A majority of people HATE balancing moves. 

They’re awkward and uncomfortable.

But guess what?

They’re also the moves we most often NEED to be doing.

That’s why almost every program I create has some type of balancing in it.

And all too often, those are the workouts people ask me if they can skip.

My answer?

“The exact reason you want to skip the workout is the reason you HAVE TO DO IT! Soooo NOPE!” haha

Because we NEED to work on our mind-body connection.

We NEED to work on our ability to recruit those muscles to stabilize from the ground up.

Our feet and lower legs are our foundation. And we need a strong and stable foundation if we want to be stronger further up our body.

That’s why in my Booty Burner (2.0) I made sure to include a BALANCE routine, which of course you have to repeat even though you’d love to skip it.

My Booty Burner 1.0 had the Yoga Booty Burner, which people hated…And this new one has The Balance Booty Burner, which oddly stinks in a different way! YAY!

(And if you find balancing is a struggle, I coach you in the follow along workouts, providing variations you can start with to build up!)

These Booty Burner workouts are so key though because of the “ankle-butt connection.”

They help you improve your balance and mind-body connection as you build a strong foundation and activate your glutes!

Especially if you’ve ever had foot or ankle issues…even ones 10 years ago that no longer “bother” you… your current knee or hip pain may be connected! 

And all of the glute activation in the world won’t fully add up IF you aren’t doing the right moves to establish that mind-body connection from the ground up!

It’s why you NEED glute activation series like this one!

So try the Balance Booty Burner from my Booty Burner 2.0 below!

LAST CHANCE TO GET MY BOOTY BURNER before it is retired!

The Balance Booty Burner

Complete 1-3 rounds of the circuit below, pausing briefly to rest and switch sides after all 4 moves are complete (up to 20 seconds). You want to complete all 4 moves on one side before switching. If you find you can’t complete all 4 moves without pausing, you may want to switch sides after the first two moves or rest 40 seconds between rounds.

20 seconds per side Warrior III
20 seconds per side Warrior III Squats
20 seconds per side Standing Clams
20 seconds per side Side Shift Skaters

The quick reference image below is taken from the 28-Day Booty Burner Book, BUT with the program you’ll also get video workouts so you can workout with me and I can coach you through the moves!