3 Fat Loss Myths Holding You Back

3 Fat Loss Myths Holding You Back

The simple fact is, one size doesn’t fit all. And so many things can work for so many different reasons.

And ultimately what leads to our success, especially when it comes to fat loss, is something that we can do consistently LONG-TERM.

Even then, the exact diet or workout routine we follow will constantly be evolving because nothing in life ever stands still.

Your needs and goals change and so should your routine.

Yet, especially with diet, people become very “passionate” about their specific beliefs. It often stems from their own dietary preferences or unique needs based on specific health issues.

They start to demonize specific lifestyle things and tell others they should too.

And these things can turn into fat loss myths that ultimately hold us back from achieving the balance and sustainable routine WE need to see results.

What worked for your friend may NOT work for you. And trying to fit everyone into the same mold leads to disaster.

That’s why today I want to bust 3 fat loss myths and help you dial in your workout and diet routine so you can truly achieve results through a plan that matches YOUR needs and goals.

Myth #1: Carbs make you fat. Fat makes you fat.

Carbs don’t magically make you gain fat. And neither does fat.

So all of those low carb advocates or low fat advocates that say it’s the only way to lose weight?

It’s just because they’ve found the macro ratio right for them and their body and lifestyle.

But no one macro is evil or bad. Each plays an important role in the optimal functioning of our body.

And depending on our needs, goals and training routine? We may need more or less of one or the other to achieve our ideal body composition and lose fat.

Now if you’re about to be that person to comment about all of the evils of carbs or fats (because I guarantee there will be one of each) and all of the health issues they can cause…

Do you not realize the irony in the fact that you will both not agree on which is actually evil?

There are so many factors that may make eating more or less of a specific macro better or worse for us PERSONALLY.

Now if you have a specific health issue?

You may need to eliminate or limit specific things.

That may help you even to lose weight too.

But just to demonize that macro completely if you don’t have any health concerns COULD actually lead to health issues not to mention hold you back from the fat loss results you want.

Now you may be thinking, “But when I cut carbs I lose so much weight on the scale so quickly!”

But that isn’t true fat loss.

When you cut your carbs, you deplete your glycogen stores and lose water weight.

So, sure, you’ll see a quick change on the scale. But it isn’t fat being lost.

And the second you add carbs back in?

You’ll likely gain all of that weight back and more.

Plus this restriction, especially if you love carbs and want to include them at a future date, doesn’t teach you how to actually create a sustainable lifestyle change.

And something we can do consistently is ultimately what helps us achieve the best result.

So don’t demonize a macro because someone else said so. Consider your specific needs and even your training routine.

If you’re less active? You may not need the immediate fuel of carbs so going low carb may help you lose fat.

However if you’re super active and training intensely lifting and doing cardio? Cutting your carbs super low may actually hinder your fat loss results.

Instead you may find going higher carb and lower fat ultimately allows you to feel fueled while achieving your ideal body composition.

It’s why focusing on protein while not demonizing carbs or fat but simply even potentially cycling them based on your training may be best!

Myth #2: Cardio Is Better Than Strength Training To Lose Fat

As much as I love training, as much as I think it can assist in the looking better as you lose fat…

You don’t technically need to work out at all for fat loss.

Working out in general can make the process easier, help us maintain our results long term and can help us create that calorie deficit, but we can’t out exercise our diet.

And often in our attempts to create more of a calorie deficit through exercise, we sabotage our fat loss results.

The focus of our workouts shouldn’t be on how many calories we burned. It should be on moving better and building muscle even so we look leaner, stay healthier and even help ourselves avoid metabolic adaptations as we do lose fat.

So if our workouts aren’t really a tool for fat loss, why are we told we need to do more cardio if we want to lose weight?

Studies have shown you burn more calories during a cardio session. And because of these studies, mainstream media started touting the benefits of cardio for weight loss.

You may even have seen those benefits yourself when you started running after a long time off.

Simply increasing our activity helps us burn more calories. So even without changing our diet at first, we begin to lose weight from those extra calories being burned.

And cardio, especially to start, burns more calories on average than strength training sessions.

However, over time you adjust and adapt to those cardio sessions. It’s why you can run or cycle further faster without fatiguing.

But those gains in your endurance also mean you don’t need or use as much energy.

So even though your watch may say you still burned a ton of calories, your body has become more efficient and you aren’t utilizing as much energy as you did when you first started.

It’s why you may feel like you’re not getting the same results as you once did from those same cardio sessions.

Not to mention, if you’re constantly trying to do MORE in order to burn more calories, you may be holding yourself back and actually creating more metabolic adaptions as you diet and lose weight.

Steady-state cardio can be catabolic to muscle tissue and losing muscle mass can negatively impact our metabolic rate.

Muscle takes more energy to maintain AND it becomes harder to build and retain lean muscle mass as we get older, which may be why we feel like it gets harder to lose weight the older we get!

This is why focusing less on cardio and actually more on strength can be so key.

Not only is it easier to constantly create progressive overload in our strength workouts, BUT we can also help ourselves build lean muscle which will help us keep our metabolic rate healthier and burn more calories even when at rest.

Fighting to maintain that lean muscle even while working to lose fat will help you achieve better body recomposition results and maintain those results long term.

So while you may have turned to cardio in the past, you may actually see better fat loss results by cutting back on cardio as you get leaner while focusing more and more on strength work.

Of course if you love cardio, you do not need to cut it out and the best results happen when we create a sustainable routine, but it may be a reason, besides even better performance for the cardio activities you love, that you do include some strength training in your routine!

(For even more on Is Cardio Key For Weight Loss?, check out this Fitness Hacks Podcast.)

Myth #3: Tracking is restrictive

Tracking is not fun. It’s tedious. Boring. Overwhelming to start. Annoying.

All of those things.

But it isn’t restrictive.

What IS restrictive is our MINDSET toward it.

It’s because we don’t recognize that the tracking is just data.

Just like you measure out ingredients so your cake turns out instead of looking like a burnt mess, you want to measure your food to create the recipe that leads to your body recomposition results.

We aren’t measuring necessarily to cut things out. But simply to make sure we get the right portions to match our needs and goals.

Tracking isn’t just for weight loss. It can help us gain muscle, fuel better. Recognize foods that may even be giving us digestive issues.

We can track to make sure we’re even optimally fueling for our sport to set a PR in our next race.

So we need to separate tracking from restriction in our minds.

Because that food logger isn’t judging – you are!

(For more on why Tracking Is Key, click HERE!)


We have to remember that we are each unique and one size doesn’t fit all. So don’t fall prey to fat loss myths that would lead you to create restrictive diets or train for hours upon hours doing cardio.

Focus on smalls sustainable changes based on your current routine and get ready to be consistent as those results take time to add up!

If you’re ready to dial in your workouts and your diet so they work together to get you the best results possible, check out my Macro Hacks!

–> Macro Hacks

5 Bodyweight Exercises For A Full-Body Workout – Try these 2 Home Workouts!

5 Bodyweight Exercises For A Full-Body Workout – Try these 2 Home Workouts!

I love giving clients no excuse to skip their workouts. Even if you have very little space and just your own bodyweight, you can get in an amazing full body routine. 

Below are 5 moves that can be combined for a killer full-body workout and I’ll share a few ways to modify each to meet your current fitness level.

So even if you’re working out in your living room, you can build strength and muscle!

The key to challenging yourself with just your own bodyweight is using unilateral moves, a combination of both rotational and ANTI-rotational exercise, increasing the range of motion of basic exercises, creating hybrid exercises and even moving in every plane of motion.

And with these 5 moves, I’ll show you how to use all of those forms of progression!

5 Bodyweight Exercises To Use At Home:

Exercise #1: Airborne Lunge 

bodyweight leg exercise

Want a more glute-focused variation of the pistol squat? Or maybe something just a bit more accessible to use in your routine?

Then you’ll love the Airborne Lunge.

If you find the single leg deadlift easy and want to work your quads and hamstrings while targeting your glutes a bit more, this unilateral move is an amazing way to do just that. 

It’s also a great way to work through a full range of motion and, because it is a unilateral move, it adds in that balance challenge. Also, you now have to support all of your weight on one side, which increases the “load” you have to carry on both legs.

To do this move, you’ll stand on one leg with your other knee bent to pull your heel up toward your butt. Start by hinging at the hips. This isn’t a squat it is a hip hinge movement, so you will lean forward as you sit your butt back.

Then sink down dropping that other knee down toward the ground. Keep your heel pulled up toward your butt so you can’t push off that other foot as you touch your knee down.

Also, avoid reaching that other knee back too far. Focus on loading that standing glute and sinking to touch the knee down then driving back up through your standing heel. Squeeze your glute at the top and only touch the foot down if you need to balance.

To modify, you do not have to sink as low or you can hold on to a doorway or counter or stair rail. 

You could also take a cushion or pillow to give yourself something to lower down to and even do an eccentric only variation. Lowering down using this move, then touching your foot down to stand back up and reset.

And the single leg deadlift is always an option, with a slower tempo, if you do have knee pain with flexion.

To advance the Airborne Lunge, you can also use a slower tempo and even a pause at the bottom. 

Exercise #2: Row Push Ups

push up variation

If you want a push up variation that works not only your chest, shoulders and triceps but also your back, you need to try this hybrid push up variation – the Row Push Up.

This is also a great anti-rotational core move, which will target your obliques and improve your shoulder stability. You’ll even feel your GLUTES working to help you fight the urge to rotate as you row.

While tempting, it is key with this move that you don’t rush the row because you start to lose balance. And unlike the standard push up, where your feet will be together, you want to place your feet about hip-width to shoulder-width apart so you can really focus on fighting rotation. 

When you do this push up, fight to keep your body from rotating as you row your hand up toward your chest. And don’t just simply lift your hand, focus on feeling your back pull your hand up. This is a great way to work on that scapular movement as you stabilize in that plank position.

It will improve your shoulder and scapular stability.

For the full, advanced, variation, you’ll perform a push up in between each row. A great way to modify the movement to start is to first do a row on each side then a push up instead of a push up after each row.

If you can’t yet do a full push up, I recommend modifying off an incline or, if you don’t have an incline, you can do the move completely from your knees.

It’s even possible to do a hybrid of knees and feet, performing the push up on your knees then moving to your toes for the plank row.

To advance the move, play around with tempos, full hand release at the bottom or even do the same but different as a decline variation. 

But do not rush through the row thinking it is a simple hand lift.

Exercise #3: Side Lunge to Curtsy Lunge


Improve your hip mobility and build leg strength through multiple planes of motion by combining the side lunge and curtsy lunge into a series. 

A great way to progress moves, and create a new challenge for your body, is to slightly alter the plane of motion you are working in and even combine moves so that you are working the same muscle groups but in different ways.

This lunge series is a great way to target not only your entire leg but specifically your glutes and adductors.

If you’re just starting out with this move, you may tap your foot down between reps  as you come center or not sink as deep in the lunge.

As you work to advance the lunge series, perform a bigger range of motion, lunging deeper, and avoid touching your foot down between lunges. This forces you to perform a more powerful push out of each lunge to work your legs while also forcing your core to work to keep you balanced.

If you find you have to do a stutter step to push back up and center, you’ve performed too big a range of motion for your current fitness level.

To advance the move, you could slow down the tempo or add in a pulse to each lunge. You can even combine other lunges into the series or find ways to increase the range of motion even using a stair!

If you struggle to properly load your glutes during these moves, touching your hand back toward your heel in the side lunge or using a slight hip hinge, leaning forward to sit your butt back, can help.

Also watch that you don’t rotate open with the curtsy lunge but instead really focus on crossing your leg behind.

If you have knee pain you can reduce the active knee flexion even doing taps from more of a skater squat position. 

Exercise #4: Mountain Climber Turkish Bridge

great core exercises

This is a killer rotational core move that will work everything down your frontside AND your backside while improving your shoulder stability!

Glutes, abs, obliques, quads, arms, back…it’s all working! This move does require more shoulder stability though to start so please implement it slowly if you’ve had previous shoulder injuries!

To do this move, start in the plank position and pull one knee across toward the opposite elbow. Really think about pulling that knee in with your abs and not just flexing at your hips. Think about rotating your entire torso to engage your core.

Then, as you extend your leg back out, rotate open toward the ceiling to actually kick that leg behind you so you will place that foot flat on the ground. You will keep that knee bent, almost as if doing a donkey kick as you rotate open.

As you rotate, you’ll place the foot of the bent knee down on the ground and really engage your glutes to move into a Turkish Bridge position. Squeeze your glutes to drive your hips up. Make sure to engage your back to support your shoulder as you reach your other hand up toward the ceiling. Focus on keeping that shoulder over your hand.

If you let your hand sneak out beyond your shoulder, it can place more strain on your shoulder and neck.

Pause for a second, squeezing your glutes, then bring that leg back across as your rotate closed to drive your knee back in toward your elbow.

To modify, you can do this off an incline or you can perform it from more of a bulldog, tabletop bridge position.

Exercise #5: Leg Lowers Plus 

leg lowers plus

This is an advanced core move that works your abs in a stabilizing fashion (as you lift and lower your legs), but also through spinal flexion because of that bonus lift at the top.

It is a very advanced variation of the pelvic tilt progression so if you can’t perform the basic straight leg lowers without your hands behind your lower back, you haven’t YET earned this move.

You will want to start with bent knees and perform a bent knee curl at the top.

The key with this exercise is to engage your core to brace and protect your lower back as you lower your legs down. You will do this by posteriorly tilting your pelvic and pressing your lower back into the ground

When you lower your legs toward the ground, flex your glutes even at the bottom. 

Lift your legs back up toward the ceiling and then, as if they are attached by a string, press them straight up toward the ceiling flexing your spine to lift your butt up.

Do not swing or use moment to lift as much as you can avoid it. I know it’s tempting to get a bigger range of motion since the lift can feel really small.

You can have your hands on the ground beside you and even push down into the ground to help you better engage your abs for that little plus lift at the top.

Or you can have your hands behind your head and even lift your head up to work your core more.

If you feel your lower back with basic leg lowers, keep your knees bent as you lower and curl in. And think about curling your knees in toward your head for the plus. Move slowly so that you aren’t using momentum!

2 Full-Body Bodyweight Home Workouts:

Not only can we slightly tweak moves to match our needs and goals, but we can also adjust our IMPLEMENTATION of the same basic moves.

Below are two different ways to use these moves to build full-body strength. One is interval based while the other is a rep ladder. Both will help you increase your training density to build strength using just your own bodyweight!

WORKOUT #1: The Bodyweight Strength Ladder

Start with 10 reps of each move (or per side) on the first round through the circuit. The next round through, perform 9 reps. Then 8,7,6…until you perform one rep on the final round. Rest only as needed. As the reps go down, progress movements as needed so they are still challenging. Time how long it takes you to beat that time next time through!

10-1 rep per side Airborne Lunges
10-1 rep per side Row Push Ups
10-1 rep per side Side to Curtsy Lunge
10-1 rep per side Mountain Climber Turkish Bridge
10-1 rep Leg Lowers Plus

WORKOUT #2: The One-Minute Max Out

Set a timer for 1 minute intervals of work and complete each move back to back without resting. Perform as many reps of each move as you can in that time and record how many you do each round to try and beat it. Rest for 1 minute between rounds. Complete 3-5 rounds through. Beginners can start with just 30 seconds per move.

1 minute Airborne Lunges
1 minute Row Push Ups
1 minute Side to Curtsy Lunge
1 minute Mountain Climber Turkish Bridge
1 minute Leg Lowers Plus
1 minute Rest

Want more amazing workouts you can do anywhere? Check out my Dynamic Strength Program!

4 Full-Body HIIT Workouts – No Equipment Needed!

4 Full-Body HIIT Workouts – No Equipment Needed!

Looking for a calorie-torching HIIT workout you can do anywhere, no equipment needed? Then you’ll love these 4 Full-Body HIIT Workouts using just your own bodyweight!

Whether you have 5 minutes or 30 minutes, these high intensity interval workouts have you covered!

So whether you need a quick option to do at home on a busy day, or a way to burn fat while you travel, you have 4 killer workout options below!

4 Bodyweight HIIT Workouts 

You’ll find each workout in the videos at the times below. And for quick reference, I’ve written out the workouts below as well! 

1. The 30 Minute 30s Blast! (0:10)
2. The 5-Minute Full-Body Cardio Burner (3:34)
3. The 10-Minute Cardio Pyramid (4:32)
4. The 30/15 Full-Body Blast (6:54) 

The 30 Minute 30s Blast! 

Complete 4 rounds through each circuit, moving from exercise to exercise without resting. Bring your heart rate down between rounds with the active rest movement. If needed, fully rest during that time instead of performing the exercise. Or perform a modified variation that allows you to recover. Rest 1-2 minutes after completing all rounds of a circuit before moving on to the next one. 

30 seconds Double Lunge Burpee
30 seconds Push Up Scorpions
30 seconds Squat Cross Jacks
30 seconds Elbow Bicycles
30 seconds Rotational Skiers Hops “Active Rest” 

30 seconds Sumo Squat Jumps
30 seconds Criss Cross Push Up Hop
30 seconds Low Side To Side Lunges
30 seconds Lateral Crawl Shoulder Tap
30 seconds Two-Way March “Active Rest” 

30 seconds Double Hop Burpee
30 seconds Climber Push Up Rolls
30 seconds Lateral Hops
30 seconds C-Sit Rotational Knees
30 seconds Fighter Practice “Active Rest” 

The 5-Minute Full-Body Cardio Burner 

Set a timer for 20 second intervals of work and move from exercise to exercise without resting. Complete 3 rounds through. 

20 seconds per side Curtsy To Skip
20 seconds Downward Dog To Knee Tuck Push Up
20 seconds In and Out Squats
20 seconds Rotational Row Sit Up 

The 10-Minute Cardio Pyramid 

Set a timer for 30 second intervals of work and move from exercise to exercise without resting. You will go through the exercises to the “active rest” then go backward through the moves. If needed, fully rest during the 30 seconds of active rest. 

30 seconds Double Hop Burpee
30 seconds Criss Cross Push Up Hop
30 seconds Squat Cross Jacks
30 seconds Lateral Crawl Shoulder Tap
30 seconds C-Sit Rotational Knees
30 seconds Lateral Hops
30 seconds Climber Push Up Rolls
30 seconds Rotational Row Sit Up
30 seconds Sumo Squat Jumps
30 seconds Two-Way March “Active Rest”
30 seconds Sumo Squat Jumps
30 seconds Rotational Row Sit Up
30 seconds Climber Push Up Rolls
30 seconds Lateral Hops
30 seconds C-Sit Rotational Knees
30 seconds Lateral Crawl Shoulder Tap
30 seconds Squat Cross Jacks
30 seconds Criss Cross Push Up Hop
30 seconds Double Hop Burpee 

The 30/15 Full-Body Blast 

Set a timer for 30 second intervals of work with 15 seconds to transition between moves. Complete 4-6 rounds through. Rest an additional 45 seconds between rounds if needed otherwise only rest the 15 seconds between moves!

30 seconds Double Lunge Burpee
15 seconds Rest
30 seconds Push Up Scorpions
15 seconds Rest
30 seconds In and Out Squats
15 seconds Rest
30 seconds Lateral Crawl Shoulder Tap
15 seconds Rest
30 seconds Elbow Bicycles
15 seconds Rest 


The Metabolic Muscle Builder – Booty Builder Workout

The Metabolic Muscle Builder – Booty Builder Workout

Want strong, toned glutes and legs? Then you’ll love this Booty Builder workout from my Macro Hacks program!

When our workouts and diet work together, we can get better results faster. That’s why if you want to lose body fat AND build muscle, you want to make sure you’re creating progressive overload in your workouts and challenging your body with not only heavier weights, but also different tempos.

We often turn to cardio when we want to lose weight or body fat, but actually focusing on BUILDING MUSCLE is oh so key to help us look leaner and keep our metabolism healthy and strong.

And you also want to make sure you’re including movements in multiple planes to also help you develop functional strength and avoid injury.

It’s key too, as we increase our weights and workout intensity, that we do NOT forget the prehab work. Get the correct muscles working and your body warmed up so you can work hard from that first rep of your workout.

Try this Booty Builder and feel those glutes, and legs, working!

The Booty Builder Workout

Complete 1 round through the quick stretching flow below as well as 1-2 rounds of the activation. Complete all 5 moves of the activation on one side before switching sides.
5-10 reps per side Runner’s Lunge Flow
ACTIVATION: The Side Lying Series
15-20 reps per side Lying Leg Raises
15-20 reps per side Lying Front Kicks
15-20 reps per side Lying Back Kicks
15-20 reps per side Lying Front to Back Kicks
15-20 reps per side Lying Bicycles

Complete 1-4 rounds through the first circuit. Do not rest between moves but rest 90 seconds-3 minutes between rounds so you can try and increase weight while feeling your glutes work. Then rest 2-3 minutes and move into the Triset. Complete 2-3 rounds through the triset resting 45-60 seconds between rounds. Then rest 1-2 minutes and complete 1-2 of the exercise, resting 45 seconds in between rounds. If you’re looking for added calf and core work to target those two stubborn areas (and have time!), include the Calf and Core Burner. Complete 2-3 rounds through, resting only as needed between rounds.

6 reps Dead Stop Pause Barbell Band Hip Thrusters
6 reps Fast Reps Barbell Band Hip Thrusters
6 reps Top Pulses Barbell Band Hip Thrusters
20 reps Top Hold Band Hip Thruster Abductions

8-15 reps per side Step Up to Reverse Lunge
8-15 reps per side Band Hip Rotations
8-15 reps Glute Bridge and Curl

20 reps per way 3-Way Seated Band Abductions

15-20 reps per side Single Leg Calf Raises
15-20 reps per side Single Leg Seated Calf Raises
15-20 reps Bench Two-Way Leg Lowers


The Balance Booty Burner

The Balance Booty Burner

A majority of people HATE balancing moves. 

They’re awkward and uncomfortable.

But guess what?

They’re also the moves we most often NEED to be doing.

That’s why almost every program I create has some type of balancing in it.

And all too often, those are the workouts people ask me if they can skip.

My answer?

“The exact reason you want to skip the workout is the reason you HAVE TO DO IT! Soooo NOPE!” haha

Because we NEED to work on our mind-body connection.

We NEED to work on our ability to recruit those muscles to stabilize from the ground up.

Our feet and lower legs are our foundation. And we need a strong and stable foundation if we want to be stronger further up our body.

That’s why in my Booty Burner (2.0) I made sure to include a BALANCE routine, which of course you have to repeat even though you’d love to skip it.

My Booty Burner 1.0 had the Yoga Booty Burner, which people hated…And this new one has The Balance Booty Burner, which oddly stinks in a different way! YAY!

(And if you find balancing is a struggle, I coach you in the follow along workouts, providing variations you can start with to build up!)

These Booty Burner workouts are so key though because of the “ankle-butt connection.”

They help you improve your balance and mind-body connection as you build a strong foundation and activate your glutes!

Especially if you’ve ever had foot or ankle issues…even ones 10 years ago that no longer “bother” you… your current knee or hip pain may be connected! 

And all of the glute activation in the world won’t fully add up IF you aren’t doing the right moves to establish that mind-body connection from the ground up!

It’s why you NEED glute activation series like this one!

So try the Balance Booty Burner from my Booty Burner 2.0 below!

LAST CHANCE TO GET MY BOOTY BURNER before it is retired!

The Balance Booty Burner

Complete 1-3 rounds of the circuit below, pausing briefly to rest and switch sides after all 4 moves are complete (up to 20 seconds). You want to complete all 4 moves on one side before switching. If you find you can’t complete all 4 moves without pausing, you may want to switch sides after the first two moves or rest 40 seconds between rounds.

20 seconds per side Warrior III
20 seconds per side Warrior III Squats
20 seconds per side Standing Clams
20 seconds per side Side Shift Skaters

The quick reference image below is taken from the 28-Day Booty Burner Book, BUT with the program you’ll also get video workouts so you can workout with me and I can coach you through the moves!


The 30/10 Bodyweight Cordio Blast

The 30/10 Bodyweight Cordio Blast

Whether you need an amazing workout to do at home or you want to stay on track while traveling, this 30/10 Cordio Workout is a must-do routine!

It’s one of the fun interval workouts in my Bodyweight Blast, included in my Macro Hacks Challenge!

The 30/10 Cordio

Set a timer for 30 seconds of work and 10 seconds to rest and transition between moves. Complete 2-4 rounds through each circuit without resting extra between rounds. (You may add an extra 40 seconds between rounds if needed so that you don’t have to pause or rest during the 30 seconds of work.) Rest 1-2 minutes between circuits.

30 seconds Switch Stance Burpee
10 seconds Rest
30 seconds Bear to Crab Crawl
10 seconds Rest
30 seconds Oblique Twist High Knees
10 seconds Rest
30 seconds Inchworm Plank
10 seconds Rest
30 seconds C-Sit Rotational Knees
10 seconds Rest

30 seconds Tuck Jump to Plank Tucks
10 seconds Rest
30 seconds Half Burpee (with push up)
10 seconds Rest
30 seconds Diagonal Skaters to High Knees
10 seconds Rest
30 seconds Hops To Sit Thru
10 seconds Rest
30 seconds Frog Kicks
10 seconds Rest


Switch Stance Burpee: To do Switch Stance Burpees, look straight ahead but rotate your body to the right so your feet are angled forward but facing slightly right. Stagger your back foot slightly forward of your front foot. Then squat down to about parallel to the ground. You won’t want to stand up at any time once you start but will just pop back up into this squat. From this squat position, place your hands down in front of you on the ground and jump your feet back into a plank so that you are now in a plank pointing straight ahead. Perform a push up with your body moving as one unit to drop your chest to the ground. Beginners can remove the push up or perform it from their knees. Push back up and as you come up to the top of the plank, jump your feet in so you can come into a staggered stance squat facing to the left. Pause just briefly to sit in the squat. Then jump back into a plank center, do a push up and jump into a staggered stance on the first side. Move quickly alternating staggered stance squats on each side.

Bear to Crab Crawl: To do the Bear to Crab Crawl, start on your hands and the balls of your feet with your hands under your shoulders and knees under your hips. Your knees should be just a few inches off the ground. Begin to crawl forward stepping one hand and the opposite foot forward. Then move the other hand and foot. Keep alternating sides, making sure the opposite arm and leg step at the same time. Crawl a few steps on each side (based on the space you have). Then lift one hand and kick the opposite knee under your body as you rotate your chest open toward the ceiling. Pivot on the foot and hand that is down so you can rotate into a tabletop bridge. You will place both feet flat on the ground with your chest pointing up toward the ceiling and hands on the ground down at about shoulder height. Begin to crab crawl, stepping one foot and the opposite hand forward. Then the other foot and hand. Your hands can be pointed out to the sides to put less stress on your shoulders. Crab crawl back to the start then flip back over, reaching your hand over your body toward the ground as you pivot on your feet to bring one knee back under and through to return to that bulldog position on your hands and the balls of your feet.

crawling exercise

Oblique Twist High Knees: To do Oblique Twist High Knees, bend your elbows and bring your hands together at about chest height with your elbows flaring out to the sides. You want to think of your hands as a target to try and rotate toward your knee as you do a high knee run. Then begin to do a high knee run, tucking your knees up as high as you can. As you bring your knee up, rotate your torso to bring your hands across your body and toward that knee. Then as you straighten that leg out and run the other knee in, twist and bring your hands toward that knee. Keep your hands up at your chest with your elbows flared up and out. Move quickly twisting toward each side as you bring your knees up. To modify, march instead of running.

Inchworm Plank: To do the Inchworm Plank, set up in a forearm plank from your toes with your elbows under your shoulders and your body in a nice straight line down to your heels. Begin to walk your feet in toward your head, keeping your legs straight as you take very small steps forward. Your butt should go up in the air as you walk your feet in to pike up. Walk in as far as you mobility allows. Then jump both feet back out (beginners may walk back out instead). Do not let your hips sag toward the ground as you return to the forearm plank. Then repeat walking back in before jumping back out.

C-Sit Rotational Knees: To do the C-Sit Rotational Knee, sit on the ground with your feet flat and knees bent. Lean back and bring your hands together up at your chest with your elbows out. Engage your abs as you hinge back slightly. Then lift one knee and rotate toward that knee trying to bring your opposite elbow to touch your knee. Keep your elbows out and hands in together as you rotate. Place that foot back down as you lift the other knee to rotate the opposite elbow to touch it. Do not sit up at any time. Stay in that slightly hinged back position, making sure to brace your abs.

Tuck Jump to Plank Tucks: To do Tuck Jump to Plank Tucks, start standing tall before sinking to place your hands on the ground and jump your feet back into a high plank position with your hands under your shoulders and your feet a few inches apart. Brace your abs and don’t let your hips sag as you jump both feet in to bring your knees close to your elbows. Try to jump in so your knees are at least under your hips if not closer in. Use your abs to try to get them just a few inches from your elbows. Do not jump in so much that you sit back on your heels. Then jump back out into the high plank position. Do not let your butt go up in the air and keep your hands under your shoulders. From the high plank position, jump your feet all the way up to come back up to standing. As you come up to standing, swing your arms back and jump up, tucking your knees up toward your chest. Land with your knees soft and then sink back down to move back into that high plank position before tucking your knees in again. Beginners can do a squat jump or bodyweight squat instead of the tuck jump. They can also step back into the plank position and step one knee in at a time. And then extend one leg back out at a time to keep the move lower impact. You can also modify the plank and tuck by placing your hands up on a bench after the bodyweight squat if you can’t get down to the ground.


Half Burpee (with push up): To do Half Burpees, you can modify the move by removing the push up or advance the move by adding one in. To start, set up in the high plank position with your hands under your shoulders and your feet about shoulder-width apart. Then jump both feet up and outside your hands so your in a squat position. Try to really jump all the way in to your hands. Quickly jump back into plank. Try not to let your butt go way up in the air as you jump from the squat back to plank. From here perform a push up with your body moving as one unit. You can go down to your knees as well to do the push up before moving back to a plank from your feet. Move quickly after the push up, jumping back into the squat position. Then repeat, jumping back out into plank. Do not let your hips sag or your butt go up in the air in the plank position. Again perform another push up then jump back in.

half burpee

Diagonal Skaters to High Knees: To do Diagonal Skaters to High Knees, start to one side and the back of the space you have as you’ll be jumping laterally and forward. Stand and shift your weight onto your outside foot as you swing your arms across your body toward that side. You will lift that inside leg and even let it cross back behind your standing leg. Bend the knee of your standing leg slightly and load that leg and glute, even slightly popping your hip out toward that side. Then jump laterally and forward at an angle to land on your other foot. Swing your arms across your body to help propel you further. Land on that other foot and quickly sink to load so you can jump diagonally forward and across to your starting foot. Do that again to land on the other side. Think about completing 3-5 diagonal skater hops based on your space! Once you’ve completed 3-5 lateral diagonal hops forward, high knee run backward or back pedal back to the start and repeat. To modify, keep your lateral hops smaller while still moving diagonally forward and even march back instead of running back with high knees.

bodyweight cardio exercise

Hops To Sit Thru: To do Hops To Sit Thru, start in the plank position with your hands under your shoulders and your legs together. Your body should be in a nice straight line from your head to your heels. Then, with your legs together, jump your feet in toward your right elbow, rotating so that your knees come outside your elbow. Jump back into the plank position with your feet back center and your body in a nice straight line. Then jump your feet back in, but this time toward your opposite elbow. Rotate to bring your knees toward the outside of your elbow. Jump your feet back out center, but not completely extended. Then rotate open toward the right and kick your left leg under your body and through toward where your right hand is. As you bring your left leg forward and through, lift your right hand. You want to rotate all the way through with your left leg out straight so that you are almost sitting with your left hand down to support you. You want to “sit through.” Then bring the left leg back through so you are back in the starting position position on your hands and the balls of your feet. Next rotate to the left and kick your right leg through and forward as you lift your left hand. Come back into the short plank and then perform the hops toward each elbow. In between the hops, jump fully back into a plank but then don’t jump all the way out after both hops are complete before you do the sit thrus to each side.

plank abs

Frog Kicks: To do Frog Kicks, lie on your back with your hands behind your head and your legs out straight on the ground in front of you. Bring your heels together while turning your toes out. You can then slightly crunch your upper body up to help press your lower back into the ground or you can fully relax your head down. Lift your legs up off the ground so your heels are about a foot off the ground. Keeping your heels together, bring your heels in toward your butt. Your knees will bend out wide as you’ll keep your hips externally rotated. Letting your knees fall open, bring your heels in, keeping your lower back against the ground. Then kick your legs back out straight and repeat. If you feel your lower back, kick out and up higher. If you feel your hip flexors really taking over, play around with how much you let your knees go out wide as you tuck in.