by Cori Lefkowith | Nov 7, 2015 | Blog, Bodyweight, Exercises, Pain Relief, Stretches, Warm Up
If you want to move better and feel better, you need to move more throughout the day. You also need to make sure that your workout program includes a proper warm up routine.
The more you can stretch out and loosen up everything that gets tight from sitting hunched over a computer all day, the better you are going to feel and move while also preventing and alleviating injury!
Below are 5 Quick Stretching Flows you can use throughout the day or if you are in need of a quick warm up. Do not skip your warm up just because you are short on time! A proper warm up is essential to helping you move better and get the most out of your workouts. (more…)
by Cori Lefkowith | Oct 31, 2015 | Blog, Bodyweight, Butt, Exercises
Glute Activation is a hot topic right now and with good reason – strong, active glutes not only look great, but they also help prevent pain and injury while also helping you to lift more and run faster.
And the Glute Bridge is one of the best basic glute activation exercises out there.
But as much as everyone needs to include the Basic Glute Bridge in their workout routine, it is important to also add some variety to that basic movement to challenge your glutes and work them in different ways.
By using variations of the same basic move, we can progress the movement to challenge our body with the “same, but different.”
Here are 15 Glute Bridge Variations and some new Glute Bridge Activation Series you can include in your workouts to get your glutes activated and working (aka pumped and feeling the burn!).
by Cori Lefkowith | Oct 20, 2015 | Blog, Exercises, Functional Fitness
All too often we do cardio in only one plane of motion. Actually, not only in one plane of motion, but also in one directions – forward. We run forward. We use the elliptical moving forward. We even ride the bike and move forward.
That is why anytime there is a piece of equipment that allows us to get our sweat on while moving in a different direction than forward, or backward, it should always be included in our workout routine to help make sure we are functionally strong in every direction.
That is why the Slide Boards are a great piece of cardio equipment to use that can also be used to strengthen your entire body.
Slide Boards build glute and leg strength and really work on your external rotators and even you inner thighs. Basically, they work everything done the outside and inside of your legs as well as your glutes.
Actually, Slide Boards are great for anyone coming back from a knee injury and can be used as you advance with your rehab program because they strengthen the muscles used to stabilize the knees.
And if you get creative, you can also use Slide Boards to work your core and upper body as well.
Here are 21 Slide Board Exercises you can use to strengthen your entire body while also getting your blood pumping!
by Cori Lefkowith | Oct 15, 2015 | Blog, Diet, Mindset, Workouts
With the holiday season fast approaching, there is no time like the present to get your fitness routine in line.
You may be getting busier. There may be parties and temptations and excuses to slack on your healthy eating and workout routine.
You may even think to yourself, “I’ll just enjoy and get back to things in the New Year.”
But that only makes things harder. It only puts you behind once January hits.
It only provides you with excuses to not succeed in the future.
And it most definitely doesn’t help you create healthy habits that will last and get you through other rough, temptation-filled, busy times of year.
Instead of putting your health off to the New Year this year, why not start creating healthy habits and putting in place a program that will help you stay healthy and on-track through the holiday season?!
Below are 10 Tips To Help You Stay On-Track This Holiday Season and 2 Quick Bodyweight Workouts you can do anywhere when you are short on time or don’t feel like going to the gym.
by Cori Lefkowith | Oct 9, 2015 | Blog, Bodyweight, Exercises
The Jumping Jack is one of those basic bodyweight gym class moves that many of us forget about in search of the new best thing to help us burn fat and get our sweat on at home.
We skip the Jumping Jack in favor of soul crushing Burpees or Squat Jumps or some other move we feel like is more likely to make us feel gnarly and want to barf.
But Jumping Jacks can be a great move to include in our workout routines, even simply as active rest. Plus there are a ton of fun Jumping Jack Variations you can do if you are bored with the basic gym class variation!
Below are 15 Jumping Jack Variations as well as a regression for anyone who needs a lower impact move.
by Cori Lefkowith | Sep 30, 2015 | Blog, Foam Rolling, Pain Relief
The first step in preventing and alleviating upper body aches and pains is to relax tight muscles to help start correcting imbalances and restore normal muscle length-tension relationships.
That means you must foam roll.
Foam rolling can help you relax tight muscles so that you can then stretch, activate and strength to get the correct muscles working. If you don’t first loosen tight muscles, you may not be engaging the correct muscles when you workout.
And if you aren’t engaging the correct muscles, you may only be perpetuating imbalances, compensations and injury.
Below are 11 Upper Body Foam Rolling Moves to help you correct imbalances and loosen tight muscles caused by sitting hunched over a computer all day so that you can prevent and alleviate injuries.
