FHP 413 – You Don’t Know Until You Try

FHP 413 – You Don’t Know Until You Try

We all do this…

We say “It won’t work.”

“I can’t do…”

“I’ll never be able to…”

“I’ll get turned down….”

But we don’t actually “KNOW” what the outcome will be because we’ve never actually done the thing or tried to find a way around the situation.

And I do understand we don’t have to try everything to know that some ideas are good or bad…

Like jumping off a cliff…

BUT I also think too often we write something off before we test it.

We think we know the answer BUT we don’t actually know if we haven’t tried something!

Sometimes we NEED to try it and fail to truly know whether or not it will work for us!

Sometimes you’ve got to test something!

It’s so funny how we avoid taking the risk when it feels like there could be embarrassment or failure.

So funny how we won’t do that with things that feel too intimidating yet someone will tell us a plate is hot and we’ll touch it to test….don’t know if we don’t try right?! Haha

We draw our own lines.

We DECIDE what is or isn’t worth the risk.

We decide what we do or do NOT know until we’ve tried.

Which got me to thinking, when faced with my own situation of not wanting to do something because I had the thought of “it probably wouldn’t work” how I could get myself to take the risk anyway….

Because I didn’t really know. And wouldn’t know for sure unless I tried…

So this is what helped me dive in, put myself out there, and well…now wait and see as to how it truly all panned out…

#1: Question Why You Don’t Want To Do It

– Is there really a risk to this? Or is it just fear of failure?
– Why don’t you believe you can accomplish this task or thing?
– Will there be no value in the experience itself?

#2: Remember Risk Brings Learning

– Think of what you can learn even from failing – failures are often the best learning experiences
– Stepping outside your comfort zone is key
– Change requires change and growth is only achieved with risk

#3: Remember You Get More Comfortable The More You Do It

– Doing something new is hard – but the more we take on situations like this, the more comfortable we get being uncomfortable in that way
– By doing you can learn better ways to improve your success
– This will allow you to even seek out educational opportunities to address things you now realize you don’t know!

Meal Plan To Lose Stubborn Belly Fat (3 TIPS PLUS MEALS)

Meal Plan To Lose Stubborn Belly Fat (3 TIPS PLUS MEALS)

I’d always wanted defined abs.

I would diet. Be super restrictive. Lose weight. Get skinny.

And ultimately rebound.

I came to the conclusion I just would never truly get definition.

I had muscle, but just felt abs were never going to be possible for me.

That’s when I finally stopped making excuses and embraced tracking macros.

Through tracking macros, I learned exactly what I needed to get defined abs.

If you’ve ever tried to get your abs to show I think you’ll agree that the struggle is real! It took consistency past the point where you want to quit.

In this video I’m going to show you 3 tips you can implement to see YOUR abs.

But first first things first you might need a mindset shift. You’ve got to get over the mindset that you can’t track. That it’s too tedious and boring and overwhelming and simply impossible to do every day.

I get the whole mindset against it. It’s a big change. And it is annoying to track everything you eat.

But it’s data you NEED to achieve something you’ve never achieved before.

Plain and simple.

Think about it this way, if you’ve never made a cookie recipe and aren’t a baker, you wouldn’t just randomly throw things into a bowl hoping cookies come out of the mess.

You wouldn’t even eyeball portions of ingredients on the list.


You’d weigh and measure everything if you wanted to guarantee the cookies turned out.

Same thing goes for creating a recipe for aesthetic results.

As annoying as it is, tracking helps us have the data we need to get the results we want.

So embrace the suck of tracking so you don’t have to suffer through the frustration of never achieving your goal!

Now what are 3 tips to help you lose that stubborn belly fat and how do I implement these into a full day of eating?


3 Tips To Dial In Your Macros For Stubborn Belly Fat Loss:

With clients I like to cycle ratios, and ultimately the ratios and calories they use will vary based on their metabolic rates, their activity levels, their needs and even their previous dieting histories.

BUT, no matter what, I implement these 3 tips when they’re struggling to overcome that hurdle and lose that last bit of stubborn belly fat to reveal abs.

Tip #1: Go High Protein.

If you want to get super lean and achieve ab definition you’ve never seen before, get ready to increase your protein.

High protein helps us build and retain lean muscle while in a deficit. Because it preserves lean muscle mass, which is metabolically costly to maintain, aka you need more energy to maintain your muscle mass, you will tend to burn more calories even at rest and your metabolic rate will stay higher.

Protein also keep us feeling fuller for longer, which is key when we’re eating in a deficit.

And protein has a higher thermic effect than carbs or fat.

The thermic effect of food is the calories you expend to digest and process different macros.

Protein takes the most energy to digest with about 20-30% of the total calories in protein eaten going to digesting it. Then carbs take about 5-10% while fats take 0-3%.

Studies have shown protein to have a thermogenic effect 5 times greater than carbs or fat!

And unlike carbs or fat, protein’s thermic effect is much more constant regardless of your current body composition. While fat’s thermic effect may be LOWER in obese individuals, protein’s is not.

It is also important to note that consuming more protein can increase levels of glucagon, a hormone in your body that can help control body fat.

When glucagon is released, the liver breaks down stored glycogen into glucose for the body to use.

It can also help liberate free fatty acids from fat tissues aka provide fuel for cells and make that body fat do something useful instead of hiding our six pack.

And the final reason you’ll want to use macro ratios that really favor protein is simply because your calories have to come from somewhere.

While that sounds weird, it’s the simple fact. You need enough calories to not start catabolizing your muscle tissue, and protein helps prevent this. But because of the thermic effect of protein, you are also keeping your daily energy expenditure higher while getting to eat more.

So basically, since your calories need to come from somewhere, protein is a “safe” somewhere to have them come from to promote better fat loss results so you tap into those fat stores!

Tip #2: Embrace The Deficit. Realize Your Mind Will Try To “Trick” You.

Your body doesn’t like change. And you’re going to feel hungry, not only due to the changing source of energy with the macro ratio change, but also because you DO need to be in a deficit to really cause your body to tap into those fat stores.

Now you want to be conscious to increase this deficit slowly and not then try to out exercise your diet further or you’ll create metabolic adaptations that work against you.

But because your body adjusts to the fuel it’s given, over time you will have to adjust your calories.

Do this slowly and even find that balance of occasionally lowering your calorie intake from food, but also at times by making sure you’re moving more in general as we do tend to fidget and move less as our energy intake goes down.

Our body adapts and becomes more efficient and that can mean moving less to conserve energy.

But however we are doing it, we do have to embrace that deficit and know that hunger will be a part of it especially as our body adapts to a new energy intake and even macro breakdown.

And the leaner you get and get closer you do tread toward that essential body fat line, not to mention the longer you’ve been in a deficit, the more your body and mind will start to work against you.

Your body wants to survive and you’re taking it to a leanness level it has NEVER been at.

You’re going to get more cravings for things and be tempted to overeat even when you don’t truly need as much as you’re craving.

I think it is key to recognize this and have strategies in place to help you handle it.

Whether it is knowing it may be time to back off the deficit and do a diet break, include the occasional cheat or drink extra water and push through, you need to recognize that there will be points you will be hungry and have cravings to start.

Focus on finding a balance though too in your ratios, including very nutrient dense foods that give you a lot of volume, but also macro-friendly variations of treats or dishes you crave so you don’t add to those cravings!

Tip #3: Precision Is Key.

As much as I’m a big believer in creating something sustainable and balance and focusing on progress over perfection, if you want to see abs for the first time, you need to be precise.

This is NOT the time to focus on the lifestyle balance but work toward your goal, knowing that using macros you can transition into maintaining your results in a healthy and sustainable way.

But if you have this goal, you need to be precise and consistent past the point you want to quit.

You need to weigh and measure everything. No bites, licks or nibbles can go unlogged. You want that tedious perfection and precision to make sure you have 100% accurate data.

You want to be able to know you’re doing everything right not only to achieve results but to stay mentally focused on those things when you feel like results aren’t building.

Because there WILL be a dead zone where you even feel like things look worse because you’ve lost off of areas you don’t care about or don’t see and the areas you want to change haven’t yet.

So often we simply don’t see the results we want because we give up before they’ve had time to snowball.

That’s why you need to track everything to KNOW you’re being precise for results to build.

So What Does A Full Day Of Eating For Fat Loss Look Like?

I’m going to share with you a ratio that I’ve found works best in these situations. It’s extreme and not fun but what’s often needed to get rid of that belly fat that just won’t let go.

And that ratio is 50% protein, 30% carbs and 20% fat. Depending on the client I may switch the carbs and fat, and I will cycle this every 1-2 weeks with other ratios to maintain hormonal balance and even prevent more than necessary mental drain. But this ratio is almost always in that 6-pack cycle for clients no matter what at some point.

Now I want to show you what a meal plan for that may look like.

For calories you need to consider your activity level, previous dieting history, genetics, age and so much else. Too often we say a calorie intake is too low or too high judging what someone else is using without realizing that some of us are metabolically more or less efficient or may have even created metabolic adaptations from previous dieting practices.

So stop the judgment and figure out what you need! Often for cutting I will do 10-12x goal bodyweight for a client. If they don’t have a “goal” we may start with current weight even.

I will show a full day of eating for 50/30/20 at 1400 calories, which is over 12 x my weight.

For me, perfection in hitting those macros is no lower than 49% protein with 2-3% deviation from the ratio.

I shoot for 175 grams of protein, 105 grams of carbs and 31 grams of fat.


While I love fasting, I will often break my fast prior to my workout when on this ratio to make sure I have that little boost in energy and get some protein in prior to my training for fuel.

I love having a pre-workout, or breakfast, Coffee Protein Shake. The extra boost of caffeine never hurts and the whey is quickly and easily digested to fuel muscle repair and growth from my lifting session.

I’ll combine water with whey and shake to make sure it’s fully combined. I’ll add ice then two shots of espresso or coffee from the Keurig with even a little sugar free flavoring. I’m about creating meals that taste good and strike that 80/20 balance. I don’t want to restrict myself focusing on someone else’s arbitrary standards of eating clean!

SIDE NOTE – During My Workout:

During my workouts when I’m cutting, I’ll often also include BCAAs in my water. I’ll be 100% honest here…I love the taste of my personal ones and it encourages me to drink more water which is key with high protein and part of why I do it.

But I find it also valuable to improve my recovery because I’m more aggressive with my calorie deficit.

And while some feel that BCAAs aren’t beneficial if eating high protein already, when you’re in a deficit instead of a surplus, often you aren’t getting too much of anything. So bumping up your amino acid content to only aid in recovery and repair is never a bad thing!

Muscle is metabolically costly and helps us avoid metabolic adaptions so I want to use every tool I can to maintain and build it!


Post workout I may have a shake, but often because I train late morning or mid-day I’ll simply eat lunch right after.

I try to include more carbs post workout with higher protein and lower fat in that meal. This allows me to replenish my glycogen stores post workout and aid in better recovery. And the lower fat helps allows for faster digestion and absorption of nutrients.

I love having fish or seafood whenever possible so I’ll do something like halibut with rice and a veggies like broccoli or Brussel sprouts. I try to include a diversity of protein options, and actually carb sources and veggies as well for a better micronutrient diversity.

I love mapping in a meal of 8 ounces of halibut, 5 ounces of white rice and about 200g of broccoli because when I’m feeling lazy I can easily get this same plate at a local fish spot and actually sit out looking at the ocean! Not a bad mid-day break!


For dinner I love a slightly fattier protein source since I generally fast and skip breakfast. I may use steak or ground beef even. Sometimes making a quesadilla using a low carb tortilla or even a dish in the air fryer with veggies and potatoes.

I’ll usually do about a 6-10 ounce portion of protein, in this case steak. In the air fryer I may also do sweet potato and a veggie like asparagus.

I even like pre-cooking and prepping these things at times to just then reheat in the air fryer when I’m short on time!


Often I will plan in the thing I want most first. Because I love dessert, this is often dessert. Although I now have a few go-tos I like to cycle and pick one based on even other meals I really want that day.

While a staple has always been my greek yogurt with granola, I’ve fallen in love with the MegaFit protein snacks. Today because I wanted a bigger portion of rice at lunch and potatoes at dinner, I went with 2 protein balls for dessert. Just a nice little balanced way to end the day!


This puts my total for the day at….

1405 172p 105c 30f (51/30/19)

The key thing to remember is we need to work in things we enjoy while focusing on those nutrient dense, high volume foods that keep us feeling full and satisfied. There is something to be said for meals that have more bites when really trying to cut that body fat!

But just remember, if you’re going to push your body to achieve a level of leanness you’ve never achieved before, there is going to be some sacrifice. You need that precision in tracking your macros while focusing on protein to get rid of that stubborn belly fat for those of us who tend to carry our weight around our middles!

My 3-Step Fat Loss Formula…


FHP 412 – Someone Always Has it Easier

FHP 412 – Someone Always Has it Easier

Guess what?

Someone always has it easier than you. And someone always has it harder than you.

But also guess what?


All you can ever do is work based on your situation, your needs, your goals, your lucky breaks and horrible setbacks.

I don’t say this to be uncaring or unfeeling.

Life can really push us to our breaking points at times.

But the simple fact is, all we can ever do is try to find a way forward if we want results.

As harsh as this sounds, sometimes we need to tell ourselves to stop trying to blame our lack of results or progress on our situation.

The simple fact is…A. We often don’t know what it took for someone else to succeed so trying to “claim” they had it easier is a waste of breath and only holds us back.

And B. Ultimately whether we see everything in our life as a reason NOT to move forward or a reason TO move forward is up to us.

Maybe it’s because I’m openly a control freak, but I love to realize that whether I succeed or fail, or even decide to TRY at something, is my fault.


See everything as your “fault” aka give yourself control!

When it’s our fault that means we have the ability and power to make a change.

Sure we can’t stop it from raining, BUT we can control our reaction to the rain. We can skip our run outside or see it as a chance to even just do some mobility work inside while switching our run to the next day.

Realize you can see things as opportunities or obstacles.

And realize that by taking ownership…It’s also your win if you do succeed.

It makes it within your power to at ANY point make a change.

It of course sucks when you do fail. But still…at least you tried and learned and are in control to pick yourself back up and keep moving forward.

Tip #2…Recognize failure is a part of success!

We have to realize that no success is really ever smooth or easy. Success comes from failing and getting back up. From beating your head into a wall repeatedly until you find a way through.

It’s messy and frustrating and sucky AF at times.

But ultimately, no matter our situation, we can choose to embrace this pain or give up.

Everyone had to go through those ups and downs no matter how easy we think they had it.

And honestly, what they had to deal with really doesn’t matter. It doesn’t impact what YOU have to do.

So why compare?


Realize you are going to go through ups and downs no matter what. And embrace and learn from those ebbs and flows.

Tip #3….Realize it doesn’t matter….

Honestly you also have to simply remind yourself that it doesn’t matter!

You have your situation and you have to face it if you want to move forward.

Sure we may have many struggles. We may not have what we used to have.

But if we want to move forward, we can.

No matter what.

And whatever happened for anyone else out there doesn’t dictate our personal success.

So we need to stop worrying about what it took for them. We need to focus on where we are and what we need as our needs and goals constantly evolve.

Focus on you. It’s all you can do! And it is really all that matters!


Take ownership of your journey. Even love when the odds are stacked against you.

It makes it that much more sweet when you succeed. When you rebuild stronger. When you prove them all wrong.

Be true to you and live your best, healthiest and happiest life.



We don’t cheat intentionally, but it is easy at times to let momentum help us out. I see this happening a lot on bicep curls.

And while isolation exercises like bicep curls are key if you have a stubborn area and want to create better muscle hypertrophy or growth, if you can get a little extra core benefit from a movement isolating an area, why not!?

That’s why I love the Suspension Trainer Bicep Curls.

This move not only work the bicep from a more shoulder flexed position over the normal curl that works the Bicep with the shoulder extended, but it can also help you avoid using momentum while also improving your core stability!

The shoulder flexed position makes this curl a good one to include because, while we often think of the biceps impact on the elbow, flexing that joint, the bicep does also weakly assist in shoulder flexion.

And we’re missing out if we don’t consider all joint actions when training a muscle. Also, different degrees of shoulder flexion do impact the amount of bicep activation.

So while you may keep in your traditional bicep curls starting with your arms hanging down, starting from 90 degrees of shoulder flexion is a great complement to that basic move!

How Do You Do The Suspension Trainer Bicep Curl?

To do the Suspension Trainer Bicep Curl, hold a strap in each hand with your palms facing toward your head. Wrap your thumb around to tightly grip the handles and feel your fingers all engaged.

Walk your feet forward toward the anchor point so you are leaning back. The closer to parallel to the ground you get, the harder the move will be.

As you gauge your incline, start with less of one to focus on isolating those biceps, especially if you’re used to doing inverted rows and are close to parallel.

Lean back with your arms out straight in front of you and your shoulders flexed to 90 degrees. When you curl in, you will want your pinkies to end up by your temples.

Your body should be in a nice straight line from your head to your heels.

Do not let your hips sink toward the ground or your back arch. Keep your core tight and your chest pressed out.

Flex even your feet to engage your legs and help hold that plank position as you perform the curl.

Then, keeping your elbows at shoulder height, curl your hands in toward your forehead.

You want to focus on ONLY moving from the elbows, isolating those biceps to pull.

As you curl your arms, make sure your body stays in a nice straight line.

Once you bring the handles to your forehead, slowly extend your arms back out.

Do not extend your shoulders and lower your arms. You want to just extend at the elbows. Make sure to keep your body in a nice straight line as you move.

Then repeat the curl moving slowly.

Walk your feet forward more to move more parallel to the ground or slow the tempo of move down to advance it!

You can think even a 3-5 count in. Pause in at your forehead then a 3-5 count back out.

You can also advance it and make your core work hard to avoid rotation by doing a single arm curl instead of the bilateral move.


Isolate those biceps as you work your core with this amazing Suspension Trainer Bicep Curl.

It’s a great way to really force yourself to avoid using momentum or swinging to curl and a great way to work those biceps from a more shoulder flexed position.

What’s your favorite bicep curl variation to include?

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FHP 411 – “I don’t Need Accountability”

FHP 411 – “I don’t Need Accountability”

So it’s interesting the words that illicit not so favorable responses from people.

Like beginner for instance.

No one wants to be called a beginner, which I find amusing as I always want to own up to being a beginner at something. It means I have an excuse to suck at it.

Honestly I try to act like a beginner in most things because I feel I can always master something more or better.

But beginner is a word I’ve found many see as an insult.

And oddly enough, accountability is a word just like that.

A few times when messaging with people I’ve asked, “So are you looking for maybe more accountability and coaching?”

And I swear I could see their looks through my phone screen as I read their messages back that had some form of this laced in with everything else….

“I don’t need any accountability. I’m just not sure what to do but I’m very motivated and dedicated and don’t need someone to hold me accountable.”

They never called out the coaching.

Just the accountability part.

As if wanting outside accountability was a bad thing.

Shoot…I do my best to create outside accountability for myself in as many ways as possible.

I feel the more I have that outside accountability, since I don’t want to fail publicly the more I’ve guaranteed myself success.

I don’t see having extra accountability as me not being motivated or me needing help.

I see it as me caring so much I make sure I do everything in my power to succeed.

For me accountability is essential. Not something to dismiss. Or something that makes me less of a badass who can do everything all at once.

So as much as I’ve sort of avoided using this word with people, I want to take it back.

I want to share a few ways I personally hold myself accountable and believe it really is often the missing piece in our success no matter how driven, motivated, freaking badass rockstar we are….

#1: Plan Ahead

I’m definitely a checklist maker and a box checker off-er.

When I know I have something to mark complete, I’m going to make sure I do it.

I know if I have a plan I’m supposed to complete, I’m going to make myself stick to it.

If I have no clear plan in place, it is soooooo much easier to just skip the same habits a plan would hold me to.

Yup. That plan and knowing what I SHOULD be doing makes me do it.

Sometimes all we need to keep ourselves consistent and hold ourselves accountable is something pre-planned out. It helps us stick to the healthy habits and routines even on those busy days we wouldn’t do anything if there wasn’t something there sort of taunting us to do.

It’s why I pre-plan out meals at times when I know I’ll be busy and short on time even though I’m well versed in how to hit my ratios.

It’s why I never leave my workout progression programming till the day of but have it planned out at least a week in advance.

It’s not that I don’t give myself flexibility, and often have a plan b, but even then…I have a plan b already mapped out as I know SOMETHING is better than nothing.

But having a plan in place adds that extra personal accountability and it gives us a better way to even track results and know what is and isn’t working!

#2: Get Coaches For My Weak Points

It’s hard to believe it, but yes, even I have weak points. Ok I couldn’t resist that joke…which maybe is my biggest weak point…

But I think it’s key we have that outside perspective on things at times. That person to guide us and even highlight weakness, or strengths, that we didn’t know we have.

Honestly it can even be just fun to learn! And that accountability of knowing they are checking in on you and there for you to ask questions of if you get overwhelmed.

It’s not admitting weakness to “need” someone else.

Honestly it takes strength to recognize that you can go further with some support and guidance.

Not to mention when you know someone is checking in…well at least I find I do a little bit extra just so I know I can have something to report!

Plus it just helps you get out of your own way, looking at things the way you’ve always done!

#3: Share My Goals

This one honestly has been the hardest for me because I am more internally than externally motivated. I get very awkward turtle honestly with praise.

BUT I think making our goals public gives us extra incentive to not give up on them.

It definitely I think was the piece that pushed me to actually succeed at my first ever big photoshoot cut.

I let my clients even know what I was doing at the gym.

And when I saw them in classes or texted them about how they were doing, I didn’t want to have to report I’d slipped up or skipped anything.

We don’t like public failure.

It’s why often we DON’T want to share our goals.

But slip ups and mistakes aren’t failures. They are just a part of the ups and downs.

And having people that know your goals…well they aren’t going to judge your ups and downs. Honestly, they’ll probably give you the fist bump you need to keep moving forward and celebrate your small wins more than you do!

So between the desire NOT to fail publicly and the amazing support you’ll receive if you do share with those friends that share your vision…well that accountability may be just want you need to finally push past your sticking point!

#4: Set Appointments And Events

This can mean setting an end date to add motivation and accountability because you have a deadline that incentivizes you to start now and keep going or it can even be weekly events that you feel “obligated” to go to.

For the longest time I avoided setting personal coaching sessions or classes or such because I didn’t want a schedule. But I realized this was just a way mentally to let myself off the hook for actually committing to learning something new.

Because I wouldn’t miss something that A. Another person’s schedule would be impacted if I changed and B. I wouldn’t miss something that was pre-planned.

So I knew I would have to go. It was the ultimate accountability having that appointment.

And you can honestly do this with even your personal workouts and a google calendar alert.

The point is, knowing there is that set time you’re supposed to do something, especially if it can be with someone else, you are faaaar more likely to stick with that schedule.

Just make sure to pick someone equally motivated to stick with that routine so you aren’t a bad influence on each other!

#5 Get Other People Involved

This not only relates back to coaching and sharing your goals but also to #4, the appointments.

We often are more likely not to back out of things that impact someone else.

If you’re meeting a friend at the gym, you don’t want to mess up their day or schedule. You don’t want to hold them back.

If you have a private coaching sessions, you don’t want to negatively impact your coaches day.

Having other people involved supporting you and even holding you to your schedule can be key!


We all need accountability and the more forms of it the better. It means we care not that we aren’t internally driven.

Honestly, I see it as I’m so driven I want to guarantee my success.

So let’s make this word something positive. Accountability is KEY.

What do you do to hold yourself accountable?!