Activation Exercises – Building the Mind-Body Connection to Avoid Pain and Get Stronger

Activation Exercises – Building the Mind-Body Connection to Avoid Pain and Get Stronger

I’m constantly asking clients during sessions, “Where do you feel this?” “What do you feel working?”

I ask these questions for a couple of different reasons.

One, I want them to focus on the correct muscles activating and working to make sure they are getting the most out of the move.

And two, I want them to build their mind-body connection so they can actually get stronger and more efficient with the movements.

Because, amazingly, just because someone has good form doesn’t mean they are actually activating the correct muscles and forcing them to work.

You would be amazed and surprised by how many people lack a real mind-body connection – a real awareness of what muscles should be working and activating.

Heck, many people can’t even get the correct muscles working and isolated during movements.

Yet they are all out there working out, adding a little more weight or doing a few more reps.

And then they wonder why they aren’t getting stronger. Why their pull ups aren’t getting better. Why they constantly have aches and pains in areas that shouldn’t really be getting as worked as they are.

It’s all because they haven’t established a proper mind-body connection – it’s because they’ve skipped the Activation Step.


5 Quick Booty Burners To Build A Better Butt

5 Quick Booty Burners To Build A Better Butt

If you want to tone and strengthen your glutes so they not only look perkier but also keep low back pain at bay, you need to work them more than once a week.

However, not every glute workout needs, or even should be, an hour-long session with the heaviest weights you’ve ever used.

Actually simply doing a quick “Burner” on a day off or before or after an upper body or cardio workout 3-4 days a week along with your glute workout, may be all you need to build a better booty.

You could even simply do these Burners 4-6 days a week and not only get stronger, but also build sexier glutes. These are a great way to maintain your glutes shape and strength while you travel or workout at home without having weights.

Check below for 5 Quick Booty Burners you can easily add into your current workout routine to get even better booty building results! (And remember, if you are traveling and need a great way to maintain your glute strength and shape without a gym, these are great workouts to keep your butt strong and perky!)


Best Glute Exercises

Best Glute Exercises

There are a lot of glute exercises out there, but some give you more bang for your buck than others. Many people turn to squats when they want to work their butt, but squats (and even deadlifts) aren’t necessarily the best options. And what exercise is best also depends on exactly what you are using it for.

There are three different gluteal muscles, each with a different function. And different exercises pinpoint different aspect of your glutes. A glute exercise that strengthens your glute maximus, may not strengthen your glute medius. And if you have IT Band Syndrome, it is very important that you get your glute medius activated and stronger.

Therefore an exercise that is great for you glute maximus isn’t really beneficial for you because you need to targe the glute medius. So before you just randomly string together exercises, think about what you are using them for.

Below I’ve broken down glute exercises by the gluteal muscle they work. Here are some of the best glute exercises to work your three gluteal muscles – the gluteus maximus, medius and minimus. (more…)

Glute Activation – 10 Must-Do Exercises

Glute Activation – 10 Must-Do Exercises

Many of the AMAZING glute activation exercises that we should all be doing are those funny looking moves that Jane Fonda used to do in her leotard with ankle weights.

They are the moves that most people, especially guys, avoid.

However, everyone from the professional athlete to the guy or gal sitting behind the desk for 9 hours a day (especially actually that guy or gal with a desk job) should do those funny looking glute activation moves!

Glute activation can help you reduce your risk of injury and even alleviate your lower back pain by relaxing overactive hip flexors AND by getting your glutes to fire efficiently and effectively so that your lower back and hamstrings don’t compensate and become overworked.

Because so many of us spend so much time seated, our hips can become tight and our glutes can become underactive.

So getting them firing efficiently is key!

When your glutes are strong you’ll also find your running speed and endurance improves AND you can lift more!

Plus, strong glutes look pretty darn nice too!

And you can accomplish all of this by using those SILLY LOOKING ISOLATION MOVES!

Glute activation exercises should be included in your warm up to establish that mind-body connection so you can effectively recruit the muscles during your compound lifts or runs.

This will help you use proper recruitment patterns so your lower back doesn’t become overworked!

You can also include these more isolated moves in your supplemental circuits OR even as a nice quick finisher to your workout routine!

10 Must-Do Glute Activation Exercises:
