by Cori Lefkowith | Sep 25, 2014 | Blog, Exercises, Travel Workouts
It is always great to have exercise equipment that you can use anywhere – whether you are traveling or simply want to get in a quick workout at home.
Especially equipment that can add resistance and be used to make moves more challenging.
Because often when we travel or workout at home, we struggle to find ways to advance movements and “add weight” or resistance unless we have access to a hotel gym or home set of weights.
That is why pieces like the CoreX RipFit Trainer are so great to have as part of our home/travel gym. They are easily storable and don’t weigh much, but can be used to add resistance to exercises and make them more challenging when we don’t have weights available.
Plus the RipFit Trainer combines resistance band and mini bands, which means that not only can you add resistance to compound movements, but you can also do all the glute activation moves we love!
If you are looking for some great new moves to include in your home and travel workouts, check out these 20 Exercises Using The RipFit Trainer.
by Cori Lefkowith | Sep 22, 2014 | Blog, Exercises, Pain Relief
One of the best things you can do for your health is to move more often, even if it is just for a few minutes at your desk.
Sitting for 9 hours a day hunched over a computer causes us to develop muscle imbalances that can lead to injury. Plus, inactivity is just plain old bad for us.
Below are 10 Desk Exercises that will correct imbalances and get your body moving without you even having to leave your desk. These stretches and isometric exercises will open you up and get the correct muscles activated to help you remain pain and injury free!
by Cori Lefkowith | Sep 18, 2014 | Blog, Butt, Exercises
While a great glute training program includes foam rolling, stretching and activation exercises, if you were only allowed to do one move to achieve results, it would have to be the Hip Thruster.
The Hip Thruster and variations of the movement recruit more muscle fibers than almost any standing lift, including one of our favorite moves of all time, the deadlift. It creates a burn in the glutes that very few other moves out there are able to accomplish.
However, beginners may want to start with a glute bridge variation before progressing to the Hip Thruster to make sure their low backs don’t take over when doing the movement.
It is very important with the Hip Thruster that you consciously focus on squeezing your glutes and fully extending your hips without hyperextending your low back.
Here’s how to do The Hip Thruster (potentially the single best glute exercise out there) and variations!
by Cori Lefkowith | Sep 16, 2014 | Blog, Foam Rolling, Pain Relief
If you sit all day, much of your lower body is constantly in flexion, which means that you need to roll out before your workouts to prevent injury.
If you like to run as your workout, then it is extra important that you roll out.
Runners especially need to do these moves to prevent hip, knee and ankle pain as well as shin splints, hamstring strains, plantar fasciitis among other common lower body ailments all too many runners have to deal with.
You don’t need to spend hours doing these moves to benefit from them. Spend just 5 minutes before and after you workout (or any time you feel tight!) rolling out to help you remain injury and pain-free!
However, do not rush through and just roll quickly up and down. It is better to pick just a few tight spots and spend more time on them than to roll quickly through all the muscle groups. Just rolling over the knots won’t help. You actually need to hold on any tight areas to help them release.
by Cori Lefkowith | Sep 9, 2014 | Blog, Exercises, Suspension Trainer
If you don’t have time to make it to the gym often or you find yourself traveling a lot, you may want to invest in a Suspension Trainer like the Jungle Gym XT, CoreX or TRX.
The Suspension Trainer is a great home workout and travel tool because it is easy portable and can be stored almost anywhere. Plus it is easy to use and can be a great workout for anyone from the beginner to the advanced lifter.
And while you can get a great full-body workout done on the Suspension Trainer, it is also a great way to isolate and work our big muscle groups like the glutes.
If you are looking to get in a great glute workout, but don’t have access to any weights, try these 5 Suspension Trainer Glute Exercises.
by Cori Lefkowith | Sep 3, 2014 | Blog, Core
A strong core means less risk for injury and pain. And if you suffer from low back pain, you need to strengthen your core!
That is why the Pelvic Tilt exercise is a must-do move. It activates your intrinsic core stabilizers so that your core is working and your low back doesn’t have to.
Because we sit all day, which create imbalances and tight muscles, our abs aren’t activated and working. Because our abs aren’t working, our low back sometimes take over and does work it shouldn’t, which leads to pain and injury.
Therefore anyone with low back pain or even simply a desk job, needs to do the Pelvic Tilt Exercise.
Plus if you’ve ever done Leg Lowers, or any other ab exercise, and felt the move in your low back, it means your abs aren’t yet strong enough to stay engaged during that move. Therefore, you need to do the pelvic tilt first to engage and strengthen your abs!
While we firmly believe that EVERYONE should do the Pelvic Tilt, it is often only recommended for women post pregnancy to help them regain their ab strength. However, no one can ignore this very important core stabilizing exercise if they suffer from low back pain!
Here’s how to do the Pelvic Tilt exercise and prevent and alleviate your low back pain!
How to do The Pelvic Tilt: