by Cori Lefkowith | Apr 10, 2018 | Blog, Bodyweight, Core, Travel Workouts, Workouts
Not all workouts to build strength need to be done for reps and sets. Sometimes INTERVALS can help you build strength, especially if you need to challenge yourself with just your own bodyweight!
If you want a 30 minute workout to build your leg, chest, shoulder, arm and CORE strength, you’ll love this Squat and Press 1 Minute Max Out. It’s a great Anterior Chain workout aka you’ll feel your entire frontside working!
The Squat And Press 1 Minute Max Out
Roll out.
5-8 rounds Dynamic Squat Flow
Set a timer for 1 minute intervals with no rest between. You have 1 minute to complete as many reps of each move as you can. Record how many you get each minute and try to beat that next time. Rest 1 minute between each round. Complete 3-5 rounds. If you are short on time, just do 3 rounds.
1 minute Alternating Front Lunges*
1 minute T Push Up
1 minute Squat to Lunge
1 minute Plank with Punch
1 minute Sprinter Sit Up
1 minute Rest
Roll out.
Some Recommended Stretches:
Camel Bridge
Child’s Pose with Reaches
*NOTES: If you have weights this is a great place to use them. You can also simply move faster to get more reps if you don’t have weights…Or hold your dog or child or any heavy object even up at your chest to add some more weight! 😉
Don’t have hours to spend at the gym but want to build full body strength as you lean down?
Learn more about my 6-Week Bodyweight Shred!
Bodyweight Workouts like this one that you can do anywhere and easily fit into your busy schedule!

by Cori Lefkowith | Nov 25, 2017 | Blog, Bodyweight, Travel Workouts, Workouts
It isn’t about how long you spend working out…It’s about the QUALITY of the time you spend.
Sometimes we get so focused on needing to spend a certain amount of time working out that, when we then don’t have “enough time,” we end up doing NOTHING.
Or we just put ourselves into a “run out the clock” situation and don’t actually maximize the time we do spend at the gym.
Stop focusing though on the length of your workout and instead pick moves and workout designs to maximize the time you do have. And give yourself options for those busy days when 5 minutes may be all you have!
Something is better than nothing ESPECIALLY if it is quality.
That is why I do a Friday Five Workout each and every week. And now I even have a Library of all my Friday Fives in my App Redefining Strength On Demand!
Check out this awesome 5-Minute Full-Body Burner from my Friday Five series below. And get even more of my follow alongs with RS On Demand!
Join Redefining Strength On Demand for access to all of my Friday Fives, Bodyweight Burners, Travel Series and MORE wonderful follow along video workouts!
by Cori Lefkowith | Nov 6, 2016 | Blog, Travel Workouts, Workouts
When we get busy, have family obligations, don’t have easy access to a gym, we tend to make an excuse and skip our workouts.
And I get it.
All of these things make fitting in workouts difficult.
They give us an easy out and we take it because most of us really are strapped for time and pulled in a bazillion different directions.
The problem is…Once we skip one workout, it is very easy to start skipping more and before we know it, our routine and health and fitness goals are completely forgotten.
But we need to take care of ourselves!
That is why it is important to have quick bodyweight workouts you can do anywhere on hand. It helps eliminate the excuses and keep you on track even if it isn’t exactly what you’d be doing at the gym.
Remember, something is always better than nothing.
Plus, you don’t need an hour at a gym to get in a great workout.
Honestly, 15 minutes and your bodyweight is all you need to keep moving forward toward your goals!
So when life tries to get in the way and derail your progress, eliminate the excuses and make your fitness a priority with these quick workouts you can do anywhere!
#1: 1 Minute Max Out
Time: 15 minutes
Set a timer for 1 minute intervals. Complete 3 rounds of the circuit below. Do as many reps in that minute as you can. I recommend counting and recording what you do to not only try to beat it in the next round, but also so you have something to shoot for next time you do the workout!
1 minute Bulldog Burpee
1 minute T Push Ups
1 minute Alternating Side Lunges with Hop
1 minute Spiderman Plank with Knee Drive
1 minute Butterfly Sit Up
#2: Bodyweight Quick Cardio Circuit
Time: 15 Minutes
#3: Bodyweight Core Blaster
Time: 15 Minutes
Ok you know I couldn’t resist giving you a glute activation and core stability workout too…
30 seconds per side 3-Way Hip Circles
30 seconds Frog Bridges
30 seconds Glute Bridge with March
30 seconds Rest
30 seconds per side Side Plank Clams
30 seconds Spiderman Plank
30 seconds Roll to V-Up
30 seconds Rest
#4: 50 Burpee Burnout
Time: As fast as possible, shoot for 5 minutes.
Sometimes a workout can be simple, brutal and under 5 minutes. Here you go! Complete 10 reps of each of these 5 burpee variations. Try not to rest if you can and do them as fast as possible!
10 reps Basic Burpee or modified without push up
10 reps Jack Burpee
10 reps Mountain Climber Burpees
10 reps Burpee Sit Thru
10 reps Side Arm Balance Burpee
For all these Burpee Variations, click here.
#5: The Isometric Killer
Time: 12 Minutes
Even when you are short on time, you can’t forget about workouts that will improve your mobility while building stability and strength. Honestly, the more you sit, the more workouts like this are key even though we want to skip them in favor of workouts that “destroy” us. Isometric workouts are challenging but in a different and IMPORTANT way!
Complete 3 rounds of the circuit below.
30 seconds per side Warrior III
30 seconds Scapular Wall Hold
30 seconds per side Crescent Pose
30 seconds Handstand Hold (Downward Dog to modify)
30 seconds Banana
30 seconds Glute Bridge
For all the Isometric Moves, click here.
Use these 5 quick workouts over the week to stay on track even on your busiest days!
Want REAL RESULTS With Workouts That Fit Your Busy Life?
Then you’ll love my App – Redefining Strength On Demand! It is filled with workouts you can do anywhere that will fit your busy schedule!
Whether you want a 10 minute bodyweight core workout, a 5-minute cardio blast or even a 20-minute full-body dumbbell workout, I’ve got you covered!

by Cori Lefkowith | Feb 22, 2016 | Blog, Bodyweight, Exercises, Travel Workouts, Workouts
When you travel it can be hard to keep up with your workout routine.
You may simply be busy, or relaxing or without access to your usual workout equipment. But that doesn’t have to mean you fall off your workout routine.
While you can take time off on vacation, it can be useful to have some Bodyweight Travel Exercises and quick Travel Workouts on hand, especially if you travel often. These moves and exercises can be something quick you do in your off time, even if all you have access to is the space in your hotel room.
Try these 10 Bodyweight Travel Exercises and Quick Travel Workout.
by Cori Lefkowith | Mar 2, 2015 | Blog, Exercises, Mini Band, Pain Relief, Travel Workouts
While working out is an important part of being healthy, getting stronger and preventing injury, that doesn’t always mean you have to go spend an hour or two at the gym.
Sometimes simply moving more and doing the opposite of what you do seated at your desk hunched over a computer screen for 9 hours a day is enough to start alleviating aches and pains. Sometimes all you need to do is a 15-minute workout at your desk.
And a Resistance Band or Thera-Band Tubing is really all you need to get in a great workout at your desk.
With Resistance Bands, you can work your entire body to improve your strength, posture, and help prevent and alleviate neck, shoulder, upper back, low back, hip and even knee pain.
When we sit all day at a desk hunched over a computer screen, our body is in flexion. This can create bad posture, tight overactive muscles and imbalances. All of which can lead to compensations and poor movement patterns which will eventually lead to injury.
Therefore we need to move more. But not simply move more while perpetuating the imbalances. We need to move more and do exercises that can help restore our body to proper alignment and improve our movement patterns.
We need to move not only more, but better.
To prevent and alleviate injuries and improve your health while staying right at your desk, try these 15 Resistance Band Moves To Do At Your Desk.
by Cori Lefkowith | Jan 4, 2015 | Blog, Exercises, Mini Band, Travel Workouts
The Mini Band is a piece of exercise equipment that EVERYONE should own. Mini Bands cost under $3 and can be stuffed in a drawer or thrown under the bed when not in use.
They are cheap, take up little space and can easily be taken with you in a suitcase or purse when you travel. Plus, with just one Mini Band you can get in a great full-body workout. While they are often just used for glute activation exercises, they can also be used to work your upper body.
Below are 5 Mini Band Moves for a Full-Body Workout you can do anywhere.