A Quick Full-Body Yoga Sequence Warm Up

A Quick Full-Body Yoga Sequence Warm Up

Warm ups don’t have to involve a ton of different stretches or take a long time.

Here is one Full-Body “Yoga Sequence” to warm you up from head to toe.

Repeat this stretch 8-15 times per side depending on what you are doing that day and if you are including other stretches in your warm up.


Playground Workouts – Channel Your Inner Child!

Playground Workouts – Channel Your Inner Child!

You are most likely to stick with a workout routine you enjoy. If working out is a chore, then you will use any excuse you can to get out of doing it.

However, if you enjoy working out, you are going to make sure to include it in your day EVEN if you are completely stressed out.

And what is more fun than playing around on a playground outside!?!

A great workout doesn’t have to involve a barbell or even kettlebells or weights.

A great workout CAN feel like play.

Below is a great video with tons of great exercises to try out on the playground. Also, check out some of my favorite Playground Workouts!


10 Life Lessons You’ll Learn From A Healthy Lifestyle

10 Life Lessons You’ll Learn From A Healthy Lifestyle

If you can learn to achieve your health and fitness goals, you can learn to achieve success in every other realm of life.

The gym is like a microcosm for every day life.

If you can learn to be empowered and achieve success in that realm, you can learn to be confident and achieve success in every other aspect of life.

Here are some life lessons that will help you achieve your health and fitness goals AND help you achieve more success in every day life.

10 Life Lessons You’ll Learn By Committing To A Health Lifestyle:
