20 Bodyweight Cardio Exercises And Workouts That Aren’t Running

20 Bodyweight Cardio Exercises And Workouts That Aren’t Running

When people think “cardio,” they usually think of running. Or they think of hopping on a treadmill or some other cardio machine.

But you don’t have to run to get in a great cardio workout. Actually the 20 Bodyweight Cardio Exercises below may be even better cardio workouts than running, especially chronic, steady-state cardio like long distance running.

And none of them require any equipment (ok a TOWEL but hopefully you have some sort of towel or blanket at home!). They can all be done at home in your living room even.

So if you aren’t a runner and you are looking for a cardio workout you can do at home, check out the 20 Bodyweight Cardio Moves below and scroll to the end for some KILLER Interval Workouts!


Battling Ropes Exercises – 22 Battling Ropes Moves and 5 Workouts

Battling Ropes Exercises – 22 Battling Ropes Moves and 5 Workouts

Battling Ropes are popping up at gyms everywhere now. However, many people have never used one or even seen one before.

And while Battling Ropes are an easy-to-learn piece of equipment great for exercisers of all levels, there is still some form required and key movements to learn to get the most out of your Battling Ropes workout.

Battling Ropes can be used to work your entire body and improve your cardiovascular conditioning. You can use the ropes to build an aerobic base, improve your lactic threshold or even increase your power.

And while you improve your cardiovascular conditioning, you can also develop functional full body strength doing the Battling Ropes Exercises.

There are two basic movements we do in our Battling Ropes Training – Waves and Pulls. In this post, we’ve focused on only Wave exercises.

Including the Battling Ropes Wave Exercises in your workouts is important because they not only help you develop greater power, but they also help you become stronger so that you can maintain that power and intensity for a longer period of time.

These Battling Ropes Exercises are a great way to get in a full body workout. And if you get your own Battling Rope, you can do these exercises anywhere you can find something to wrap your rope around!

Learn how to use the Battling Rope today with these 22 Exercises and 5 Battling Ropes Workouts.

Battling Ropes Exercises – The 22 Moves

Below are all the 22 Moves demonstrated in the video.

The first 8 moves are what we consider the Essential Movements. Master these moves before moving on. With just these first eight you can get in a great workout.

1. Alternating Single Arm Waves
2. Stage Coach
3. Rainbows
4. Sidewinders
5. Rope Slams
6. Outward Circles
7. Snakes

Moves 9-12 are great unilateral moves. Each of these moves forces you to work one side at a time, which allows you to correct imbalances because your dominate arm can’t take over.

9.Unilateral Waves
10. Unilateral Outward Circles
11.Unilateral Cross Body Waves
12. Rope Hook

Moves 13-22 are great full-body movements that require more coordination and incorporate a few of the Essential Movements. These are more advanced moves that are sure to get your heart rate up!

13. Switch Stance Stage Coach
14. Alternating Arms with Side Shuffle
15. Stage Coach with Reverse Lunge
16. Alternating Arms with Side to Side Lunge
17. Alternating Waves with Get-Up Lunge
18. Sidewinders with Forwards and Backwards Walk
19. Rainbow With Lunge
20. Rope Russian Twists
21. One Arm Plank Waves
22. Jumping Jacks

The 5 Battling Ropes Workouts:

These 5 Workouts are a great way to use the 22 Battling Ropes Moves above to improve your conditioning and even strengthen your entire body.

Workout #1:

Battling Ropes Interval Workout

Perform 3-6 rounds of each exercise. Rest for 1-2:30 minutes between rounds (1 minute advanced, 2:30 beginner). Rest 2-3 minutes between circuits.

1 minute Stage Coach

1 minute Alternating Arm Waves

1 minute Sidewinders

1 minute Rainbows

Workout #2:

Battling Ropes Tabata Workout

Complete 8 rounds of each exercise, working for 20 seconds then resting for 10. After completing 8 rounds of the exercise, rest for up to 2 minutes then move on to the next exercise.

Exercise #1:
20 seconds Alternating Arms with Side Shuffle
10 seconds Rest

Exercise #2:
20 seconds Rainbows with Lunge
10 seconds Rest

Exercise #3:
20 seconds Alternating Waves with Get Up Lunge
10 seconds Rest

Exercise #4:
20 seconds Sidewinders with Forward, Backward Walk
10 seconds Rest

Exercise #5:
20 seconds Alternating Waves with Side to Side Lunge
10 seconds Rest

Workout #3:

Battling Ropes Upper Body Workout

Set a timer for 15 minutes for each circuit. Complete as many rounds of each circuit in that 15 minutes as you can. After 15 minutes is up, rest 2-3 minutes and move on to the next circuit. Record how many rounds you complete and try to beat it next time!

Circuit #1:
10 reps Push Ups
20 reps Snakes
10 reps per side Rope Russian Twists

Circuit #2:
10 reps Pull Ups/Inverted Rows
20 reps Outward Circles
15 reps per side Plank with Single Arm Waves

Workout #4:

Battling Ropes 30/15 Workout

Set a timer for 30 seconds of work, 15 seconds of rest. Go from one exercise to the next, resting 15 seconds between moves. Once a round of the circuit is complete, rest 1 minute. Beginners may need to rest longer between rounds. Complete 6-8 rounds.

Circuit #1:
30 seconds Jumping Jacks
15 seconds Rest
30 seconds Switch Stance Stage Coach
15 seconds Rest
30 seconds Rope Slams
15 seconds Rest
30 seconds Stage Coach with Reverse Lunge
15 seconds Rest
30 seconds Sidewinders
Rest 1 minute

Workout #5:

Battling Ropes Unilateral 20/20/20 Workout

Work for 20 seconds on each side then rest for 20 seconds before repeating. Complete 5 rounds of each exercise. Rest up to 2 minutes before moving on to the next exercise.

Exercise #1:
20 seconds Unilateral Waves Right Hand
20 seconds Unilateral Waves Left Hand
20 seconds Rest

Exercise #2:
20 seconds Unilateral Outward Circles Right Hand
20 seconds Unilateral Outward Circles Left Hand
20 seconds Rest

Exercise #3:
20 seconds Unilateral Cross Body Waves Right Hand
20 seconds Unilateral Cross Body Waves Left Hand
20 seconds Rest

Exercise #4:
20 seconds Rope Hook Right Hand
20 seconds Rope Hook Left Hand
20 seconds Rest

Using these 22 Battling Ropes Exercises and 5 Workouts, you can get in a great functional strength and cardio workout no matter your fitness level.

What’s your favorite Battling Ropes Wave Exercise?

A 30-Minute Core Workout – Using Density Training

A 30-Minute Core Workout – Using Density Training

Circuits can be done in a variety of ways. They can be done for a prescribed amount of sets or they can be done for an allotted time.

When you do circuits for time and try to get as much work done in that time as possible, you are using a training method known as Density Training.

“Density” is the amount of work you are able to do in a set amount of time.

With Density Training, you are trying to increase the amount of work you can do in a set amount of time to improve your strength and your endurance.


Circuit Training Workouts

Circuit Training Workouts

Circuit training is all the rage, and while it shouldn’t be the only style of workout design you use, it can be a good one to include in your program.

Circuit training workouts are workouts where you complete different exercises back to back. Some can be super intense where you take little to no rest before moving on to the next exercise while others can be a bit less aerobic and allow you to rest 30 seconds or so before moving on to the next exercise.

You can do the exercises in circuit routines for time or for a set amount of reps. The exercises can be cardio in nature or more strength oriented.

You can alternate hemispheres (upper body then lower body) or you can blast one hemisphere with the circuit.

Below are two different Circuit Training Workouts that we love.


Build Up Your Endurance

Build Up Your Endurance

When training for a race, you have to log the miles.

However, if there are days when you can’t get outside to do your runs or rides, you can still train and improve your endurance inside the gym

And that doesn’t mean you have to spend 30 minutes to an hour doing steady-state cardio on some boring piece of cardio equipment.

Below is one of the endurance workouts we love to do. It is a challenging workout that will improve your endurance while changing up the exercise you do every minute.

If you aren’t training for a race or endurance sport, it is still a great way to build up up your endurance.


Playground Workouts – Channel Your Inner Child!

Playground Workouts – Channel Your Inner Child!

You are most likely to stick with a workout routine you enjoy. If working out is a chore, then you will use any excuse you can to get out of doing it.

However, if you enjoy working out, you are going to make sure to include it in your day EVEN if you are completely stressed out.

And what is more fun than playing around on a playground outside!?!

A great workout doesn’t have to involve a barbell or even kettlebells or weights.

A great workout CAN feel like play.

Below is a great video with tons of great exercises to try out on the playground. Also, check out some of my favorite Playground Workouts!
