Dieting Shouldn’t Mean Deprivation

Dieting Shouldn’t Mean Deprivation

Often when we hear the word diet, we immediately think, “I have to eat bland, disgusting, boring, tasteless food that leaves me just wanting the things I love.”

But that isn’t what a diet is. The word “diet” has gotten twisted into something it isn’t.

Diet is actually just simply defined as WHAT we eat. But today most of us associate the word “diet” with what we DON’T get to eat.


Improve Your Pull Ups And Core Strength With This Killer Workout

Improve Your Pull Ups And Core Strength With This Killer Workout

I designed this workout when experimenting with my 30-Day Pull Up Challenge workouts and scheduling.

And while I intended it to simply help people achieve that first, or 15th!, Pull Up, I never expected it to be such a core killer…like…KILLER!

More clients tell me their entire core hurts, and is more sore after this one workout from my 30-Day Pull Up Challenge than from almost any other workout we do.

That is also why this workout is so effective at improving your Pull Ups – it builds your core strength while also activating and strengthening your back.

That’s right…core strength is ESSENTIAL to improving your Pull Ups.

And this workout…well…it hammers your core as it works to improve your scapular retraction and get your back activated and working correctly!

It also combines two other keys to improve your Pull Ups besides building core strength – it also uses Eccentric Pull Ups and Pull Up Holds.

Including both Eccentric Pull Ups and Pull Up Holds in your workout program is also essential if you want results fast. Combining these 3 elements – Core Strength, Eccentric Pull Ups and Pull Up Holds is what makes this workout one of the foundational workouts of my 30-day program (Ready to improve your Pull Ups and want the full program? Click HERE) .

Ready for a killer core workout that will improve your Pull Ups? Then try the one below!

The 30-Day Pull Up Workout

Warm up then complete 4-6 rounds of the first exercise, resting about 1 minute between rounds. Then rest 1-2 minutes before moving on to the supplemental circuits. Rest no more than 30 seconds between rounds of the supplemental circuits and 1-2 minutes between circuits. Complete 6-8 rounds of each of the supplemental circuits. Then cool down by rolling and stretching.

5-8 reps Eccentric Pull Ups

20 seconds Pull Ups
20 seconds Handstand Hold
15-30 seconds Rest

20 seconds Push Ups
20 seconds Pull Up Holds
15-30 seconds Rest

NOTES: Pick variations of each move that allow you to work the entire 20 seconds. While that seems short, it adds up. And if you don’t work the entire time, you won’t get in the volume that will help create changes. Regress as you go if needed. For the Eccentric Pull Ups, lower down as slowly as possible.

For Pull Ups, do the hardest version you can. Full pull ups, foot assisted pull ups, jumping pull ups….Something that will challenge your back for the time but allow you to keep moving even if you regress as you go!

For the Push Ups and Pull Up Holds, select moves that work on weak points. For instance, close grip will work your triceps more on push ups. Wide grip will work your chest more. On Pull Up Holds, hold at the top to work on lock out. Hold at the bottom to work on Scapular Retraction (aka getting your lats actually engaged so you can begin the Pull Up). Hold at the mid-point to work on getting over your stick point.

Want to improve your Pull Ups? These 3 Keys To Improving Your Pull Ups will help!

Learn my 3 Keys To Improving Your Pull Ups –>

Are Planks Overrated? 3 Tips To Improve Your Planks

Are Planks Overrated? 3 Tips To Improve Your Planks

Many believe the plank to be one of the best core exercises out there, but it’s has also become very overrated.

The plank has now become an overrated core exercise because most people use it incorrectly.

So maybe it isn’t the plank so much as people’s interpretation of the plank that is overrated…Either way…if you’re going to do them incorrectly, they are highly overrated!

How do people use the plank incorrectly?


Why Imbalances Are Worse Than Inflexibility – Our Top Injury Prevention Articles

Why Imbalances Are Worse Than Inflexibility – Our Top Injury Prevention Articles

Have you ever heard someone say, “I want to be able to touch my toes?” As if that was a very important thing to show their fitness and health.

It is such an arbitrary sign of “flexibility” and isn’t necessarily meaningful when it comes to preventing injuries or moving well. (Ready to address a specific ache or pain? Click here and check out our best injury prevention articles)


Strengthen And Tone Your Inner Thighs With These Workouts – 21 Inner Thigh Exercises

Strengthen And Tone Your Inner Thighs With These Workouts – 21 Inner Thigh Exercises

The inner thighs, or adductors, are a very interesting muscle group.

They are an area of the body that almost every woman complains about. That most men don’t care about (but they should!).

But they are also an area of the body that anyone with knee, hip, low back or even ankle pain needs to work and pay attention to…Especially if you have knee pain!

It is one of those few areas where we can kill two birds with one stone and not only work on those aesthetic complaints but also alleviate and prevent injury at the same time!

Another area like this is the glutes…Glute activation moves not only activate the glutes to prevent and alleviate injury but can also make those butt cheeks strong and perky! (Plus, it is important to activate those glutes while you work your adductors to help maintain balance and stability around the hip joint and prevent and alleviate knee and ankle pain.)

But the inner thighs aren’t only interesting because most people want to tone them and because they can be responsible for pain, especially knee pain.

The adductors are also an interesting area to work because they can be both tight AND weak. And both issues can create and perpetuate pain.

So including adductor or inner thigh exercises in your workout routine isn’t as simple as just doing some lunges.

To properly strengthen and tone your adductors to prevent and alleviate pain, you’ve got to not only strengthen them, but also stretch them and improve your mobility as you strengthen. That is why many of these moves can be both stretches and strengthening moves. It is important that you not only strengthen, but strengthen through a full range of motion.

Many of these moves may help you also improve your range of motion and then maintain that range of motion by strengthening through it. All too often we spend time stretching to then only lift through a limited range of motion, which in turn only tightens everything back up.

It is very important that we strengthen through a full range of motion to prevent and alleviate pain and truly strengthen and tone those inner thighs. That is why moves like the Cossack Squat are so important to include because they stretch and strengthen at the same time.

To improve our adductor strength and mobility at the same time, it is also important that we include adductor foam rolling moves and even some Jane Fonda-esque moves in our inner thigh routine as well as the stretching and strengthening exercises.

Check out these 21 Inner Thigh Exercises to strength and tone your adductors. Then try out some of the Inner Thigh Workouts using some of these 21 moves!

Inner Thigh Workouts – Strengthen Those Adductors

Below are a few different inner thigh workouts you can do to strengthen your adductors and even improve your mobility.

A few of them also include glute activation exercises because it is important to balance adductor work with glute activation work so that you don’t end up causing an imbalance and contributing to knee, hip or low back pain. Working your glutes, abduction muscles and adductors can create balance around your hip joint so it is important that you don’t ONLY strengthen your adductors.

Abs, Adductors and Glutes!

The Glute And Inner Thigh Workout

Quick Stretch and Activation Series

Abs, Adductors and Glutes! Workout

This is a great workout to work your core using Sliders! It will toast your abs, glutes and adductors!

Stretch and Roll Out:


Set a timer for 25 minutes and complete as many rounds of the following circuit as you can! Record and try to beat it next time.

8-12 reps per side Slider Skater Lunges
10-15 reps Slider Plank Jacks
8-12 reps Slider Kneeling Adduction
10-15 reps Slider Glute Bridge and Curl

Stretch and Roll Out:

NOTES: This is a great workout using sliders. If you don’t have sliders, glyders or valslides, use towels or even paper plates!

Quick Stretch and Activation Series

This is a great workout to stretch out tight adductors while strengthening them and your glutes!

Stretch and Roll Out:
Groin (see the video for an adductor foam rolling move!)


Set a timer for 30 second intervals. Complete 1 round of the first circuit of stretches and then 2-3 rounds of the second activation circuit.

30 seconds Prayer Squat
30 seconds Side to Side Lunge
30 seconds Frog Stretch
30 seconds each side Pigeon Pose
30 seconds each side Half Kneeling Hip and Quad Stretch
30 seconds each side Seated Hamstring, Glute and Spinal Twist Complex

30 seconds each side Warrior II
30 seconds Boat to Bridge Squeeze
30 seconds each side Side Plank with Adductor Lift
30 seconds Lower Ab Criss Cross

Stretch and Roll Out:
Groin (see the video for an adductor foam rolling move!)

NOTES: This is a great extended warm up before a lower body workout and a great recovery day program. If you are doing this as a warm up, probably only do one round of the activation.

Strengthen Your Core With Standing Core Exercises – 20 Standing Core Exercises

Strengthen Your Core With Standing Core Exercises – 20 Standing Core Exercises

Working your core doesn’t have to mean getting down on the ground and doing planks, crunches or sit ups.

There are actually a number of great core-intensive exercises you can do standing. And these Standing Core Exercises can be a great way to work your core in every plane of motion and get in a great full-body workout.

They are some of the best ways to work your core because they work your core in a compound movement instead of simply isolating your abs. That means you can burn more calories in less time and you also strengthen your core in a functional way that helps you lift more and move better in everyday life.

If you are looking to add some variety to your workouts and challenge your core in a new way, try these 20 Standing Core Exercises.
