The Most Underrated Cardio Exercise

The Most Underrated Cardio Exercise

Want a great move to include in your bodyweight interval cardio workouts that isn’t jumping, but will for sure get your blood pumping?

Want a full-body core intensive move you can utilize in so many different ways?

Ready for a move you can modify to match your fitness level and progress when ready?

Then you’ll love this amazing bodyweight cardio move that will target your shoulders, arms, abs, obliques and even quads –

The Tabletop Crawl!

But wait?! Babies crawl…isn’t crawling easy?!


This crawl will not only challenge your body but also your mind and coordination.

Unlike the Baby Crawl, your knees are going to hover off the ground.

And with the Tabletop Crawl, unlike the Bear Crawl, you want to focus on keeping your butt down and knees just a few inches off the ground.

You also want to focus on that contralateral movement pattern, or opposite arm and leg working together. This is a great way to improve your coordination, especially for movements like running!

While you can focus on moving faster only and allow a bit more rotation of your core as you crawl, you can also use this move to work on that anti-rotational core strength.

And then you can crawl in every direction using this tabletop or bulldog position, even mixing things up by adding in rotational moves like the Sit Thru, holds or even other crawl variations to the flow!

All of these things make this crawling variation a killer cardio move.


So how do you do the basic Tabletop Crawl?

Start on your hands and knees with your knees under your hips and hands under your shoulders. Starting out or to modify this move if you get out of sync as you go through this move, you can always come back to crawling on your hands and knees.

Tuck your toes under and then lift up onto the balls of your feet and hands so your knees hover just a few inches off the ground.

To start with the crawl forward, step forward with one hand and, as you do, step the opposite foot forward, bringing your knee in. Start with small steps and focus on keeping your hips still as you step.

Then step the other hand forward and other foot.

Think small steps as you brace your abs and keep your knees close to the ground. You can continue taking steps forward in this way with the opposite arm and leg moving together or you can reverse your direction and crawl backward.

When you crawl backward, be conscious of taking small steps, especially to start. This requires a bit more upper body strength than the forward crawl oddly enough and often we get more spread out, as we have a tendency to reach further back with our feet when crawling backward, placing more load on our upper body.

As you step one foot back, remember to step back with the opposite hand.

Using this basic forward/backward crawl, you can then add in occasional holds, or even a Sit Thru on each end of the length you’re crawling in. You can also add in little jacks or side to side hops if you want. Or you can even turn over to add in a crab crawl with this tabletop crawl.

You can also use this same crawling position to move LATERALLY.

How do you do the Lateral Tabletop Crawl?

The lateral crawl is a great move to improve your coordination and you may find the movement pattern a bit more challenging to start.

And if you’re thinking I’m too old for this move, you’re wrong! As we get older, including moves that work on our coordination and neuromuscular efficiency are even more key!

They keep us functional strong!

While you can make the lateral crawl an ipsilateral or same side working together movement, it is a great contralateral move.

To do the lateral crawl as a contralateral movement pattern with the opposite hand and foot working together, set up with your hands together under your chest and feet and knees about shoulder-width part.

Then step one hand out wide to the side so your hands are about shoulder-width apart as you step the opposite foot in toward the other. As your hands move apart, your feet move together.

Then to continue laterally, your foot on the same side as the hand you just moved will step to the side as you bring the opposite hand in to meet your other hand.

Move slowly to start keeping your knees hovering just off the ground. You can move as many steps as desired across the space you have then come back the other direction.

Focus on keeping your hips still as you move side to side.

Modifying The Basic Crawl:

While you can always go down to your hands and knees, to start, another way to modify this move that is often a bit more comfortable for the knees if your surface isn’t padded, is to use an incline.

For lateral crawls, you can use a bench as your incline and move along the length of it.

For forward/backward crawls, stairs actually work best as you can place your hands up on a higher step and crawl up a step at a time!

While often we will cheat and modify by allowing our butt to go up in the air during the basic crawl off the ground, we want to recognize this changes how we are activating muscles and will not give us the same ab or quad benefit that the basic tabletop or bulldog position does.

So using an incline can help us really master that positioning!


Crawling can be a great way to improve our coordination and our conditioning. It is a great move to include in an interval workout even with traditional moves we love like burpees, if we want to include jumping. It will work our entire core and get our blood pumping.

Try a fun Sit Thru crawling variation in this workout below:

–> 5 Cardio Moves For Fat Loss Workout

Modifying Cardio Moves – The Split Squat Jump

Modifying Cardio Moves – The Split Squat Jump

The Split Squat Jump or Jump Lunge, is a very common move to see in bodyweight cardio workouts.

I definitely use it frequently myself.

But what if you have an injury or are just starting back?

How can you modify this move to fit your needs?

And let’s note here…Modifying a move doesn’t mean you’re making the move “easy.”

It simply means adjusting the moves so you can get more out of your workout and work the correct muscles to help you reach your goals FASTER.

Often modifying the move actually makes it harder because we are able to do it correctly while avoiding aches and pains.

So if you want to get more out of your training, don’t be afraid to modify!

(Check out this SNEAK PEAK from my Cardio Burner Cards below!)

Now…How Do You Modify The Split Squat Jump?

Split Squat Jumps are a great cardio and leg exercise, but also a very challenging movement, requiring strength and balance.

Plus, if you struggle to properly load your glutes during a basic lunge, and tend to put too much strain on your knees, you’re going to struggle to control your recruitment patterns even more as you speed this move up and actually jump up off the ground.

With jumping lunges of any kind, one of the first modifications to try is to reduce the impact.

Start with a smaller jump or even a skip to switch instead of a big jump where both feet leave the ground at the same time.

You can even slow them down, doing a pulse in each lunge to work your legs while reducing the impact and giving you an extra second to stabilize.

If flexion is an issue, you can try not sinking as low and instead do a slight bit more of a hip hinge on the lunge with a straight back leg.

You can also step back instead of jumping or do a skater squat with backward tap.

While stepping back you can use more or less flexion as needed, the skater squat will completely eliminate active flexion as you’ll stay in that high hinged squat and simply touch back.

You can also reduce impact and even make the step back lunge a bit more challenging by adding in sliders!

If you move quickly, all of these can really get your blood pumping!

Another option is to completely swap moves and instead do a kettlebell swing or speed hip hinge if you have knee issues making lunges contraindicated.

These are posterior chain focused leg moves that will get your blood pumping.

While you always want to start by modifying with as similar a movement pattern as possible, both of these two moves are still lower body focused and will get your blood pumping even if they aren’t lunges!

The key is to modify and stay true to what you want to work and get out of the workout!

Want more ways to modify common cardio moves? Want some great cardio workouts to help you burn fat and build strength?

Check out my Cardio Burner program!

The 30/10 Bodyweight Cardio Killer

The 30/10 Bodyweight Cardio Killer

Ready to get the sweat dripping and blood pumping?!? Heck yes, right!? 😉

Then try this Bodyweight 30/10 Cardio Killer!

It will take you just 20 minutes if you complete all 6 rounds so you can get your workout in even on a busy day! No need to spend hours in the gym or even buy expensive cardio equipment. All you need is your own bodyweight for killer results!

The 30/10 Bodyweight Cardio Killer

Set a timer for 30 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest. Work as hard as you can for 30 seconds on a move then rest 10 seconds while you transition to the next exercise. Regress moves as needed, but do not rest during the 30 seconds on each move. Beginners may rest up to 30 seconds more between rounds if needed. Complete 4-6 rounds of the circuit below.

30 seconds Snowboard Hop Burpees
10 seconds Rest
30 seconds Push Up Leg Kick
10 seconds Rest
30 seconds Squat Jump Bulldog
10 seconds Rest
30 seconds Inchworm Plank
10 seconds Rest
30 seconds Bicycles
10 seconds Rest

Love this workout?

It’s part of my Cardio Killer series available with my 28-Day Core Burner program! It pairs perfectly with my Bodyweight Booty Burners and Core Burners. Learn More –>

Get In A Full-Body Cardio Workout With These 21 Slide Board Exercises

Get In A Full-Body Cardio Workout With These 21 Slide Board Exercises

All too often we do cardio in only one plane of motion. Actually, not only in one plane of motion, but also in one directions – forward. We run forward. We use the elliptical moving forward. We even ride the bike and move forward.

That is why anytime there is a piece of equipment that allows us to get our sweat on while moving in a different direction than forward, or backward, it should always be included in our workout routine to help make sure we are functionally strong in every direction.

That is why the Slide Boards are a great piece of cardio equipment to use that can also be used to strengthen your entire body.

Slide Boards build glute and leg strength and really work on your external rotators and even you inner thighs. Basically, they work everything done the outside and inside of your legs as well as your glutes.

Actually, Slide Boards are great for anyone coming back from a knee injury and can be used as you advance with your rehab program because they strengthen the muscles used to stabilize the knees.

And if you get creative, you can also use Slide Boards to work your core and upper body as well.

Here are 21 Slide Board Exercises you can use to strengthen your entire body while also getting your blood pumping!


Sled Workouts – Exercises Using The Sled and Sled Variations

Sled Workouts – Exercises Using The Sled and Sled Variations

Often when you think of Sled Workouts, you think of sprints. You think of burning legs and a cardio workout that leaves you panting.

Because the Sled is not only a great strength training tool but also a great cardio workout.

However, the Sled isn’t only a great tool to work your legs – it is a great way to get in a full-body workout. With the Sled you can work your legs, core, back and shoulders.

Sled Training is also a great way to create body composition changes, especially when you use it for short, high intensity intervals. And because the sled is an intense exercise that works your entire body, it is also a great way to get in a quick workout when you are short on time.

If you want a great full-body workout using the Sled, try the exercises below. And if you don’t have a sled, we’ve given you some great Sled Variations to try!
