Should You Weigh Every Day?

Should You Weigh Every Day?

“Don’t step on it! It will make you cry!”

This was the caption below a cartoon I saw of two little girls staring at a scale.

It made me both laugh and cringe all at once.

Weighing ourselves…

Some of us do it daily. It’s part of our “morning routine.” But it can also sometimes be a number that decides how we feel about ourselves that day…for better or for worse.

And for others of us…

Well…others of us won’t even walk close to one for fear of the dreaded number that may glare back at us.

But should you be weighing yourself? And, more importantly, should you be doing it daily?

I’ll tell you the answer right now and you’re not going to like it…


Isn’t that an infuriating answer?!

The thing is…that is 100% true.

Weighing yourself can be a HUGE accountability tool when used correctly, even doing it daily.

It can have a huge positive impact and help increase your dedication and consistency


There is a dark side to the scale…

One in which that number begins to dictate how you feel about yourself. One in which you start to obsess over the number you see there.

One in which your feelings of confidence and self-worth are dependent on what that stupid little piece of technology that sits on your bathroom floor says…

Then weighing every day is for sure not a good thing.

The only thing is…

That number on the scale can have that same impact even if you never weigh.

Having to AVOID the scale out of fear of what it would say is no better than weighing obsessively.


The point is…our WEIGHT can’t rule how we feel about our bodies.

It is simply another measuring tool we can use to keep track of progress or even use to guide us when we find a point we feel comfortable with.

But we have to remember our weight is just a NUMBER and doesn’t determine our worth.

And that goal number can, and even should, change over time. And it shouldn’t be our only determination of success.

However, all too often it doesn’t change and it becomes the most important measure of success.

Heck, some of us get so freaking stuck on a specific number we don’t appreciate when we have huge body composition shifts.

I’ve literally had clients tell me, “Well I lost inches but the scale didn’t budge!”

And they’ve said this as if they were UNHAPPY with this fact! (This is usually where I sit there looking dumbfounded, confused and shocked.)

But losing inches means they lost fat. Heck, it’s probably a BIGGER victory than weight lost on the scale.

Because that number on the scale can fluctuate for so many reasons.

I mean crap…that number can fluctuate from hour to hour based on eating food…or how much salt we eat or water we drink…or even if our workout broke down more muscle tissue the day before or we ate more carbs or heck, depleted our glycogen stores by NOT eating carbs…

The point is that number can fluctuate so easily. And it is just a NUMBER. It should just be another guide to help you track and see if something is working OR if changes need to be made.

It can be an accountability tool, but it can’t be something that is the be all and end all.

And I think it has become one for all too many of us as dieting has become know as deprivation…

STARVING yourself to hit a number on a scale….A number that really has been arbitrarily assigned by ourselves or something we read in a magazine….

Doesn’t lead to long-term results or long-term health.

And I don’t think this will change by weighing or not weighing. I think that is just a symptom of a bigger problem. Because as I mentioned we can be as obsessed with that number whether we obsessively weigh or obsessively AVOID weighing.

I think the real answer to changing our obsession with our weight and having to be a specific number to be happy comes from changing our relationship to how we view dieting – aka our relationship with FOOD.

It’s about changing our view of our diet from one of purely slashing calories and starving ourselves to hit a number on the scale, to one focused on FUELING OUR BODIES.

It’s why I put an emphasis on Macros over Caloric Intake. Dial in your macros. Think about getting your body the right foods and everything else will start to fall into place.

Stop dieting and depriving. Focus on giving your body what it needs and creating a balance so you can enjoy life!

To help you get started, find out what macros you need with the Macro Cycling Quiz.

–> Take the Quiz And Start FUELING Your Body!

The Best Of Redefining Strength 2015

The Best Of Redefining Strength 2015

Over this past year, we shared 100s of new exercises as well as workouts and fitness tips. All to help you reach your fitness goals. Here are some of our favorite articles, most popular articles and down right ESSENTIAL articles to help you set some New Years Resolutions and develop a program to help you succeed.

Most Popular Post

Can you guess what it is!?!

Work Those Glutes

Activate those butt cheeks!

Core Strength

Strengthen your core.

Injury Prevention

Move and feel better.

Functional Fitness

Learn to use fun toys!

Workout Programs

Check out a few of our programs.

Most Popular Post:

And our Most Popular Post of 2015 was….. 15 Plank Variations! side-plank-oblique-twist You all found this post so useful and interesting you shared it over 20,000 times! Thanks for spreading the love! Our readers also enjoyed our 5 Quick Booty Burners post enough to share it 4,000 times. And, while not one of our most shared post, it was one of our Top Viewed posts over the last year – Glute Activation – 10 Must-Do Moves. Apparently, people wanted to strengthen those butt cheeks in 2015 (or prevent and alleviate hip and low back pain since that post was also among our most viewed!) Low back and hip pain weren’t the only aches and pains you all were looking to prevent. Another top post of the year was Foam Rolling to Prevent and Alleviate Neck and Shoulder Pain. Foam rolling was actually popular enough that a celebrity trainer shared our Lower Body Foam Rolling Moves as well! If you sought out any of these posts this past year and are looking for a program to help you kick off the New Year, check out our 21-Day Kick Start!

Work Those Glutes

Glute Activation became a very sexy phrase over this past year and honestly it happened for good reason – most of our glutes aren’t actually working and firing properly! side balance leg lifts flute activation Because most of us sit too often during the day, our hips become tight and our glutes become inactive. This can lead to a whole host of problems and pains and injuries. It also generally means we can’t move as well, run as fast or lift as much. It may also me we don’t have the perky posterior we want! That is why Glute Activation and our Glute post are among our favorites as well as our most popular and essential!

And as this year may easily be deemed the year of Glute Activation, here is our 28-Day Booty Burner Challenge. This program has 28 days of quick glute activating workouts you can easily do at home, as warm ups before your lifts or even on off days to keep those glutes strong and working!

Core Strength:

Core strength – we all know it is important. That is why our 15 Plank Variations post was so widely shared this year. And, while Planks are a great move to strengthen your core, they aren’t your only option. Actually, a good core training program, includes many different elements – unconventional full body moves with asymmetrical loading, anti-rotational moves, rotational exercises…even crunches and sit up. downward-dog-abs Below are some of our recommended reads about developing Core Strength:

And here is one of our most popular products – The 30-Day Core Challenge. Thirty days of core workouts to help you strengthen everything from your shoulders to your knees!

Injury Prevention:

Because we all seem to sit way more than we should, we develop poor posture, imbalances and compensations….all of which lead to injury. That is why in 2015, we wrote a number of articles about preventing and alleviating pain and injury. thread the needle stretch These articles are essential to review as we enter the New Year and you start developing a program and plan to help you reach your goals because these articles will help you not only prevent and alleviate injuries, but also move better, lift more and run faster! These articles include exercises for each piece of our 4 Step Injury Prevention Program – Foam Rolling, Stretching, Activation and Strengthening Exercises. Here are some of our favorite Injury Prevention articles:

If you have any aches and pains you want to get rid of, you should also check out our 21-Day Posture Fix. These workouts are 10 minute blasts you can break up throughout the day or do quickly at your desk or at home. They will help prevent and alleviate all those common desk job aches and pains!

Functional Fitness:

Functional Fitness is trending right now. The tools and equipment make working out fun. And the workouts are usually done in a community atmosphere, which not only makes working out more fun and social, but also helps hold you accountable so you are more likely to reach your goals. And because we are a functional fitness training facility, we not only use the tools, but like to help show others how to use them too. sled-exercises Here are some articles about how to use some popular pieces of functional equipment.

Battle Ropes have been especially popular, which is why we also created a 9-Week Battle Ropes Workout Program. Check it out here. It’s just $1 per week to get in a killer 9 weeks of workouts using the Battle Ropes!

Workout Programs:

Below are some of our most popular workout programs to help you kick off 2016 right. Also, below is a link to check out our newest program, the 21-Day Kick Start! This program includes not only a workout program, but also recipes and a meal plan. Plus, you’ll also get a 30-Day Elite Workout Library Free Trial, if you aren’t currently a member.

NEW - 21-Day Kick Start

Start developing healthy habits with our 21-Day Kick Start diet and exercise program!

21-Day Posture Fix

10 minutes a day is all you need to start alleviating those desk job aches and pains!

28-Day Booty Burner

Activate and strengthen your glutes with these quick workouts you can do anywhere!

30-Day Core Challenge

Strengthen and tone your core with this 30-Day Workout Program.

Fitness And The Fast Approaching Holiday Season – 10 Tips To Help You Stay On Track This Holiday Season

Fitness And The Fast Approaching Holiday Season – 10 Tips To Help You Stay On Track This Holiday Season

With the holiday season fast approaching, there is no time like the present to get your fitness routine in line.

You may be getting busier. There may be parties and temptations and excuses to slack on your healthy eating and workout routine.

You may even think to yourself, “I’ll just enjoy and get back to things in the New Year.”

But that only makes things harder. It only puts you behind once January hits.

It only provides you with excuses to not succeed in the future.

And it most definitely doesn’t help you create healthy habits that will last and get you through other rough, temptation-filled, busy times of year.

Instead of putting your health off to the New Year this year, why not start creating healthy habits and putting in place a program that will help you stay healthy and on-track through the holiday season?!

Below are 10 Tips To Help You Stay On-Track This Holiday Season and 2 Quick Bodyweight Workouts you can do anywhere when you are short on time or don’t feel like going to the gym.


10 Life Lessons You’ll Learn From A Healthy Lifestyle

10 Life Lessons You’ll Learn From A Healthy Lifestyle

If you can learn to achieve your health and fitness goals, you can learn to achieve success in every other realm of life.

The gym is like a microcosm for every day life.

If you can learn to be empowered and achieve success in that realm, you can learn to be confident and achieve success in every other aspect of life.

Here are some life lessons that will help you achieve your health and fitness goals AND help you achieve more success in every day life.

10 Life Lessons You’ll Learn By Committing To A Health Lifestyle:


Tips To Help You Build Self-Confidence And Achieve Success

Tips To Help You Build Self-Confidence And Achieve Success

There are many components that go into being successful, such as planning and goal setting; however, success truly boils down to one thing – CONFIDENCE.

If you aren’t confident in yourself, if you aren’t confident and believe in what you are doing, you will never succeed no matter how well laid out your plan is.

When we believe we can succeed, we WILL succeed because our attitude, our work ethic and our dedication will all mirror our confidence. And our confidence will help us get through the setbacks and plateaus.

When we aren’t confident, we don’t push ourselves as well or commit to a plan in the same way we do when we believe. We also don’t have the same drive to overcome rough patches. Without a belief in ourselves, we tend to let setbacks defeat us.

Confidence creates success just like success creates confidence.

The question is, “How do you enter the confidence and success cycle without having either?”


Tips To Help You Stay Motivated

Tips To Help You Stay Motivated

Right before we start a new task or goal, and even at the beginning of the project, we seem to be extremely motivated.

Every little thing we do toward our goals is exciting. Just talking about accomplishing our goals is exciting.

And for the first few days or even weeks, we are so pumped we do exactly what we should.

But then, all of the sudden, our motivation is gone.

We may have even slowly seen it fade until we simply can’t find the motivation we once had. And without motivation, it is extremely hard to push yourself forward when the going gets rough.

So how do you stay motivated when that initial motivation has worn off? How do you stay motivated even when you don’t see immediate progress or results?

How do you stay motivated when all you want to do is give up?

Here are 10 Tips To Help You Stay Motivated:
