Why Protein Is Key – Even For Veggie Lovers!

Why Protein Is Key – Even For Veggie Lovers!

Can you be Vegetarian BUT still eat a diet rich in protein?

The answer…


When we think about dieting and “eating well,” we think about whole natural foods. We even think about cutting calories if weight loss is our goal.

But so often we do these two things and still don’t get the results we want!

And it’s because MACROS MATTER!

Protein is essential but often the macro we focus on least.

But a lack of protein may be the reason we’ve felt hungry on other diets and have not gotten the results we’ve wanted.

Why is protein so important?:

  • It’s the building blocks of muscle. Not only will you preserve your lean muscle mass while potentially dieting in a calorie deficit BUT you can also build lean muscle to help you look more toned! AND as we get older, especially us ladies, it can be harder and harder to retain and even GAIN muscle. A diet high in protein helps! Plus, when we are injured, we often think we need less protein, BUT a diet higher in protein can help us prevent muscle loss while we are out and restricted from training.
  • Keeps you feeling fuller for longer. Protein keeps you satisfied so that you don’t end up feeling like you are starving even if you’re trying to lose weight.
  • It makes weight loss EASIER! The thermogenic effect of protein makes it EASIER to lose weight and drop body fat on a protein rich diet EVEN if you “overeat.” Plus, because it preserves lean muscle mass, you will tend to burn more calories even at rest and your metabolism will stay healthy.
  • Improves recovery and muscle repair. You will provide your muscles with the building blocks they need to repair. AND the increase in protein can also help your tendons and connective tissues repair. Greater protein synthesis accelerates tissue repair and strengthens connective tissues to reduce your risk for injury.
  • Can improve bone density and prevent osteoporosis. It is actually a common misconception that high protein is bad for your bones and this “myth” is based on a misunderstanding of bone metabolism. Actually the amino acids in protein are used to build bone AND because protein increases muscles mass, there is an increase in bone strength!
  • And studies of protein rich diets have even shown to improve brain functioning, quality of sleep AND even lower blood pressure!

Ok…so you’re now convinced you need more protein.

But how do you get it in if you’re a veggie lover?

That is why I wanted to share this delicious Vegetarian-friendly dish!

Cauliflower And Mushroom Casserole


1/2 tbsp Olive Oil
2 tbsp Fresh Parsley
4 tbsp Grated Parmesan Cheese
1/4 cup Fat-Free Greek Yogurt
4 tbsp Light Cheddar Cheese
3 tbsp Egg Whites
1/2 tsp Black Pepper
1/4 tsp Salt
1/2 tbsp Sea Salt
3/4 tbsp Olive Oil
1 clove Garlic, minced
1/2 Large Onion
1 1/2 pounds Cauliflower
1/2 pound Fresh Button Mushrooms


Preheat the oven to 425F and place a rack in the middle. Rub a small-medium baking dish with a bit of olive oil and set aside.

Spread cauliflower florets in an even layer on a rimmed baking sheet. Drizzle olive oil over the florets and sprinkle with sea salt and pepper. Roast in the oven 30 minutes or until the cauliflower is lightly caramelized, turning once.

As the cauliflower cooks, in a medium skillet over medium-high heat, saute the mushrooms in 1/2 tbsp olive oil sprinkled with a couple of pinches of salt.

Stir every minute or so until the mushrooms have released their liquid and have browned a bit. Add the onions and cook another 4-5 minutes until translucent. Stir in the garlic and cook for another minute and remove from the heat. When the cauliflower is ready, add to the skillet and stir until combined.

In a medium bowl combine eggs, cheddar cheese and yogurt.

Add cauliflower-mushroom mixture. Stir until well combined and turn out into your prepared baking dish. Sprinkle with parmesan cheese and cover with foil.

Lower the oven temperature to 350F. Bake in the oven for 30 minutes. Remove the foil and bake for 10 minutes, until golden around the edges. Sprinkle with parsley before serving.


Calories: 267
Protein: 22 grams
Carbs: 12 grams
Fats: 15 grams

Ready to eat according to your goals and learn how to get even more out of your vegetarian diet? Want to learn how to increase your protein using COMPLEMENTARY proteins even?

–> Join my Macro Academy!

The Squat And Press 1 Minute Max Out

The Squat And Press 1 Minute Max Out

Not all workouts to build strength need to be done for reps and sets. Sometimes INTERVALS can help you build strength, especially if you need to challenge yourself with just your own bodyweight!

If you want a 30 minute workout to build your leg, chest, shoulder, arm and CORE strength, you’ll love this Squat and Press 1 Minute Max Out. It’s a great Anterior Chain workout aka you’ll feel your entire frontside working!

The Squat And Press 1 Minute Max Out

Roll out.
5-8 rounds Dynamic Squat Flow


Set a timer for 1 minute intervals with no rest between. You have 1 minute to complete as many reps of each move as you can. Record how many you get each minute and try to beat that next time. Rest 1 minute between each round. Complete 3-5 rounds. If you are short on time, just do 3 rounds.

1 minute Alternating Front Lunges*
1 minute T Push Up
1 minute Squat to Lunge
1 minute Plank with Punch
1 minute Sprinter Sit Up
1 minute Rest

Roll out.
Some Recommended Stretches:
Camel Bridge
Child’s Pose with Reaches

*NOTES: If you have weights this is a great place to use them. You can also simply move faster to get more reps if you don’t have weights…Or hold your dog or child or any heavy object even up at your chest to add some more weight! 😉

Don’t have hours to spend at the gym but want to build full body strength as you lean down?

Learn more about my 6-Week Bodyweight Shred!

Bodyweight Workouts like this one that you can do anywhere and easily fit into your busy schedule!


Does Spot Reduction Really Work?

Does Spot Reduction Really Work?

Spot Reduction…

When I first started out, I would get asked, “How can I just tone (insert specific area as they grabbed it here)?”

I would hear that phrase and roll my eyes.

My answer would always be…”You can’t spot reduce an area.”

Like DUH! 😛

And you can’t….at least not in the way we like to try to…

BUT…have you noticed in fitness how there is always a BUT?…

Spot reduction DOES actually exist.

Again…just not in the way most of us have tried to do it.

You can’t go do a bazillion crunches or tricep extensions or repetitions on the adductor machine and expect to transform that one targeted area of your body. No amount of sit ups is going to get you a flat stomach if you don’t lose enough total body fat. Just like no amount of walking is going to magically erase fat from a region if you don’t lose enough body fat overall.

HOWEVER, there are ways you can OPTIMIZE your fat loss from specific areas!

AKA you CAN actually spot reduce.

So how can spot reduction work if it isn’t by just doing a bazillion moves targeted at a specific area?

Well see…we aren’t WRONG in wanting to work a specific area. That is just ONE STEP in the process.

The problem is…All too often that is where we stop.

For spot reduction or spot lipolysis to actually work we need to work the muscles near the fat we want to get rid of, BUT then once we’ve warmed up those muscles to mobilize the fatty acids in the surrounding areas, we’ve got to actually put those mobilized fatty acids to work!

If we don’t put them to work, we won’t actually get rid of our fat!

That is why activation exercises can not only help us get the right muscles working, BUT they can also warm up those muscles to release and mobilize the fatty acids in the surrounding tissues so those fatty acids can then be UTILIZED during our HIIT or hybrid strength training moves AFTER.


Step One To Spot Reduction – Warm up the area we want to target. Lipolysis is higher in areas near the contracting muscles.

Step Two To Spot Reduction – Utilize the mobilized fatty acids by doing HIIT, Hybrid, or full body strength training moves!

You need BOTH steps if you want spot reduction to work for you.

So when you’re trainer tells you that you need compound moves and interval training they are trying to get you more bang for your buck because they know those isolation moves alone won’t get you the results you’re looking for!

Why am I telling you all of this?

Because I like efficiency. I like getting the best possible results and using all the tools at my disposal.

No…You can’t out exercise a bad diet. And if you’re short on time, don’t waste time on those isolation moves. Hybrid and compound exercises will work more muscles at once to get you better results in less time.

BUT I think everyone should be doing activation exercises before they workout to get the right muscles working and prevent injury ANYWAY.

So why not even use those activation moves to help us benefit from spot reduction as much as possible!?


Prevent injury and up our fat burning from more specific locations!?

Heck yes!






