Tone Those Trouble Zones – Glutes And Inner Thigh Workout!

Tone Those Trouble Zones – Glutes And Inner Thigh Workout!

“Trouble zones”…You know…those areas we all seem to want to work, but struggle to get to look the way we want.

Areas like…The triceps…”the bra fat”….the glutes…and the inner thighs…to name a few.

And while we know we can’t spot reduce, it doesn’t prevent us from feeling like we’d still really like to work those areas and do all we can to tone and make them look their best.

That is why I wanted to share this Glutes and Inner Thighs “Trouble Zones” Workout.

This workout will activate and strengthen your glutes and inner thighs using a combination of compound and isolation exercises. Not only can it target those “trouble zones” to help your legs look stronger and leaner, BUT it is actually an essential workout if you’ve ever had low back, hip or knee pain.

It is an especially great workout for all of you runners as well!

It will help you build core, glute and inner thigh strength to improve your movement patterns!

While you can’t spot reduce, you can use a combination of compound and isolation moves to really work those areas for the best results possible!

So try this Tone Those Trouble Zones – Glutes And Inner Thigh Workout!

Tone Those Trouble Zones – Glutes And Inner Thigh Workout

Stretch and Roll Out:


Complete 3-5 rounds of each circuit, resting as needed between rounds. Rest 1-2 minutes between circuits. Focus on adding weight or trying more challenging variations; however, make sure that you use a full range of motion. Don’t add weight at the expense of not completing a full range of motion!

20 reps Glute Bridge with Squeeze
6-8 reps per side Cossack Squat
8-12 reps per side Side Plank Bench Lift

10 reps per side Side Plank Clams
10-15 reps Sumo Squat
10-15 reps Peek-a-boo

Stretch and Roll Out:

NOTES: Modify moves as needed, and add weight to make moves more challenging if you can still work through a full range of motion. This workout should help activate your glutes, strengthen your adductors while also improving your mobility!

For descriptions of each move, see this post 21 Inner Thigh Moves for a video of the moves.

Ready To Strength Your Core And Tone Those Trouble Zones!?!

–> Get My 10-Minute Core Burners! <–

How To Activate Your Glutes Before You Workout

How To Activate Your Glutes Before You Workout

So you want a sexy, strong butt…because let’s face it…who doesn’t!?!

Whether you just want your butt to look firm and toned or you want to lift more, run faster or even PREVENT INJURY, glute activation is a MUST.

And it can be done quickly BEFORE you workout so you get even more out of all of those squats, lunges and deadlifts.

Because while squats, lunges and deadlifts are AMAZING compound exercises, if your glutes aren’t ALREADY activated, they won’t work properly during those moves.

Which can not only lead to injury, but also cause your quads and legs to change while your glutes stay the same.

So if you want to get the most out of your workouts, you’ve got to activate your glutes BEFORE.

(And P.S. Guys – this applies to you too. If you want to prevent low back, hip and knee pain, run faster, and lift more, you have to activate those glutes…Plus I won’t lie…Women like a nice backside. 😉 haha)

Below are 3 moves you can do before your lower body workouts to make sure your glutes are activating and firing.

These moves are all BODYWEIGHT because with bodyweight we have the ability to contract our glutes harder and establish the mind-body connection.

Too often we add weight to try to get the glutes to work, but then they stop firing. Bodyweight and light resistance for higher reps is KEY to getting them activated and pumped.

Using these 3 moves you can also unlock your hips to improve hip extension and work all 3 gluteal muscles.

It is important that your glute activation ALSO works on hip extension because tight hips can not only lead to pain and injury, but they can keep your glutes from working proper and cause that LOWER BELLY POOCH!

Use these 3 moves and get your glutes working properly before your workout for a strong and sexy butt!

3 Moves To Activate Your Glutes Before You Workout

Bench 2-Way Leg Swings:

This move works all three gluteal muscles, opens up your hips AND even helps you build core stability.

It is the perfect move if you can literally only do one thing that day to activate your glutes and core. This move alone will get you ready to feel your glutes during your workout!


To do the Bench 2-Way Leg Swings, place one knee and both hands on a bench with your knee under your hips and your hands under your shoulders. Your other leg will be off to the side of the bench hanging straight down to the ground.

Keeping your arms straight, brace your core and then lift the leg off the bench straight up to the side. Keep the leg straight as you lift and don’t bend your elbows or lean away to try to lift higher. Squeeze your glute to lift the leg up and out to the side. Try to get it as straight out to the side as possible. Feel the outside of your hip working.

Lower back down and then lift the same leg straight back toward the wall behind your. Again, squeeze your glute to lift your leg straight out behind you and extend your hip. Keep your core engaged and do not hyperextend your low back or rotate your hips open just to kick the leg up higher as you lift it back behind you.

Lower back down and repeat the lifts on the same side. Do not bend your arms or really rock away to get the leg up higher. You want to move from the hip and use your glute.

Do not just swing the leg, but focus on FEELING your glute working. Complete all reps on one side before switching. Move quickly between the two lifts.

Side Balance Leg Raise:

This is the perfect way to activate your hip stabilizers aka your gluteus medius and minimus to prevent pain and injury AND even make sure your gluteus maximus engages during your workout! PLUS, this move will work your core and even your shoulders!

To do the Side Balance Leg Raise, start on one knee with your other leg out straight to the side. Then place your hand down on the outside of your knee so you are in a side balance position. Your hand should be under your shoulder while your knee will be just slightly below your hip. You want to keep your chest open and not rotate toward the ground.

Then lift your top straight leg up toward the ceiling. Lift the leg as close to parallel to the ground as you can and then lower back down. Do not swing your entire body to lift the leg. Keep your core tight and do not let your body rotate toward the ground or open toward the ceiling as you lift. Make sure your toe doesn’t rotate open as you lift.

Feel the outside of your glute and hip working to lift the leg. Complete all reps on one side before switching.

Feet-Raised Hip Thruster:

Take the basic glute bridge and amplify the pump with the Feet-Raised Hip Thruster. This move will work on hip extension and get those glutes burning and engaged! It is the perfect way to unlock your hips as you activate your glutes.


To Feet-Raised Hip Thruster, place a box and a bench close enough together that your back can be on the bench and your feet up on the box. You just don’t want your legs to be out too far. If your legs are out too straight, you will use more hamstrings than glutes.

Then with your feet and back both up on boxes or benches, bridge up, driving up through your heels and your upper back. Make sure to engage your abs and even do a pelvic tilt if you struggle to keep your low back from taking over.

Drive your hips up and squeeze your glutes. Lift your hips to full extension and hold for a second and then lower back down. Make sure you don’t drive yourself backward over the bench. You want to bridge straight up and feel like you are driving your knees forward over your toes.

Lower back down, making sure to drop your butt below the height of the box and repeat. You do not have to touch the ground each time, but you do want to do a bigger range of motion than you could if performing a bridge from the ground.

–> 5 Signs Your Hips Are Locked Up And Glutes Are Inactive <–



You Can’t Get Results In 5 Minutes…

You Can’t Get Results In 5 Minutes…

I HATE that people think they have to go to the gym for hours or even do two-a-days to get results.

And before you get mad because you are doing these things, I’m not saying you CAN’T…I just don’t think you need to…and more IMPORTANTLY that isn’t the only way to get results.

Having the attitude that you need to spend a certain amount of time working out or it doesn’t “count” is what holds way too many people back from not only getting started, but staying consistent.

What if I told you that instead you could start getting results and get in a routine by only spending 5 MINUTES A DAY working out?

And no this isn’t some get insanely ripped doing nothing bullshit plan.

(We think we need to be lying on the ground completely exhausted to get results. And if we aren’t completely worn out we feel guilty…)

No. What I’m saying is that all too often we never get started because we feel we have to make this huge time commitment that we just can’t mentally make.

We basically set ourselves up for failure by making changes, and achieving results, harder than it needs to be.

We’ve literally started believing that if it is EASY AND SIMPLE, IT CAN’T WORK.

How ridiculous is that!?!

If it is easy and simple, we think it is too good to be true. When in reality, we keep yo-yo dieting and jumping from program to program because the overcomplicated rules and huge time commitments make it impossible for us to achieve results.

We just keep adding more and making up all of these arbitrary rules thinking that by doing more, by cutting out more, by restricting everything, we will finally get results.


I say this all the time but – sometimes LESS IS MORE!

That is why I started creating 5-minute Burner Workouts using my hybrid exercises and activation moves.

Because even though you may think “it’s only 5 minutes,” that 5 minutes is enough to keep you moving forward and keep you strong and lean.

Because that 5 minutes isn’t you walking casually on a treadmill or riding a bike. That 5 minutes is high intensity using not only compound exercises but HYBRID EXERCISES that work multiple large muscles at once from different angles.

By using not only interval training, but my Hybrid Moves, you can get results in just 5 minutes a day.

Yes, ideally would you combine these workouts for at least 15 minutes? YES.

BUT if you want results, it isn’t about the length of your workout, but the QUALITY and the CONSISTENCY.

Yes. Quality and consistency.

If you instead try to workout for hours and get so sore and burnt out and feel like you just don’t have the time…guess what? You aren’t going to workout again for at least a week, if not more.

That doesn’t lead to progress very quickly or help you create habits.

But what if instead you started by committing to just 5 minutes 4-5 times a week? That would create a routine AND get you started moving forward.

So if you are ready to try out a 5-minute workout to target your lower abs in my Lower Ab Burner Workout, click here!

The Non “Gnarly” Workout You Need!

The Non “Gnarly” Workout You Need!

You don’t have to push yourself to the point of complete destruction every workout…Sometimes less is more…

That is why today I wanted to share an important workout with you…A workout that will help you get more out of your program and the intense workouts you do on the other days. A workout that will leave you feeling good and full of energy at the end.

This workout won’t destroy you in the least. It will simply get the correct muscles working. And you can’t skip it if you want real results. You can’t skip it just because it doesn’t leave you feeling destroyed.

This is the non gnarly workout you need to really get results from your complete program!

And you shouldn’t do MORE just because it didn’t kill you!

Sometimes these simple moves, the workouts that focus on creating a strong foundation, are what you’re missing…and the reason you aren’t getting the results you deserve even while working out intense and eating well!

Trust the process and try this Activation Workout from my Bodyweight Shred!

Roll out.
Take some extra time to roll out today if you can!

5-8 rounds Inchworm Flow


Complete 3-5 rounds of each superset, resting as needed between rounds up to about 30 seconds. If you are short on time, complete at least 1 round of each superset. Although this is a great one to squeeze in even if you usually only do 3 workouts! It is key to preventing injury as you workout intensely!

20 reps Glute Bridges
10 reps per side Glute Bridge with Alternating Overhead Reach

20 reps Scapular Push Ups
10 reps Push Up Plus

30 seconds Dolphin Plank
30 seconds per side Side Plank Oblique Twists


You may go for a walk, bike ride or even do any sort of light cardio if desired for 15-30 minutes after this workout!

Roll out and Stretch:
Upper Back
Some Recommended Stretches:
Standing Chest Stretch
Half-Kneeling Hip and Quad Stretch

Build A Strong Foundation As You Build Muscle And Burn Fat!

Build a solid foundation of strength and get the lean, strong body you want with my Hybrid Exercise system in my 6-Week Bodyweight Shred!

–> Get the 6-Week Bodyweight Shred

How many reps? How many sets?

How many reps? How many sets?

Every time I post some exercises for people to try, I get asked, “How many reps and sets?”

Designing a proper workout though isn’t as simple as me telling you a rep range and number of sets. It isn’t as simple as stringing together exercises.

It is about considering your goals. It is about considering what you want to accomplish that week and not only what muscles you want to work, but what movements, what energy systems, what other workouts you plan to do…even what time you have available!

So how do you decide how many reps and sets?

Start with your goals.

What do you want to accomplish? Are you focused more on strength? Or on more of a “cardio” workout? Endurance or sprint? Do you want to build max strength or get more lean muscle mass? Or maybe are you starting out and going a bit lighter with weight?

All of these things should change what type of rep and set range you do!

Some good things to consider….

If you want to build maximum strength, 1-5 reps should be your focus. I find most of the clients I work with, will be in this range the least. I may do a main lift where we go lower with reps, but in general, we tend to spend the most time in the 8-12 rep range. Because most of us aren’t as concerned with maximum strength alone.

However, if you are, you may do about 5 sets in this range as your reps are lower (4-6 sets is the general rule of thumb). You will need longer rest between sets if you are working in this rep range as your body will need longer to completely recover when lifting this heavy.

If you work in this range, you’ll want to really push weight. This will require you to be more experienced. If you don’t challenge yourself and really try to sort of “max out” at this lower reps, you won’t get much out of it. You can’t have the 5th rep feeling easy.

Also remember, JUST BECAUSE YOU CAN TECHNICALLY LIFT A WEIGHT, DOESN’T MEAN YOUR BODY IS READY TO! Build slowly. Even if your muscles can lift it, it doesn’t mean all of your connective tissues are ready to.

You need to build a base before working down into this range!

If you want to move better, lose weight and focus on building lean muscle mass, you’ll probably want to work more in the 8-12 rep range (you may even work down toward 6 reps as you go up in weight). In this range, you’ll put on strength, but you aren’t really focused on working toward that one rep max. If your goal is feeling and looking good, you’ll probably spend the most time in this range.

You still need to challenge yourself with weights. If you want to stop at 8 reps, do 10-12. If you want to stop at 6, do 8. You need to challenge yourself with weights, but in this range, you won’t need to rest as long between sets.

This rep range can be used well in circuits (3 or more exercises together) and supersets (two exercises together). You will do about 3-5 sets.

If you are starting out, or trying to build strength and endurance, you can even work in a higher rep range of 10-15. This will probably be more like 2-4 sets as the number of reps is higher.

With activation moves and even muscles like your glutes, you may even find you want to work up toward 20 reps.

Higher rep ranges can even be used, but then you’ll want to do fewer sets. It is important that you pay attention to workout volume…aka the total amount of work you are doing.

If you workout volume is constantly high, you are going to burn out! So pay attention to this not only in each workout, but also over the entire week.

And it is important to consider the exercises you are doing and the muscles and movements you want to work. These will influence how you design the workout, whether supersets or circuits or pyramids…Or what workout design is best.

You also aren’t restricted to rep numbers. You can also do timed intervals of work. And with both, you can not only adjust the work that you do, but also the time that you rest! (Remember not everything is about shortening rest. Sometimes longer rest plays a part too, especially if you are doing super intense sprint intervals!)

For instance you could do 30 seconds on, 15 seconds off. Double the work to rest. Or you could do equal work to rest so that you recover more and your 100% max effort stays closer to a true 100%…like 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off.

Or if you are really working on power and improving your speed, you may want to rest 3-5 times the length you work AND work for shorter so you can work at a true 100% max effort the entire time. For instance, 8-15 seconds of work and 24-75 seconds of rest.

You could even do endurance and work at a lower intensity for longer intervals of work with shorter rest in between.

There are so many variables you can play around with to get results!

And not only do sets, reps, volume, rest and weights matter, so do the muscles and movements you plan to work. A circuit that is full body will be different than one focused on just your legs. You can not only do body part splits, but also hemisphere splits (upper vs. lower), anterior vs. posterior splits (frontside vs. backside) or even movement splits (hinge, pull, push, squat)…

Depending on what your workouts work, you can play around with how many times you workout each week! And you can even play around with the length of your workouts.

While bodybuilders and fitness competitors tend to spend hours in the gym and do body part splits, and often workouts for maximal strength will take longer as you’ll need longer rest, you can get a lot out of a quick 10 minutes if you play around with rest intervals and intensity.

So you can easily design workouts to meet your specific needs!

Because most of my clients want to build lean, strong bodies so that they feel and look good in every day life, I often design workouts that give you the most bang for your buck in the shortest amount of time.

Below is one from my 6-Week Bodyweight Shred.

In this case, I go with a circuit style workout with higher reps, fewer sets and shortened rest. Because of the higher reps to really burn out the muscles, no weights are needed. See so many options!


For this workout you will do 20 reps of everything. For one-sided or unilateral moves, you will do 10 reps per side. Complete 3 rounds of each circuit, resting only as needed. Time how long it takes you to complete and beat it the final week! If you are short on time, set a timer and see how much you can complete in the time you have and/or simply complete 1 round of each circuit!

20 reps Squat Jumps
20 reps Alternating Front Lunges
20 reps Plank Jacks

20 reps T Push Ups
20 reps Plank Hip Dips
20 reps Full Sit Ups

20 reps Skater Hops
20 reps Dips Off Bench
20 reps Side Plank Oblique Twists

Ready for 6 weeks of workouts laid out so you don’t have to think about sets, reps, volume, splits…or anything else? Want to get the lean, strong body you’ve always wanted?

Get my Bodyweight Shred for this great pre-launch price!

–> 6-Week Bodyweight Shred!

5 Bodyweight Workouts –  All Under 15 Minutes

5 Bodyweight Workouts – All Under 15 Minutes

When we get busy, have family obligations, don’t have easy access to a gym, we tend to make an excuse and skip our workouts.

And I get it.

All of these things make fitting in workouts difficult.

They give us an easy out and we take it because most of us really are strapped for time and pulled in a bazillion different directions.

The problem is…Once we skip one workout, it is very easy to start skipping more and before we know it, our routine and health and fitness goals are completely forgotten.

But we need to take care of ourselves!

That is why it is important to have quick bodyweight workouts you can do anywhere on hand. It helps eliminate the excuses and keep you on track even if it isn’t exactly what you’d be doing at the gym.

Remember, something is always better than nothing.

Plus, you don’t need an hour at a gym to get in a great workout.

Honestly, 15 minutes and your bodyweight is all you need to keep moving forward toward your goals!

So when life tries to get in the way and derail your progress, eliminate the excuses and make your fitness a priority with these quick workouts you can do anywhere!

#1: 1 Minute Max Out

Time: 15 minutes

Set a timer for 1 minute intervals. Complete 3 rounds of the circuit below. Do as many reps in that minute as you can. I recommend counting and recording what you do to not only try to beat it in the next round, but also so you have something to shoot for next time you do the workout!

1 minute Bulldog Burpee
1 minute T Push Ups
1 minute Alternating Side Lunges with Hop
1 minute Spiderman Plank with Knee Drive
1 minute Butterfly Sit Up

#2: Bodyweight Quick Cardio Circuit

Time: 15 Minutes

#3: Bodyweight Core Blaster

Time: 15 Minutes

Ok you know I couldn’t resist giving you a glute activation and core stability workout too…

30 seconds per side 3-Way Hip Circles
30 seconds Frog Bridges
30 seconds Glute Bridge with March
30 seconds Rest

30 seconds per side Side Plank Clams
30 seconds Spiderman Plank
30 seconds Roll to V-Up
30 seconds Rest

#4: 50 Burpee Burnout

Time: As fast as possible, shoot for 5 minutes.

Sometimes a workout can be simple, brutal and under 5 minutes. Here you go! Complete 10 reps of each of these 5 burpee variations. Try not to rest if you can and do them as fast as possible!

10 reps Basic Burpee or modified without push up
10 reps Jack Burpee
10 reps Mountain Climber Burpees
10 reps Burpee Sit Thru
10 reps Side Arm Balance Burpee

For all these Burpee Variations, click here.

#5: The Isometric Killer

Time: 12 Minutes

Even when you are short on time, you can’t forget about workouts that will improve your mobility while building stability and strength. Honestly, the more you sit, the more workouts like this are key even though we want to skip them in favor of workouts that “destroy” us. Isometric workouts are challenging but in a different and IMPORTANT way!

Complete 3 rounds of the circuit below.

30 seconds per side Warrior III
30 seconds Scapular Wall Hold
30 seconds per side Crescent Pose
30 seconds Handstand Hold (Downward Dog to modify)
30 seconds Banana
30 seconds Glute Bridge

For all the Isometric Moves, click here.

Use these 5 quick workouts over the week to stay on track even on your busiest days!

Want REAL RESULTS With Workouts That Fit Your Busy Life?

Then you’ll love my App – Redefining Strength On Demand! It is filled with workouts you can do anywhere that will fit your busy schedule!

Whether you want a 10 minute bodyweight core workout, a 5-minute cardio blast or even a 20-minute full-body dumbbell workout, I’ve got you covered!