by Cori Lefkowith | May 14, 2015 | Blog, Bodyweight, Exercises, Workouts
When people think “cardio,” they usually think of running. Or they think of hopping on a treadmill or some other cardio machine.
But you don’t have to run to get in a great cardio workout. Actually the 20 Bodyweight Cardio Exercises below may be even better cardio workouts than running, especially chronic, steady-state cardio like long distance running.
And none of them require any equipment (ok a TOWEL but hopefully you have some sort of towel or blanket at home!). They can all be done at home in your living room even.
So if you aren’t a runner and you are looking for a cardio workout you can do at home, check out the 20 Bodyweight Cardio Moves below and scroll to the end for some KILLER Interval Workouts!

by Cori Lefkowith | May 7, 2015 | Battling Ropes, Blog, Exercises
Battle Ropes are a versatile tool that you often only see used for Wave Exercises. And while Wave Exercises with the Battle Ropes are a great way to improve your strength and conditioning so are Rope Pulling Exercises.
Rope Pulls are a great functional exercise to strengthen your arms, back, core and legs while getting your heart rate up to improve your conditioning.
If you want strength and endurance, you need to include Battle Rope Pulls in your workout routine.
by Cori Lefkowith | May 1, 2015 | Blog, Exercises, Vs.
Chances are you’ve heard you need to include the Squat or the Deadlift, or maybe even both, in your workout routine if you want to develop strong legs and glutes.
And both are truly great compound moves that not only strengthen your legs and glutes but also your entire core.
But what is the difference between the Squat and the Deadlift?
Should you use one over the other or can both be included in your workout routine? And if you include both when do you use them?
by Cori Lefkowith | Apr 28, 2015 | Blog
As a trainer and gym owner, I was excited and obsessed with getting the Apple Watch because of all the health and fitness related apps and abilities it had.
I love testing out any new product that has the potential to make people move more and be more conscious of their health.
And I must say while it is a great motivational tool to get people moving more and hold them accountable, I was super disappointed to find out that all I am is “Other.” Here is my Fitness Review of the Apple Watch…
by Cori Lefkowith | Apr 27, 2015 | Blog, Pain Relief, Runner's
Running – It’s an exercise almost everyone thinks they can do, but very few actually do well.
It is also a repetitive exercise that can put lots of strain on our body and lead to injury, especially if we are already tight and suffering from imbalances and poor movement patterns because we sit at a desk hunched over a computer all day.
However, this doesn’t mean that you should just stop running, especially sprinting, if you love it.
It does mean though that you need to make sure to have a proper rehab/prehab program in place to include before and after your runs or even on days when you hit the gym.
By including certain foam rolling, stretching, activation and strength training moves in your workout routine, you can keep your body injury free and prevent and alleviate those annoying running injuries!
Follow our 4 Step Injury Prevention Program below to learn how to prevent and alleviate common running injuries.
by Cori Lefkowith | Apr 14, 2015 | Blog, Pain Relief
Do you sit at a computer for 9 hours a day and your wrists and elbows can get achy and sore? Or maybe you’ve noticed that doing moves such as push ups or handstands cause wrist or elbow pain?
That is because most of us spend lots of time with our wrists and elbows in flexion (actually basically our entire upper body is in flexion hunched over a computer screen), which can cause the muscles of our forearms and even our upper arms and upper back to get sore and tight.
This tightness in our forearms and our upper back can cause wrist and elbow pain and lead to injuries when we workout. When we go to the gym and do moves like push ups and handstands, we ask our wrists to be in extension, which they may be too tight to comfortably do.
Plus the tightness caused by sitting in flexion can also cause the extensors in our forearms and the muscles of our upper backs to be weak, which can also lead to injury when we lift because we may not be engaging the correct muscles and may be instead overusing weak muscles that can’t handle the load.
Below are 10 Tips to help you prevent and alleviate wrist and elbow pain at your desk and loosen up your upper body after sitting in flexion hunched over a computer. Any time you need a little break from typing, try one of these moves!