The Non “Gnarly” Workout You Need!

The Non “Gnarly” Workout You Need!

You don’t have to push yourself to the point of complete destruction every workout…Sometimes less is more…

That is why today I wanted to share an important workout with you…A workout that will help you get more out of your program and the intense workouts you do on the other days. A workout that will leave you feeling good and full of energy at the end.

This workout won’t destroy you in the least. It will simply get the correct muscles working. And you can’t skip it if you want real results. You can’t skip it just because it doesn’t leave you feeling destroyed.

This is the non gnarly workout you need to really get results from your complete program!

And you shouldn’t do MORE just because it didn’t kill you!

Sometimes these simple moves, the workouts that focus on creating a strong foundation, are what you’re missing…and the reason you aren’t getting the results you deserve even while working out intense and eating well!

Trust the process and try this Activation Workout from my Bodyweight Shred!

Roll out.
Take some extra time to roll out today if you can!

5-8 rounds Inchworm Flow


Complete 3-5 rounds of each superset, resting as needed between rounds up to about 30 seconds. If you are short on time, complete at least 1 round of each superset. Although this is a great one to squeeze in even if you usually only do 3 workouts! It is key to preventing injury as you workout intensely!

20 reps Glute Bridges
10 reps per side Glute Bridge with Alternating Overhead Reach

20 reps Scapular Push Ups
10 reps Push Up Plus

30 seconds Dolphin Plank
30 seconds per side Side Plank Oblique Twists


You may go for a walk, bike ride or even do any sort of light cardio if desired for 15-30 minutes after this workout!

Roll out and Stretch:
Upper Back
Some Recommended Stretches:
Standing Chest Stretch
Half-Kneeling Hip and Quad Stretch

Build A Strong Foundation As You Build Muscle And Burn Fat!

Build a solid foundation of strength and get the lean, strong body you want with my Hybrid Exercise system in my 6-Week Bodyweight Shred!

–> Get the 6-Week Bodyweight Shred

5 Reasons You May Be Struggling To Lose Weight

5 Reasons You May Be Struggling To Lose Weight

There are a bazillion things pulling at us every day, demanding our attention and creating stress. We all seem to be doing a million things at once.

And we all seem to be stressed to the max.

So the last thing we need to do is add more stress into our lives – stress over eating well and working out.

Now that doesn’t mean you should simply skip working out and eating well (because both can also REDUCE STRESS, make you FEEL BETTER and INCREASE PRODUCTIVITY), but it does mean you want to make some changes to your diet and exercise program so that you can stress less and get better results!

Below are 5 Reasons You May Be Struggling To Lose Weight. These things can not only hinder your progress but even add to your stress so that you eventually fall off your program and re-enter that horrible yo-yo dieting and exercising cycle!

1. You’re too focused on working out longer and doing MORE.

People think they need to go do an hour of steady state cardio to lose weight. But guess what!?! Your body adapts to that. So to keep losing weight, that means you either have to go for longer or go faster. And often both of those aren’t really an option…Or if we do manage to one or both, we end up injured, burnt out or even stressed out because it becomes hard to fit in the workouts.

But what if you didn’t need that whole hour to get even better results than you could doing cardio for an hour? What if you could get results even just occasionally squeezing in 5 minute intense bouts?

Workouts like that would not only fit into your busy life better, but it would help you workout more consistently.


So instead of thinking about working out longer and doing more, focus on efficiency and going hard when you are working out.

If you up your intensity and pick compound exercises, you can get better fat burning and weight loss results from 15 minutes of interval and strength training than you can out of an hour doing steady state cardio!

Steady state cardio really only burns calories DURING the workout while interval work and strength training can help raise your metabolic rate and increase your calorie and fat burning for up to 48 hours after your workout!

2. You’re not focusing on PROTEIN.

People all too often get stuck worrying about how many carbs or how much fat. They argue over low carb or low fat.

But they never focus on the macronutrient that really makes the biggest difference – PROTEIN!

Focus on protein and you are going to see great results.

You don’t have to cut out carbs…Heck if you workout intensely you NEED some carbs. And you don’t have to deprive yourself of fat. FAT ISN’T EVIL! Actually, if you cut your fat too low, you are going to mess with your hormone levels and really slow down or even completely stall and prevent yourself from getting results!

But if you make protein your focus, you’re not only going to build lean muscle mass, but actually burn more fat and feel FULLER. If you want to grow stronger and look leaner, you need to get enough protein to build, repair and even MAINTAIN your muscle tissue!

Plus, protein has a higher thermogenic effect than the other Macros, meaning you actually burn more calories to process protein, making it harder to gain fat when your diet is high in protein (studies have even shown it to have a thermogenic effect 5 times greater than carbs or fat!).

Studies of thermogenesis have also shown that one of the most important roles protein plays in body weight regulation is due to the fact that it increases feelings of satiety or feeling full!

So if you aren’t getting enough protein that may be why you aren’t losing weight!

3. You’re not tracking what you’re doing.

We all hate tracking.  But this may be the single most important thing because if you don’t really know what you are eating, if you aren’t holding yourself ACCOUNTABLE, if you aren’t tracking what is working, you’re not going to see results!

Track what you eat and stick with a program. Then you can make changes as you go!

But if you don’t track, you don’t truly know. You can forget about things that are going on. You may not realize how low your protein is even when you feel like you are getting it at every meal.

Heck, you may even be surprised by the hidden calories and macro ratios in certain foods you eat…foods you can easily tweak if only you KNEW what was in them.

That is why you track. Try a fitness tracker like My Fitness Pal and log what you are eating. It will show you what is truly going on so you can make small changes and swaps instead of simply jumping from diet to diet!

4. You’re randomly adjusting your calories.

Often we think that losing weight means eating less. And yes…A calorie deficit is important.

But continuing to cut calories may not be the answer. If you cut out too many calories, your energy will drop. You can stall your metabolism. And your workouts will suffer, which will not only hinder your fitness progress, but potentially even your weight loss progress.

And on top of that, you may fall into HANGRY territory. Feeling hungry all the time doesn’t make anyone happier or less stressed.

Plus, if you constantly feel hungry at some point you’re going to run out of self control and end up binging. And binging leads to guilt. Which leads to more binging. Which leads to you ending up potentially worse off than where you started…And back in the yo-yo dieting cycle!

So while you need a calorie deficit, you don’t want to cut your calories too low! Stay energized. Stay feeling ready to tackle the day!

Because eating well should make you feel better NOT like you’re starving and constantly angry and tired!

5. You’re depriving yourself of the foods you enjoy.

I NEED dessert. Yes…I know this is an “excuse.” I will not literally die if I don’t have it.

But after dinner, if I don’t get a sweet treat, I just sit there thinking about how I want something. And I get bitter if I can’t have it.

And I end up binging on desserts the next chance I get.

So to avoid this, I have something sweet every night. I’ve found healthy swaps that fit my macros when I want. And other times, I indulge in that ice cream or those peanut butter cookies.

But I don’t DEPRIVE myself. Because that just isn’t realistic.

I was sick of “sprints.” And my clients were too. We were sick of going strict to only fall off and gain back some of what we’d lost. Only to have to “sprint” and go super clean again.

That is why I found macro cycling to be beneficial. You have ratios to hit, but you could still make room for the foods you love. You never had to cut out the things you love, which prevents binging.

And not feeling deprived helps make this a realistic lifestyle. You aren’t simply waiting for it to be over!

Take control of your diet without cutting out all of the foods you love! Get the lean, strong body you’ve always wanted with my Macro Hacks!


Stop Letting Your Low Back Take Over – 25 Lower Ab Exercises And Workout

Stop Letting Your Low Back Take Over – 25 Lower Ab Exercises And Workout

The lower belly fat is generally the last, and hardest spot, to lean down and lose fat from. It is also the spot that most people would like to tone. Go figure.

But the lower abs aren’t only important to work for aesthetic reasons…The lower ab area includes our deep core intrinsic stabilizers, which are also generally weaker than we would like. And weakness in these muscles may be one big reason you suffer from low back, hip and even knee pain!

So whether you have pain or simply want more toned looking abs, you need to learn how to truly engage and work those deep core muscles. Which isn’t as easy as doing sit ups or crunches or planks.

You know when you do double leg lowers and you feel your low back working? So you put your hands behind your butt to help?

Well your low back takes over because your core isn’t engaging and working correctly. And putting your hands behind your low back may fix the issue, BUT it doesn’t actually train you to engage your core correctly.

It’s a temporary fix but not a true solution! 

So instead of continuing to put your hands behind your butt so your low back doesn’t engage…and instead of continuing to feel your low back during crunches and sit ups and planks…Learn how to engage your core correctly and strengthen those lower abs!

How do you learn how to engage your core correctly? 

Well there are generally two schools of thought – you learn Hollow Body (what I often call Pelvic Tilt) OR you learn how to brace.

People will tell you one or the other is better. But I believe that both are very important to learn.

I recommend learning how to brace, like someone is about to punch you in the stomach, AND learning how to engage your abs with the pelvic tilt, where you draw your belly button in toward your spine.

Both have different uses in my opinion and both are valuable!

For instance, bracing is very important when squatting and deadlift. You want to learn how to tense your abs and you can even use breathing to engage your core. Pelvic tilt isn’t really appropriate here.

But right now I want to focus on the Pelvic Tilt because this move is super essential to learning to keep your core engaged during most of the more isolated core work we do – whether it is leg lowers, sit ups or planks. And it is a great place to start if you are suffering from low back pain (or are even pregnant or have recently given birth).

How do you do the Pelvic Tilt?

There are two basic variations I like to do. One is lying down and what I call the Basic Pelvic Tilt. One is quadruped called the Vomiting Cat.

To do the Basic Pelvic Tilt, lie on your back on the ground with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Relax your arms down by your sides. As you lie on your back, you should feel a space between your low back and the ground.

Now draw your belly button in toward your spine as you “scoop out” your belly and press your low back into the ground. Feel your abs engage as you press your low back down into the ground. Hold for a count then release.

This engagement is what you should feel and do DURING double leg lowers. But to get to double leg lowers, you may need to start with the Basic Pelvic Tilt and slowly progress. First you can start with a march, keeping your knees bent.

Then you can progress and do a double knee tuck before moving on to scissors.

And finally, as long as you can keep your abs engaged throughout these, you will move to the double leg lowers.

Double Leg Lowers are something you EARN. They aren’t just a move you do if you don’t feel your abs! And as you earn them, you’ll work to keep your legs straighter and lower them closer to the ground.

Variations of the Double Leg Lowers are a great way to work your lower abs, and I include many variations of this move in the 25 Lower Ab Exercises video below, BUT you have to EARN these.

Start with the Basic Pelvic Tilt and learn the full progression HERE. Work toward those Double Leg Lowers, Lower Ab Planks and all the fun variations with the Basic Pelvic Tilt. And get even more out of those moves BECAUSE your abs are actually engaged and working!

Another great way to activate your core using a form of the Pelvic Tilt is with the Vomiting Cat. This is often used as a stretch for your back, but it can actually be a KILLER way to build your ab strength and work those lower abs.

And it has a great name…RIGHT!?! 🙂 Actually the reason for the name is because you are drawing your abs in almost as if you are trying to cough up a hairball…Just don’t actually cough one up!

To do the Vomiting Cat, start on your hands and knees with your hands under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. Then draw your belly button in toward your spine as you round your back up toward the ceiling. Tuck your hips under as you try to draw your abs in as hard as you can.

As I mentioned, you are trying to draw your abs in and round up as if you were a cat coughing up a hairball.

Hold as hard as you can for a count and then relax out.

With both of these moves, think about holding and activating everything instead of just trying to hold for longer.

Both of these are key moves to start with and use even in your warm up if you have pain or struggle to get your lower abs engaged and working. For beginners these are a MUST-DO!

From here you can even have some fun and use moves such as the Dead Bug (3:18), Butterfly Crunches (2:17), and the Plange Plank (4:46) shown in the video below…

Actually the Plange Plank is the perfect way to progress the Vomiting Cat even! Plus, if you want to get the most out of your planks, you’ll want to do the Pelvic Tilt (even more reason to always return to the basics!). Here is more on improving your planks.

And after learning to engage your core, here are 25 fun Lower Ab Exercise Variations to play around with!

Remember though as you begin to have some fun with these variations that it is key you actually FEEL your abs working. Don’t simply put your hands behind your butt and put a “band-aid” on the problem. Learn how to ACTUALLY engage your abs with the Pelvic Tilt and Vomiting Cat.

And try this quick 5-Minute Lower Ab Burnout and build a stronger core NOW! 🙂

5-Minute Lower Ab Burnout

Set a timer for 20 second intervals. Complete 3 rounds of the circuit below. Try not to rest, but go straight from one move to the next and then rest 20 seconds before repeating so you can make sure your abs keep working and your low back doesn’t take over.

20 seconds Plange Plank
20 seconds Butterfly Crunch
20 seconds Frog Kicks
20 seconds Dead Bug
20 seconds Rest

This quick workout is perfect as a warm up to get your core working OR as a quick core burnout after you finish your workout!

And if you want even BETTER results from your lower ab workouts, aka you want even more defined, lean, strong-looking abs, you may want to consider dialing in your diet…because abs are definitely made in the kitchen as well!

If you want more information on my Macro Hacks to help reveal those lower abs, learn more HERE!

–> The Macro Hacks

Oatmeal Raisin Protein Cookies

Oatmeal Raisin Protein Cookies

While snacks are really a made up thing, and our belief that we need “snack foods” is something that we’ve been told we should want by advertising, I do get that sometimes we need something quick and small that we can easily munch on while on the go or even stuck at our desk.

And because all too often the easiest snacks to grab lack protein, I think it is important to share recipes that are quick “snacks” that help you hit your macros and that 40% protein that I recommend you hit each day.

That is why I want to share this Oatmeal Raisin Protein Cookie Recipe! You can make these and have a sweet, protein treat ready when you need it all week!

Oatmeal Raisin Protein Cookie Recipe

(Picture courtesy of one of my clients doing my 6-Week Macro Cycling Shred!)

Servings 15

3/4 cup Almond butter
1.5 cup vanilla protein powder
3/4 cup honey
2 cup Oats
1 cup Light Coconut Milk
1/2 cup Raisins (you can sub chocolate chips or chopped nuts)
2 tsp Vanilla extract

In a food processor, mix all ingredients together except for the raisins (chocolate chips or chopped nuts). Once you have dough you can mold with your hands, mix in your toppings.

Divide your mix into 15 balls. Place them on a tray lined with baking paper and press them down into cookies. (If crumbly, add a bit more honey and coconut milk.)

Bake the cookies at 325 degrees F for 8-12 minutes. Just be sure to keep an eye on them and do not over bake or they will come out very dry!

Remove them as soon as they’ve browned on top. They will still look wet, but let them sit for a bit and they will firm. Do not over bake!

Calories: 300
Protein: 24 grams
Carbs: 29 grams
Fat: 9 grams
*This is with Raisins not chocolate or nuts.

These are a great afternoon snack to hold you over or even pre-workout! And to fit your macros you can even make these servings smaller or bigger as needed! Depending on what you put in them too, you can even slightly adjust the macros to be higher fat or lower carb as well.

What are your go-to snacks to get more protein?

Love how delicious these look and want to try my 6-Week Macro Cycling Shred? Check it out HERE!

How many reps? How many sets?

How many reps? How many sets?

Every time I post some exercises for people to try, I get asked, “How many reps and sets?”

Designing a proper workout though isn’t as simple as me telling you a rep range and number of sets. It isn’t as simple as stringing together exercises.

It is about considering your goals. It is about considering what you want to accomplish that week and not only what muscles you want to work, but what movements, what energy systems, what other workouts you plan to do…even what time you have available!

So how do you decide how many reps and sets?

Start with your goals.

What do you want to accomplish? Are you focused more on strength? Or on more of a “cardio” workout? Endurance or sprint? Do you want to build max strength or get more lean muscle mass? Or maybe are you starting out and going a bit lighter with weight?

All of these things should change what type of rep and set range you do!

Some good things to consider….

If you want to build maximum strength, 1-5 reps should be your focus. I find most of the clients I work with, will be in this range the least. I may do a main lift where we go lower with reps, but in general, we tend to spend the most time in the 8-12 rep range. Because most of us aren’t as concerned with maximum strength alone.

However, if you are, you may do about 5 sets in this range as your reps are lower (4-6 sets is the general rule of thumb). You will need longer rest between sets if you are working in this rep range as your body will need longer to completely recover when lifting this heavy.

If you work in this range, you’ll want to really push weight. This will require you to be more experienced. If you don’t challenge yourself and really try to sort of “max out” at this lower reps, you won’t get much out of it. You can’t have the 5th rep feeling easy.

Also remember, JUST BECAUSE YOU CAN TECHNICALLY LIFT A WEIGHT, DOESN’T MEAN YOUR BODY IS READY TO! Build slowly. Even if your muscles can lift it, it doesn’t mean all of your connective tissues are ready to.

You need to build a base before working down into this range!

If you want to move better, lose weight and focus on building lean muscle mass, you’ll probably want to work more in the 8-12 rep range (you may even work down toward 6 reps as you go up in weight). In this range, you’ll put on strength, but you aren’t really focused on working toward that one rep max. If your goal is feeling and looking good, you’ll probably spend the most time in this range.

You still need to challenge yourself with weights. If you want to stop at 8 reps, do 10-12. If you want to stop at 6, do 8. You need to challenge yourself with weights, but in this range, you won’t need to rest as long between sets.

This rep range can be used well in circuits (3 or more exercises together) and supersets (two exercises together). You will do about 3-5 sets.

If you are starting out, or trying to build strength and endurance, you can even work in a higher rep range of 10-15. This will probably be more like 2-4 sets as the number of reps is higher.

With activation moves and even muscles like your glutes, you may even find you want to work up toward 20 reps.

Higher rep ranges can even be used, but then you’ll want to do fewer sets. It is important that you pay attention to workout volume…aka the total amount of work you are doing.

If you workout volume is constantly high, you are going to burn out! So pay attention to this not only in each workout, but also over the entire week.

And it is important to consider the exercises you are doing and the muscles and movements you want to work. These will influence how you design the workout, whether supersets or circuits or pyramids…Or what workout design is best.

You also aren’t restricted to rep numbers. You can also do timed intervals of work. And with both, you can not only adjust the work that you do, but also the time that you rest! (Remember not everything is about shortening rest. Sometimes longer rest plays a part too, especially if you are doing super intense sprint intervals!)

For instance you could do 30 seconds on, 15 seconds off. Double the work to rest. Or you could do equal work to rest so that you recover more and your 100% max effort stays closer to a true 100%…like 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off.

Or if you are really working on power and improving your speed, you may want to rest 3-5 times the length you work AND work for shorter so you can work at a true 100% max effort the entire time. For instance, 8-15 seconds of work and 24-75 seconds of rest.

You could even do endurance and work at a lower intensity for longer intervals of work with shorter rest in between.

There are so many variables you can play around with to get results!

And not only do sets, reps, volume, rest and weights matter, so do the muscles and movements you plan to work. A circuit that is full body will be different than one focused on just your legs. You can not only do body part splits, but also hemisphere splits (upper vs. lower), anterior vs. posterior splits (frontside vs. backside) or even movement splits (hinge, pull, push, squat)…

Depending on what your workouts work, you can play around with how many times you workout each week! And you can even play around with the length of your workouts.

While bodybuilders and fitness competitors tend to spend hours in the gym and do body part splits, and often workouts for maximal strength will take longer as you’ll need longer rest, you can get a lot out of a quick 10 minutes if you play around with rest intervals and intensity.

So you can easily design workouts to meet your specific needs!

Because most of my clients want to build lean, strong bodies so that they feel and look good in every day life, I often design workouts that give you the most bang for your buck in the shortest amount of time.

Below is one from my 6-Week Bodyweight Shred.

In this case, I go with a circuit style workout with higher reps, fewer sets and shortened rest. Because of the higher reps to really burn out the muscles, no weights are needed. See so many options!


For this workout you will do 20 reps of everything. For one-sided or unilateral moves, you will do 10 reps per side. Complete 3 rounds of each circuit, resting only as needed. Time how long it takes you to complete and beat it the final week! If you are short on time, set a timer and see how much you can complete in the time you have and/or simply complete 1 round of each circuit!

20 reps Squat Jumps
20 reps Alternating Front Lunges
20 reps Plank Jacks

20 reps T Push Ups
20 reps Plank Hip Dips
20 reps Full Sit Ups

20 reps Skater Hops
20 reps Dips Off Bench
20 reps Side Plank Oblique Twists

Ready for 6 weeks of workouts laid out so you don’t have to think about sets, reps, volume, splits…or anything else? Want to get the lean, strong body you’ve always wanted?

Get my Bodyweight Shred for this great pre-launch price!

–> 6-Week Bodyweight Shred!

Carb Cycling vs. Macro Cycling

Carb Cycling vs. Macro Cycling

I’ve done a ton of different diets in my life…And there are three things I feel are most important…

  1. It’s got to get results.
  2. It can’t make me feel deprived.
  3. It has got to be SIMPLE.

And of course, I want it to focus on whole, natural foods.

But those 3 things are key and actually WAY harder to find in a diet than you think.

So many diet want to overcomplicate things…It’s like the people creating them think the more complicated they make dieting seem the more you’ll want to “buy” their answer.

And so many diets cut out all enjoyment from life…Aka…all of the foods you love, which not only makes you feel miserable, but also makes you feel like a hermit that can never go out with friends.

Woman with Healthy and Unhealthy Food. Difficult choice. Overweight Concept

(Can I just ask why she looks freaking happy!?! NO ONE is happy about cutting out foods they love and honestly…YOU DON’T HAVE TO! It isn’t a this or that situation people! You can have both!!!)

Overcomplicated while making you miserable…That sounds about right for most diets…And worst of all…You don’t end up getting results.

OR if you do get results, you quickly lose them because you can’t maintain the unrealistic standards set by the diet for long!

And potentially you end up even worse off than where you started.

This cycle has to end. I know I was sick of personally yo-yoing and seeing my clients struggle as well.

Which led me to first find Carb Cycling and finally develop my own Macro Cycling Plan, which not only helped me reveal my abs but helped my clients lose inches and tons of weight!

First let’s take a look at Carb Cycling vs. Macro Cycling.

Many of you may know Carb Cycling or the general gist of it. You cycle your carbs and have high-carb days and low-carb days during the week. There are many ways to do this, but you often also have to time your workouts with the different days so that you have certain workouts on certain high-carb days and others on low-carb days.

While Carb Cycling can be great, it does require you to plan a bit more so you can make different meals during the week and cycle between days. I found this to be too complicated for my personal meal prep as I couldn’t prep big dishes for the week and had to make sure to buy for both types of days.

I also found that it always happened on high carb days I wanted foods with more fat, which I couldn’t have and on low-carb days, I always wanted carbs…

Always seems you want what you can’t have!

Literally the second you say, “I can’t have a cookie.” That is instantly what you want and become obsessed with EVEN if you hadn’t wanted a cookie before you told yourself that!

So for me while I think the idea of basic Carb Cycling is great, the way you usually have to implement it with programs just didn’t really fit with two of my three most important dieting beliefs…

While it gets results, it wasn’t as simple as I would have liked to be able to stick to long term and it also left me feeling deprived too often.

Don’t get me wrong…I realize it isn’t possible to get ideal results and just binge eat all of the time..BUT that doesn’t mean I always have to feel like I’m missing out.

That is why I came up with Macro Cycling.

So what is Macro Cycling?

Macro Cycling is my way of SIMPLIFYING Carb Cycling. Of making sure I’m not deprived and that I’m still getting results!

Basically it was my way of getting myself, and my clients, KILLER results while creating a LONG-TERM LIFESTYLE!

So Macro Cycling…Basically you dial in your Macros and use those Macros and calories all week. No cycling. No making different meals day to day and matching your workouts or cycling your calories up and down whether or not you worked out…

You stick with 1 Macro Breakdown for 2 weeks and then switch every 2 weeks between 3 ratio breakdowns. That means right when you start to get “bored” or even “plateau,” I switch things up so you can start eating new things.

However, on all three ratios, NOTHING IS OFF LIMITS!

You can use meals you currently love making. You can indulge in that sweet treat or crunchy, salty snack.

The point is you just dial in the ratio of each macronutrient you consume. Which means making LITTLE tweaks to what you’re currently doing.

And most importantly, it means FOCUSING ON PROTEIN!

The first Macro Breakdown I use for my Macro Cycling Plan is 40% Protein, 30% Carbs, 30% Fat. (Just to give you a reference point for how different this is from what the average American eats and mainstream thought tells them to eat, the “default” ratio in most fitness trackers is 20% Protein, 50% Carbs and 30% Fat.)


My Macro Cycling Plan is focused on the Macronutrients or the food that your body requires you to get in large amounts from your diet (Protein, Carbohydrates and Fat).

This means you can eat carbs. You can eat fat. You just need to focus on protein!

And we focus on PROTEIN because protein is made up of amino acids which are the building blocks of muscle tissue. If you want to grow stronger and look leaner, you need to get enough protein to build, repair and even MAINTAIN your muscle tissue!

Plus, protein has a higher thermogenic effect than the other Macros, meaning you actually burn more calories to process protein, making it harder to gain fat when your diet is high in protein (studies have even shown it to have a thermogenic effect 5 times greater than carbs or fat!).

Studies of thermogenesis have also shown that one of the most important roles protein plays in body weight regulation is due to the fact that it increases feelings of satiety or feeling full!

So protein is not only key to us getting results from our workouts, but also feeling fuller and having an easier time losing body fat!

That is why I like Macro Cycling. It puts the focus on PROTEIN…not on carbs. And it allows you to still eat the fats and carbs and foods you love!

(Below is the Chipotle Chicken Loaded Sweet Potato I use in my Macro Cycling Shred as one of the recipes…It usually is a favorite!)

chipotle chicken loaded sweet potatoes

If you love chocolate…YOU DON’T HAVE TO GIVE IT UP!

If you love bread or pasta or WHATEVER, you don’t have to give it up!

If you’re gluten-free or paleo or WHATEVER, you can still dial in your Macros using my plan and improve your results!

The point is you aren’t depriving yourself of anything you love.

And you’re making things simple by being able to prep things you already love or by being able to prep meals for the week without worrying about cooking different meals for different days!

PLUS, if you want to go out, you can easily! It is easy to find meals focused on protein. You don’t have to skip carbs. You don’t have to skip fats! Heck, you can even get some extra protein AROUND the party or meal you go out to and save your carbs and fat to really use then!

I have lots of clients that have to eat out for work or travel and they’ve gotten great results using Macro Cycling!

Heck, I’ve even done cycling with lower-carb or higher-carb if you really have a preference.

The point with Macro Cycling is it focuses on PROTEIN and helps you dial in your ratios to get faster results without deprivation!

By making little tweaks or changing up little things, you can hit your ratios and get results! And as I mentioned, with my plan, you’ll cycle through 3 different ratios, switching up every two weeks!

So you can get dialed in and make meals you love, but still get to change things up so you don’t get bored!

Don’t waste time trying to deprive yourself and make things overly complicated.

Remember, the key is getting results. And CONSISTENCY is key to getting results. So a program, like Macro Cycling, which will allow you to BE CONSISTENT because you aren’t being deprived or having to do anything crazy complicated, is key to getting results!

***ONE-TIME OFFER – Macro Hacks!***

If you want to set yourself up for success and get the lean, strong body you want, the Macro Cycling I discuss in this post will get you there! Check out this special deal on my Macro Hacks program!

Get $23 off the program when you join with this deal and get access instant access!

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–> The Macro Hacks – Get The Lean, Strong, Defined Body You’ve Always Wanted At ANY Age!