our body needs and goals evolve over time and we have to meet them where they are at, which means at times what was working may not work based on what we need right now and we need to adjust.

That’s also why these 3 phases aren’t just a step 1, 2, 3 kind of thing.

You may go in and out of these phases based on YOUR progress and even desire for faster results at times over more of a lifestyle balance.

And you may return to even phase 2 at points as you even maintain your new lean, strong look!

So the 3 phases I’m going to go over are….

The Lifestyle Build

The Mini Cut

The Diet Break

Let’s start with the main Fat Loss Phase where you’ll find you spend most of your time…what I call the Lifestyle Build.

I just want to be clear about one thing…

What you do to reach your fat loss goal is not what you will do to MAINTAIN your results.

There is a transition to maintenance which I’ll go over more with Diet Breaks.

But you DO want to be creating sustainable habit changes as you lose fat because you can’t just do one thing to lose then go back to what you were doing prior.

And so often our desire to lose faster leads us to doing practices that also ultimately backfire in metabolic adaptations and mental burnout.

This is so often why we end up just losing weight to regain it and even more right after.

That’s why I recommend you most often START with this phase and spend most of your time in the Lifestyle Build.

With this phase, you’re slowly tweaking your nutrition and workouts in a way that truly meets you where they are at in a way that is based off of 1% improvements.

You’ll often track your current diet and workouts first.

You’ll focus on what feels like a realistic schedule to train based on what you easily can do right now.

You’ll take a hard look at your current habits and truly OWN what you’re doing now to adjust.

Then select a small change that feels like it is so silly simple you could do it on the worst of worst days even.

Too often we base changes off what we can do when life is perfect.

But because life often is NOT perfect, we create habits we can’t maintain over ones that we can get disciplined with quickly because they are just only slightly pushing our comfort zone over completely outside it.

This then builds momentum to do MORE and see results snowball faster and faster.

But it helps us ease in over overwhelming ourselves with habits we’re willpowering our way through.

Because too often we do so much we overload ourselves and mentally rebel.

We feel restricted. We feel like nothing will work for us because it’s too much.

The excuses pop up because we have other priorities fighting the changes.

In this phase, you’ll want to start even with a minimalist macros approach and a very small calorie deficit.

Once you see what calories you’re maintaining, or gaining weight with by tracking your current diet, you will cut out 100-200 calories and focus on nutrition by addition and adding protein.

You want to work to get your protein to 30-35% of your calorie intake to start.

This focus only on calories and protein simplifies with a clear focus.

It also helps us find our balance including foods we love while also fueling our body in the way it needs.

It’s about true changes to our lifestyle over forcing ourselves into a mold and demonizing foods.

From here you may begin to cycle macros and even adjust carbs and fat.

You want to adjust macros over cutting calories further, using those changes in energy source and even higher protein, up to 40%, to help you continue to see fat loss happen.

However, if you find your current calorie intake, while you aren’t losing and even gaining, is 1200 or below, you may want to start with phase 3, a diet break first!

And with these diet changes, you will also focus your workouts on a balance of strength and cardio.

We can’t out exercise our diet, but both need to work together to help us lose fat while not losing muscle and avoid metabolic adaptations.

Cardio especially with this deficit may be more focused on sprint intervals and walking while we focus on still lifting heavy.

We don’t want to turn to cardio only!

During this phase, you will also want to continue to push and challenge yourself with weights in the gym. Doing everything you can to build muscle while in a small deficit will help you better maintain your results.

Workouts may be slightly more metabolic strength though with things like circuits or even some interval strength training.

Now how can you know things are going well…

I will tell you the scale is NOT necessarily going to be your friend.

Because you’re after fat loss, not just weight loss. And slow progress on the scale doesn’t mean you aren’t losing fat – it means you’re not losing muscle too and creating unsustainable changes.

So often when we start our fat loss journey, we do so much we deplete our body completely, leading to fast scale results, only to see every little deviation from our diet or workouts lead to massive gains.

And of course, we regain the weight…which is what has brought you to this video to finally see the fat loss results you deserve.
So with seeing true fat loss results you can expect to see these signs during the Lifestyle Build…

#1: You will see inches being lost while the scale will be SLOW to change.

#2: You may lose up to 1lbs per week but no more.

#3: Your energy can dip then level off as you adjust to changes in your macros and that initial little deficit. Your calorie deficit will be small so you shouldn’t be starving if you do this right! You may even feel FULLER with the change in macros!

#4: Workout numbers should still consistently improve.

But you shouldn’t see massive swings in how you feel or like you’re starving. So often we try to lose fat, end up hangry and just then binge on whatever we can find when we can’t stand the restriction any longer.

That won’t happen if you do this right because you’re creating that very small calorie deficit!

Just note…tracking is key! And one day off plan, the “I was good all week” to fall off on the weekends, can have a massive impact because you’re creating that smaller calorie deficit over the week.

So be aware of those patterns to make small adjustments!

But also note, results are consistent but fat loss isn’t something that’s going to happen overnight.

If you do know that you need that initial bigger change to stay motivated, while you will spend most of your journey in this phase to prevent metabolic adaptations especially through a higher calorie intake and balanced training, you may start with phase 2…

The Mini Cut.

The Mini Cut is an intensive fat loss protocol…

And not fun.

It is more restrictive, going to be tougher macros and a bigger calorie deficit.

It is a kickstart or plateau buster.

It is a short term, quick fat loss sprint to be used strategically.

While I prefer to start with the Lifestyle Build to ease in to change and create more motivation to do more, sometimes we need that extra little push to see results happen then dial things back to embrace the process.

We need the motivation of that quicker result to help us want to keep going.

That’s where Mini Cuts come in.

Generally done for 7-14 days, these kickstarts will put you in a 500 calorie deficit off what you’re maintaining your weight at.

They will also mean tracking EVERYTHING PRECISELY and adjusting your protein, carb and fat with a full macro breakdown.

They are not fun ratios either. Your protein is going to be 40% at minimum and often up to 45-50%.

Your fat and carbs will often be in that 20-30% range.

And food quality matters. This isn’t the time to work in foods you love. Or to include your alcohol or lifestyle balance.

This is a CUT.

Your energy may take a hit.

This won’t be the time to focus on performance goals.

Mentally this will be harder. BUT you know it is short term.

And unlike fad diets, this is still based off the fundamentals of macros and a training progression and you have an EXIT STRATEGY.

Your workouts should also shift away from cardio during this time aside from walking.

The big deficit puts you at risk for losing muscle, which is why protein goes up and intensive cardio goes down.

Workouts should be very focused on strength!

And rest between rounds will be key. Don’t cut it out.

Then after your Mini Cut 7-14 days, you will slowly increase calories over the weeks, 100-200 at a time to get back to either your maintenance or small Lifestyle Build calorie deficit as you drop your macros back to something more sustainable.

Mini Cuts are a great way too as you reach your fat loss goals to maintain the level of leanness you want year around.

Because even as you maintain, you can throw one in if you’re going to travel or have been a little lax around the holidays.

They can be that push for balance with the ebb and flow of life.

If you do a Mini Cut…some signs you’re doing it right…

#1: The scale may change up to 5 pounds during this quick protocol.

#2: Bloat will go down fast.

#3: Energy may dip.

#4: Workout numbers may not improve.

#5: Some hanger and cravings may pop up but remember it is a short sprint!

While Mini Cuts can be satisfying in the faster progress you see on the scale, doing MORE of them will backfire and not lead to faster fat loss and even potentially metabolic adaptations where you see weight creep on as you eat less and less.

So be conscious not to extend them out past 21 days and to slowly increase out of them.

And do not do them if you’re currently eating 1200 calories or in a big deficit already.

If you are in a deficit already of 100-200 calories, consider cutting no more than 300 off and even consider a Diet Break before or after!

Which brings me to Phase 3…Diet Breaks.

Sometimes the best thing we can do is do less to achieve more.

Slow down to speed up.

Sometimes our body, and mind needs a break!

This is where Diet Breaks can be key.

After an extended time in a deficit, our body adjusts.

And too often we cut calories lower when this happens. But then we adjust again. And unless we end up eating nothing, we can’t keep cutting calories lower and lower.

Not to mention if we cut calories too low, our body will actually find ways to reduce our energy expenditure to match which is why we can stop losing and even start gaining as we eat less and less.

This is why I recommend cycling macros.

But if you’re finding that isn’t kickstarting progress and you’ve been in a deficit for 3-6 months, consider a Diet Break.

Especially before or after a Mini Cut.

A Diet Break is like a mini maintenance period.

You’re focus is on maintaining your current results while eating more and training harder.

It is not only a break for your body, but even mind.

Because while you’re trying to create sustainable changes in the Lifestyle Build, you’re still in a deficit.

You’re still pushing to lose and tracking and often doing workouts when you’d sometimes like to be lazy.

Achieving results is hard.

So sometimes we need the break to care less, even if just because life priorities have shifted so we’re feeling burned out.

But during this phase, you want to slowly try to bump calories up even by 200-500 from where you are. This may be done all at once, or you may do it slowly over a few weeks.

A diet break will range from 7-21 days.

You will often also return to the minimalist macros approach, working in foods you love and focusing even just on protein hitting 30% of your calories.

You want to work in foods you maybe haven’t.
You want to also cycle carbs and fats up if one has been lower.

And in your workouts, you want to combine strength and cardio, even using some steady state cardio especially if you enjoy it.

You want to focus on pushing in your workouts and you should really set performance goals during this time.

You’ll know you’re doing a diet break right because you’ll…

#1: See your energy increase and feel extra fueled.

#2: Feel like performance goes up and you’re lifting heavier and setting PRs.

#3: You may feel bloated to start as you increase those calories especially if you choose to do it in one go.

#4: You will first see the scale jump but even by the end see your measurements go down.

#5: You may see the scale fluctuate LESS daily.

Your body won’t be depleted of anything in this phase, that’s why you may see a jump in the scale to start especially the quicker you up calories.

But this will level off. And you may end up losing, but don’t be surprised if you do stay up in weight just slightly.

Take measurements during this phase as you may be surprised to see inches come off even while on a break. Gaining muscle as you lose fat during this phase often happens.

This is a great little muscle gaining phase even to help with avoiding metabolic adaptations and even help you LOOK LEANER as you lose.

Just eating at this level of maintenance or slight surplus can be the muscle boost you need and help you learn what maintenance will even look like for you after!

But embrace the balance to get remotivated and kickstart things when you go back to that Lifestyle Build even.

And if you’re thinking, “But I’m so far from my goals!”

We still will often need a diet break and even all the more because we will need longer deficits.

This also recharges us to keep moving forward!

Remember these phases aren’t steps to do in one order, but phases you will cycle through even many times over your fat loss journey.

Where are you on your fat loss journey? Which phase are you in or will you be moving to next?

Want guidance and support to navigate these phases and see the LASTING fat loss results and muscle definition that you want?

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FHP 663 – Your Goal Weight Is Wrong

FHP 663 – Your Goal Weight Is Wrong








Hey guys, this is Cori from Redefining Strength. Welcome to the Fitness Hacks Podcast. This is the show where I share all my free work, workout, and nutrition tips. I’m not going to ever fill this episode with sponsorships or ask you to buy anything. All I ask in return is if you’re enjoying the podcast to leave a review or leave a five star rating or even better share it with somebody you think it might help. This will only take a few minutes and would mean the world to me and possibly change the life of someone. So let’s jump right in. Is your goal weight actually sabotaging your fat loss results, your body recomp success? The simple answer is maybe, and it’s something we don’t often think about, but seeking to see faster results on the scale is often what leads to us doing unsustainable habits and us not seeing the recomp we want and ultimately regaining the weight very quickly.

We also have to recognize where this goal weight is really coming from because it’s not only the fluctuations on the scale, but truly our goal weight that can hold us back. Because when you have that specific number you really want to drive towards, you are staring at the scoreboard versus focusing on the habits that you need to be doing or the play on the field that you need to have in order to get that scoreboard to change. And in staring at that, a lot of times we aren’t implementing a lot of the practices. We don’t realize what needs to change. And we get caught up so much in that that we ultimately either don’t make changes, get overwhelmed, stop, don’t keep doing the habits that we need or actually accurately adjust based on what’s going on. So we need to stop staring at the scoreboard.

We also need to recognize that that goal weight might not actually be what we really want and understand the whole ramification of that. Not to mention the fact that trying to see that happen faster often leads to us creating those unsustainable habits losing weight very quickly. But we’re not a controlling for whether or not we’re losing fat versus muscle. It’s why we don’t necessarily look leaner or achieve our full body recomp that we want. And it’s also why we end up regaining the weight very quickly or feeling like we can’t eat anything without the scale jumping 20 pounds. So I want to break down why it’s potentially important that we reassess what our goal weight should be and even let go of our goal weight and also the reason why the scale can change so often and how we can really change how we even use this device to our advantage.

So going to the goal weight, is it really that number that you want? And I say this because a lot of times we’ll say, I want X weight. This is the weight I should be at. Well, Y is that number so important to you, and I think this is a really key reflection we need to do because often that number really doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter at all. The reason we have that number stuck in our head is because that was the number we were at at our wedding when we felt like our most fabulous and we loved the way the pictures look. It was the number we were at when we PRD in that race. It was the number we were at when we felt amazing, when we loved the way we looked, when we loved the photos, but it’s the feeling we’re after not the number.

And we need to separate that out because if you had all the things you had at that point, if you fit back into the clothes, if you loved how you looked in photos, if you had all the energy to PR in a race, would you really care if you hit that number? And the answer is truly no. That number has no relevance outside of it is a marker of that time. And in noticing that and in assessing that, we need to find all the other ways we can measure success to get back to that lifestyle, to own the habits that we had then and all the things we were doing to feel our most fabulous. Because a lot of times we’ve let those habits slide. We’ve let that lifestyle slide, those mindset slide. And so even now looking at photos as we’re in our journey forward, we don’t see the success of snowball because we don’t have the mindsets we had at that time.

We don’t have that feeling of confidence that we had built at that time. And so we need to assess what does that number represent in terms of these other factors to strive to act as if and also to measure progress in all these different ways to help us truly assess if we are or aren’t moving forward because the scale simply isn’t going to change quickly. And the more we try to, the more we sabotage our success from creating those unsustainable habits to creating metabolic adaptations to not really seeing recomp happen. Because we often say, oh, my results are slow. Well true fat loss is slow and it should be slow. You can’t out exercise around diet time as much as you want to. You got to put in the daily work and you got to put it in day after day after day for a lot longer than you want.

And a lot of what leads to the speed of our results is all the things we’ve done prior from the mindsets. We’re willing to embrace the discomfort we’re willing to embrace to even how long we’ve had the weight on because the longer you have it on, the longer it’s going to take to get it off. That’s why if you just gain it recently, it’s a lot easier sometimes. So it’s why you can’t judge someone else’s six week transformation to your own because we’re all starting at different points and everything we’ve done prior in our life really has an impact. But so in assessing how to navigate the scale, how to judge progress in other ways, you do want to track performance. You do want to track measurements, you do want to track progress pictures. All these things can help try on that outfit that you felt really fabulous in at that time.

How are you making progress towards that? But assess all the different lifestyle factors that you were even doing, not just your goal weight. And I say this too because even if you do want to drive towards a goal weight, it’s going to fluctuate daily and you’ve got to understand why it’s going to fluctuate daily. It’s going to fluctuate because of inflammation. If you’re stressed, if you’re not sleeping well, if you have more muscle tissue damage from tough workouts, yes, if you have a tough workout Friday night and you weigh in Saturday morning and there’s muscle tissue damage from that, guess what? You might see the scale increase. And it’s not from doing anything wrong. You did do everything right that week, but you see it go up because of that inflammation, that muscle tissue damage, potentially even storing more glycogen if you had carbs later at night.

And also because you need that to repair and with the glycogen storage. So if you have more carbs, you’re going to bring with that water weight and see the increase. So the scale is going to fluctuate, not for negative reasons all the time. It’s for recovery and repair. It’s potentially a negative reason that we’re stressed and inflamed from that, or lack of sleep. Maybe you didn’t poop yet. You can have a full bowel. But it’s a lot of different reasons that aren’t really fat loss. The scale is showing your weight in time on that moment. And so if you’ve even eaten food, if you’ve consumed water, that is going to increase your weight on the scale. If you go away right now, go eat some stuff or even go sweat out some stuff and dehydrate yourself and then go away again, your weight is going to change.

And that’s why we can’t base things only on this. And that’s why you have to understand the nuance to the scale and what it’s really telling you, which is just your weight, not muscle versus fat. And that’s why there’s other forms of measurement with the progress photos, the measurements, the using the clothing is so key, but then also recognizing the reasons why it fluctuates. And I even like to, when I’m deciding how to use the scale, because I do understand, and I even use goal weights to help set macros sometimes to get an estimate if we don’t know where someone’s starting from or even if someone’s maintenance is right now lower because they’re undereating and we want to boost it or just to give that estimation, you can use goal weight to do some different calorie calculations. However, I don’t like to get so focused on that, and I like to make sure that clients know how they can really use a pursuit of that to their advantage, whether it’s weighing once a week, whether maybe it’s not really weighing at all, and just using that check-in once in a while, whether or not it’s weighing daily.

But you have to understand then the fluctuations and the impact they have. So if you’re weighing once a week, you want to run through potentially the checklist of, Hey, hey, am I sore? Did I work out later at night? Did I have more sodium or eat out? Is there some other change? Did I sleep well? And you might want to track those things in a journal before you step on the scale to even see the impact, because that way if you don’t get the result you were thinking that you should have gotten, you can go back and assess was my consistency there and my macros was my consistency there and my workouts, and I also see that I was sore. I started a new progression. That might be why, but you can at least put it in its place. And if you are really impacted by that one fluctuation each week, you might have to weigh daily.

So we often say don’t weigh at all, which again, the scale is not the best indicator of body recomp. And if you are struggling with really being attached, that’s a goal weight. You might need to step off the scale and put it away for a while and only use measurements and again, those other things that represent that lifestyle. So you can get back to that feel that you had at that goal weight. But if you are really sensitive to those fluctuations, it can help you desensitize yourself by a little immersion therapy and actually weighing every single day, even multiple times a day to start just to see all the fluctuations and all the reasons why we don’t want to get so conditioned to want to do it or need to do it to watch, but at the same time, sometimes doing a little bit more to see how much it really varies can help us mentally separate from it as well.

But even with that too, if you know did the habits and you do that little journal and you celebrate, Hey, I have all these habits wins, maybe trying on the clothing to say, Hey, I have these clothing winds. I know the inches are going off. What does this weight then relate to all these different factors. You can then step on the scale. So I also do like to put it in its place like that. And what I mean by that is you celebrate all the different wins. You’re doing all the different habits. And so then you get the estimate of, Hey, what weight now represents this fabulousness? Because that’s how we can even find a way to use our weight for maintenance. When you reach your goal, when you’re feeling like you’re looking good, when you’re seeing those inches come off, assess what that weight is now for you at my most fabulous, what weight is that?

Instead of saying, oh, well, it’s not my goal weight, who cares? It’s what you weigh right now when you feel really fabulous, and that’s what your goal weight was based off of, and your goal weight is going to change as you gain more muscle as potentially you’re not in a deficit. So when you lose the weight, you might hit a little low and actually gain a couple pounds, but ultimately look leaner in that maintenance process a couple pounds up because you’re not deficient in anything. When you are depleted in a deficit, you’re not storing anything extra. And so just by storing so that you’re not depleted, you’re going to gain a couple pounds, but use that then that weight and the scale to help you understand, okay, this is what I weigh when I look the way I want to look now. So that’s another way to use it of I did the habits, I did the journal, what weight now represents how I want to look and feel.

So you can use then to set a new goal weight that way. But I think it’s really key just breaking down all the different nuance of things that we do understand what our goal rate really means, which again, it just relates back to getting back to a feeling we had. That is what we are ultimately searching for, the feeling of fabulousness that we had. And our goal weight is just the number that we might’ve weighed at that time. So we’ve got to assess the lifestyle, assess all the other components of it, all the other measurements of success that led to us feeling fabulous and that represented the fabulousness of that time. Used those not only as measurements of success, so the clothing that we wore that we’ll know when we fit back into that, we feel our best, the performance goals that we had, but also again, assessing the lifestyle habits and the mindsets we had to help us implement them.

Now, to act as if, to get back to that feeling of fabulousness, but then stepping either off the scale or knowing how to use the scale to our advantage, whether it’s weighing once a week, again, not using it, and using progress, pictures, measurements, all those things. Or even weighing daily and understanding the fluctuations. Even using that journaling of all the different reasons why the scale can change. And going through that list before we step onto it to understand what the number is really telling us while assessing our consistency and habit. And I think celebrating those wins before you step on the scale is so important because then you have that accurate reflection like, Hey, if you weren’t consistent with your macros, okay, that’s going to have an impact potentially when you step on the scale and you’ll own that. But the more, hey, these are the habit wins, or here are my areas for improvement, here’s my journaling on why the scale might be impacted or how I can interpret that number.

And then you step on it, that can give you information. And then as you feel fabulous seeing progress in the other forms of measurement, jumping into that lifestyle where you know, feel your best, you can then weigh on the scale to help you understand what weight will help you maintain all that fabulous then, and that will change over time. But I really hope this helps you get some perspective on the scale and not allow the scale to sabotage you. Because wanting to see it change faster, going after those fad diets where we’re trying to lose 10 pounds overnight, is ultimately what leads to us creating unsustainable habits, regaining the weight and repeating this yo-yo dieting cycle, and not losing fat any faster, but losing muscle, which then leads to metabolic adaptations, thus blaming our hormones more, even hormonal imbalances, which then make it harder to lose the weight later.

Make us blame our age, make us blame menopause, make us blame all these other things when really it’s poopy dieting practices and poopy training practices that have added up that we haven’t owned because we’re so caught up in the scale. So let go of the scale. And again, that doesn’t always mean not using it at all, but let go of the power the scale has and start to assess these outside factors and really understand what this tool is telling you. Thanks for listening to the Fitness Hack Podcast. Again, this is the place where I share all my free work, workout, nutrition tips. I’m never going to run sponsorships or ask you to buy anything. All I ask in return is if you’re enjoying the podcast to leave a rating, review or share it with someone you think it might help. This will only take a few minutes and it would mean the world to me and possibly change the life of someone I.


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