31 Push Up Variations – Intermediate and Advanced Variations

31 Push Up Variations – Intermediate and Advanced Variations

The Push Up is a must-do move even though most of us need to make sure we do extra pulling exercises because we sit hunched over a computer for 9 hours a day.

So while you definitely need to include rows and pull ups and all sorts of pulling exercises in your workouts, you can still include Push Ups.

Push Ups are an important bodyweight exercise to include because they work not only your chest, shoulders and triceps but also your entire core. As I’ve mentioned before, Push Ups are basically just a moving Plank.

They can help train the muscles of your core to work together correctly. They can help you develop and improve your mind-body connection so that your core engages and works properly during compound exercises.

However, doing the same basic Push Up over and over again gets boring. Plus there are so many different variations out there that can work not only your upper body, but also your core, in different ways to focus on different muscle groups.

That is why it is important to include different Push Up variations in your workout routine. Check out these 31 Push Up Variations below for some great upper body and core exercises!


10 Bodyweight Travel Exercises And A Quick Travel Workout

10 Bodyweight Travel Exercises And A Quick Travel Workout

When you travel it can be hard to keep up with your workout routine.

You may simply be busy, or relaxing or without access to your usual workout equipment. But that doesn’t have to mean you fall off your workout routine.

While you can take time off on vacation, it can be useful to have some Bodyweight Travel Exercises and quick Travel Workouts on hand, especially if you travel often. These moves and exercises can be something quick you do in your off time, even if all you have access to is the space in your hotel room.

Try these 10 Bodyweight Travel Exercises and Quick Travel Workout.


Why Can’t I Do A Pull Up? – Three Keys To Achieving That First Pull Up

Why Can’t I Do A Pull Up? – Three Keys To Achieving That First Pull Up

Many of the clients that I work with come into the gym unable to do a Pull Up. And most have it as a main goal they would like to accomplish.

Some clients may have never even really tried to achieve that first Pull Up, believing that there was no way they would be able to do one while others may have been working toward it for awhile with no real progress forward.

Because the Pull Up is a unique exercise that not only requires strength, but also a mind-body connection that many people with a desk job simply don’t have. So it isn’t as simple as doing some back exercise and BAM! first Pull Up!

It isn’t even as simple as slowly progressing variations from easiest to hardest and BAM! first Pull Up.

Helping clients, or even yourself, achieve that first Pull Up is about building the mind-body connection, reversing the effects of sitting, strengthening your back and forcing your body to take on more and more challenging Pull Up variations. It is about a complete program of foam rolling, stretching, activation and strengthening exercises.

It is about a program that boils down to 3 key things – Activation, not using Assistance and lower reps. End of story.

You can do all the Inverted Rows and Machine-Assisted Pull Ups assisted Pull Ups you want and never achieve that first Pull Up if you don’t think about these 3 things.


Perfecting The Plank and a Core Burn Out Workout

Perfecting The Plank and a Core Burn Out Workout

Planks are always a popular exercise. And with good reason. They are a great core exercise!

The problem is…it has become a competition to hold a plank the longest. When how long you can hold a plank isn’t near as important as your ability to properly engage and contract the muscles of your core intensely.

It is a much better test of core strength to challenge yourself to engage the muscles of your core so intensely that you create “shakeage” within seconds of starting the plank rather than compensating just to hold longer. If you can engage your muscles so intensely that they are shaking, you will be able to use your core and recruit the muscles of your core more efficiently during other movements.

Developing proper core strength and learning how to properly engage the muscles of your core is why you should truly be including planks in your workout routine. You want to use them to strengthen your mind-body connection!

Below are some tips to help you get the most out of the Basic Plank as well as a few basic variations and a great core burn out workout.



Why You Should Do Crunches and Sit Ups – 20 Ab Exercises

Why You Should Do Crunches and Sit Ups – 20 Ab Exercises

TheCrunches and Sit Ups have gotten a bad rap in the last few years. They are said to be worthless and even put you at risk for injury.

And when designing many of my workouts, I often even opt for other “core moves” over Crunches and Sit Ups because they give you more”bang for your buck,” aka they work more, and bigger, muscle groups all at once to not only strengthen your entire core, but also burn more calories.

HOWEVER, there is a time and a place for Crunches and Sit Ups.

They really aren’t dangerous when you do them correctly and integrate them into your workout routine correctly.

And while they won’t give you six-pack abs, especially if your diet isn’t on point, they do have value when used correctly.

Plus, they sometimes are just freaking fun! There is just something about the ab and core burn that is produced by Crunches and Sit Ups that makes you feel good. (And sometimes working out should simply make you feel good!)

So here’s why you should do Crunches and Sit Ups and when you should include them. Plus 20 fun Crunches and Sit Up Variations!


5 Quick Stretching Flows To Loosen Up

5 Quick Stretching Flows To Loosen Up

If you want to move better and feel better, you need to move more throughout the day. You also need to make sure that your workout program includes a proper warm up routine.

The more you can stretch out and loosen up everything that gets tight from sitting hunched over a computer all day, the better you are going to feel and move while also preventing and alleviating injury!

Below are 5 Quick Stretching Flows you can use throughout the day or if you are in need of a quick warm up. Do not skip your warm up just because you are short on time! A proper warm up is essential to helping you move better and get the most out of your workouts. (more…)