10 Ways to Progress Your Workouts (Without Adding Weight)

10 Ways to Progress Your Workouts (Without Adding Weight)

Weights are not the only way to progress your workouts and build strength and muscle.

And the more advanced an exerciser you are, the more you have to even turn to other forms of progression in our workouts to keep seeing results.

These tips are helpful too when training at home or traveling to help you create that challenge to build.

So whether you’re finding yourself stuck at the loads you’re currently using, don’t have heavier weights available or simply need to challenge yourself through the same but different, these 10 forms of progression will help.

#1: Combine Equipment.

Different forms of resistance work in different ways.

Combining two tools can not only help you add resistance when you don’t have a clearly heavier weight but also take advantage of the different ways tools challenge you.

Try combining a band with your dumbbell exercise.

This way you not only have the weight of the dumbbell, but the challenge of the band that increases as it is stretched and forces you to control and decelerate as it shortens.

You’ll be surprised by how even a light band exponentially increases the challenge.

You’ll even find this can emphasize or activate different muscles to a greater extent. Like on a single leg deadlift, you may be surprised by how much more you are able to engage that glute!

#2: Adjust The Range Of Motion.

Changing up the range of motion we are working through can help us challenge our body in different ways.

By shrinking the range of motion and doing more pulses with an exercise, we can spend more time under tension.

This can really isolate a muscle to work it to fatigue.

We can even work muscles under differing amounts of stretch to not only build muscle but address weaker links or areas in the movement.

And pulses can be combined with moves that work the same muscles through the full range of motion to take muscles closer to fatigue when we don’t have heavier weights.

We can also increase the range of motion for exercises to increase the difficulty of a move and load the muscle under greater stretch.

Loading a muscle through a greater stretch has been shown to not only improve muscle gains but also helps you really create stability and strength through a full range of motion so that you mobility work truly pays off!

#3: Create Instability.

When we think about making a move more unstable, we may go straight to adding in an unstable surface like doing a move on a balance board or bosu.

And while these are ways to create instability and force muscles to really activate more and work harder to stay balanced, instability can also be created through taking a bilateral, or two leg or arm movement and making it a unilateral or single leg or arm exercise.

Exercises can be included all along that continuum from two sided to one sided as well based on our exact needs and goals and even to use progression through the same but different.

For example, you could do a two legged deadlift variation, an 80/20 variation, a slider variation, a bench variation, a hand assisted variation and then a full single leg deadlift.

And even if you can do the full single leg, you may use these others to create more or less stability based on the loads you have. Even combining two forms of resistance as you vary the stability demands!

You’ll even notice how other tools besides just an unstable surface, like the sliders, can add instability.

So don’t be afraid to get creative even using things like the suspension trainer or bands to add a little stability challenge to moves!

#4: Adjust Load Placement.

Load placement, or how you hold the weights or resistance, can not only challenge different muscles to different extents, but can actually be another way to create instability as well.

An uneven or offset load, holding two different weights, or a weight on just one side, can really challenge your core especially to stabilize and work.

Where you hold the weight can help you progress moves to target different areas without necessarily going heavier too.

Consider the goblet position, holding a weight up at your chest to work your core more during a lunge over down at your sides.

Even load just one side to work those obliques and fight that rotation and lean.

And on lower body moves, like reverse lunges or step ups, holding the weight in the opposing hand can even help you focus on targeting those glutes more.

But varying where you are placing the weight can create a new challenge to help you build muscle and strength!

#5: Change Up The Tempo Of Moves.

This can mean pausing and holding in moves, it can mean slowing them down or even speeding them up based on your goal for the exercise.

But adjusting the pace at which you do moves can really have an impact on whether you’re even working to build power or strength.

And both improving your strength and your power can help you build muscle overall.

Don’t be afraid to even use different tempos throughout the move.

You may slow down the lower down in a pull up, but return to the top quickly. You may even add in pauses at different points in the move to work on weaker areas.

Slowing down the eccentric especially, or the part of the move where the prime mover muscle is lengthening, can not only lead to greater muscle gains but even allow you to do a move advanced variation of an exercise than you otherwise would be able to.

And this can help you further build strength. I love using it especially to build up moves like push ups or pull ups!

#6: Spend More Time Under Tension.

Tempos really have an impact on your time under tension, but I wanted to mention time under tension, and specifically more time under tension as its own form of progression for a reason…

Because you can also impact time under tension through range of motion and even workout design.

With time under tension, you are getting a muscle to spend more time working.

Slowing down the tempo of a move makes a muscle work for longer, but so can adjusting the range of motion, both increasing it but also shrinking it.

In moves like even the Get Up Lunge, you’re increasing the range of motion of a basic lunge to go all the way down to the ground, but you’re also shrinking it in that you’re not standing up at the top.

So your legs never completely get a break. They’re in that working range of motion the entire time. And this can create a great challenge without you adding heavier and heavier loads.

Even adjusting workout design to combine moves or use intervals of work, which I’ll go over more in tip 8 can have an impact!

But getting those muscles to work hard for longer can help you increase that challenge!

#7: Switch Up Postures and Positions.

Simply adjusting the posture or position you are doing an exercise from can dramatically change the challenge of it and even the extent to which you feel muscles working.

We don’t realize how much we can often use other muscles or even seek out mobility from other areas to assist.

So even changing up an overhead press from standing to seated may make us have to check our ego and even go lighter with weights.

Changes in our posture can even help us target different aspects of a muscle.

Like a glute bridge and curl is going to hit our hamstrings in a different way than a deadlift because we are working the muscles by moving at different joints.

So don’t be afraid to vary how you’re doing those same basic moves or even consider how to include different exercises to target the same muscles!

#8: Vary Your Workout Design.

We can often get very “married” to specific ways of programming.

I often see people wanting their body part splits over the weeks and workouts with one move done in isolation.

Or they need specific intervals or circuits.

But we need to realize that sometimes varying up our reps, sets, rest intervals and such can really impact how we’re challenging our bodies.

Especially when you don’t have heavier weights, consider timed intervals of work to help you push past failure and do those few extra reps.

Consider even back to back intervals working the same area but with one move that is compound and one that is isolation.

This combination of isolation and compound can even be key if you don’t use intervals but do count reps and sets.

While we may often do a superset when we have heavier weights to allow one area to rest as the other works, sometimes doing back to back moves for the same muscle group can help us work it closer to fatigue when we don’t have heavier weights to challenge ourselves.

Don’t be afraid too to use different rep ranges. If you can challenge yourself for 6 reps great, but if you then have another move that you need 15 or even 20 reps to feel add up, don’t be afraid to use both rep ranges even in the same series!

But realize that how you adjust exercise order and even use different rep and set designs can have a huge impact!

#9: Increase Training Density.

How we design our workouts can also have a huge impact on our training density. But I think it is key to note this as a form of progression on its own.

Because training density is the amount of work you can complete in a certain amount of time.

And often to try to do more volume of work (more reps and set), our workouts just get longer and longer.

But this doesn’t have to be the case.

While we don’t just want to cut out rest from our workouts and turn our strength training into cardio and we don’t want to just add more reps and sets when we don’t have weights to create more fatigue, we can use training density to our advantage to see results.

Because often when we are training with lighter loads, a greater volume of work is needed.

This is also why workout design is so important to consider. Doing even things like timed supersets, compound sets or circuits, or Density Training, can be key to helping you get in more work without increasing time.
Your goal is to use harder variations and basically move more weight but without increasing time and through this create progression.

So consider each week how you can do a harder variation or another rep but in the 10-15 minutes you’ve set for that series!

#10: Adjust Your Workout Schedule.

Many of us may have grown up seeing those body part split workout schedules where each day you work a different area.

But not only have studies shown that more frequently working an area, 2-3 times a week, can be beneficial, but the more you don’t have loads to challenge you, the more you do want to use volume of work, or even training density to your advantage.

And this isn’t just in a single workout, but even something to consider over an extended timeline of a week.

If you are training with limited tools or struggling to build an area, consider adjusting your workout weekly split.

Consider more full body workouts or even hemisphere, dividing routines into upper and lower workouts.

You can even do anterior/posterior splits focusing more on those frontside vs. backside muscles in routines.

But vary what you’re including in your workouts to create that progression, even down to using different tools, different moves, different tempos, all of these other forms of progression, over the week to see results!

Remember we can create a challenge and see better results through not just adding weights but using these other 10 forms of progression! Which will you include in your workouts for a new challenge?

Want amazing workouts you can do anywhere? Check out my Dynamic Strength program…


15 Habits To Level Up Your Health & Fitness

15 Habits To Level Up Your Health & Fitness

We are what we repeatedly do. If we want to reach our goals, we need to implement new habits daily.

But creating new habits isn’t as simple as learning something new.

It’s first becoming CONSCIOUS of daily habits we’re doing that are so comfortable we don’t even realize we are doing them to unlearn AS we also learn the new routines.

This process is hard and it’s why so often we don’t make the changes we need or stick with the new habits for long.

It’s why I want to share 15 habit hacks I wish I’d learned sooner that have helped me now see fabulous and lasting results while continuing to grow and improve!

#1: Follow the one minute rule.

“I’ll just do one minute.”

Any time I don’t want to do something, I set a timer and just say I’ll do one minute.

I almost never stop at one minute.

I do more.

But this small commitment gets me going and it makes the change or habit feel manageable.

If you’re fighting doing something new and not feeling like it, focus on a change that only takes one minute or even set a timer and commit one minute to it.

You’ll be surprised by how much more you do!

#2: Make the habit EXCITING.

Don’t get me wrong, drinking more water isn’t exciting if you’re working on your hydration.

Trying to meal prep or workout at times isn’t always fun.

BUT getting a new and fun water bottle can make you want to use it.

Getting a new protein flavor or fancy lunchbox can make you want to meal prep.

New shoes or cool leggings? You’ll want to wear them to workout.

So find little fun things that can incentivize you to want to do the habits you’re trying to create!

#3: Do it FIRST.

New habits that aren’t comfortable, that aren’t yet a priority in our minds, easily don’t make the cut on a busy day.

“I’ll start tomorrow,” we may even think.

But when we won’t prioritize things when life gets in the way, we need to make sure they are done first.

By doing those habits first in the day before other priorities we know we will do no matter what, we make those new habits important.

And we make sure we make time for them before our energy or motivation slides!

#4: Share the love.

Ever notice you go back to a restaurant or place you thought was the best thing EVER only to realize it wasn’t that good?

When that happens it’s because the EXPERIENCE of that place got tied to other things in that day or event we loved.

We can use this love connection to our advantage and create good feelings surrounding the new habits based on what we connect them with.

Really love a TV show? Walk or do mobility work while watching it.

Love a podcast? Meal prep as you listen.

Connect new habits you aren’t crazy about to good feeling to find yourself mentally embracing them more!

And even recognize if you’re constantly connecting new habits to NEGATIVE emotions to create that push back too!

#5: Embrace the DIScomfortable.

Yes I know the word is uncomfortable but I say discomfortable because A….Discomfort is where growth lives but B. Because it makes you kind of chuckle and also lower that resistance against being uncomfortable.

It’s weird and that takes away some of the negative we often associate with hard new things.

But making yourself uncomfortable with something new every single day for a period of time really helps you create new habits.

Because the goal isn’t just the ultimate fat loss or performance goal you want. It isn’t just a long-term focus.

The goal is actually in the thing you do THAT DAY.

And the more comfortable you become being uncomfortable, the more bigger habit changes along the way don’t feel that bad.

So set a goal to do a new habit to be that beginner or learner and even feel awkward every single day even if the habit isn’t focused on your main goal.

Get discomfortable and see growth happen faster as you see your discipline with new habits improve because you’ve realized you can do hard things!

#6: Do as little as possible.

When we make habit changes, we try to do everything at once.

We want to do more because we want results yesterday. We want to be perfect.

And this is exactly why so many habit changes fail.

Instead we need to think of the overall habit we want and find the easiest, smallest part of it we could do almost immediately.

That guarantees action.

And feeling successful with that often allows us to do more and mentally resist the change less.

It makes it easier to become disciplined with each part as we build because it feels more natural to start!

#7: Think “How can I be lazy with this?”

The more we make things easy on ourselves, the more mentally we will resist the change and quickly embrace doing more.

And the simple fact is, we only have so much time, energy and willpower.

We do have other priorities. And if we don’t own them, they’ll become our excuses.

So any new habit I do, I like to think to myself not only “How can I make this easier?” but also “How can I be lazy with it?”

I buy frozen meal prep. I started with old workout plans I had that didn’t make me write something new.

I plan in meals I’ve already have made and frozen foods.

While sure, I wanted to cook more whole natural foods and create new routines that truly built, using these other things allowed me to be lazier and not have those excuses pop up.

So don’t be afraid to improve but find ways to make things easier on yourself and be a bit lazy.

Use those pre-packaged foods to start if you need.

Get a pre-planned workout routine even if you write your own eventually. But do something so you can move forward!

#8: Make the appointment.

When something is an appointment with a set date and time and even a reminder on it we can see we have to do, we are more likely to do it.

When we give ourselves wiggle room with vague goals of 3 days a week of workouts, it’s easy for us to say “I’ll do it tomorrow” until we run out of days.

So own your schedule, create the appointment and set a time and day with reminders!

#9: Let habits evolve.

Habits we create can and should change over time.

How we dial in our workouts or our diet during January when we’re motivated will be different than the balance we strike during the holidays or a busy time of year for us.

This isn’t a bad thing.

BUT we need to be open to evolution in how we implement things over getting focused on their being one perfect variation.

Always seek to assess where you are RIGHT NOW and let habits shift based on what you need to stay consistent at that time!

Sometimes less is more!

#10: Plan AHEAD.

Yup this hack is unsexy. Most of us know it. Yet few of us do it.

We try to track macros for the first time and don’t plan ahead then get frustrated when we haven’t met our numbers.

But change requires us to make changes and often the only way we can see the changes we need is to PLAN AHEAD.

Don’t let yourself get overwhelmed by not preparing.

Break down new habits and actions into little pieces you can do so you are not only prepared physically but even mentally for the challenges that may be ahead too!

#11: Pause To Reflect.

When something works, we often just keep moving forward.

When something doesn’t work, we either get down about the setback and give up or we try to brush it aside.

We don’t try to learn from both of these experiences.

But we learn more in the reflection than even in the doing.

We see what works. And we see what doesn’t. This is the way we can adjust to keep improving.

So as you create new habits, set end dates at which you’ll reflect and even tweak based on what you’re seeing in your progress!

But don’t get caught up in the doing and never pause to learn from it!

#12: Shut off your brain.

We’ve all been guilty of it…getting caught up in researching and learning only to never actually take action on something.

It’s why we can even sometimes think, “But I know what to do. Why can’t I do it?”

Knowing isn’t doing.

And in trying to learn all the potential outcomes or flaws or find a perfect program…

We can ultimately freeze ourselves with inaction.

Instead sometimes if you want a goal, you just have to choose a habit action and take it.

Then as you go, assess how it is working.

But getting started is often the hardest part. Once you get that out of the way and build that momentum, you can then seek to even learn more and improve.

The more you do, the more you do so do something to get started because thinking about what you COULD do will never move you forward.

#13: Question And Learn More.

Of course, there is a flip side to the “just take action” hack I just shared.

We also can’t think we know everything and are above learning and constantly questioning our own habits and mindsets.

Because it isn’t even that we’re learning these big new “ah-ha” things.

It’s often that we’re learning to be reminded of something in a new way at a time we need to hear it.

We’re learning to get perspective on something we can’t see from that outside vantage point.

So while we need to sometimes just pause our brains and act, we also can’t ever be above wanting to question and learn more!

The more you know, the more you realize that you don’t know. Always more to learn!

#14: Ask WHY?

There are habits we will mentally resist even when we break them down.

And when this happens, we need to ask WHY?

Because so often there is an underlying reason we need to address or NO habit will truly stick and be successful.

Yet too often we just write the habit off as not right for us over trying to truly learn about our needs, mindsets and priorities.
But the more we build that self awareness the more we realize how we can make changes that match what we need.

And part of asking why isn’t just diving into our own mindsets and beliefs…

It’s also about understanding why the change is needed.

The more we see the value and reason for the change, the more we will prioritize making it. The more we will value taking the time and energy to do it.

So use this powerful question to help yourself really understand what you need and the value of the habits to help yourself embrace them!

#15: Love Your Failures.

No matter how much you make small changes…

No matter how much you tweak and adjust…

No matter how much you try to connect habits and set appointments and evolve…

You’re going to make mistakes.

Suffer setbacks.

FAIL at things.

Life will get in the way.

Learn to love these experiences and celebrate them for the learning you get out of them.

Learn to love them because they allow you to show yourself your own strength to overcome.

Success isn’t despite failures…it’s because of them.

So mentally prepare for them and plan to use the experiences to learn!

Which of these 15 hacks did you find most helpful?

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The Most Annoying Nutrition Tips ( 7 Things That Actually Work)

The Most Annoying Nutrition Tips ( 7 Things That Actually Work)

“It’s not my workouts. It’s my diet.”

I struggled to make the nutritional changes I needed to see the fat loss and muscle definition I wanted for the longest time.

I tried to out exercise my diet.

But you can’t. At least not for long.

And the more we try to, the more we sabotage our long-term success. Not to mention the more we make it harder and harder to lose the weight and stay lean as we get older.

So as much as we may try, there is no way around making changes to our diet if we want to see results.

That’s why I’m going to break down adjusting your diet into 7 steps to follow and follow IN ORDER to start.

These nutrition tips are going to be annoyingly simple and unsexy and things you probably don’t want to do.

You may even think you’re above them.

But guess what? You’re not.

No one is above the basics and too often we think we’re advanced and lose focus on them which is why we don’t see results.

So suck it up buttercup. Take things back to basics and embrace the changes.

What ultimately feels sustainable and like a lifestyle balance doesn’t always start out that way.

And these changes will help you lower that mental barrier against change to create habits you can actually be disciplined with and see results snowball!

But remember, nothing changes if nothing changes.

So step #1…Get to tracking.

I know some of you are about to click back because you don’t want to track.

You hate tracking.

It’s tedious. Boring and time consuming.

It’s restrictive.

But guess what?

Your desire to avoid this ESSENTIAL habit is why you’re stuck feeling like you’re working hard without seeing results ever build.

And the thing is…tracking isn’t restrictive…although I do agree…it’s not the most fun or exciting of habits.

What’s restrictive is how we’ve cut stuff out in the past when tracking. JUDGED our own diet.

That’s why when you first start tracking you’re not going to cut anything out.

You’re not going to restrict or judge.

You’re simply going to TRACK.

Because then you’ll know what your diet looks like.

You’ll see areas that could use improvement but also truly understand how you’re fueling and how that makes you feel.

Tracking is truly EYE OPENING.

Then based on what you’re during currently, you’ll make changes that match what YOU need.

Not changes based on some “perfect” figure competitors’ diets that are totally unrealistic for your lifestyle.

But changes that meet you where you’re at to move forward.

Tracking will help you make SMALL changes that build over sabotaging yourself by doing so much you ultimately fall off because the EFFORT doesn’t equal the OUTCOME.

Too often we try to out diet time and ultimately just make ourselves give up because results don’t happen faster or equal to the effort we feel we are putting in!

Then step 2….add 10 grams of protein to 3 meals.

When we “go on a diet,” we jump right to cutting things out, and often the things we cut out, are the things we truly love the most.

But we’re not going on a diet with these steps.

We’re ADJUSTING our diet.

Which is why we want to focus on nutrition by addition.

This not only helps us feel more successful with the changes to want to do more, but it lowers our mental resistance against making harder changes as we go.

So first, add in about 10 grams of protein to 3 meals.

And if you’re like “10 grams?! What does that look like?”

It can be two eggs at breakfast with your toast. Or ½ cup of greek yogurt added to your oatmeal.

At lunch it could be adding another ounce of chicken breast on your salad. Or 2 tbsp of nutritional yeast used as seasoning on your current protein source.

It could be ⅓ cup of cottage cheese with ranch seasoning blended into a dip instead of ranch dressing for carrots as a snack.

It could be a serving or 85 grams of edamame added to your stir fry at dinner…Or a cup of bone broth swapped in to your soup or stew.

The key is SMALL changes to meals you already enjoy.

These small changes add up to a 30 gram boost over the day and helps us build our protein to between 30-35% of our calories for the day, which will help us lose fat as we retain lean muscle.

This protein increase can also help us feel fuller and more fueled to see better results from our training.

This ADDITION too of protein can even help us start to create a calorie deficit without technically adjusting calories.

Because protein has a higher thermic effect, requiring our body to expend more calories to digest and use it.

So while we’re adding, we’re also adjusting our calories in a way to start losing fat!

Step 3…Fiber swap.

The health of our gut has a huge impact on our fat loss results.

And fiber is key to our gut health.

It feeds and maintains our gut microbiome, which has beneficial effects on metabolic health, such as improved glucose and insulin levels.

Not to mention it helps keep us feeling fuller as we create that small calorie deficit.

So your next step, is to swap a food at 2 meals for something higher in fiber than what you’re eating currently to help you boost your fiber intake by 5-10 grams to start per day.

This helps us adjust our food quality with a focus on adding over restricting or cutting out.

It empowers us to make healthier choices but in a way we don’t have to first jump to eliminating things we love and want to include.

And these changes can be super small and as simple as swapping lentil pasta for white pasta.

Quinoa for white rice.

It could be using raspberries or blackberries over bananas in your oatmeal.

It could be a whole grain bread over a white bread for your sandwich.

Or adding in chia seeds to your greek yogurt dessert or breakfast smoothie.

It could be cutting your portion of potatoes at dinner to add a small side of broccoli.

But it doesn’t have to mean us not still including the foods we love or recipes. It can just mean small adjustments in how we make those dishes or the exact portions we consume!

Step 4…Drink more water.

Proper hydration is essential as we increase protein and focus on fiber.

If we’re dehydrated we won’t see fat loss happen as fast as we’d like not to mention we can find ourselves actually feeling hungry when we aren’t.

Drinking at least 50% of your bodyweight (weighing in pounds) in ounces of water can help increase your metabolism and make sure you’re not suffering from cravings.

If you’re nowhere near this intake now after tracking it for a few days, focus on one habit shift you can make to get in an extra few ounces or two.

As a person that struggles to drink water at times, I’ve helped myself improve the habit by putting out a water bottle the night before by the coffee maker to remind me to drink as I get ready for the day!

I also find that infusing water or having Ultima always on hand and in my backpack, I have more of a desire to drink the water because it tastes good.

Ultima and things like Cucumbers or Oranges infused into your water can help you boost your electrolyte intake and improve your hydration as well!

Focus on increasing your water intake by connecting drinking water to even a routine you’re already doing and by even getting a fun water bottle you have out so you’re constantly having that visual reminder!

Step 5…Swap out ONE food that’s not serving your goals.

As you’re making these changes and seeing the daily implementation of these habits building, you want to push out of that comfort zone just a bit more to get results building a bit faster.

Swap out something that you know isn’t serving your goals to help you cut calories by 50-100 from your daily intake, increase your protein, and improve your food quality and micronutrient diversity.

This doesn’t mean jump to the food you love the most even if it isn’t the healthiest.

But it does mean pick something you won’t miss as much to swap it out or adjust the portion.

And start with ONE meal or food.

You want to focus on something that will start to create that small calorie deficit off of what you were doing when you just started tracking your natural diet.

So take a look though at your daily food intake.

What packs a bigger calorie punch? What’s a large portion you could cut back on?

And no you can’t say your protein source.

Although this COULD be a chance to swap in lower fat cuts of meat, moving from chicken thigh to chicken breast or 85% lean ground beef to 96%….

Also note healthy but calorie dense foods that you’re consuming over the day.

Things like nuts, while healthy, can pack a real calorie punch and may not be the best option for us as we are looking to lose fat. They are easy to overeat.

So swapping out nuts as a snack for a greek yogurt dip and veggies can help us lower our calories, increase protein and even feel fuller because we’re including a great food volume over the day.

Adjusting even things like your pasta dish from a full cup to ¾ cup of pasta while adding in veggies or another ounce of protein.

These little swaps can keep pushing us to create the balance we need, increasing protein and creating that small calorie deficit needed for fat loss.

But with this, more is NOT better!

Don’t get cut crazy and start eliminating more than 100 calories a day to start.

Eating too little can backfire and sabotage not only our adherence to the plan, which is so often why we feel like dietary changes aren’t sustainable or possible, but also result in us losing muscle, creating metabolic adaptations and not getting more muscle definition!

Start swapping things you know may not be ideal or adjusting portions to further prioritize protein and reduce your calorie intake by just 50-100 per day.

Step 6…Keep tweaking!

As you see progress build, keep adjusting and making improvements, going back through steps 2-5 to improve.

Where can you increase protein?

Where could you try adjusting carbs of fat to see how each macro impacts you?

Could you improve your hydration?

Even start to assess other aspects of your diet including your meal timing.

Focus on changes that even feel doable on the worst of worst days as you build.


Also own when your LIFESTYLE has changed.

What you do at one time of year when you’re motivated may not be the habits you need at another.

Allowing an ebb and flow to how you do the habits, focusing on even one of these steps more or less at times can be key.

At times we may be more motivated to really focus on those whole natural foods. At another, we may try to find ways to work in more foods we love because that is the only way we will stay consistent.

But we want to keep tracking and adjusting to meet ourselves where we are at.

Which brings me to Step 7…Don’t Excuse 1%.

Too often as we make changes and see results snowball, we get complacent. We start to self sabotage by excusing inconsistencies and deviations.

Or our priorities shift and we don’t use Step 6 to fully OWN them and adjust.

But there is nothing that can sabotage us more than saying, “Well I’m being good enough.”

Because often when we say that…we aren’t.

We’re ignoring all the little deviations that add up and slowly take us off course.

Instead keep focusing on tracking EVERYTHING to find a balance…

Track the good, the bad and the ugly.

This helps us avoid letting negative judgements creep in and truly helps us keep building.

It’s an acknowledgement of what is going on so we can see why our results are what they are.

Because so often we feel like we’re still working super hard with habits while things actually slide and this leads to us being frustrated when results don’t add up.

So don’t excuse deviations and keep tracking as you progress toward your goals.

Use these 7 steps to help yourself see the fat loss you deserve. And even spend a week really focused on each one before adding.

While this may feel painfully slow, it is key to creating that discipline and success mindset that makes us keep wanting to do more and feeling disciplined with the changes!

Because fat loss results and muscle definition happen from the daily habits we CONSISTENTLY do!

Success is never owned. It’s rented. And rent is due every single day!

Dial in your diet to match your workouts and build your leanest, strongest body ever with my Metabolic Shred…


5 Golden Rules to Lose Belly Fat

5 Golden Rules to Lose Belly Fat

I’m going to give it to you straight – the places we want to lose from first are often the LAST to go.

And in the process of losing fat, they often look WORSE before they look better because areas around them shrink as they stay EXACTLY THE SAME.

This makes losing belly fat even more frustrating on top of the fact that the area is scientifically more stubborn!

Yup…I say scientifically more stubborn because the lack of blood flow and the breakdown of alpha and beta fat cells in the area, make this area very hard to lose from.

Not to mention changing hormones levels can impact where we store fat, causing us to gain more around our middles!

So all in all…belly fat is annoyingly challenging to lose and while it’s the first place we gain, will be the LAST place we lose from.

That’s why I wanted to share 5 golden rules to help you lose belly fat.

I call them “golden rules” because these aren’t the shiny object, magic pill, quick fixes we get distracted by…

They’re the basics we need to go back to. The foundation off of which our healthy lifestyle is built.

Because too often the longer we’ve been working to see results, the more advanced and knowledgeable we even are, the more we get distracted by new things and details that only take us away from a focus on the fundamentals.

1% deviations in our habits add up. And 1% deviations can make all the difference in where you end up.

1% off in your heading on a flight from New York to Japan lands you smack in the middle of the ocean drowning.

So let’s refocus on these 5 golden rules to lose that belly fat…

Starting with our mindset.

And while some of you may groan at this or consider clicking back because you just want to be told WHAT to do, some magic tactic…Pause. And don’t/

This desire to just DO without reflecting on your mindset or attitude is why you’re stuck.

You’re stuck constantly trying to find an easy fix. Some magic program.

You’re stuck forcing yourself into habits you can’t maintain long term so ultimately give up on because they just aren’t sustainable.

And this is why you lose the weight only to regain it. It’s why you feel like you’ll just never lose the belly fat.

Don’t repeat this cycle…

This is why Golden Rule #1 is Ditch the all or nothing attitude.

We get super motivated…we see a picture we don’t like of our midsection or have that beach vacation coming up.

So we go all in.

We make a bazillion and one changes.

And then when the effort doesn’t feel worth the outcome, when we don’t see results fast enough…

We quit.

Or maybe the changes just even feel so overwhelming we never actually get started.

We don’t feel it is worth it to do something.

But A. Something is better than nothing.

And B. We have to make changes that build if we want to create something we can do consistently.

Because not only do we get good at what we consistently do….

We ARE what we consistently do.

Your current situation is a result of the habits you do daily.

So in order to get leaner and stay leaner, we need to create habits and changes we can repeat consistently day in and day out.

While not all changes will be easy, especially to start, we need to ditch this all or nothing mindset and instead focus on what we can do today to build.

And then even own that at times, less is more!

We can’t out exercise or out diet time.

Trying to is what leads to that feeling that the effort just isn’t worth it.

Not to mention, you can’t see true fat loss any faster by trying to train for longer or eat less.

These practices honestly only lead to worse results and burnout.

Which leads me to Golden Rule #2: Macros matter most.

You can’t out exercise your diet and you can’t out diet time but just cutting your calories lower.

Honestly we often need to go less extreme with the calorie deficit and eat more to fuel our muscle.

Because while calories in vs calories out matters for WEIGHT LOSS, macros matter if you want to truly focus on FAT LOSS and retain that amazing magical and metabolically beneficial muscle.

If you think I’m about to now tell you that protein is key, you’d be right.

Especially the leaner we are, and the more we want to lose those last few pounds, the more we need to avoid a more extreme calorie deficit and focus on protein.

This is where having 40% of your calories or even slightly more coming from protein is key.

Because protein will protect your lean muscle and actually cause you to expend more energy to digest it.

Now…as important as protein is, we can’t demonize other macros.

Fats don’t make you fat. And carbs don’t make you gain belly fat either.

Extreme restriction of either is actually holding you back from losing that stubborn belly fat, and putting you at greater risk to regain the weight you lost faster than you lost it!

Healthy fats are the building blocks of hormones, especially sex hormones like estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. They also help regulate inflammation and keep cortisol (a stress hormone) levels in check.

And carbs play a critical role in thyroid function, providing glucose for energy and regulating cortisol levels. Eating enough carbs helps balance insulin and cortisol, providing your body wtih the energy it needs without spiking stress hormone levels.

So focus on tracking your macros and, while keeping protein high, cycle higher or lower carb over the weeks and months to create balance!

Now, as much as I am a huge advocate of including foods you love and not demonizing any foods, and I practice what I preach, I also know the importance of focusing 80% of my diet on whole, natural foods.

Because the quality of our food has an impact!

That’s why Golden Rule #3 is Focus on quality fuel.

Not only are whole natural foods more micronutrient dense, providing the vitamins and minerals we all know we need for our body to function well and recover quickly, but they also often make the weight loss process easier for 3 other big reasons…

They have a higher thermic effect, meaning we burn more calories at rest to digest them over processed foods.

They are often less calorically dense and more nutrient dense, meaning we can eat larger volumes of them to make us actually feel fuller and more satisfied even while in a deficit.

Whole natural foods promote optimal gut health, containing fiber and pre and probiotics, among other nutrients, that are essential to a balanced gut bacteria. And a healthy gut is key for fat loss as it improves fat metabolism and our metabolic rate overall!

So while you want to work in foods you love to create something you can be consistent with, as the second we feel restricted we often find our willpower and motivation fading very quickly, we also want to recognize that this focus on whole natural foods will improve our results.

And we need our body functioning optimally to embrace losing that hard to lose fat while allowing us to train intensely.

Especially with being in a deficit to lose, we want to be conscious we aren’t creating nutrient deficiencies so pay attention to eating that rainbow.

And then don’t forget to focus on fiber!

Fiber will help you keep your gut healthy which can often pay off more than we realize in reducing inflammation and bloat that causes us not to see the ab definition we want!

For fiber, focus on 25g for women (or 21g if you’re 50+) or 38g for men (or 30g if you’re 50+) is the fiber intake you want to shoot for!

While diet is key for fat loss, the best results happen when your diet and workouts work together.

And so often we adjust our diet, lose weight, but never truly see the definition we truly want.

This is because we so often turn to more cardio in our workouts.

Instead we need to follow Golden Rule #4 and remember that muscle is magical.

We need to focus our workouts on building muscle and strength.

Because muscle is not only how we stay functionally strong till our final day on this planet, it is really the secret to overall health and looking more defined.

Less muscle means we look softer even when we’re thin.

Not to mention, muscle keeps our metabolic rate higher, helps keep our blood sugar levels more balanced, promotes optimal hormonal levels and even better recovery.

More muscle means we will maintain better body recomp!

Yet so often we do actually sabotage our own results by turning even our strength workouts into cardio sessions.

We do this by trying to get out of breath, feel worked in our sessions and cut out rest.

Instead we need to focus on feeling the muscles truly be worked and having a purpose for everything we include.

Whether you train at home or at a gym, you can challenge yourself to build strength and muscle.

The key is truly creating that challenge in our training. And the more advanced you are, the more you have to seek ways outside of just adding weight to really push that progression.

Use different training designs, combining rep ranges and compound and isolation moves.

Use different tempos.

Vary the types of moves you include and how you break up the areas worked in workouts.

But find ways to challenge yourself and your muscles, not just make you feel sweaty and out of breath!

Now that I just said to focus on strength over cardio, there is one form of cardio that is honestly super essential when our focus is fat loss and especially losing belly fat.

And that’s why Golden Rule #5 is To Walk Daily.

Go on a casual walk for even just 15-20 minutes every.single.day.

You’ll be amazed at how much this movement helps you see better results faster without stressing your body or mind any more.

Not only is the non-stressful movement helpful to the fat loss process, especially even timed after a meal to help with digestion or after a workout where you worked your core to utilize more of the fatty acids mobilized in your training…

But it is so good to help you change patterns that may lead to mindless eating or eating out of stress.

Instead of lazing on the couch mindlessly eating at night or going to the cabinet for those mini candy bars after a stressful day at work, go for a walk.

Break those habits by swapping in MOVEMENT!

You’re not only changing behaviors to help yourself stay consistent, but you’re burning more calories in a non-stressful way for your body!

Plus, you can use this activity to spend time with friends and family and destress!

And lowering our stress levels can help us lose fat more easily and even recover faster to be able to push hard in our training sessions.

But I’ll tell you, adding in walking was super key for me even personally to see the fat loss I wanted and maintaining those results long term!

Now the final tip I want to leave you with, that isn’t a golden rule, but something I think is so key…

Measure progress by tracking your habit consistency.

I mention this as UBER important for 3 big reasons so you don’t sabotage yourself and quit on habits that WILL work if you give them long enough…

True body recomp and fat loss is slow. Painfully slow. And the scale may NOT change.

And you’re going to have to stick with it when the scale and measurements aren’t changing.

Because those last few pounds you feel you have to lose, may not be lost on the scale while fat is.

And that’s because you’re not losing muscle or even managing to gain it through a small deficit and protein focus!

If you try to make the scale change quicker or get caught up in your goal weight, you’re going to ultimately do diet and training practices that cause you to lose muscle, not fat and still have that stubborn belly fat.

Areas will look worse before they look better.

Progress photos are key. But you’re going to look at your belly fat or the areas you want to change and they’ll be changing last. They’ll even look bigger as you lose off of other places first.

So if you use photos, you need to also acknowledge the changes in these other places.

Your workouts may at times suffer.

I love lifting heavy. I hate when I don’t feel super strong or see improvements in performance goals.

But I’m aware that during a mini cut or fat loss phase, my performance goals may take a backseat.

So only measuring progress to help you stay consistent with your gym performance may make you want to give up.


In the fat loss process, to get past a stick point you have and to reach that leanness level you’ve never achieved before, you do need a calorie deficit.

This can mean our gym sessions aren’t always PR setting workouts. So we need to be mindful of this fact when setting gym goals so you don’t give up on training sessions that are working!

But this is why celebrating those habit wins, the hitting of your macros, the focus on fiber or micros, the consistency that weekly training schedule, the daily walks…are all so key to celebrate!

Because we have to find ways to help ourselves STAY CONSISTENT past the point we want to quit if we want to reach a new goal!

Want a custom plan to dial in your diet and your workouts to work together and build your leanest, strongest body at ANY age?

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FHP 666: Destination: Beastette

FHP 666: Destination: Beastette








Hey guys, this is Cori from Redefining Strength. Welcome to the Fitness Hacks Podcast. This is the show where I share all my free workout and nutrition tips. I’m not going to ever fill this episode with sponsorships or ask you to buy anything. All I ask in return is if you’re enjoying the podcast to leave a review or leave a five star rating, or even better share it with somebody you think it might help. This will only take a few minutes and would mean the world to me and possibly change the life of someone. So let’s jump right in. What are your goals? Let’s call your goals destination bte, because I want to talk about what it really takes to achieve the success we want and how we often get really focused on only our destination, only a perfect plan, only the habits we think we need to get there.

And we never assess what the journey actually will look like, how we’re stepping into that new identity. So part of reaching destination bte, reaching our goal means truly understanding where we’re starting from, yet we don’t often take a look at that yet. If you think about how you enter in to get directions from your GPS, you set not only the destination but your current location. Yet when we are really looking at destination B stat, we think, okay, this is my goal. I want to lose weight. I want to be here. And we think, okay, what’s the perfect plan for weight loss? Not, Hey, I have all these other things going on in my life right now. What’s a plan that actually fits my current location? So I want you to take a step back if you are setting goals and think, okay, destination bte. What is the roadmap to get there?

And where am I starting from? Currently, I call this assessment of where you are currently, the BTE origin story because you want to understand your hero’s origin story because you are your own hero, as cheesy as that sounds. You are becoming the bte, the hero of your story, and there’s someplace you’re starting from some struggle you’re overcoming. And the more we own the struggles we have, the more we own the priorities we have right now, the more we can overcome those excuses. And as weird as it sounds, we want to embrace the pain that we’re suffering from right now. And you might think, well, it’s not really that painful. I just have five vanity pounds, sls, okay? But there’s something that’s driving you to want to make a change to lose those five pounds. And generally even a goal we deem small or inconsequential because potentially someone else has told us it’s not that important or we feel vain in achieving it has farther reaching ramifications than we really realize and more pain attached to it, be it even just the pain that we feel like we haven’t been able to achieve something we really want.

We haven’t seen that strength to be able to overcome. And so we haven’t built that confidence, that strength and in overcoming a goal that might seem vain or silly or inconsequential in the grand scheme of all the amazing things that life has and all the horribleness or good things out there, we can build so much strength to even pursue more other things. I can tell you for me, as much as I sort of wrote off wanting to get abs like, oh, this is just a vain goal in achieving that goal, I found so much strength to overcome. I challenged myself to be uncomfortable in new ways, and that had such far reaching impact in what I believed I was capable of because I showed to myself that if I really wanted a goal, I was going to find a way to learn what I need to do to overcome the obstacles in the way.

So I want you to take a look at where you are right now. I want you to think about your origin story. What is the pain of staying stuck? Because the more you understand that pain of staying stuck, the more you can use that motivation to overcome the pain of change, but also even recognize when the pain of staying stuck doesn’t outweigh the pain of change and where you have to change the habits to meet you where you’re at. And I bring this up because in looking for a perfect plan to reach that goal that we have, and thinking about what plan is supposedly perfect for weight loss or gaining muscle or this or that, we don’t assess who and what we are. And so we do all these different things at once, and this is where we start to think tracking is restrictive. I can’t do macros.

I can’t work out for an hour six days a week. Instead of saying, okay, so that’s too painful a change for me to make right now instead of doing nothing, what is a change I can make that isn’t too painful? That might mean right now saying, Hey, I’m going to do three days a week, 15 minutes. Hey, I’m going to do three days a week, five minutes. Hey, right now tracking macros or even thinking about macros in general or tracking my food just feels like too much. I’m just going to add in vegetables to one meal or increase my protein at just one meal by adding one more ounce. Think about how you can change the habit to really fit you, because so often we get this very, this habit is good, this habit is bad, this is right and this is wrong. And this binary view doesn’t serve us because habits are, they’re able to be implemented in so many different ways to meet us where we’re at.

So really assess where am I currently? What is the pain that I am suffering from? What does my lifestyle truly look like? When am I waking up in the morning? How do I feel with how I’m waking up? Am I energized in the morning? How is my sleep? How do I feel with my workouts? How do I feel with my habits? How do all these different patterns and behaviors that I’m repeating truly make me feel? And then even think, where do I feel the pushback when I think about the perfect plans I’ve tried to implement in the past that have left me stuck? Where do I see myself running into the same hard that I’m running back from, that I’m turning around from? Because I think in assessing that, we start to realize we always hit the same hard point. It might be at six weeks, it might be after the January motivation wears off.

It might be with keto because we restricted carbs, but there’s some underlying thing below the surface value. And it’s that we’re always running into the same hard and we’re never continuing forward because we’re never doubling down and stepping back to pause and assess what hard we’re hitting and how we can overcome that, or how other priorities have shifted. In January, you might have the perfect time, but in February you might start to travel or work might start to pick up or something else starts to come into play. That by not assessing the evolution in your lifestyle, you’re hitting that hard and you’re turning back because you’re not evolving those habits. But the more you understand your current situation, your current lifestyle, where you’re starting from and the pain involved in that and the habits involved in that, the more you can plan out that roadmap and even have different paths forward.

It’s almost like you have that GPS that can tell you ways around the traffic. You want to find that same ability or way of giving yourself guidance in your own fitness journey. And so that means assessing where you are currently, not just where you want to go or the perfect plan for that. And I bring this up because I had someone email me and they were like, I really want to lose weight. I’m really struggling. And I asked them about their diet and they’re like, well, I love all these different carbs, and they go out for pizza and do all these different things. And so I’m like, okay, well, what do you think is a change that you might use? Or what program were you thinking about going with? And they’re like, well, I think I’m going to do keto. Everything they had outlined was processed food, more eating out, more carb heavy.

And I asked, I’m like, why are you going to do keto? And they said, because my friend did it and it really worked for them. And I’m like, well, do you think that’s realistic for your lifestyle? Well, I think I could cut these things out. And it’s like, but for how long are you forcing a mold that really doesn’t fit? Are you forcing a round peg into a square hole? And in really having her step back, she started to realize like, oh, this is why I haven’t seen the results, because I keep going after a perfect plan, something I think I can use short term. And not that we don’t use certain things short term, and what you do to reach a goal isn’t what you’ll do to maintain it. But there has to be some change in actual lifestyle habits, mindsets, the underlying actions we’re taking.

We have to find ways that we’re learning something about ourselves to move ourselves forward and create that discipline, not just forcing a mold that we can maybe willpower our way through for a little bit. And so in having her step back, she realized that keto wasn’t the way, and that by actually tracking what she’s currently doing, she could work those things in find evolutions in our habits that moved her forward and see sustainable results. Now, it’s not the overnight quick fix that some of these fad diets promise us and even give us, but it’s the lasting results because we don’t want to look good for just one day, and we don’t want to just lose 10 pounds to gain it back. We want to truly see changes, and we want to reach that destination B stat. So I would really urge you, as you’re setting goals, don’t just look at the goal.

Don’t just look at a perfect plan. Look at where you are right now to evolve habits to meet you where you’re at. And then recognize as you reach that goal, you’re stepping into a new identity. Think about what that lifestyle truly looks like to be there. Because I think even in assessing that, and when I questioned her more about the keto, I’m like, does your destination have that same lifestyle that you’re now trying to use to get there? And again, there’s evolution in it, but she realized, no, I wouldn’t be maintaining this long-term. Okay, well, what would you need to be maintaining long-term to maintain the results that you’ve built? And then assessing the actual lifestyle and not just the goal, not just having lost the 10 pounds, but what is the lifestyle that person’s leading to then maintain that loss? She started to see how we could sort of backtrack to her current location and make the habits that she needed now eventually evolve into the habits she would need to sustain.

So I would urge you, as you’re setting goals, take a look at your current location to meet yourself where you’re at, and do the habits you need right now to move you forward knowing that they can evolve over time. Don’t force a perfect plan. And then as you look at your goal, really assess the lifestyle you’ll be stepping into with that, because that’s what helps us connect all the dots and really have that GPS, that roadmap laid out in a way that moves us forward and moves us forward in sustainable ways. So I would really tell you reflect, don’t just seek a perfect plan. Don’t just seek to take action immediately and force yourself into all these habit changes. Really draw upon where you are right now and outline the lifestyle you’ll need to be living and assess what identity you’ll be embracing, because I think that will help you take a different perspective when you make changes this time and see the results that you actually deserve versus jumping from thing to thing, hitting the same, hard to only turn back. Thanks for listening to the Fitness Hack Podcast. Again, this is the place where I share all my free work, workout in nutrition tips. I’m never going to run sponsorships or ask you to buy anything. All I ask in return is if you’re enjoying the podcast to leave a rating, review or share it with someone you think it might help. This will only take a few minutes, and it would mean the world to me and possibly change the life of someone you know

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