Why You SHOULDN’T Eat Like A Fitness Competitor

Why You SHOULDN’T Eat Like A Fitness Competitor

I love and hate social media all at the same time.

And one of the things I hate about it is the fact that so many people are persuaded to do crazy diets because they see some popular fitness competitor looking extra, super lean on Instagram.

Let me tell you one thing here and now….fitness competitor diets are unrealistic and, frankly, generally unhealthy long-term.

They are meant to get people down to extremely unmaintainable low levels of body fat for COMPETITION. They are extreme diets done for a specific reason – to COMPETE.

They aren’t meant to be super healthy OR maintainable long-term.

And most of the people that do them either keep doing them because they do them as part of their JOB or they end up yo-yoing back up and messing up their hormone levels in the process.

Yet all too often when people are trying to lose weight, to get that ELUSIVE 6-pack and look lean, they turn to these fitness competitor diets.

UNREALISTIC, UNMAINTAINABLE DIETS that lead to nothing but yo-yo dieting, starvation, misery and horribleness.

And no…I’m not being overly dramatic.

These images we see often present unrealistic lifestyles. I know. I’ve tried.

I did the extreme diet. I ended up hangry. Super hangry!

And I never…NEVER achieved the leanness I wanted. I ended up skinny. And hungry. And low energy. And every time I would rebound.

They also present ONLY ONE SIDE – ONE PERFECT ANGLE OR VIEW. They are a highlight reel…and that person POSED to get that shot.

And I’m not saying there is anything wrong with that. We all like certain angles of ourselves and tend to take photos from it. I know I do.

Heck, I share with you all my glamour shots from photoshoots. But I now share these because I’ve found a way to MAINTAIN the look I want. To be lean. To have a lifestyle.

But the point is…You can’t base YOUR DIET on some Instagram picture!

You can’t go for something extreme and unmaintainable! Dieting shouldn’t mean cutting out the foods you love because this just leads to binging.


And starvation, aka cutting your calories, and deprivation, cutting out all of the foods you love, doesn’t lead to consistency. And often it not only leads to binging but you messing up your metabolism and your hormones so you gain back even more fat each time you rebound.

So stop going for the extreme. Don’t fall for some fitness competitor diet.

Keep things simple and still enjoy the foods you love.


Use My Macro Hacks to get long-term, LASTING results with a diet that doesn’t cut out the foods you love or leave you feeling HANGRY and starved!

Balance Board Exercises For A Balance Board Workout – Revolution FIT

Balance Board Exercises For A Balance Board Workout – Revolution FIT

Keeping our training routine interesting and fun is key if we want to stay consistent and dedicated while constantly progressing forward and getting results.

That doesn’t mean we should mix up our workout every day or just throw together random moves. But it does mean progressing and introducing not only new movements, but also new training tools into our routine so that we avoid plateaus and challenge our bodies in new ways.

One great way to challenge your body and add some variety to your routine is by creating an unstable training environment. This can be done with unilateral loads or by using a balance board.

By forcing your body to work harder to stabilize during movements, you not only help build functional strength but you get all of those stabilizer muscles engaged and working. Plus, you can improve your mind-body connection for better coordination, stability AND strength!

If you’re looking for a new challenge and a great way to really improve not only your full-body strength, but also core stability, you should try adding in Balance Board exercises to your workout routine.

When I pick tools, I also like to make sure they are versatile enough that if I have only that SINGLE ITEM and my bodyweight, I can get in a variety of workouts. The balance board not only allows you to do that, BUT if you have the Revolution FIT, you can also use one of the rollers as a foam roller!

Love added bonuses like that! A workout and recovery kit all in one 😉

Below I’ll go over 16 Balance Board Exercises you can do. I’ll use the Revolution FIT Balance Board to show you how you can get in a great full-body workout with just this one tool!

16 Balance Board Exercises For A Balance Board Workout – Revolution FIT

Side to Side Forearm Plank (1:00):

Planks are an ESSENTIAL core move to include in your routine. And if you want to take them up a notch and really get your obliques working hard, you’ll want to try the Side to Side Forearm Plank on the Balance Board.

For this move, you’ll use the board and roller. Set up with your forearms on the board about shoulder-width apart and your feet wide. Draw your belly button in toward your spine and make sure your body is in a nice straight line. Engage your quads and glutes and make sure you aren’t shrugging.

Then slow roll the board over the roller to the right. Keep your core engaged as you shift your forearms to the side. Do not let your body rotate or butt go up in the air. Shift as far to one side as you can and then bring your forearms back under your body before shifting toward the other side.

Offset Push Up (1:12):

Push ups are a killer chest, shoulders, triceps and core move. But you can make them exponentially harder, but doing them on the board with your weight offset. Talk about a killer anti-rotational move that even isolates each side of your upper body by having your weight offset on the board!

Again using the board and roller, set up so the roller is under one side of the board and your hands are each on an edge. Set up with your feet about hip-width apart. A wider base with your feet will help with balance.

Start at the top of the push up with the board offset on the roller (aka under one side) and your body in a nice straight line from your head to your heels.

Then perform a push up without letting either side of the board touch the ground. Drop your chest as close to the board as possible with your body moving as one unit before pressing back up. Do not let your hips sag or butt go up in the air.

While this is a wider grip push up, do not let your elbows flare way up by your head and make sure not to shrug. Perform two push ups then roll the board across so that the roller is on the other side. Then perform to push ups focused on your other side!

Balance Push Ups (1:25):

If you’re looking to advance the basic push up, but not yet ready for the Offset variation, you should try the Balance Push Up. It is a great way to build core stability while strengthening your chest, shoulders and triceps!

Set up with the roller in the middle of the board and a hand on each edge of the board for a wider grip push up. Your feet should be about hip-width apart, but you can bring them closer together to create more instability, and your body should be in a nice straight from your head to your heels.

Start at the top of a push up and then lower your chest to the board without letting either side of the board touch the ground. Press back up and repeat. Do not let your hips sag or butt go up in the air. Do not tuck your chin. Keep your body in a nice straight line and make sure everything moves as one unit.

Beginners can also do this from their knees.

Forward Backward Rolls (1:33):

The Forward-Backward Rolls are another great way to advance the plank. And not only is this a great move to work your abs, glutes, quads and shoulder, but you can even use it to work your triceps and lats.

When you pull the roller back under after extending forward, focus on feeling your triceps and lats work to pull yourself back into that plank position!

Set up with the roller lengthwise under the board and your forearms on the board. Your elbows should start under your shoulders. Set your feet about hip-width apart with your body in a nice straight line and your abs engaged.

The slowly roll the board out in front of you. Extend forward as far as you can without your hips dropping or letting low back engaging. Then roll it back under, bringing your elbows back under your shoulders or even a little past. Feel your lats and triceps work to pull that board back under. You’ll also feel your abs engage so you don’t round or sag.

Repeat the roll back out and under. Move at a steady pace.

Single Leg Push Ups (1:40):

The balance board alone creates instability, forcing our body to work harder to stabilize as we move. But if you want to take things up even another notch, you can force your core to have to work harder to prevent rotation by making any movement a unilateral move.

By raising one leg as you do your push ups, you can force your core to work even harder to stabilize!

Set up on the board with the disc underneath. Place both hands on the board just outside your chest and raise one leg as you set up in a high plank position at the top of the push up.

Keeping any edge of the board from touching the ground, perform a push up, dropping your chest as close to the board as possible. Make sure your body moves as one unit. Do not let your hips sag or butt go up in the air. Also, do not let your elbows flare way up by your head. You do not want to shrug, but instead keep your back engaged to support your shoulders.

Press back up and repeat, keeping the leg lifted the entire time.

Balance Frogger (1:53):

The Frogger is a great core exercise and by doing it on the board, you can add in a little extra instability and make it a little more challenging.

Set the board on the disc and sit on top with your hands behind you on the ground. Turn your hands out to the side or have your fingers face toward your body. Extend your legs out straight in front of you as you lean back, bending your elbows.

Then straighten your arms as you sit up and tuck your knees in toward your body. Crunch everything together then open back up as you bend your elbows.

Repeat, moving quickly to crunch and extend.

Balance Lunge (2:01):

The balance board not only creates instability but it also allows us to increase the range of motion in which we can perform moves like the lunge.

When you place your front foot up on the board with the disc under it, you force your body to work hard to stay balanced and stabilize, but you also help yourself strengthen your legs through a bigger range of motion. This is why it is important that, when you add in the board, you still try to drop your back knee to the ground. If you don’t, you won’t be getting the full benefit of the extra few inches you could add to your range of motion!

We retain the flexibility we build with stretching when we strengthen through the full range of motion!

Set up in a lunge on the board with your front foot up and back foot back. Make sure your front foot is flat on the board as you stand tall. Without letting any edge of the board touch the ground, sink down into a deep lunge, trying to touch your back knee to the ground.

Keep your chest up as you sink and make sure your front knee stays basically aligned over your ankle. Feel yourself loading your front glute as you sink down. Then drive fully up to standing and repeat. Stay in this staggered stance until all reps are complete then switch sides.

Side Lunge (2:14):

Just like with the Balance Lunge, the Side Lunge done on the board can force your legs and core to work hard to stay balanced and stabilize. And this move is a great way to move and work in a different plane of motion to develop functional strength.

Set up on the board with the disc underneath. Stand to the side of the board. Place one foot on top and step the other one out to the side so you are in a wider stance.

Stand tall then sit down and back, bending the knee of the leg on the board. Push your butt back to load your glutes and really sit back in your heel. Keep the other leg straight as you sink into the side lunge. Do not round forward although you can lean slightly forward and hinge at the hips to help load your glutes. Keep both feet pointing straight ahead as you sink and then drive back up to standing.

Complete all reps before switching and placing the other foot up on the board.

Down, Across, Up (2:22):

This is a great move if you want to work your legs and even start to learn how to balance on the board better.

Set up on the board with the half roller underneath. Place one side of the board on the ground and step onto the board with your feet about shoulder-width apart. Stand tall then squat down. Try to sink to about parallel to the ground.

In this squat, press down on the board to make the raised side drop to the ground. Do not stand up or round over as you seesaw to the other side. Once the other side is down, stand up out of the squat. Then repeat, squatting back down before shifting back to the first side and standing up.

To make the move harder, move slower so you have to spend more time in the squat!

Squat Balance Hold (2:35):

Isometrics are a great way to build stability. They can also help you become more comfortable being uncomfortable, which is so key both mentally and physically for achieving results.

And you can now make the basic squat hold even more challenging by doing it on a balance board! Your legs and core will thank you for sure!

Set up on the board with your feet about hip-width to shoulder-width apart. You can use the half roller, disc or full roller for this. The half roller is a great place to start for beginners.

Standing tall without the board touching the ground, sink down into a squat. Do not round over as you squat down. Sink to about parallel and hold, trying to stay balanced on the board without any side touching down!

Plank Sit Thrus (2:42):

We move in every direction in everyday life. We twist, turn and pivot. Which is why it is so key that we do the same in our workouts. That is why I love the Sit Thru in all of its wonderful variations, including this one with added instability off of the balance board!

Set the board on top of the half roller and place your hands on each edge while you set up in the high plank position with your feet about shoulder-width apart and your body in a nice straight line from your head to your heels.

Without letting any edge of the board touch down, jump and rotate one leg under your body, twisting open toward one side. If you are rotating toward the right, you will jump your left foot under your body and your right foot back. You should end up in a side plank position with your lower body while your hands stay on the board.

Then jump back into plank and rotate the other way. Do not let your butt go up in the air or your hips sag as you jump and twist. Keep alternating sides. Beginners can step instead of jumping.

Mountain Climbers (2:53):

Mountain Climbers are a great cardio-core exercise. They work everything from your shoulders to your knees while getting your blood pumping. And by doing them off the balance board, you force your core, especially your abs and shoulders, to have to work even to stabilize.

Beginners can do this off the half roller, but to make it more challenging, place the board on the disc and your hands on the board under your shoulders. Set up in a nice high plank position from your hands and feet with our feet closer together.

Keeping your core tight, bring one knee in toward your chest. Feel your abs engaging to tuck your knee in. Do not let your butt go up in the air or your hips sag. Also, do not shrug or tuck your chin. You want a nice straight line from your head to your heels. Keep the board balanced and don’t let any side touch down.

Tuck your knee in then extend and bring the other knee in. You can change the tempo to make the move more strength or more cardio oriented!

Plank with Kicks (3:04):

Working your core to help you move better and feel better, means not only working your abs and your frontside, but also your backside. Your glutes are KEY to running faster, lifting more and preventing injury, which is why I love any core move that also activates and works them!

The Planks with Kicks is a great anti-rotational exercise to engage and activate those glutes.

Set the board on the disc and place your feet up on the board on top of the disc. Your hands should be under your shoulders and your body should be in a nice high plank position. Brace your abs and engage your glutes as you slowly lift one leg up.

Do not swing the leg or hyperextend your leg to lift it up higher. Squeeze the glute and extend your hip to lift. Pause then lower and lift the other side. Move slowly and really focus on engaging the glute and not just lifting the leg as high as you can. Height doesn’t matter as much as extending the hip and activating the glute. If you feel your low back taking over, focus more on your abs and on using your glute to lift.

Push Up Rocks (3:20):

Push Up Rocks are a great way to isolate each side and make your body press in a more functional way (plus it is just so fun “seesawing” back and forth!).

As great as push ups are, often we aren’t pushing against even surfaces in every day life so one hand may be higher or we may be on a slight incline as we press. That is why it is great to practice pressing with other variables involved, like on the board.

But because this push up isn’t as unstable as some of the others, it can be a great one for beginners to even use, especially when done from their knees.

Set the board on the half roller with one side down and the other up. Place your hands just outside your chest on the board and set up in a high plank position. Place your feet about hip-width apart or even closer together.

Perform a push up with one hand on the raised side and one on the lower side. Press back up to the top then rock the board to the other side and perform a push up. Press back up and seesaw back before performing another push up.

Plank Jacks (3:35):

Plank Jacks are another great cardio-core move like the Mountain Climbers and using the board creates more instability so your core has to work harder.

Set up in with the roller under the board in a nice high plank position with your hands under your shoulders and feet together. Keeping the board from touching the ground, jump your feet out wide then back together.

Keep your core engaged and your hands under your shoulders as you jump your feet in and out. Do not let your butt go up in the air or your hips sag. Beginners can do this move by stepping instead of jumping.

Balance Burpees (3:40):

Burpees are the move we all love to hate. They are full body and very cardio. Using the board you can not only create more instability BUT also give yourself a light weight to press.

Set the board on top of the roller and grab the board on each side. Start in a high plank position. Then jump your feet in toward your hands, grab the board off the roller and stand up, pressing the board overhead.

After quickly pressing the board overhead, squat down and place the board back on the roller before jumping back out into the high plank position. You can add a push up here to advance the move or simply jump back in and repeat, pressing the board back overhead.

Start by moving slowly to make sure you balance in the high plank position after putting the board back down on the roller.

Using these 16 Balance Board Exercises you can get in a killer full-body workout! Which are your favorite moves!?

And if you now are so excited to try these moves and want the board I’m using, check out Revolution Balance Boards. I’m using their Revolution FIT and LOVE IT!

P.S. As you can tell from the photo…even Coconut was curious about the board 😉

How To Activate Your Glutes Before You Workout

How To Activate Your Glutes Before You Workout

So you want a sexy, strong butt…because let’s face it…who doesn’t!?!

Whether you just want your butt to look firm and toned or you want to lift more, run faster or even PREVENT INJURY, glute activation is a MUST.

And it can be done quickly BEFORE you workout so you get even more out of all of those squats, lunges and deadlifts.

Because while squats, lunges and deadlifts are AMAZING compound exercises, if your glutes aren’t ALREADY activated, they won’t work properly during those moves.

Which can not only lead to injury, but also cause your quads and legs to change while your glutes stay the same.

So if you want to get the most out of your workouts, you’ve got to activate your glutes BEFORE.

(And P.S. Guys – this applies to you too. If you want to prevent low back, hip and knee pain, run faster, and lift more, you have to activate those glutes…Plus I won’t lie…Women like a nice backside. 😉 haha)

Below are 3 moves you can do before your lower body workouts to make sure your glutes are activating and firing.

These moves are all BODYWEIGHT because with bodyweight we have the ability to contract our glutes harder and establish the mind-body connection.

Too often we add weight to try to get the glutes to work, but then they stop firing. Bodyweight and light resistance for higher reps is KEY to getting them activated and pumped.

Using these 3 moves you can also unlock your hips to improve hip extension and work all 3 gluteal muscles.

It is important that your glute activation ALSO works on hip extension because tight hips can not only lead to pain and injury, but they can keep your glutes from working proper and cause that LOWER BELLY POOCH!

Use these 3 moves and get your glutes working properly before your workout for a strong and sexy butt!

3 Moves To Activate Your Glutes Before You Workout

Bench 2-Way Leg Swings:

This move works all three gluteal muscles, opens up your hips AND even helps you build core stability.

It is the perfect move if you can literally only do one thing that day to activate your glutes and core. This move alone will get you ready to feel your glutes during your workout!


To do the Bench 2-Way Leg Swings, place one knee and both hands on a bench with your knee under your hips and your hands under your shoulders. Your other leg will be off to the side of the bench hanging straight down to the ground.

Keeping your arms straight, brace your core and then lift the leg off the bench straight up to the side. Keep the leg straight as you lift and don’t bend your elbows or lean away to try to lift higher. Squeeze your glute to lift the leg up and out to the side. Try to get it as straight out to the side as possible. Feel the outside of your hip working.

Lower back down and then lift the same leg straight back toward the wall behind your. Again, squeeze your glute to lift your leg straight out behind you and extend your hip. Keep your core engaged and do not hyperextend your low back or rotate your hips open just to kick the leg up higher as you lift it back behind you.

Lower back down and repeat the lifts on the same side. Do not bend your arms or really rock away to get the leg up higher. You want to move from the hip and use your glute.

Do not just swing the leg, but focus on FEELING your glute working. Complete all reps on one side before switching. Move quickly between the two lifts.

Side Balance Leg Raise:

This is the perfect way to activate your hip stabilizers aka your gluteus medius and minimus to prevent pain and injury AND even make sure your gluteus maximus engages during your workout! PLUS, this move will work your core and even your shoulders!

To do the Side Balance Leg Raise, start on one knee with your other leg out straight to the side. Then place your hand down on the outside of your knee so you are in a side balance position. Your hand should be under your shoulder while your knee will be just slightly below your hip. You want to keep your chest open and not rotate toward the ground.

Then lift your top straight leg up toward the ceiling. Lift the leg as close to parallel to the ground as you can and then lower back down. Do not swing your entire body to lift the leg. Keep your core tight and do not let your body rotate toward the ground or open toward the ceiling as you lift. Make sure your toe doesn’t rotate open as you lift.

Feel the outside of your glute and hip working to lift the leg. Complete all reps on one side before switching.

Feet-Raised Hip Thruster:

Take the basic glute bridge and amplify the pump with the Feet-Raised Hip Thruster. This move will work on hip extension and get those glutes burning and engaged! It is the perfect way to unlock your hips as you activate your glutes.


To Feet-Raised Hip Thruster, place a box and a bench close enough together that your back can be on the bench and your feet up on the box. You just don’t want your legs to be out too far. If your legs are out too straight, you will use more hamstrings than glutes.

Then with your feet and back both up on boxes or benches, bridge up, driving up through your heels and your upper back. Make sure to engage your abs and even do a pelvic tilt if you struggle to keep your low back from taking over.

Drive your hips up and squeeze your glutes. Lift your hips to full extension and hold for a second and then lower back down. Make sure you don’t drive yourself backward over the bench. You want to bridge straight up and feel like you are driving your knees forward over your toes.

Lower back down, making sure to drop your butt below the height of the box and repeat. You do not have to touch the ground each time, but you do want to do a bigger range of motion than you could if performing a bridge from the ground.

–> 5 Signs Your Hips Are Locked Up And Glutes Are Inactive <–



Take Your Workouts To The Next Level – 10 Hybrid Exercises

Take Your Workouts To The Next Level – 10 Hybrid Exercises

The number one excuse I hear is “I don’t have time.”

And often friends and trainers will say back one or a combination of these things…

“Yes you do. You just have to make it a priority.”

“That’s just an excuse. All of these people have busy lives and fit it in.”

“You’ve got to make time and take care of yourself!”

“We often struggle to take time out for ourselves, but if you don’t take care of yourself, how can you take care of others properly?”

While all of those things can be true, I think one thing we often forget about when people say they “don’t have time,” is that they believe to get the results they want, they need to spend hours in the gym.

They believe that if they aren’t going to the gym 5-6 times a week for at least an hour, they won’t get the results they want. So then…if they can’t do that, what’s the point of even going a little!?!

Instead we’ve all got to realize that getting results can fit our busy lifestyle. That results don’t require hours in the gym. They require efficient workouts with movements that get us the most bang for our buck in the least amount of time.

That is why I LOVE Hybrid Exercises.

What are Hybrid Exercises?

Hybrid Exercises are moves that combine 2 or more other exercises to work as many large muscles groups at once and even often work us through multiple planes of motion in the same sequence.

These are efficient movements because the work a lot of muscles at once to help you build functional strength in less time.

Plus by combining two moves into one quick exercise, you can even really target a specific area and work it double in one movement. I find this very effective especially when it comes to working the legs and glutes. You can often have trouble really getting the glutes working by doing compound exercises alone.

But if you create a hybrid move that not only activates by isolating the glutes and then strengthens the glutes and legs with a compound move, you’ll feel EVERYTHING working in less time!

By doing Hybrid Exercises, you can even get in a killer workout in just 5 minutes.

Hybrid Exercises are sure to challenge even the most advanced lifter and not only help you build strength but also improve your conditioning.

Below are 10 of my Favorite Hybrid Moves.


10 Hybrid Exercises

Jack Burpee:

The Jack Burpee is one of my favorite burpee variations because it is a hybrid of the plyo jack, burpee and plank jack. It is a great full-body, core-intensive move that will also really get your blood pumping! It will really work your core, glutes, legs and shoulders.


To do the Jack Burpee, start standing with your feet together. Squat down slightly as you bend over and place your hands on the ground. Jump your feet back into a high plank position with your feet together.

From that high plank position with your feet together, jump your feet out wide. Do not let your butt go up in the air as you jump your feet out. Jump your feet back together quickly then jump your feet into your hands and come up back up to standing.

As you lift your hands and come back to standing, perform either a basic Jumping Jack or a Plyo Jumping Jack. If you do the Plyo Jack, you will jump up off the ground as you spread your legs wide and swing your arms up to the side and overhead.

To regress the movement, step back into a plank position instead of jumping back. You can also step your feet out to the sides and back in when doing the Plank Jack instead of jumping. And at the top, perform a Basic Jumping Jack or even no Jack at all.

The quicker you do the movement and the bigger and higher your Plyo Jack is at the top, the harder the move will be.

Side Lunge to Leg Lift:

The Side Lunge to Leg Lift is one of my current favorites. It is a great frontal plane movement to work those glutes with a compound and isolation exercise back to back. Any time you can target those glutes in multiple ways and even isolate them, the more you are really going to get them working and pumped!

To do the Side Lunge with Leg Lift, start standing with your feet together. Then step out to the side and sink into a side lunge. Sit your butt back as you sink down and bend that outside knee. You may hinge at the hips, but do not simply lean forward. Make sure to sit your butt back and keep both heels down. Do not bend the other leg as you lunge out and keep both toes pointing straight ahead.

Then, driving off that foot you step out with, come back up to standing. Feel your glute working to help bring you but up to standing tall with your feet together. Lightly tap your foot down as you stand up to help you balance, if needed, then lift the leg you just lunged out with up and out to the side. You’ll do a straight leg lift to the side. Try not to let your leg really rotate up as you lift.

Do not worry about how high you lift, but focus on lifting it straight out to the side using your glute. You’ll feel this in the outside of your hip. Try not to lean away too much, just a little if needed for balance. Also, don’t throw your leg up and just swing with momentum. Really feel your glute working to lift.

Tap your foot back down then lunge back out to the same side and repeat until all reps are complete.


Renegade Row Push Up:

I love any time you can work on core stability while working both of the big muscles of your upper body – your chest AND your back. Plus, I’m thrilled when you can get in more back work to your workout routine as we still rounded over way too much during the day and need to strengthen our backs! That is why the Renegade Row Push Up may just be my favorite upper body Hybrid Exercise!

This move will work your arms, shoulders, chest, back and even your core and glutes. Your core will have to work hard to stabilize as you row and prevent rotation!


To do the Renegade Row to Push Up, you can use dumbbells or kettlebells. Place them on the ground about shoulder-width apart with them just outside your chest. Place your hand on each dumbbell or kettlebell with your palms facing in so the weights are parallel. While placing the weights closer together on the ground will make it more of a narrow grip push up and work your triceps even a bit more, it will also help make it easier to stabilize your core as you row.

Then set up at the top of a plank with your arms straight and legs out straight behind you. You can do this from your knees or your toes. The closer together your feet/knees are, the harder the move will be on your core because you won’t have as wide a base to fight rotation during the row.

From this plank position, perform a Push Up, dropping your chest to the weights. With your body moving as one unit, lower down and press back up. At the top of the Push Up, row one dumbbell up to your side, driving your elbow down and back toward the ceiling.

Lower the weight down and then perform another Push Up. After the Push Up, row the other dumbbell up. Make sure not to shrug your shoulders as you row. You want to feel your back working. Also, fight the urge to rotate open as you row. Keep your body in a nice straight line from your head to your heals. Really focus on squeezing your glutes.

Beginners may need to do a row on each side after each Push Up to eliminate some of the Push Ups. They can also use just bodyweight or even do this from their knees.

Advanced exercisers will want to do only one row after each Push Up and use heavy weights.

Side to Curtsy Lunge:

Lunge sequences are a great way to work your legs from numerous angles and even really get your blood pumping. You can also target different muscles in your legs based on the lunges you include. Plus, because we move in every direction in everyday life, you can really build functional strength by lunging in different directions!

One of my favorite lunge sequences is the Side to Curtsy Lunge because those two lunges can really work your glutes!


To do the Side to Curtsy Lunge, start with one side, say your left side. Lunging with your left foot, step the left foot out toward “9″ on the clock to perform a side lunge.

As you lunge out to the side, bend your left knee as you keep your right leg straight and sit your butt back. Don’t be afraid to hinge forward slightly, hinging at the hips, to really push your butt back and load your glute. Bend that left knee as you keep both toes pointing straight ahead. Keep your left heel down as you sink into the lunge. Keep your chest up even if you slightly lean forward to push your butt back. Do not round over.

Then drive back up to standing, pushing off your left foot to come back center. Do not bend your right leg to come back center or swing your body. Really push off that outside leg and drive off your heel.

If you need to, touch your foot down center as you stand tall to help you balance before moving into the curtsy lunge. If you don’t need to tap your foot down, move right into the curtsy.

Lunge back into a curtsy lunge with your left foot, stepping your left foot back behind your right leg. You will reach your left foot back to about “5″ on the clock as you bend your front and back knee almost as if you are going to half kneel on the ground. Make sure you step far enough back (do not keep your left foot too close to your right) so that you can bend both knees and sink down into a deep lunge. Keep your right heel down on the ground and your chest up. Make sure you feel the outside of the front glute (in this case the right) really loading as you sink down. Do not rotate open but keep your chest and upper body facing straight ahead. You really need to sit your butt back and load that right glute.

Then drive through your front heel to come back up to standing center. Squeeze your glutes at the top and move right back into a side lunge on the left side.

Complete all reps on one side before switching. Add weight to make the move more challenging. Beginners may not go as low and may use only bodyweight.

Pull Up with Knee Tuck:

Pull Ups are a must-do move. Whether you can do full or are still working with an assisted variation, pull ups are a great back and core exercises. And you can make them even more core intensive with a Knee Tuck! So if you want to take your Pull Ups to the next level and really work your core, try the Pull Up with Knee Tuck.

To do the Pull Up with Knee Tuck, hang from a pull up bar with your palms facing away. If you want to do a chin up variation, simply turn your palms toward you. Hang from the bar with your arms fully straight and legs hanging down.

Then leading with your chest, perform a pull up. Feel the sides of your back working to pull your chin above the bar. At the top, pause and then tuck your knees into your chest. Straighten your legs back out and lower back down.

Repeat pulling back up. As you do the pull up, think about leading with your chest and drive you elbows down. Even think about gripping the bar hard to help you activate everything.

To make this move more challenging and even work your obliques, you can do a knee tuck circle as you pull up.

Beginners may need to start with just a hanging knee tuck or even an assisted pull up. They can also do a Leg Lowers Plus to work their core and start activating their back!

For more Hanging Ab Exercises, try these!

Bird Dog Push Up:

If you want to build killer core strength and work on stability as you work your chest, shoulders and triceps, you will want to try the Bird Dog Push Up. From your toes, this move will be super challenging and advanced. To regress do it from your knees.

Whichever you do, do not let your butt go up in the air. Really use the bird dog as a chance to work on shoulder and core stability as you brace your abs and engage your glutes! Do not rotate in that bird dog and build anti-rotational strength!

bird dog push up

To do the Bird Dog Push Up, set up in the high plank position from your hands and toes with your hands under your shoulders and your feet about hip-width apart. If you bring your feet closer together, it will make the move more challenging. Make sure your core is braced and your body is in a nice straight line from your head to your heels.

Then, with your body moving as one unit, perform a push up, dropping your chest to the ground. Do not let your elbows flare way up by your shoulders. You do not want your arms and body to create a “T” shape. Press back up to the high plank position. Make sure to keep your core engaged and drive back through your heels so your body stays in a nice straight line. Do not let your hips sag or your butt go up in the air.

At the top of the push up, lift your opposite leg and arm up, reaching your arm out straight toward the wall in front of you as you lift your foot back toward the wall behind you. Keep your core engaged and squeeze your glutes as you lift the leg and arm. Do not let your body rotate open or your hips sag toward the ground. Do not let your butt go up toward the ceiling as you lift and pause to hold.

You do not need to lift super high. It is more about lifting toward opposite walls and engaging your core and glutes to stay balanced. Hold for a second or two at the top and then lower back down and repeat the push up. Make sure your body moves as one unit. Do not tuck your chin or let your hips sag.

Then perform a Bird Dog on the other side, lifting the opposite arm and leg up. Keep performing a push up then a Bird Dog, alternating sides.

Beginners can do the move from their knees or even simply lift either their leg or their arm instead of lifting both. It is better to regress and perform the movement properly than to do the full Bird Dog Push Up with your butt up in the air.

Squat to Lunge:

Split Squat Jumps and Squat Jumps are two great cardio-leg exercises by themselves. But when you combine the two together into one jumping move, you’ll feel those legs burning even more! The Squat to Lunge is a great way to really work those legs as you get your blood pumping!

squat to alternating lunge

To do the Squat to Lunge, start with your feet about hip-width to shoulder-width apart. Squat down, sitting your butt back. Do not round forward as you squat down. Keep your heels down and sink your butt so that your quads are about parallel to the ground.

Then jump up and switch into a lunge stance as you land. One foot will be forward and then other will lunge back as you drop your back knee down toward the ground. Sink low in the low and keep your chest up.

In the lunge, your front heel should be down and your weight should be fairly centered.

Jump back into the squat and then lunge on the other side. Move quickly, exploding up off the ground to switch.

Beginners can start with stepping between the two moves instead of jumping.

Tabletop Dip Toe Touch:

Work your triceps, shoulders, quads and core, especially your obliques, with the Tabletop Dip Toe Touch. This is a great move to build core stability and may even challenge your balance and your mobility.

Plus it is just so fun! We’ve even come to call it the Dancing Crab at the gym!

To do the Tabletop Dip Toe Touch, start with your butt on the ground and then place your hands behind you as you bend your knees and place your feet flat on the ground.

Then lift your butt up off the ground. Perform a little dip, bending your elbows as you touch your butt back down to the ground.

Then lift up, bridging your hips up a bit, as you kick your leg up and reach your opposite hand to touch your toe. Place your hand and foot back down, then repeat the dip and then kick the other leg up and reach your other hand to touch your toe.

Move quickly without rushing so much that you don’t stay balanced. Also, make sure to perform a little dip after each toe touch, bending your elbows slightly to touch your butt down.

Single Arm Plank Jack:

If you want a move to challenge your coordination, shoulder stability, core strength and even your cardio, then you’ll love the Single Arm Plank Jack. It is a great combination of the plank with shoulder tap and the plank jack!

This is an advanced move. Beginners will want to start with the Basic Plank Jack. Really fight against rotating as you perform this move.

To do Single Arm Plank Jacks, set up in a high plank position with your hands a bit closer together under your shoulders and your feet together. Brace your abs and make sure your body is in a nice straight line.

Then jump your feet out wide, and as you do, lift one hand to touch your opposite shoulder. Resist the urge to really rotate as you lift the hand or let your butt go up in the air. Try to keep your hips down and your core as square to the ground as possible.

Jump your feet back together and place the hand back down. When you quickly jump your feet out again, this time lift the other hand to touch your opposite shoulder. Jump quickly back in and lower the hand back down. Keep repeating the jack with your feet, alternating which hand you lift to tap your shoulder.

Beginners can do a basic Plank Jack without the shoulder tap. For the Basic Plank Jack, click here.

Superman Banana:

Not only is this move super fun because you get to roll around on the ground, but it works both the anterior and posterior of your core. You’ll work both your abs and your back and butt!

And if you get to coach someone doing it…Even better as you get them rolling around on command!


To do the Superman Banana, lie face down on the ground and reach your hands overhead with your legs out straight behind you. Then, squeezing your glutes, lift your chest and legs up off the ground. Try to get your chest up as high as you can and your quads up off the ground if possible.

You should feel this in your back and glutes. This is the Basic Superman.

Keeping your arms and lower legs up off the ground, roll over onto your back. Try not to push off with your hands or feet as you roll. You may need to use your arms just a little especially if you are a beginner, but the goal is to roll without pushing off.

Once on your back, keep your belly button drawn in toward your spine and your legs and arms up off the ground. Your neck and head should be in a neutral position. This is “Banana.” Beginners may find they need to lift their legs up higher toward the ceiling or bend their knees to keep their low back against the ground and their abs engaged.

Then roll back over into Superman. Again do not push off with your arms or legs. Hold in each position (Superman and Banana) for a few seconds before rolling back over.

For even more Hybrid Exercises, check out these two videos below!


You Can’t Get Results In 5 Minutes…

You Can’t Get Results In 5 Minutes…

I HATE that people think they have to go to the gym for hours or even do two-a-days to get results.

And before you get mad because you are doing these things, I’m not saying you CAN’T…I just don’t think you need to…and more IMPORTANTLY that isn’t the only way to get results.

Having the attitude that you need to spend a certain amount of time working out or it doesn’t “count” is what holds way too many people back from not only getting started, but staying consistent.

What if I told you that instead you could start getting results and get in a routine by only spending 5 MINUTES A DAY working out?

And no this isn’t some get insanely ripped doing nothing bullshit plan.

(We think we need to be lying on the ground completely exhausted to get results. And if we aren’t completely worn out we feel guilty…)

No. What I’m saying is that all too often we never get started because we feel we have to make this huge time commitment that we just can’t mentally make.

We basically set ourselves up for failure by making changes, and achieving results, harder than it needs to be.

We’ve literally started believing that if it is EASY AND SIMPLE, IT CAN’T WORK.

How ridiculous is that!?!

If it is easy and simple, we think it is too good to be true. When in reality, we keep yo-yo dieting and jumping from program to program because the overcomplicated rules and huge time commitments make it impossible for us to achieve results.

We just keep adding more and making up all of these arbitrary rules thinking that by doing more, by cutting out more, by restricting everything, we will finally get results.


I say this all the time but – sometimes LESS IS MORE!

That is why I started creating 5-minute Burner Workouts using my hybrid exercises and activation moves.

Because even though you may think “it’s only 5 minutes,” that 5 minutes is enough to keep you moving forward and keep you strong and lean.

Because that 5 minutes isn’t you walking casually on a treadmill or riding a bike. That 5 minutes is high intensity using not only compound exercises but HYBRID EXERCISES that work multiple large muscles at once from different angles.

By using not only interval training, but my Hybrid Moves, you can get results in just 5 minutes a day.

Yes, ideally would you combine these workouts for at least 15 minutes? YES.

BUT if you want results, it isn’t about the length of your workout, but the QUALITY and the CONSISTENCY.

Yes. Quality and consistency.

If you instead try to workout for hours and get so sore and burnt out and feel like you just don’t have the time…guess what? You aren’t going to workout again for at least a week, if not more.

That doesn’t lead to progress very quickly or help you create habits.

But what if instead you started by committing to just 5 minutes 4-5 times a week? That would create a routine AND get you started moving forward.

So if you are ready to try out a 5-minute workout to target your lower abs in my Lower Ab Burner Workout, click here!

Protein Granola – Balancing Eating Well And Cravings!

Protein Granola – Balancing Eating Well And Cravings!

I firmly believe you want to eat as many whole, natural foods as possible. The cleaner your diet, not only the faster your results, but also the healthier you are going to be.

However, the diet that also works best is the one you can STICK to long-term. The one you can be consistent with.

The one that you can enjoy as you are getting results. 

That means finding a balance between being as clean as possible while still getting to indulge and enjoy foods that satisfy those cravings….All while hitting your macro ratios of course 🙂

That is why I think it is important that no food is ever off limits.

BUT that doesn’t always mean you want to completely indulge. Sometimes you want a “healthier” alternative that will keep you on track and not set off other cravings.

That is when recipes like Protein Granola come in handy. This recipe makes it easier to stick to your macros while still satisfying cravings for granola and even sugary cereals.

If you’re craving those sugary parfaits, this Protein Granola with greek yogurt and berries may be the healthier alternative you are looking for!

For me, recipes like this don’t set off cravings for worse foods. There are some foods out there that are “gateway foods”…foods that set off further cravings and cause you to fall off.

Having a healthier alternative that satisfies my cravings BUT doesn’t set off that desire for worse foods, is KEY for me staying on track.

That is why I love finding creative ways to stay on track that freaking TASTE GOOD!

Remember it is about consistency, not perfection. Sometimes adding in things that may be slightly off the “whole, natural foods” list is key to keeping you on track.

Yup…sometimes you have to give yourself some room to ENJOY!

So if you are looking to hit your macros and pack in some extra protein WHILE still indulging in some delicious granola, try this Protein Granola!

Protein Granola Parfait

(photo courtesy of Ashley C.)

Servings 2

2 tbsp Coconut Flour
1/4 cup TJ’s Gluten Free Rolled Oats
1 scoop Vanilla Whey
1 tbsp Chia Seeds
3 tbsp Sugar Free Maple Syrup (you can use honey or real syrup or anything else!)
1/4 tsp Vanilla extract
1/8 tsp Baking Powder

Combine dry ingredients then mix in syrup and vanilla. Combine until crumbly.

Preheat oven to 350F and then put crumble mixture on foil on a baking tray. Spread it out and then place in the oven. Every 3-4 minutes you may want to mix it slightly. Cook until starting to brown. Then let cool before serving.

Combined with fat-free greek yogurt and even another scoop of whey and topped with half the granola for a delicious parfait!

Macros on the Protein Granola with the Protein Yogurt:
Calories: 365
Protein: 51 grams
Carbs: 27 grams
Fat: 5 grams

Are you ready to enjoy delicious foods while getting results?

Ready for something that will work when everything else has failed to help you get the body you really want?

Time to check out my MACRO HACKS PROGRAM!