10 Burpee Variations For A Full-Body Cardio Workout

10 Burpee Variations For A Full-Body Cardio Workout

Burpees are a great full-body cardio workout you can do anywhere. With one movement you can work your entire body and get your blood pumping.

And with these 10 Burpee Variations, you can mix things up and work your body from different angles. Some of these 10 burpee variations are more core intensive while others focus more on your chest, back or legs.

Try these 10 Burpee Variations and our Burpee Challenge below!


Stay In Shape While Traveling – 30 Exercises To Do When You Travel

Stay In Shape While Traveling – 30 Exercises To Do When You Travel

It can be hard to stay on top of your workouts when you travel, especially if you don’t have access to a gym.

But if you have just three lightweight, easily storable pieces of equipment, you can get in a great workout without leaving your hotel room and stay in shape while traveling.

That is why the Total ValGym is amazing. It has 3 easily portable pieces of equipment to help you get in a quick full-body workout no matter where you are. In the Total ValGym there are Valslides, Resistance Bands and a Mini Band and these three pieces are all you need!

With these three pieces you can get in a full-body workout using the 30 exercises below. And if you are short on time, just try one of the 15-Minute Travel Workouts we’ve put together!


The Kettlebell Swing – A Great Glute Exercise

The Kettlebell Swing – A Great Glute Exercise

The Kettlebell Swing is taught a variety of ways, but there are two main “variations” – the Russian swing and the American swing.

I personally only ever use the Russian style, hip hinge swing ending no higher than chest height. So below I’m going to go over form for that hip hinge movement instead of the American style overhead swing.

The Kettlebell Swing can be a great glute exercise to help you improve your power and your strength. It can also be a great conditioning exercise that is lower impact.

And of course, it also is great to build grip strength!

It is even thought by many to be one of the best, if not the best, explosive glute exercise!

Below learn how to do the basic Kettlebell Swing as well as some fun variations!

And if you’d like to learn more about Kettlebell training in general, scroll to the end of the post to watch my Science Behind Kettlebells Training Video!


Crunchless Core Exercises – 10 Suspension Trainer Core Exercises

Crunchless Core Exercises – 10 Suspension Trainer Core Exercises

Crunches aren’t the best way to work your core. For one, they only target the abs not the entire core. And two, they don’t burn very many calories because they don’t work the large muscle groups of your body.

That is why we love these 10 Crunchless Core Exercises. These moves work everything from our shoulders to our knees in different planes of motion using a Suspension Trainer.


Sandbag Core Exercises – 5 Great Core Moves

Sandbag Core Exercises – 5 Great Core Moves

The sandbag is a great functional tool to get in a full-body workout. It is also a great tool to help you build core strength and stability while strengthening the big muscles of your body.

With the sandbag you can work your entire core – everything from your shoulders to your knees. And because of the awkwardness of the weight, your core has to work super hard to stabilize.

Plus, unlike crunches, these movements work the big muscles of your body in different planes of motion. That means you get more bang for your buck – more calories burned and more muscle built with fewer exercises and less time in the gym.

Try these 5 Sandbag Core Exercises to get in a great full body workout and build your core strength and stability!


How To Do A Pull Up – Beginner Variations and Supplemental Exercises

How To Do A Pull Up – Beginner Variations and Supplemental Exercises

Pull ups are one of the best bodyweight exercises to build back and core strength because they are a compound movement.

However, they are also one of the most challenging bodyweight exercises for most people to do.

If you are struggling to achieve that first full pull up or would simply like to be able to do more, check out our How To Do A Pull Up Guide below.

In this guide we will help you get the big muscles of your back working properly and show you pull up variations and supplemental exercises to improve your strength and get your chin up over that bar!
