9 BEST Exercises for AMAZING Mobility

9 BEST Exercises for AMAZING Mobility

Aches and pains add up as we get older. But it’s not our age we should blame.

We instead need to assess our previous injuries and the rehab we did.

As well as the PREHAB we are currently doing. 

Because we can never stop doing what makes us better.

Use it or lose it. 

Hey guys, it’s Cori from Redefining Strength where we help you move, feel and look your best at any and every age.

Maintaining our mobility means constantly working on our mobility. 

But it doesn’t have to mean stretching for hours or full recovery sessions each and every day. 

Even 10 minutes as our warm up can really add up AND even help us get more out of our training sessions.

That’s why I want to share 9 moves that address not only commonly tight muscles but also help improve your joint mobility and stability. 

These moves cover the full 3-part prehab process of foam rolling, stretching and activation.

This process is so key because the foam rolling helps start to relax tight and overactive muscles so you can then stretch to restore muscles to their proper length tension relationships while mobilizing those joints before you include activation exercises to engage underactive muscles and improve your mind-body connection. 

And at the end of this video I’ll share a quick mobility series combining all 9 moves!

So let’s start with 3 amazing foam rolling moves.

First up is Peroneal Foam Rolling.

Your feet and ankles are your foundation. Immobility there can lead to movement compensations up your body. 

And that ankle-butt connection is so key.

It’s why we need to address any previous ankle injuries or we may end up with hip, lower back or SI joint aches and pains. 

That is why Peroneal Foam Rolling is often an important move to include.

To do this move, a ball works best. Place it on the ground and then relax your leg open so that the outside of your shin is pressed into the ball. Press down into your leg as you start the ball in the top part of the outside of your lower leg.

Circle your foot to create tension and relax it as you press into the ball and breathe.

Then move the ball down to another spot along the outside of your leg and repeat.

Move #2: TFL Foam Rolling

Hip pain, lower back pain, IT Band and even knee issues seem to add up more and more as we get older.

That’s why often we want to focus on our hip mobility and foam rolling our TFL or tensor fasciae latae.

This hip flexor muscle can not only hinder our glute medius from firing correctly, which can lead to hip stability issues, but it can create tension through our IT Band which can even create ankle aches and pains.

To roll out your TFL, a ball works best. The larger or softer the ball, the less it will dig in and if a ball is too much pressure you can start with a roller. 

To locate your TFL, lie on your back and place your hands at the side of your pelvis toward your hip bones and then rotate your foot inward. You should feel your TFL flex (this also shows you the far reaching connection this muscle has). 

Then move to your side, placing a ball below that muscle and relax over the ball. 

Breathe as you hold. You can lift and lower your leg to tense and relax the muscle to help it release. 

Move #3: Chest Foam Rolling 

Finding after years of hunching over your computer, your posture has become more slouched? 

Upper back, neck or shoulders tight and achy? 

Then you don’t want to ignore relaxing those pecs!

Tight chest muscles can perpetuate that rounded posture and even restrict your scapular movement, or the movement of your shoulder blades, which not only perpetuates the hunched look but also can lead to neck, shoulder and upper back aches and pains.

While we may feel like there are always trigger points in our upper back, part of that may be due to muscles being overstretched because of our pecs being tight!

To roll out your chest, a ball in a doorway is often most comfortable and easiest to control. 

Stand with the ball right inside that shoulder joint under your collarbone and press your chest into the ball in the doors edge. Using a doorway allows you to reach that same arm up in front of you as you hold and apply pressure. 

Reach your arm up overhead as you breathe and hold on the spot. You can also move your arm open to the side to stretch and relax. 

Then adjust the ball, working down toward your armpit or even toward your sternum.

BUT be careful as you move away from the meatier part of the muscle.

You do want to be gentle as you work along the pec toward your sternum.

You can spend 90% of your focus around that shoulder joint where you will even hit that pec minor! 

After foam rolling, you will want to include some stretching.

Especially if you are stretching prior to your workout, you want to include moves that will help you warm up and begin to mobilize those joints, working to improve your range of motion.

The next move we’ll look at is the Ankle Mobility And Groin Stretch.

This is a great move to start working on your ankle dorsiflexion of the ability to draw your toes up toward your shin.

Especially if you’ve worn heels for decades or been an endurance athlete, you don’t want to ignore this amazing ankle stretch! 

This is key if you want an efficient running gait or to be able to squat lower without hip or knee pain!

This move will also address your adductor flexibility and help you start to engage those glutes to stabilize your hips.

To do this stretch, set up half kneeling on the ground and move that front foot so it is in line with your back knee and facing perpendicular to that back leg, pointing out.

You want your knee to be in front of your ankle, although you can adjust the position based on your ankle mobility. 

Squeeze that front glute to pull the knee open and in line. Then shift your weight to drive that knee forward over that toe without letting your heel lift. Then press back. 

Do not rotate toward that leg as you shift laterally. 

If this is too much pressure, move your knee back to be in line with your ankle. 

Or if you can’t kneel, try standing instead while still focusing on that shift to drive the knee past your toe. 

Move #5: Bench Hip Stretch

Lower back, hip and knee pain is something so many of us will experience in life and it is often due to hip flexor tightness and a lack of glute activation. 

This hip flexor stretch allows you to focus on activating your glutes to stretch your hips while addressing each side independently. 

And by lying on the bench, you help yourself avoid arching your lower back to compensate instead of actually stretching out and mobilizing those hips! 

If you don’t have a bench you can do this off a couch, coffee table or even your bed!

To do this stretch, lie back on a bench with the bottom of your butt right at the edge and one leg hanging down toward the ground. This knee will be bent to about 90 degrees.

Bend the other knee and hug it in slightly toward your chest. 

Holding that knee in, tuck the other knee up toward your chest, then focus on engaging your glutes to drive that heel back down toward the ground as you extend the leg back down. Feel your butt even kind of lift you a bit on the bench as you extend that hip and feel the stretch.

Pause then tuck the knee back in and repeat.

Move #6: Active Foam Roller Star Stretch

A lack of thoracic mobility as we get older can lead to that humped back posture that non of us want. 

And it can also lead to neck, shoulder, upper back and even LOWER back aches and pains.

For instance, a lack of proper thoracic extension can lead to shoulder pain when overhead pressing or us even arching our lower backs to compensate and seek out mobility since we can’t properly extend our mid and upper backs!

This star stretch variation is a great way to really isolate and mobilize our thoracic spine as it is even easy to cheat in other spinal stretches and get mobility from other areas. 

To do this stretch, a roller works best although you can put a yoga block or even books to hold your knee on to help isolate your thoracic spine. 

Bend your hip to about 90 degrees and place your bent knee on the foam roller to the other side of your body. Pull your knee across your body and press your opposite hand down into your knee to help stabilize.

Put your other hand behind your head. Touch that elbow in front of your face, across your body. 

Then, pulling with your back, open that elbow up and open and down toward the ground, opening your chest up toward the ceiling.

Make sure you aren’t just flapping your arm but twisting through your spine. Exhale as you try to relax the back of your shoulder toward the ground then rotate closed and repeat.

Move slowly and really focus on your chest stretching as you engage your back to twist open. Don’t let your knee come up off the roller or block.

After you’ve done your stretching, you then want to focus on activation exercises to establish that mind-body connection and really engage those muscles to feel them working.

Move #7: Single Arm Scapular Push Ups

Scapular control is key if we want to avoid neck, shoulder, upper back and even elbow aches and pains.

It is also key if we want to lift more or achieve that first full pull up! 

And being able to truly isolate and control each shoulder blade is key, especially if we’ve had previous injuries that may make us compensate and end up overusing the other side.

This move will really help you focus on that scapular retraction with a very isolated exercise that takes out elbow flexion. 

To do this activation move, set up facing a wall and place one hand on the wall at about shoulder height.  Your arm will be straight and make sure you aren’t shrugging.

Then keeping your shoulders down and arm straight, but elbow not locked out, pinch your shoulder blade toward your spine.

Do not try to make the move bigger than it is and bend your elbows. 

Draw the shoulder blade toward the spine, then push the wall away to draw the shoulder blade back forward. 

Focus on this move being small and your upper back working. 

Move #7: Side Plank Clams

Core work is key. Most of us even seek out ways to include more. Because our core is the link between our upper and lower bodies, it is key we keep it strong to properly transfer force and react quickly in every day life. 

And moves like the side plank clam not only help us avoid spinal issues and back pain but also help improve our shoulder and hip stability.

This move will really target and activate your lats, obliques and glute medius.

To do this activation move, set up in a side plank position with your elbow under your shoulder and your knees bent and legs stacked. 

Turn your top foot down in front of your bottom foot. 

This internal rotation of your lower leg will help you better target that glute medius without your TFL taking over.

Then as you lift up into the side plank, open that top knee up toward the ceiling. Press your hips forward as you lift and feel your obliques also working to drive that bottom hip up. 

Make sure to engage your upper back to support your shoulder. 

Do not rotate open with this move, but almost try to stop the leg opening up wider with the side of your butt. Feel your bottom glute medius also working to lift you into the side plank. 

Then lower the top leg down as you come back close to the ground and repeat. You can fully lower down but try not to just slump out of the move but maintain some tension. 

To modify, you can put your elbow up on a stair or block for a slight incline.

Because the clam itself is an often misused move, I will below to a video with more tips to optimize this exercise, especially if you struggle to activate your glute medius!

Overrated Glute Move: https://youtu.be/6xx-H057YY4 

Move #9: Single Leg Reverse Hypers

So many of us struggle to properly engage our glutes, which results in lower back, hip and knee pain…not to mention even ankle issues and injures.

And often, because we aren’t able to engage our glutes optimally, we compensate and rely on our hamstrings. 

When our hamstrings start to take over, we can end up with hamstring pulls and strains not to mention perpetuate our back and knee pain.

That’s why moves like the reverse hyper, where we can isolate our glutes and learn to engage them FIRST, are key to include. And doing a single leg version helps you address both side independently. 

To do this activation move, lie face down on the ground and relax your chin or forehead into your hands. Bend one knee to about 90 degrees with the heel up toward the ceiling.

Drive that heel up as you press your pelvis down into the ground. Feel your glute lift your quad up as you hyperextend your hip. 

Do not arch your lower back or use it to lift and keep your hamstring relaxed, even relaxing your foot if needed. 

Focus on your glute lifting and then stopping the move. Pause at the top and lower down.

This isn’t a big move so don’t try to cheat and make it bigger. 

Because this move is deceptively challenging if your hamstrings want to compensate, I will link to a video below with more tips and common mistakes.

Underrated Glute Move: https://youtu.be/oiECA2118GI 

Bonus Tip:

Now….How can you include these 9 moves in a quick series?

Set a timer for 30 seconds and perform one round through the series. If you’re really focusing on doing this as a warm up, you may consider two rounds through the last 3 activation moves only.

30 seconds per side Peroneal Foam Rolling
30 seconds per side TFL Foam Rolling
30 seconds per side Chest Foam Rolling
30 seconds per side Ankle Mobility And Groin Stretch
30 seconds per side Bench Hip Stretch
30 seconds per side Active Foam Roller Star Stretch
30 seconds per side Side Plank Clams
30 seconds per side Single Arm Scapular Push Ups
30 seconds per side Single Leg Reverse Hypers

For more mobility moves and more on the full 3-part prehab process, check out this video with a full body fix next…

–> The Perfect Mobility Routine (FULL BODY)


The Perfect Mobility Routine (FULL BODY FIX)

The Perfect Mobility Routine (FULL BODY FIX)

What are the most common aches and pains we complain about?

Neck pain? Elbow pain? Shoulder pain? Lower back pain? Hip pain? Knee pain? Ankle pain?

Basically our entire body?!

Because of previous injuries and our very sedentary, repetitive movement lifestyle, all too many of us end up with a whole host of issues.

It can make you feel like you have to spend hours a day addressing every single area that hurts. Like you have to warm up just getting out of bed.

It can make you want to give up on mobility work because you just have to keep adding more and more things in!

That’s why I wanted to show you some short cuts to improving your mobility.

Often there are a few key culprits that, if we address immobility or weakness in those places, can really help alleviate aches and pain in other areas.

We have to remember that everything is connected and that often where the pain is, isn’t where the initial problem started!

So what are 3 key areas we need to target if we want to improve our full body mobility?

Before I dive into the key areas we want to work on, I do just want to highlight the importance of doing MORE than stretching when it comes to improving your mobility.

Part of becoming more mobile isn’t simply improving the flexibility of the muscles that act on a joint. It’s also about improving the stability of that joint.

Often if muscles are underactive or weak, they will not support the joint properly and that may then lead to overload of other muscles. This can then create mobility restrictions because the joint isn’t stable and muscles aren’t able to work together properly.

This overload can lead to tightness and a lack of mobility as the body tries to protect itself from further issues and injury.

This is also why your elbow can end up injured because of a lack of proper shoulder mobility or stability. We compensate and seek out mobility and stability from other areas.

It’s why, when addressing these 3 key areas of immobility and instability, we want to take a 3-step prehab approach of foam rolling, stretching and activation.

This way we can relax overactive and shortened muscles, mobilize joints and improve the stability of these areas so the correct muscles are pulling their weight!

For each of these 3 areas, I want to share a key foam rolling, stretching and activation move to help you start working on your mobility and stability!

3 Key Areas Of Immobility And Instability:

#1: Scapular Mobility And Stability

Elbow, neck, shoulder or even upper back aches and pains? You need to make sure you have proper scapular control and mobility!

So often we get focused on only improving our shoulder mobility and we forget how much the shoulders and shoulder blades really work together to power movements. We ignore our shoulder blades and the impact their proper movement can have on protecting and stabilizing our shoulders.

From moves like pull ups to push ups, we need to have proper scapular control if we want to use the correct muscles to power the movements and prevent overload of smaller muscles like our rotator cuff.

To improve your scapular mobility and control, try including these 3 moves before your upper body workouts. It will help improve your pressing as well as your pulling!

The first move you want to include in that prehab or warm up process is Levator Scapulae Foam Rolling.

The levator scapulae contributes to a few different scapular movements from elevating your shoulder blade to downwardly rotating the scapula to even performing anterior tipping.

This muscle becoming tight can be a key culprit of neck and shoulder aches and pains!

A great way to start relaxing it to alleviate aches and pains and start to restore proper scapular functioning is by using a ball to relax and release the muscle.

Find that top middle point of your shoulder blade by your spine and either lie on a ball with it right above that edge of the shoulder blade or stand pressing back into a ball against the wall there.

Hold on the spot even slightly looking away as you press into the ball. Breathe and relax as you hold.

The second move you want to include is a stretch to open up your chest as well as even mobilize your shoulders and shoulder blades.

The Suspension Trainer Snow Angel is a great move to include especially before your workout.

While we often feel like our upper back becomes tight from sitting hunched over, we can’t ignore that this posture puts our pec muscles in a perpetually shortened state. A tight pec minor can contribute to anterior tipping of the shoulder blade while a tight pec major can contribute to that internal shoulder rotation.

This can lead to neck, upper back, shoulder and even elbow aches and pains.

Especially if you want to improve your overhead press, this is a great move to include.

When you do the Suspension Trainer Snow Angels, you want to make sure you’re engaging your upper back to open your chest up as you raise your arms up overhead.

You want to extend your thoracic spine too.

By focusing on engaging your back to drive your chest open, you make sure you actually stretch your pecs instead of just seeking out more range of motion from your shoulders.

Feel your shoulder blades move as you raise your arms overhead and then lower them back down to your sides.

The third move you will want to include is an activation exercise – the Serratus Anterior Press.

Serratus anterior weakness has been linked to neck, shoulder and even upper back aches and pains as it is a primary scapular stabilizer. (STUDY: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21889362/ )

If you’re experiencing scapular winging or upper body dysfunction, strengthening the serratus anterior is key as it will help posteriorly tip the shoulder blade as well as help you perform proper upward rotation of the shoulder blade.

Both of these movements are key to keeping your neck and shoulders healthy during overhead pressing (not to mention this may even help prevent overload at your elbows and even lumbar spine!)

With the Serratus Anterior Press, it is key you feel yourself pulling your shoulder blade forward around your ribs as you reach out. You aren’t just doing a unilateral chest press. You want to focus on the movement being felt around your ribs as you protract your shoulder blade or pull it away from your spine.

You want to also punch slightly up at an incline as you feel like you’re almost reaching out at the end. Focus on what you feel working over trying to simply go heavier.

#2: Hip Mobility And Stability

Lower back, hip or knee pain? Groin strains? Hamstring pulls? You need to work on your hip mobility and stability.

We’ve all been told we are spending too much time seated.

But this constant hip flexion is creating mobility restrictions at our lumbo-pelvic-hip complex that has far reaching effects. It’s not only why we can feel our lower back taking over during deadlifts by also even why we can fear knee pain from lunging!

That’s why it’s key we start by relaxing those overactive and shortened hip flexor muscles.

The first move you want to include is Rectus Femoris Foam Rolling.

This quad muscle is so key to release and lengthen because it not only flexes the hip but also extends the knee.

The direct impact it has on both joints can contribute to hip and knee pain not to mention even perpetuate quad dominance and anterior pelvic tilt, leading to lower back issues and even hamstring strains. This muscle may even impact your SI joint health and functioning because it can contribute to rotation of the pelvis.

To roll this muscle, you can use a roller or ball. The smaller and harder the trigger point tool, the more it will dig in.

Find the middle of your thigh about half way down and lie over the foam roller or ball. You can even flex and relax your quad to help the muscle relax and release.

The second move you want to include is the Side Lunge to Crescent.

Your adductors, or inner thighs, not only adduct or bring your legs together, they’re also hip flexors and hip internal rotators.

The only exception to this is the posterior fibers of the adductor magnus, which can contribute to hip external rotation and hip extension. This muscle can become overworked especially if our glutes are weak!

And all too often the adductors become tight and overworked just like your other hip flexor muscles.

Your adductors becoming overworked can potentially contribute to anterior pelvic tilt and lower back aches and pains not to mention groin strains, hip pain and even knee pain.

Specifically the gracilis can have an impact on your knee and even your lower leg!

That’s why this dynamic stretch is the perfect way to warm up your legs while working to improve your hip mobility.

Make sure that as you do the side lunge portion you aren’t turning your toes in or out. You want them to be parallel to really stretch out your adductors. Keep one leg straight as you hinge at the hips to load that other glute. Watch that your knee, ankle and hip are all in line. Also make sure your heels are down.

When you shift to the other side, pause before turning into the crescent lunge. When you come up in the crescent, focus on that front knee being in line with your hip and ankle and your back glute engaging to extend that back hip.

You want to be conscious to use your glutes to drive that hip extension and not just arch your back as you come up in the lunge.

The third move you want to include to activate your glutes and improve your hip stability is Side Shift Skaters.

All too often our glutes are underactive and not properly stabilizing our pelvis or hips. This can lead to lower back, hip, knee and even ankle and foot aches and pain. It can even create dysfunction up your trunk that can impact your shoulders.

It’s why it’s key we include glute activation moves in our routines to improve that hip stability. And it’s even better when we can include unilateral moves to correct imbalances while also working on our balance.

With Side Shift Skaters, you’re going to work on activating not only your glute max to improve hip extension, but also your glute medius to improve your hip stability and prevent unwanted movement in that frontal plane (or your pelvis shifting out to the side as you balance).

Strengthening your glute medius can not only improve glute max functioning but it can also help you improve your running gait and help you avoid knee injuries and issues from improper lunging or squatting patterns.

With this move, focus on crossing the leg behind as you hinge at the hips to push your butt back.

You want to pop the hip to the side so that as you stand up you not only extend your hip using your glute, but also then push the pelvis level using that glute medius.

While you want to be focused on working your glutes in this move, don’t ignore your foot’s connection to the ground. Think about driving the ground away as you come to balance on one leg to even create better activation up your entire leg!

#3: Ankle Mobility And Stability

Plantar Fasciitis. Ankle sprains. These issues are all too common.

Yet all too often we simply rest these injuries then jump back into what we were doing.

We never address WHY we had the problems in the first place OR even work to prevent future problems from the injuries themselves.

Injuries interrupt our natural recruitment patterns and can create mobility restrictions. We can’t ignore them!

It’s why prehab work to work on ankle mobility and stability is so key. Your feet are your foundation. Issues there can lead to compensations up your entire kinetic chain!

If you want to squat lower and have a more efficient running gait? You need to pay attention to your feet and ankles!

The first move you want to include is Peroneal Foam Rolling.

Tightness of this muscle can lead to what looks like a leg length discrepancy or even a weight shift during squatting, which can result in not only ankle issues but also knee, hip and lower back pain.

That’s why it’s key you start your mobility routine by relaxing this often shortened and overactive muscle, even focusing potentially on just one side.

A ball works best for this move although you can use a roller. You will want to press the outside of your lower leg down into the ball and hold as you even circle your foot. Don’t roll quickly but move the ball down the outside of your lower leg to target different trigger points, holding when you find one.

The second move to include is a great stretch to improve both the mobility of your feet but also your ankles – the Bear Squat to Foot Stretch.

Improving your dorsiflexion and big toe extension is more important than you think. It’s not only key to your foot and ankle health, but it can impact your gait and full hip and knee range of motion.

So often when our prehab work isn’t adding up for other areas, it’s because the culprit is actually at our foundation.

That’s why the Bear Squat to Foot Stretch is such a key move to include in your warm up routine. When you sit back on your feet, you want to extend your toes. Only sit back as far as you can while relaxing into the stretch. You can rock slightly side to side before putting your hands down on the ground to drive your heels down.

This isn’t about creating a pretty downward dog as you lift your butt up to drive your heels down.

Your hands will be in closer so you can focus on that ankle mobility. When you drive your heels down you’re working on your ankle dorsiflexion or the ability to bring your foot closer to your shin. You can pedal your feet then sit back and repeat the foot stretch.

The third move to include is a move to activate your calf but by working it through an increased range of motion.

If we don’t strengthen through the range of motion we are trying to create, we won’t maintain that new found ROM.

That’s why Plate Weight Eccentric Calf Raises are a great move to include.

Eccentric focused calf raises have been shown to be great for helping with achilles tendon issues not to mention heel pain and plantar fasciitis. And this can have a far reaching impact because studies have shown that Achilles tedinopathy may impact glute activation. (STUDY: https://europepmc.org/article/MED/24121244)

And by performing this move through a bigger range of motion than off the ground, you’ll help to really strengthen and maintain that mobility you’ve worked hard to build with the rolling and stretching. You’ll be strong through that full range of dorsiflexion to plantar flexion.

With this move make sure you don’t rock in or out on your feet.

Pause at the bottom as well to release tension and not use momentum. And make sure to very slowly lower down to spend more time under tension.

If you don’t have a plate weight, you can do it off a step or box even. If you even have an imbalance, you can do this as a unilateral variation instead too.


Whether you need to address mobility and stability issues in all 3 areas, or even simply one, you can combine the foam rolling, stretching and activation moves into a quick prehab or warm up routine.

Spending just 30-45 seconds per move, or per side, you can use all of these to get in an amazing head to toe mobility routine that’s under 11 minutes!

Want help improving your posture, getting rid of aches and pains and dialing in your overall routine to achieve freaking amazing and sustainable results?!

Uhm heck yes! OF COURSE!

I mean? Honestly? WHO DOESN’T!?

If you need help dialing in your prehab, workouts and nutrition so they all work together in one comprehensive plan?

Check out my online one on one coaching program!

I’m a corrective exercise NERD and I want to help you move and feel your best!

(I’m also a control freak so I love getting to tweak things and hold you accountability daily while actually TEACHING you what you need to attain LASTING results.)

–> Online One On One Coaching

FHP S2:E12 – What Is Prehab And How Do I Use It?!

FHP S2:E12 – What Is Prehab And How Do I Use It?!

In this episode I discuss what prehab is, the 3 key steps to prehab and why they matter and how to implement foam rolling, stretching and activation into your routine for the best results possible!


  • What is prehab? Mobility and activation work BEFORE you get injured to address common postural distortions and compensatinos caused by previous injuries.
  • The 3 Key Steps – Foam Rolling, Stretching And Activation
  • Foam Rolling – Relax overactive muscles. Inhibit or interrupt the mind-body connection to muscles that want to compensate. Temporary improvements in ROM.
  • Stretching – Use dynamic stretching to warm up and improve your mobility and flexibility. When STATIC stretching can benefit you even in your warm up!
  • Activation – Activate underactive muscles and even stretch out overactive ones!


  1. The 3 pieces work best when implemented together.
  2. Do the mobility work BEFORE you get injured.
  3. Focus on what you feel working to cycle back through steps 1 and 2 as needed to get the most out of your activation moves!



Why Activation Exercises Are Important And How To Use Them

Why Activation Exercises Are Important And How To Use Them

Nothing makes me happier than when someone has that AH-HA moment and realizes that they feel the right muscles working.

It legit makes me so excited I often have to share the news with whoever is near me. Usually that’s Ryan.

And I sometimes wonder what must be going on inside Ryan’s head when I randomly look up at him over my computer and am like…

“How awesome is this…She said she did the activation and for the first time felt her glutes when she was squatting! She didn’t realize before that she DIDN’T feel them working!!”

He always nods at me and says, “That’s awesome!”

I’m pretty sure he isn’t as stoked as I am but I don’t care…he gets to hear about it anyway!

Anyway, the reason I get so excited is because it isn’t easy for many of us to change those recruitment patterns.

It isn’t easy to…

A. Realize the right muscles aren’t working
And B. Then put in the work and the focus to get the right muscles working!

It isn’t just about doing the “right moves.”

It is about changing the way our body recruits muscles to perform the moves.

It is about establishing that mind-body connection!

And that is why ACTIVATION EXERCISES are so important.

There isn’t just one move that can be used for activation.

But generally more isolated, simpler movements work best. Movements that don’t take a ton of skill so you can more easily focus and think about what muscles you should be feeling working.

Movements that, in general, allow for less compensation because fewer muscles are working at the same time. Movements that may even help you INHIBIT overactive muscles.

But it isn’t just the MOVEMENTS that lead to ACTIVATION and changes in our mind-body connection.

It’s also WHEN we do the movements.

I get asked all of the time about WHEN to do the RStoration. When to do the Booty Burners.

And if your goal isn’t just to use them as prehab or extra mobility work but as your ACTIVATION for your workouts, then you need to do them right before. Or even DURING your workout if you are struggling to feel muscles engaging.

Those activation exercises establish the mind-body connection in an “easy way.” Because they are more isolated movements, they can make it easier for you THINK about the muscles that are working and start to even create a pump in those muscles.

But muscles don’t operate in isolation in everyday life.

We need to use that connection we’ve created with the activation moves to then help us improve our recruitment patterns during compound movements with heavier loads or faster speeds (aka we want to make sure the right muscles are carrying the loads they should be).

We want to establish that mind-body connection PRIOR TO movements where it is often harder for us to think about, or focus on, the muscles that are working.

By using the activation prior and creating that initial pump and connection, we can make it easier to KNOW the muscles are working during those other moves.

Because if we want to be moving efficiently, we can’t have to consciously think about the muscles that are working every time. We need to know they’ll be recruited correctly because we’ve taken the time to activate and create efficient and effective recruitment patterns!

So when it comes to Activation, moves are a tool. Timing is a tool.

But it comes down to you focusing and thinking about the muscles that are working as you do those initial moves so you can then get the right muscles working during your compound lifts.

Most of us do things in every day life that cause compensations and injuries…that often lead to more compensations and injuries because we don’t keep up with our prehab.

For example…These imbalances and compensations can cause us to have back pain when we run. We sit all day and our hip flexors get tight. We do nothing to reverse our flexed, hunched posture.

Then we go do a repetitive movement and our glutes aren’t firing as they should be and we’re quad dominant so we end up with back pain from our running.

This is why ACTIVATION is so important. It is key to correct those dysfunctional patterns and restore proper movement and engagement!

If you love geeking out about the WHY behind workout design, check out my Training Black Book.

It’s 10 hours of information about designing workouts that work and over 50 done for you workout templates breaking down how and WHY to use all of the different techniques!

–> Learn more about my Training Black Book
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Alleviate Back Pain With This RStoration Workout

Alleviate Back Pain With This RStoration Workout

Your sedentary lifestyle is killing you!

I’ve heard this said.

And while it isn’t really “killing” us, it is a cause for a ton of aches and pains AND puts us at an increased risk for injury when we workout.


That forward flexion and constantly hunched posture creates imbalances. Imbalances that create immobility and compensations, which in turn lead to overuse and injury.

Ever see someone’s knees go in as they squat? Or maybe you’ve noticed you walk on the inside of your shoes? Or heck, maybe you’ve noticed your shoulders are rounded forward and low back is arched!

All of these postural distortions can lead to mobility restrictions and us overusing smaller muscles that aren’t meant to carry the load. It’s why so many people at some point will have shoulder, neck, upper or lower back pain. Heck even hip pain is unfortunately becoming more and more common!

That is why the RStoration Method is so key BEFORE you workout and to reverse the constant forward-flexed, hunched-over posture we spend most of the day in.

There are 3 parts to this process – foam rolling, stretching and activation.

And you can spend just 10 minutes a day and see HUGE benefit!

Try this RStoration Core-Focused workout below and start alleviating your back pain as you reverse the hunch and get your core working properly!

The 10-Minute RStoration Alleviate Back Pain Workout

Ready to learn more about the RStoration Method to eliminate aches and pains for good? CLICK HERE!